Additional Inheritance

Chapter 129: Side Story-Sweetheart 22


Luo Rui walked along the road crying, he was so uncomfortable that he could hardly breathe, he touched his mobile phone and wanted to call Wen Xiaohui, only to find that he had left his bag in the hospital, he squatted on the side of the road, angry and anxious Howling.

An aunt walking the dog came over and looked around him for a while: "Girl, what's wrong with you?"

"Woo woo woo me... I'm blue..."


"I'm... a man..." Luo Rui raised his embarrassed face and said while crying.

The Samoyed rushed forward to lick him, Luo Rui opened his mouth, feeling like he had eaten a mouthful of fur.

The dog was pulled away by the aunt, she frowned and looked at him for a long time: "Oh, what do you think you are a man, why don't you give out your pins?"

"Hair is curled up..." Luo Rui cried louder: "Men can't stop hairpins."

"Okay, okay, don't cry, what's wrong with you? Did you meet a bad guy? Do you want to call the police?"

Luo Rui shook his head, nodded again, buried his face in his knees and continued to cry.

"Do you want it or not? I called the police."

There was a rush of footsteps, "Auntie, I'm his friend, let me handle it."

Luo Rui heard this voice, as if the mute button had been clicked, the crying stopped abruptly.

"Oh, are you really his friend?"


Luo Rui heard the aunt leading the dog away, but she didn't dare to raise her head, and buried her face as hard as she could, as if she could resist all the injuries.

Qin Zijiao knelt down in front of him and said softly, "Your bag."

Luo Rui glanced quietly through the gap between his arms, and reached out to snatch the bag.

Qin Zijiao sighed, sat next to Luo Rui, scratched his hair vigorously, and said in a low voice, "I said something wrong again."

Luo Rui quietly wiped his snot on his pants, grabbed his bag, got up and left.

Qin Zijiao looked at his back without turning his head, and his heart suddenly felt painful. He stood up and chased after him: "Luo Rui."

Luo Rui reached out to stop a car, and the driver stopped quickly. As soon as Luo Rui opened the door, Qin Zijiao slammed the door shut.

Luo Rui wanted to pull the car door again, but Qin Zijiao grabbed his arm and pulled him away. Luo Rui threw his arm away fiercely, and shouted angrily, "What else do you want to do!"

Qin Zijiao was at a loss for words for a while, and just looked at Luo Rui like that, stunned.

What does he want to do... what does he want to do? What the hell is he doing now? !

Luo Rui choked up and said: "Qin Zijiao, I really didn't realize that before, you are such a bastard, I don't want to see you again."

Qin Zijiao trembled all over, before his brain had time to think, his arms had already embraced Luo Rui from behind.

Luo Rui's eyes widened in surprise, this is a busy street! He tremblingly said: "You, what are you doing? What do you mean by this?"

"I can't stop thinking about you..."

Luo Rui was so shocked that he forgot to speak, and just stood there stiffly.

"I want to know what's wrong with me, why this happened, Luo Rui, why I keep thinking about you."

Luo Rui's palms were covered with sweat, and he was even more at a loss than Qin Zijiao.

Did he hear correctly, Qin Zijiao said he missed him? miss him? Who proposed to break up, who said there was a "mistake" between them, why would Qin Zijiao miss him

Qin Zijiao tightened his arms: "Did you miss me? Last time you were drunk, I..."

Just as Luo Rui wanted to ask him what happened when he was drunk, the phone rang suddenly. It was the special ringtone he set for Wen Xiaohui. He struggled to take out his mobile phone from his bag, he urgently needed to hear Wen Xiaohui's voice, otherwise he would not be able to calm down: "Hey, Beibi."

"Hey, good morning, oh, it's night over there, what's the matter, you have a cold?"

"Well, a little bit, the season has changed recently."

"I also caught a cold two days ago. I blew my nose until it peeled off. Let me tell you that there is a handsome French guy chasing me here. Do you want to see his photo?"

"Okay, uh, I'm outside, you can send me, I'll talk to you when I get home."

"All right."

After hanging up the phone, Luo Rui really felt his heart beating back to normal. He wiped away his tears and said in a hoarse voice, "What do you think I'm drunk?"

"Don't drink so much next time, I know you don't like drinking."

Luo Rui recalled that day, and quickly asked the question in his heart: "That day... you came?"

"do not you remember?"

Luo Rui was startled, Qin Zijiao really came? Then why did Li Shuo say he didn't see it? He always thought that his memory was confused: "Are you really here? I thought I drank too much and had hallucinations. did you find me?"

"Look along the bar street. Don't worry, you're with the guy surnamed Li? He doesn't look like a fuel-efficient lamp. How dare you ask him to take you home? If it wasn't for me, who knows what he would have done?" won't do anything to you."

"Brother Li is not the kind of person you think... You, you went to my house?" The person who changed his clothes and made him breakfast was...

Qin Zijiao scratched his hair irritably: "You don't know? Didn't he tell you? Why do you trust him so much? How long have you known him? How deep is your contact? The person he brought is also, can you..."

Luo Rui had been holding back his breath, and was touched by Qin Zijiao's few words: "Who do I trust and who do I contact has anything to do with you. Now you say you miss me? Is it because Yaoyao is going to have surgery, you Want me to accompany her?"

Qin Zijiao frowned: "Why do you think so?"

"Why don't I think so, the reason why you wanted to 'try' with me at that time was because of Yaoyao."

"When I say I miss you, I really miss you, and it has nothing to do with anything else."

Luo Rui pursed his lips and looked at him: "Brother Li has never lied to me, so you just say he can't be trusted, but you lied to me, but you want me to believe you? Don't think that I liked you, I don't even have a brain Obsolete."

Qin Zijiao gritted his teeth and said, "Did the surname Li deliberately conceal that I had visited you? Just because of this, he cannot be trusted. Who knows what intentions he is hiding and what plans he has for you!"

"Maybe he's doing it for my own good!" Luo Rui yelled back with a higher volume.

Qin Zijiao was so angry that he clenched his fists, his face was pale, his eyes were full of hostility, Luo Rui suddenly remembered the first time the two met, Qin Zijiao easily subdued the gangster who was much stronger than him. Luo Rui was suddenly a little scared, Qin Zijiao wouldn't hit him.

Luo Rui took a step back, Qin Zijiao rushed up, fixed the back of his head with one hand, and kissed his lips heavily.

Luo Rui's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

Qin Zijiao's movements were rough - violent and eager, sucking hard - kissing Luo Rui's lips, as if he had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Luo Rui completely forgot to struggle, because in his impression, Qin Zijiao had never kissed him so passionately before. Compared with this kiss, the previous kiss was more like a formality, but this time it was full of longing.