Additional Inheritance

Chapter 15


Just as Wen Xiaohui was about to stop the car, Luo Yi said, "No need, I'm coming by car."

"Oh... ah? Do you have a book?"

"It's so late and no one will check." Luo Yi naturally took Wen Xiaohui's hand and walked out of the community.

On the side of the street at the gate of the community, a dark blue bat was parked, and Luo Yi led him straight to the car.

Wen Xiaohui's eyes stared straight: "Damn it, I do it, I do it, is this your car?"

Luo Yi was expressionless, obviously in a bad mood: "Mom's car, get in the car."

Regardless of the burning pain in his neck, Wen Xiaohui jumped on the car and said intoxicatedly, "Baby, you are so beautiful."

Luo Yi said in a deep voice, "Brother Xiaohui, get in the car."

Wen Xiaohui lowered his head guiltily, and got into the car. The design of the car seat made his waist and hips sink automatically, and his neck rested on the armchair. It was quite uncomfortable, but he had no time to take care of these. When he came to take a selfie in a Lamborghini once, he had already thought about the angle, and he must take a picture of the logo on the steering wheel seemingly inadvertently. But when Luo Yi closed the car door, he felt that the air pressure in the car was so low that he dared not breathe out.

Wen Xiaohui whispered, "Hey, don't be angry."

Luo Yi looked ahead and said nothing.

Wen Xiaohui pinched his face: "Be good, don't be angry anymore. I was wrong, I won't lie to you again, really."

Luo Yi turned his face away and looked at him deeply: "Have you ever thought about what would happen if I didn't arrive today?"

Wen Xiaohui recalled the fear of suffocation at that time, and he was really scared.

Luo Yi took a deep breath, turned around and hugged Wen Xiaohui, put his chin on his shoulder, and whispered in his ear: "I don't have a mother anymore, I don't want to lose you again."

Wen Xiaohui hugged Luo Yi back and stroked his back, feeling sore in his heart. He felt distressed, guilty, and moved, and now he regrets his recklessness today, just like Luo Yi said, if Luo Yi didn't come, the consequences would be unimaginable. There are only two men in this world who care about him so much, the other is his father, and the only one he can cherish is the boy in front of him. He said softly: "You will not lose me, and I will never hide it from you again."

"Don't lie to me again." Luo Yi's slender fingers gently wrapped around Wen Xiaohui's hair: "I can tell what you're thinking, so it's better to tell the truth."

Wen Xiaohui suddenly felt awkward running naked in the downtown area—ideological streaking, so he had no choice but to say: "Okay."

"Let's go, I'll go back and treat your injury."

Luo Yi started the car, and the engine accelerated from a standstill to 80 mph in the blink of an eye. The supercar riding experience made Wen Xiaohui excited: "Wow, why didn't I see this car before."

"In the underground garage."

"Do you often secretly drive out to play?"

Luo Yi shook his head: "I don't have a driver's license, so I can't play racing."

"Then how did you learn to drive?"

"It doesn't take much to learn."

Wen Xiaohui stared: "Is this your first time driving?"

Luo Yi nodded: "It's not easy to take a taxi where I live, I'm in a hurry to come here, so I can only drive by myself."

"Oh my god, why don't I drive it, anyway, I have a driver's license."

Luo Yi said: "It's okay, it's very simple."

Wen Xiaohui swallowed, his little heart pounding. Fortunately, Luo Yi drove quite smoothly, and the speed was not too fast. Although he didn't experience the fun of supercars, Wen Xiaohui still felt that life was more important.

Luo Yi drove the car home smoothly. Wen Xiaohui had lived in this villa for so long, and it was the first time he came to the garage. It turned out that there was an SUV in the garage, which obviously belonged to Yaya. He could no longer imagine how many Yaya had. Money, although he endured not asking, but he has become more and more curious about Yaya and Luo Yi's father.

