Additional Inheritance

Chapter 11


Wen Xiaohui transferred shifts with his colleagues and took a day off. He didn't go anywhere that day, playing games, watching movies, and eating nonsense with Luo Yi at home. Most of his former friends are in college, and some are still out of town, so it’s hard to get together and mess around again, so playing wildly with Luo Yi and killing time like this makes him feel like he’s back to his student days. No more troubles, no need to face the simple era of reality.

Wen Xiaohui was lying on the floor, resting his sore eyes, Luo Yi stuffed a grape into his mouth: "Brother Xiaohui, will you work early and late tomorrow?"

"morning shift."

"Then you have to go home and sleep tomorrow."


Luo Yi said disappointedly: "Tomorrow weekend, I still want to go out to play with you."

"You can come to me in the afternoon, but I have to go back at night."

"Okay, I haven't visited your studio yet, I only went downstairs last time."

Wen Xiaohui turned over and looked at him: "Remember, don't call me Brother Xiaohui in the studio."


"This name is dead." Wen Xiaohui curled his lips, "You call me Adrian or Adi, remember."

Luo Yi smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have a good memory."

"That bitch is here tomorrow, no matter what he says or does, don't pay attention to him."

Luo Yi let out a long "Oh", he propped his chin, looked at Wen Xiaohui with a smile: "What can he do."

"Who knows, don't worry, I won't let him bully you."


Luo Yi's words reminded Wen Xiaohui that no matter how much he tried to escape, he had to go back to work tomorrow, unless Raven fired him, but he felt that Raven would not do that. If he really wanted to leave the studio, it would probably be him I was too disgusted to stay any longer, so I don't need Raven to rush, but since I haven't reached that point yet, I'd better take a walk and have a look.

He sat up, took out his phone and fiddled with it.

Luo Yi said: "What are you doing?"

"Send a photo... How about this filter? Japanese." Wen Xiaohui pointed to the selfie he took yesterday to show Luo Yi.

"Not bad, you try the LOMO style again?"

"Hey, that's good. I'm going to put the photo of me and Li Hua on the first one." Wen Xiaohui said with a thief smile, "Luca is so angry that he won't be able to sleep all night when he posted on Weibo." After Wen Xiaohui edited Weibo, suddenly Thinking of something, he hooked Luo Yi's neck and said, "Hey, the two of us haven't filmed yet..."

Luo Yi stretched out his finger and lightly pressed the camera.

Wen Xiaohui was taken aback: "What's wrong?"

Luo Yi said: "I don't like to put photos on the Internet."

Wen Xiaohui wondered: "Why? You look so good-looking, I want to show it off."

Luo Yi smiled: "I just don't like it."

"Has no one at school ever secretly photographed you?"

"Maybe there is, but no one dares to put it online."

Wen Xiaohui finds it incredible. He can understand Tibetans, but he has never seen a good-looking person who wants to hide his face. If he grows up to be like Luo Yi, he will definitely enter the showbiz without hesitation . He cheated: "Then I won't post it online, let's just take a picture."

"Okay, but the photos can only be placed on your phone."

"Don't worry, I really don't understand what you're thinking." Wen Xiaohui raised his neck again, turned his face towards the camera, and put on his best angle. Luo Yi looked at the screen with a smile, obviously without any intention The expression on her face is so beautiful that there are no dead ends. Wen Xiaohui looked at the phone screen and thought, this must be the first time in his life that he couldn't help looking at other people while taking selfies.

After taking a few pictures, Wen Xiaohui chose the best one and sent it to Luo Yi: "Keep it, I don't mind if you use it as a screensaver."

Luo Yi turned on the phone and stared at the group photo sent by Wen Xiaohui. In the photo, two teenagers were face to face, smiling brightly. The backlight of the phone reflected on his eyeballs, making his pupils extraordinarily bright.

Wen Xiaohui laughed and said, "What's the matter, are you fascinated by your own beauty?"

Luo Yi shook his phone: "Besides my mother, you are the first person I took a photo with."

