Additional Inheritance

Chapter 21


When Wen Xiaohui walked into the studio, he was trembling. In fact, Raven didn’t come to the studio very often, but if it happened, if Raven knew something... Wen Xiaohui felt that his days here were getting more and more depressed. I plan to resign, but I don't want to be reconciled when I think that I may be able to become a teacher after I have endured for so long.

Suddenly, someone hugged him violently from behind.

"Wow!" Wen Xiaohui cried out in fright.

There was also a scream from behind.

As soon as Wen Xiaohui turned his head, Xiao Ai looked at him like he was looking crazy: "Why are you so scary!"

Wen Xiaohui's eyes widened: "Damn it, you were the one who frightened people first, why don't you eat my tofu."

"I see you dangling around like a soulless child, afraid that you will be blown away by the wind of the hair dryer." Xiao Ai puffed up her cheeks, "What's wrong with you, is it because the Internet is picking up your plastic surgery?"

"Damn, they said I had plastic surgery?!" Wen Xiaohui glared, "Are these idiots blind? I'm 100% natural beauty, okay?"

"But your chin is indeed a bit straight, so sharp." Xiao Ai stroked his jaw like a puppy.

Wen Xiaohui opened her hand, "I am naturally beautiful, you can see my mother's chin."

Xiao Ai smiled and said, "Just kidding, I know you didn't fix it, so don't pay attention to what they say."

"Wait for me to scold them with a trumpet."

"No, it's better to let the post sink, otherwise they will be more energetic."

"Then tell me why."

"I thought you were in a bad mood because of this, and wanted to comfort you." Xiaoai blinked her big eyes.

Wen Xiaohui narrowed his eyes and looked at her for a while: "You're getting fat."

Xiao Ai clenched her fists, her expression changed from ferocious to mournful in an instant: "Really..."

"I don't know if you're fat or not?" Wen Xiaohui took out the powder from his bag, "Put your bangs up, and I'll touch up your makeup."

Xiao Ai raised her bangs with her eyes closed, "There is a fried chicken shop near my house, it's delicious, I buy half a chicken every day after get off work..."

"Then you deserve to be fat."

Xiaoai cried, "Xiaohui, alas, help me lose weight, I want to lose weight."

"Don't call me Xiaohui!"

"Woo woo woo..."

"A creature like you who talks about losing weight but eating desperately has no credibility at all. You just wait until you die of fat." Wen Xiaohui looked at her with his arms akimbo after finishing his makeup, "When you weigh more than me, I don't want you anymore."

"Why are you doing this!"

"That's how I am, I don't want a fat girlfriend like you, lose weight quickly!"

Xiao Ai ran away crying.

Sister Lu smiled and said, "Adi, you bullied her again."

"I'm urging her." Wen Xiaohui put on the apron and started mopping the floor to prepare for the opening of the studio.

"Hey, do you want to listen to gossip?"

"Okay, who's the gossip." Wen Xiaohui's eyes lit up, and Xiao Ai also came over.

Sister Lu said mysteriously, "Luca's."

"Wow, tell me quickly." Xiaoai called out.

They haven't heard of this name for a long time. Since Luca left the job, some people began to use what happened that day as a topic of conversation after dinner, but after a long time, no one remembered it.

"I also heard Liu Xing occasionally mention it a few days ago, saying that someone deliberately stabbed Mr. Chen about Luca. The company that Mr. Chen and her husband opened together holds half of the shares and is domineering. In fact, her boss is working as a mistress outside. She knows it all, but she just doesn't care about it, but Luca is unlucky, someone sent her all the information about Luca, including the photos with his husband, so of course she couldn't help it."

"Wow, Luca offended someone."

"Who knows, he is so stingy, and our studio alone has offended us a lot."

Wen Xiaohui said: "That person hates him so much, it takes so much effort to collect his information, and he also needs to know the information about his concubine and his wife."

"What's so difficult about it?" Sister Lu said, "Luca is not a local, so he definitely can't buy a car. You can find the right owner by checking the license plate number. I have a friend who does this. It costs one or two thousand. It can find out all the information you want.”

Xiao Ai said in surprise, "It's so simple."

Wen Xiaohui didn't know why, but suddenly remembered what Luo Yi said when he met Luca for the first time, "He's not a local."

"So, Luca has a problem with his life, and he deserves it." Sister Lu laughed, "But this is just my guess. In fact, most people want to take revenge not on Luca, but on his boss."

