Ace Evolution

Chapter 98: Rabbit's Counterattack


Lin and Hu Huahao walked away in a relaxed and carefree manner, but others who hadn't noticed yet had a panoramic view of them. They were so anxious that they almost burst into flames. But at this time, Hammerson showed signs of decline again, and gradually couldn't support himself and moved closer to Green. , from the previous 1v1, each is >:resistance. wwW,QuanBen-XiaoShuo,cOm Now, even though Green wanted to take a gamble, he didn't dare to take the risk. Once he couldn't kill in one hit with his special move, two giant sumos would rush in desperately and expose their flaws. It is lifeless!

Fang Lin led Hu Huahao and rushed straight back towards the central area of Honda's house. There was chaos all around, with corpses everywhere, black smoke rising one after another, and orange-red flames greedily devouring the house. The two of them were searching for someone. Being attacked by skirmishers, Fang Lin easily solved them with one shot. When the Hongmen people saw the badges pinned on their chests, they politely gave in.

At this time, there was a sudden burst of gunfire in front of the two people, but there were more than ten Honda guards, a man and a woman, fighting and escaping under the pursuit of Hongmen. The group was divided into two when they were about to rush over. One group protects men, and the other group protects women, and they escape to the left and right respectively.

Fang Lin obviously did not expect such a sudden change, and he was startled and said immediately:

"Stop the women's group!"

Hu Huahao glanced at it with some confusion. Or suddenly he raised his hands above his head, pointed them at the ground and took a picture!


The team of people protecting the woman immediately staggered around as if they were drunk. The woman was about fifty years old, and she was even more unbearable after being attacked. He screamed and fell down on his butt, immediately groaning in pain. Fang Lin raised his silver gun, killed the guards one by one calmly, and said calmly:

"Honda Yurakusai, who knew all the secrets of the Honda family, has died. Judging from the fact that he still clings to the position of head of the family at almost eighty years old, this is a person with very strong rights. This kind of person will definitely not Revealing family secrets easily. The low status of women in Japan will not make this old man feel threatened. Therefore, this woman is more likely to know some secrets within the Honda family than the man who escaped!"

As Fang Lin said that, he killed all the seven or eight ordinary guards, walked up to the panicked woman who was trying to stay calm, and coldly put his palm on her head!

"Powerful magic, activate!"

"The caster's mental strength is 49 points. The recipient's mental strength is 19. The strength comparison between the two is 0.18:.36%."

"Absorbing the memory...the memory fragments are being peeled off, the absorption is successful, and the subject has been successfully charmed."

Fang Lin was secretly shocked. This woman's energy level could reach an extremely high level of 19 points. If she were to be interrogated and forced using conventional means, it would be really difficult to get anything useful out of her mouth!

Fragments of memory came slowly. Fang Lin closed his eyes and searched for a while. After confirming the location of Honda's safe, he ordered:

"Hey, Kazuko. Do you know where the invitation to the Street Fighter tournament is?"

Kazuko shook his head slowly with a dull expression. Fang Lin thought for a while and said:

"So have you ever seen this thing?"

Kazuko nodded.

Fang Lin stared at her and said:

"Tell me about the circumstances under which you saw it."

"It was Master Edmund who took the initiative to come up with it. He was very happy at the time and said that he could take this opportunity to promote sumo, the national martial art of the Japanese Empire, to the entire world."

Fang Lin's eyes lit up and he immediately said:

"Where is Edmund Honda's room! Take us there!"

Fang Lin turned to Hu Huahao at the same time:

"This qualification letter seems precious. It has no value to others. Only Edmund Honda, who is obsessed with sumo wrestling, will cherish it extremely. From the habits of Japanese people, it should be placed where they can often see it. Wherever you go, use it as inspiration! And according to the normal process of the mission, it should not be very difficult to obtain this qualification letter. If you need to go to the place where Honda’s core secrets are placed to take it by force, there is no help from Hongmen. , let alone five reincarnations, even fifty are not enough to kill!"

Hu Huahao nodded and said:

"Are you right, Silla? Take us there quickly!"