"Really? You have never taken a picture of anyone other than my sister when you grow up?"

"Really, I don't like taking pictures, and I don't like taking pictures with people."

Wen Xiaohui touched his nose: "Then I asked you to take a picture with me, are you angry?"

Luo Yi smiled and said, "How could it be, you are my family just like my mother."

Wen Xiaohui smiled all over his face.

Going to work early the next morning, Wen Xiaohui was not surprised to see Luca's drawn face, he proudly raised his chest and raised his chin, feeling refreshed.

Xiao Ai came over: "Baby Adi, I saw your Weibo, how is it, is Li Hua good-looking in person? Wang Yudong is my male god, is he 1.8 meters tall?"

"Li Hua is so beautiful, her skin is super tender, Wang Yudong is quite tall, 1.8 meters is definitely there."

Xiao Ai said excitedly: "I'm so envious, if I knew you were going, I would have asked you to get my autograph."

"What kind of autograph do you want? In that kind of place, autographs are very cheap, okay? I'm a guest." Wen Xiaohui deliberately raised his voice.

Sure enough, Luca snorted mockingly.

Xiao Ai curled her lips, winked and whispered, "It's sore."

The two snickered together.

Luca sneered: "Silly ass, do you want to be the second Akai?"

Wen Xiaohui gave him a blank look: "What's wrong with being the second Akai, Akai is doing so well now."

"Okay?" Luca looked around and made sure there were only three of them in the studio, "Li Hua was on the cover of VOGUE some time ago, and the popular 'Linglong Face' makeup was designed by Akai, and Raven took it as his own. I don’t know. Why do you think Akai wants to go abroad, saying that he is going to study, it was calculated by Raven, and he went out to heal his injuries.”

Wen Xiaohui was taken aback: "Luca, whether it's true or not, you are quite courageous, dare to spread gossip about Raven."

"I dare say, I'm not afraid of you telling him, Juxing is about to split up anyway, and I won't follow Raven. I thought Raven was a good thing, and I just gave you a party to be like this. I sincerely wish you to be him." The next right-hand man."

Wen Xiaohui's face sank, and on the surface he was trying to maintain his face: "How about Raven, I will see for myself, it's better than you have been with Xiaoyan for so long, and she didn't take you out to meet anyone, because you are shameless." Ah, you still can't see anyone."

Luca showed a vicious smile: "You have a face that can see people, Raven will definitely negotiate a good price for you."

Wen Xiaohui clenched his fists, really wanted to go up and tear Luca's mouth right now. Luca's words hit the point that irritated him the most, and all the hatred for being provoked and bullied by Luca from the first day he entered the studio surged up: "You stinking idiot, you spray all the time. Shit, I will teach you how to talk to people with such a dog mouth!" He kicked the stool over and was about to pounce on it.

A trace of fear flashed in Luca's eyes, he didn't expect Wen Xiaohui's anger to be so scary.

Xiaoai hugged Wen Xiaohui's waist: "Xiaohui don't want it, please calm down, Zhang Xiong, can you say a few words less!"

Luca snorted, turned and ran to the storage room.

Wen Xiaohui took several breaths before he calmed down.

Xiao Ai said sadly: "It's been so long, you should get used to it, what happened to you today? Why are you as knowledgeable as him."

Wen Xiaohui was embarrassed to say how Raven tried to pimp him yesterday, so he could only shake his face and say, "Can my aunt do it?"

Xiao Ai burst out laughing.

Wen Xiaohui couldn't laugh, he felt that Raven could do what Luca said, and he immediately felt worried about his future.

After working all morning, when it was time to turn over, Luo Yi came.

As soon as Xiao Ai saw Luo Yi, she said excitedly: "Wow, little brother, you are looking for Adi."

Luo Yi smiled: "Yes, is he there?"

"Adi, your little handsome relative is here."

Wen Xiaohui was blowing hair for a guest, when he heard the words, he looked over and said, "Luo Yi, sit down for a while, I'll be fine soon."