Wen Xiaohui quickly echoed: "I also think that spending one or two thousand for someone like Luca? Well, it's better to eat."

"This matter, educate us..." Sister Lu began to talk about the philosophy of life.

Wen Xiaohui listened to each sentence, and Luca's troubled face appeared before his eyes again. After so long, he couldn't remember how annoying Luca was, but he was deeply impressed by what happened last.

Wen Xiaohui was trembling for a few days, not only did Mr. Luo not move, even Raven didn't show up in the studio for several days, let alone find fault with him, so he gradually put his heart back into his stomach.

It's autumn in a blink of an eye, half a year has passed since the two met each other, and Luo Yi has been a college student for more than a month. It was his sixteenth birthday at the end of the month, and Wen Xiaohui was very worried about the gift.

Luo Yi seemed to have everything. Although he had a wide range of interests, he didn't understand them. This was his first birthday with Luo Yi. He had to prepare a special gift for Luo Yi. But what are you going to do

Luo Yi doesn't know what he's been busy with recently, he probably just started college, he has a lot of things to deal with, Wen Xiaohui hasn't been to his place for a week, this just gave him time to shop around and pick out gifts.

He was looking at running shoes in a sporting goods store when his phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Shao Qun calling. Every time Wen Xiaohui answered Shao Qun's call, he had to take a few deep breaths before he was ready: "Master Shao."

"Well, off work?"

"get off work."

"How's the studio going?"


"Fine? Nothing special?"

Wen Xiaohui thought for a while: "Recently Raven doesn't come here very often, but Liu Xing often comes here. Raven used to come here most frequently."

"Don't you know why?"

"I don't know... Listen to your tone, you know?"

"I know what I'm asking you for."

"I really don't know anything."

"I want you to do one thing."

Wen Xiaohui said cautiously: "Come and hear me?"

"There are 47 people in your studio now, right?"


"Classify the list of these 47 people according to their relationship with the three partners, don't miss any of them, and send them to me at night."

"Oh fine."

"If you have a relationship with your partner, or if you are particularly close, you should also mark it out."


"Does Raven have a good relationship with Luo Zhigao invested by XX?"


"Did they sleep?"

Wen Xiaohui was embarrassed: "This..."

"Just tell the truth."

"The truth is, I don't know."

"Then how do you feel?"

"It feels... maybe... right."

"Have you been in contact with Luo Zhigao?"

"I've seen it twice." Wen Xiaohui said lightly.

"Raven tried his best to win over Luo Zhigao, but Luo Zhigao is not the one who has the final say on their company. To put it bluntly, the sleep of Luo Zhigao may be for nothing."

"Oh..." Wen Xiaohui really wanted to ask, why did you tell me this.

"Raven is a chess piece that we can throw at any time. From a businessman's point of view, the most valuable thing about Juxing is the name, not any stylist, so if you still have the idea of being loyal to Raven, throw it away quickly. , work for me honestly, I will not treat you badly."


"That's right." Shao Qun said abruptly, "When did you know that Luo is always gay?"

"Uh... huh?"

"I asked you just now if they slept with you. You were not surprised at all. Boss Luo is a big boss anyway, and it is impossible to publicize his sexual orientation everywhere, so either Raven told you, or he showed it in front of you. And Raven can't be so stupid, casually gossip about investors with a little intern like you, so, it's the latter?"

Wen Xiaohui's body broke out in cold sweat.

Shao Qun chuckled twice: "I'll continue to guess, Mr. Luo has his eyes on you, right?"

"Not really, just a few words..."

"You've always been wary of me. Could it be that Mr. Luo promised you something?"

"No! Absolutely not, I don't know him at all!"

Shao Qun laughed again: "Children... just teasing you, that's all, remember to send me the list at night."

After hanging up the phone, Wen Xiaohui viciously pointed his middle finger at the phone. He was so frightened that he trembled just now. He thought that the fact that Mr. Luo was beaten by Luo Yi had been exposed. That matter has always been a ticking time bomb in his heart. Even the slightest disturbance is enough to scare him.

Just as Shao Qun hung up the phone, Luo Yi called.

"Brother Xiaohui, are you home yet?"

"No, I'm shopping."

"Do you want to come over today? I'm fine today. I'm at home."