The last sentence was yelled at Kazuko. Wakko immediately obeyed and did as she was told. This Wakko was originally the daughter-in-law of Honda Yurakusai, the head of the Honda family, but she was extremely flattering and scheming. When she was forty years old, she had an affair with the seventy-year-old Honda Yurakusai. , so after her husband died, she got Honda

Trusted deeply and mastered many secrets.

The two of them led Hezi forward in a hurry, and there was no obstruction along the way. Whether it was the Hongmen people or the Honda family's guards, they were all easily hesitant. After walking across a lawn, Fang Lin suddenly stood still. His face was calm, but as the center, a light blue film quickly spread out, covering an area with a radius of forty meters in an instant. , followed by a clear gunshot, a huge fat man came out of the void with a "dong dong dong dong", ran wildly on the grass, and crashed into the trees nearby. Two agile men in blue Luo also stood in front of Fang Lin!

"Come out!" Fang Lin shouted! The pistol in his hand was like a fierce bird flapping its wings. It spit out a bit of silver light and shot it on the route where the fat man was running. Suddenly, a stream of blood spurted out in the transparent air. Someone groaned, and his body shape was instantly revealed by the fat man. Two blue-clothed minions intercepted him.

At this time, Fang Lin's mental power had increased by 49 points, and the summoned Fat Man and _. were strengthened again. The Fat Man not only had the "Punch Combo" skill, but the blue-clothed minion also learned a move to run. Front kick.

Hu Huahao has experienced hundreds of battles, and he is the one who can display his strongest strength in close quarters. Of course, Pu immediately dodged forward as soon as he noticed any movement. Suddenly, five meters in front of him, the soil flew across the ground, and a figure suddenly broke through the ground. He came out, pressed his hand on the ground, and a golden red pillar of fire suddenly appeared, rolling on the ground in a wave shape and heading towards Hu Huahao!

The true Samurai Soul World,


Ninja Technique: Explosive Flame Dragon!

Hu Huahao was startled, but refused to dodge. He rushed forward and took the move forcefully, unwilling to miss this opportunity to defeat the enemy. He saw that the half-crouching figure was already within his attack range. ,

Immediately there was a roar like a wild beast in the air!


Street Fighter 2 plot character Lion Blanca (bl

Turn around, spin and hit!

But the force of this collision was to roll and fly in the opposite direction, escaping from Hu Huahao's attack range extremely quickly! Immediately afterwards, there was another ninja technique: the Explosive Flame Dragon shot over!

"Damn, it's a typical hit-run, the way of flying a kite!" Fang Lin frowned. "This guy knows Lao Hu so well, and he knows how to turn around like a lion king. He is obviously a rabbit!"

He was trying to help Hu Huahao at this time. Unexpectedly, the enemy in front of him had already seen his intention, and he suddenly received a heavy blow from the fat man. He dodged out of the three people's attack like a ghost, stepped away and rushed over. Fang Lin looked at him. There was a faint blue light flashing on his hands, and his heart sank. He knew that this person had used the throwing skill. His current strength was only 19. Once this guy got close to him, he would die. In a flash of thought, he stepped to the left. With two steps, he ordered the blue-clad minions next to him to rush over and block him!

Fang Lin's movements were very cleverly calculated. The attacker was already ready to attack. When he encountered the enemy, he couldn't help but unleash the power of his moves. He punched the blue-clothed minion in front of him in the stomach, powerfully The force poured into it, instantly paralyzing him so that he could not move. The other hand then reached out, pinched his throat and lifted him up. Then the area around the hand holding his throat began to become red, hot, and burning. There was a white flame visible to the naked eye!

Then, the flames exploded with a bang!

The entire head of the blue-clothed man was blown to pieces, blood and bones were flying everywhere, and there was an unpleasant smell in the air!

This is the unique skill of Kyo Kusanagi, one of the two plot protagonists in the world of kof:

Two Hundred and Twelve Forms of Qin Yueyang! !

Fang Lin took a deep breath and pinched the ring on his hand. This man is too dangerous! As his thoughts flashed, he suddenly realized that although he had two control skills, the damage that he could instantly output with Te Weiss's silver gun alone was not enough.

"If that's the case..." Fang Lin's eyes flickered and he put his hand on the ring. "Terror spell, activate!"