Luo Yi sat on the sofa at the door, glanced across the studio, watching Wen Xiaohui skillfully fiddle with other people's hair, his professional look was very different from the usual laughing and joking him.

"Handsome, drink water."

Luo Yi raised his head, and it turned out that Luca poured a glass of water and placed it in front of him.

Luo Yi nodded: "Thank you."

"Are you really a relative of Adrian?"


Luca looked disbelieving: "What relatives, you don't look alike." He lowered his voice and said, "You and him are a couple."

Luo Yi smiled faintly: "I am his nephew."

Luca looked Luo Yi up and down: "How old are you?"


What did Luca want to say, Wen Xiaohui had already run over, stood in front of Luca, and said bluntly: "What are you talking to him about?"

"Never mind your business." Luca gave him a blank look, "You can go to the guest on the 7th."

"I'm off work."

"You can work overtime. Anyway, I have to leave first. You are the latest here. You can figure it out." Luca took out the mirror and straightened his hair.

Wen Xiaohui gave him a hard look.

"It's not good for you to leave like this." Luo Yi said with a smile.

Luca glanced at Luo Yi: "Yo, you want to tie me here?"

"I saw your work records at the front desk, and you are responsible for entering them yourself." Luo Yi said calmly, "If you leave first, I will delete half of your pick-ups today."

Luca's eyes widened: "You, what are you talking about? How dare you!"

Wen Xiaohui was also shocked, he was tricked by Luca so many times, why did he never think of doing this

Luo Yi stood up, he was half a head taller than Luca: "I dare. The work is not finished, so let's stay honestly."

Luca took a step back, Adam's apple rolling up and down.

Wen Xiaohui almost wanted to applaud Luo Yi, it made him feel happy.

Just then, the door of the studio opened, and Raven walked in with a bag on his shoulders.

Wen Xiaohui felt a little nervous, and followed the others to say hello.

Raven looked as usual: "You guys will change shifts later today, and an investor wants to come to the studio to have a look."

"Okay." Everyone had no choice but to go back to work honestly.

Unexpectedly, in the next ten minutes, two people came one after another. They were the other two partners of Juxing Studio, Xiaoyan and Liuxing.

Many people have never seen these three people appear at the same time in Juxing for so long, and they suddenly felt that something extraordinary might happen today.

Xiaoyan said to Luca: "The investor will come in a while, let us know right away, I'll go in and catch up on sleep."

Luca smiled and said, "Yes, Miss Xiaoyan."

Wen Xiaohui thought that Mr. Luo would come later, and immediately wanted to find a place to hide, but looking around, there was no place to hide.

Luo Yi saw his abnormal state: "What's wrong?"

"Oh, there is an investor who is pretty. I don't know if he will come today. I don't want to see his face."

Luo Yi smiled meaningfully: "Maybe it will be very interesting."


"I mean negotiation."

"We can't see it, people will talk about it in the office."

Not long after, the door of the studio was pushed open somewhat roughly, and a middle-aged woman with a tall, strong and rich figure walked in aggressively, followed by two men who looked like bodyguards.

Luca had a smile on his face: "Excuse me..."

The woman shouted: "Who is Luca."

Luca was stunned: "Uh, I am, are you looking for me?"

The woman turned her head slowly, as if she wanted to punch a hole in his face sharply. Before everyone could react, she swung her arm and slapped Luca hard.

Everyone was shocked.

Luo Yi stood behind Wen Xiaohui, with his hands folded around his chest, revealing an imperceptible smile.

Luca was slapped and almost fell to the ground. Before he could react, the woman scolded loudly: "Shameless dog, dare to seduce my husband, don't you fucking see who I am, are you courting death? !"

The office opened, and the three of Raven ran out one after another, all terrified by the scene.

Liu Xing was the first to react: "You... are you Mr. Chen?"

The woman said: "Yes, I'm the one who called you. I just want to let you bosses see what kind of employees are under me. A man seduces someone else's husband. Bah, it's disgusting!"

Luca's face was pale, and the handprints on his face were red, and his whole body was shaking.

The whole studio was silent.