"Success, I haven't seen you for more than a week, I'll pack some snacks, let's watch a movie together."

"Well, wait for you."

Wen Xiaohui bought a bunch of food and went to Luo Yi's place happily.

Luo Yi had just finished taking a shower. He was wearing a gray bathrobe with a towel hanging over his head. The front of the bathrobe was cut into a deep V. Maybe it was because his height grew too fast. The boy's body was still a little thin, but his chest and abdomen The muscles are already faintly visible, and the two calves are straight and slender.

Wen Xiaohui put things on the coffee table: "Why are you taking a shower at this hour?"

"Just got back from playing basketball at school."

"Huh?" Wen Xiaohui stood up straight, "Have you grown taller?"

"Maybe, I haven't measured it recently."

"What was your last measurement?"

"A year ago, 176."

"I'm 177. You were a little taller than me when I saw you. You've definitely grown taller."

Luo Yi said with a smile: "Then it may be more than 1.8 meters now."

"My sister is tall, maybe 1.7 meters. As long as your father is not short, you will definitely be over 185." Wen Xiaohui asked casually while taking out the food, "How tall is your father?"

After waiting for a long time without a response, Wen Xiaohui turned his head strangely, and saw Luo Yi standing behind him, adjusting the TV. From his tense jaw, Wen Xiaohui guessed that he had heard his question, but he just didn't want to answer it.

Wen Xiaohui also realized that he might have said something he shouldn't have said, so he sighed lightly, and the atmosphere between the two of them was a little awkward for a while.

After knowing each other for more than half a year, Luo Yi's father has always been a forbidden area between them.

Luo Yi finished adjusting the movie, squatted down, and helped Wen Xiaohui take things out of the bag. Seeing Wen Xiaohui hanging his head and not speaking, he whispered: "I don't like talking about that person, and we won't talk about him in the future. okay?"

Wen Xiaohui raised his face and said embarrassedly: "I didn't mean it."

Luo Yi smiled: "It's okay."

Wen Xiaohui couldn't help touching his wet head: "Am I really your only relative?"

"Yes." Luo Yi rubbed his hand, "There is no one else."

Wen Xiaohui forced a smile.

Luo Yi thought for a while and said, "If Lawyer Cao wants to talk to you about that person, don't talk to him, you know."

Wen Xiaohui asked suspiciously: "Why did Lawyer Cao talk to me about your father...about that person?"

Luo Yi was silent for a while: "Lawyer Cao was with my mother."

Wen Xiaohui's eyes widened: "Ah, they..."

Luo Yi nodded: "There must be something between them that I don't know about. Cao Hai is very dissatisfied with the distribution of inheritance, because he is also involved in mother's business, so I am worried that he will do something else. In short, he said Don't believe anything you say." Luo Yi rubbed Wen Xiaohui's small and soft earrings, "You just have to trust me."

Wen Xiaohui nodded: "Don't worry, how can I trust outsiders, I must trust you."

Looking at Wen Xiaohui's firm eyes without hesitation and without concealment, Luo Yi's heart trembled slightly.

Wen Xiaohui patted him: "Come on, watch a movie and try this fried chicken. My little girlfriend recommended it. She ate it for a month and gained five catties."

"Your girlfriend?" Luo Yi frowned.

Wen Xiaohui said with a smile, "Oh, a colleague from the studio, my best friend, a super fun girl."

Luo Yi raised his eyebrows: "I thought you had a sudden sex change."

Wen Xiaohui laughed and said: "If I change my gender, I will definitely chase her, but it's impossible in this life. Hey, you've seen her. Last time I went to the studio, she was very small and had big eyes. She was pretty, she was bigger than me. One year younger."

Luo Yi smiled and said, "Brother Xiaohui, I'm only fifteen, why are you always encouraging me to fall in love early?"

"You won't be sixteen soon, it's useless to fall in love with a young man early."

"But if I fall in love, I won't have time to accompany you, and you won't be able to come to me to play with me anytime and anywhere in the future."

Wen Xiaohui opened his mouth and seemed to be stunned: "Yes." For some reason, he felt a little lost when he thought that Luo Yi would fall in love one day and put the focus of his feelings and time on another stranger...

Luo Yi held up the Coke, touched the can with him, and said calmly and sincerely, "I'd rather be with you."

The two looked at each other and smiled, Wen Xiaohui seemed to hear his own heart beating wildly.