Luo Yi took out the medicine box, and used a cotton swab dipped in the medicine to gently smear the bruise on Wen Xiaohui's neck.

Wen Xiaohui bared his teeth in pain, screaming and cursing: "That bastard, why didn't I kill him, ouch, it hurts..."

Luo Yi's movements were very light: "Hold on, it's almost over."

Wen Xiaohui pursed his mouth: "Will it leave scars? I have been wearing neck cream since I was sixteen. The wrinkles are super light. My neck is very beautiful."

"Skin injuries are mainly bruises, which won't leave scars."

"That's good, hiss, my head hurts too."

"What happened to the head?"

"I hit the coffee table, and I'm still dizzy." He touched it lightly, and it was swollen very high.

Luo Yi said: "This can only be kept."

Wen Xiaohui said worriedly: "Sister Xueli, what should I do? After all, the two of you were married, and he has a lot of things in his hand to threaten her."

"Don't worry about this matter anymore, it's neither your business, nor can you help her at all."

Wen Xiaohui sighed: "I know, but seeing her being entangled by this kind of scum makes me feel uncomfortable."

"No matter what, you can't do something as reckless as today again."

Wen Xiaohui nodded in frustration.

Luo Yi wrapped the white gauze around Wen Xiaohui's neck, Wen Xiaohui took out his mobile phone to take a picture, and then clicked twice, "Tsk, I forgot to take a picture of the car."

"You can go whenever you want to take pictures." Luo Yi added, "But you can't take pictures of license plate numbers."


"Go take a shower, be careful not to touch the water."

Wen Xiaohui stretched his waist: "You should go to bed early, too."

After Wen Xiaohui entered the bathroom, Luo Yi touched his pocket and took out a wallet. The wallet looked like it had been used for a long time, the leather was old and cracked, it was worn badly, and there was a strong smell of alcohol, Luo Yi Opening the wallet, there was an ID card lying in the interlayer, which belonged to Sydney's ex-husband!

Luo Yi gently pulled out his ID card, looked at the photo on it, and narrowed his eyes dangerously...

Wen Xiaohui hid with Luo Yi for two days and had to go home. He would have liked to wrap a scarf around his neck, but the summer was just trying to hide it, so he had to bite the bullet and wait for the fucking storm.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered, Feng Yuehua's eyes straightened, and the rolling pin in his hand pointed directly at Wen Xiaohui: "What's wrong with your neck?!"

Wen Xiaohui made a bow and said: "Mother, please sit down and let the child explain to you."

Feng Yuehua almost threw the rolling pin out, she said sharply: "Stop fucking nonsense, did you get into a fight!"

Wen Xiaohui cried and said with a mournful face: "Mom, I didn't pick anything. Didn't I go to pick up my friends that day? I drank too much. He pushed and shoved with others, back and forth... I was protecting him."

"You protect others with your little chicken's body!" Feng Yuehua rushed over and slapped him on the head, "running around in messy places all day long, and you don't listen to them. If you have someone, you can call your mother How can a person live!"

Wen Xiaohui said guiltily: "Mom, I was wrong. In fact, it's nothing wrong. It's just a pinch and a little bruise. Don't worry."

Feng Yuehua looked at his neck, there was indeed no bleeding, and he was in good spirits, so she breathed a sigh of relief, and she gave Wen Xiaohui a hard look: "I don't even expect you to get me a grandson, old Wen's family is here You are the only one here, live a few more years, and repay your surname."

Wen Xiaohui muttered: "Who said our Wen family is going to have no descendants? Isn't it possible to find a surrogate?"

"You can find it? You should find a way to give birth yourself." Feng Yuehua threw the rolling pin into his hand, "Come and help."

"As ordered."

When Wen Xiaohui entered the room to wash his hands, the phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was an unfamiliar number: "Hello? Hello."

"Wen Xiaohui, I'm Shao Qun."