Xiaoyan said awkwardly: "Mr. Chen, is there a misunderstanding..."

"What a misunderstanding! His car is in my husband's name, and the real estate certificate of the house he lives in is in my fucking name! Every penny he spent on my husband is my marital property, and now I want to sue He cheated!"

"This... let's come in and talk..."

Mr. Chen said cruelly: "There is nothing to talk about, I have to do one thing now, either you let me smash the studio, I can afford it anyway, or you let me teach this bitch a lesson. "

Luca took a step back, and cast a help-seeking look at Xiaoyan.

Xiaoyan frowned, also a little at a loss.

The two bodyguards brought by Mr. Chen jumped up and grabbed Luca's arms and stepped on his feet. He howled and struggled desperately. Mr. Chen slammed left and right, kicked and kicked, and slapped Luca with every slap. extra loud.

Xiaoyan felt ashamed and angry as her face burned.

Wen Xiaohui, like everyone else in the studio, was shocked by this posture. Although he felt that Luca deserved it, he didn't feel too much gloating. Instead, Xiaoyan and the other three looked on coldly, which impressed him deeply.

Mr. Chen stopped when he was tired. Luca's cheeks were bloodshot and swollen like a steamed bun. His eyesight was blurred. As soon as the two bodyguards let go, they collapsed and sat on the ground, unable to cry.

Mr. Chen said viciously: "You hire this kind of immoral garbage, which really damages the company's image. As long as he is still working here, I will come over at any time. You can do it yourself."

After Mr. Chen left, the studio was still as quiet as a needle could be heard.

After a long time, Liu Xing said: "The business is closed for a long time today, you all go back."

Wen Xiaohui grabbed his bag and dragged Luo Yi away quickly.

After running downstairs in one breath, Wen Xiaohui finally let out a breath: "Damn, it's really scary."

Luo Yi smiled and said, "What are you afraid of? It's not hitting you."

"Yes, but it's still quite scary. That aunt is so fierce. She's as good as my mother. My mother doesn't have the posture of wearing a black bodyguard yet."

"Let's go, go eat something delicious to celebrate."

"Huh? Celebrating what?"

"Luca can't continue working in Juxing, aren't you happy?"

Wen Xiaohui frowned: "I always wanted him to go, but..."


"In my fantasy, I would become a great stylist, let him automatically shorten half in front of me, and treat me servilely from now on, instead of leaving like this... Although he deserved it."

"He really deserves it." Luo Yi shook his phone, "I secretly recorded what happened just now, you can watch it anytime you want."

Wen Xiaohui was surprised: "You, why did you record that?"

"Isn't it very interesting." Luo Yi smiled innocently, "Do you want to post it online? I will create a virtual IP for you, so that no one can find you."

Wen Xiaohui's heart trembled. At that moment, he felt that Luo Yi's smile made him a little scared. At that time, many people in the studio were shocked. After all, most of them were young people in their early twenties, and no one had experienced such a scene. , Luo Yi actually recorded it? He hurriedly said: "No, no, no need, delete it, I don't want to read it."

Luo Yi shrugged: "I thought you would be very happy. But, from now on, he won't bother you anymore."

"Yes." Wen Xiaohui sighed: "But I suddenly remembered what you said."

"What words?"

"The bad guy who is easy to distinguish and the bad guy who is hard to distinguish. Luca is the bad guy who is easy to distinguish, so I guard against him. He can disgust me at most, but it can't hurt me. A person who only becomes a bad person by endangering his interests', I think my boss is that kind of person."

Luo Yi narrowed his eyes slightly: "Did he do anything to you?"

"It's nothing at the moment, I just listened to some gossip about him. Forget it, I hope I thought too much, let's go eat delicious food, and don't worry about other people's business."

"If you think there's anything wrong with him, remember to tell me."

Wen Xiaohui said with a smile: "My lord's world is complicated, I can't help me even if I tell you."

"At least I can give you an idea, it's better than you alone, right."

"That's right." Wen Xiaohui stretched his waist, "Don't talk about these annoying things, let's go for a walk and eat."