Wen Xiaohui was a little nervous immediately: "Mr. Shao, hello."

"Come out for a meal?"

"Oh Mr. Shao, I work the night shift, so I have to eat lunch in the studio."

"Then come and have a drink after work."

"I have to go home after work. My mother is very strict with me."

Shao Qun smiled twice: "It's hard to make an appointment."

"If you want to pick me up, it's even harder to make an appointment than this."

"Okay, let's get down to business. How did you think about the last time?"

"Last time..." Wen Xiaohui refused just as he was about to say the last time, but suddenly remembered Luo Yi's words, Shao Qun called him again, he should talk to Luo Yi first, so he changed his words: "Well, I still Have to think again."

"Then you make an offer."

"Well, it's not about money."

"This is the problem of money. 99.99% of the problems in the world are all problems of money. Why don't you do it if I want to give you 100 million."

Wen Xiaohui laughed and said: "You are too wise, the key point is that you can't give me 100 million, Young Master Shao, let me think about it again."

"Okay, let's talk about it in two days."

After hanging up the phone, Wen Xiaohui immediately sent a text message to Luo Yi: Shao Qun called me, invited me to dinner and drink, and asked me how I was thinking about the last time.

Luo Yi quickly replied: I'm busy, I'll talk about it later.

Bored, Wen Xiaohui stuffed his phone into his pocket and went out to help his mother make dumplings.

Feng Yuehua squinted at Wen Xiaohui while making bags, and said abruptly: "I think you have something to hide from me."

Wen Xiaohui was so frightened that his hands shook: "Mom, my monthly salary is really 1500, and I don't even have the money to buy a foundation..."

"It's not this." Feng Yuehua narrowed his eyes, "I think you're still in a relationship."

Wen Xiaohui didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "No."

"You think you can hide it from me? In the third year of high school, you had a boyfriend, and I was thinking about how to deal with you, so you broke up, and I just pretended not to know."

Wen Xiaohui shrank his neck: "Mom, you have sharp eyes, you can spot all of this."

"You are the same now as you were back then. You are silly and happy all day long, secretly texting and making calls, and you never leave your phone." Feng Yuehua narrowed his eyes, "Tell me, are you living with someone?"

Wen Xiaohui quickly retorted: "Mom, really not. I met a few handsome guys recently, just chatting. If I have a boyfriend, I promise, absolutely, to announce the good news to you as soon as possible. I will do such a good thing without telling you. Well."

Feng Yuehua stared at him: "You swear you really didn't."

"I swear, it's really not. If I want to lie to you, let me... gain twenty catties!"

Feng Yuehua snorted softly: "Plus you have pimples on your face."

"Mom! You are too cruel!"


Wen Xiaohui repeatedly thought about his mother's words, "Silly fun all day long, secretly texting and making phone calls, never leaving his phone", is he really like this now? No matter how you look at it, it looks like a relationship, but the object is not his boyfriend at all, but a fifteen-year-old boy, the son of his sister.

Wen Xiaohui trembled, in a small corner of his heart, it seemed that the sound of the alarm bell had flashed, but he was quickly ignored.

The author has something to say:

The timeline that everyone has been struggling with is this:

Xiaohui is not even a cell. Yaya was adopted by Xiaohui's father at the age of twelve, Xiaohui's mother was twenty-three years old, and his father was thirty-one. At the age of seven, he started working outside the home

Xiaohui was 4 years old - Yaya gave birth to Luo Yi at the age of 18-19

Xiaohui 5-8 years old - Yaya gradually doesn't go home very much, but the relationship with Xiaohui remains the same Xiaohui 9-14 years old - Yaya and Xiaohui's parents broke up and no longer go home, but they have been in contact with Xiaohui, Often buy things for him, take him out to play Xiaohui 15 years old - Yaya did not come back to see Xiaohui's father for the last time, the two broke up Xiaohui 19 years old - Yaya committed suicide, he met Luo Yi