Additional Inheritance

Chapter 37


Wen Xiaohui thought about it, and what Luo Yi said made sense. Luo Rui was good-looking, gentle and lovely, and he happened to be the type of "good family man" that Li Shuo liked. It would not be surprising if Li Shuo liked Luo Rui. But isn't Li Shuo quite ambiguous with himself now...

To be honest, for him, Luo Rui is more important than any boyfriend. If Li Shuo and Luo Rui can really succeed, he may be depressed, but he will definitely wish him sincerely, but Li Shuo can't date him at the same time. Take the opportunity to approach Luo Rui, if Li Shuo dares to treat him like this, he will definitely serve him with fists. He said: "Not necessarily. I don't think Li Shuo is such a careless person. He also said that he was doing business. He happened to come here to taste the cake. He didn't come here on purpose. It was a matter of settlement." , It just happened to happen."

Luo Yi smiled: "Of course, I'm just talking casually. I have a lot of things on my mind and I think a lot. You don't have to pay too much attention to it."

Wen Xiaohui nodded, although he thought it should be nothing, but Luo Yi's words still caused ripples in his heart.

"Brother Xiaohui, I hope you don't think I'm troublesome, and I'm also worried that you will get hurt." Luo Yi added with an emphasis, "I really want to protect you."

"I know." Hearing this, Wen Xiaohui's heart trembled slightly. Luo Yi's method of protecting him was a bit frightening, but I have to say that Luo Yi often moved him to such a mess. It was because of such contradictions that he still He didn't dare to ask Luo Yi about those things, he was afraid that once he asked, the relationship between him and Luo Yi would collapse, and he was reluctant.

After starting to apply for a visa, Wen Xiaohui felt that he had been put on the timeline. It was his first time to go abroad, and he went abroad for a year. He was a little nervous in his excitement. He applied for a passport under the sun, prepared materials, and added work. There is more and more work in the room, and everyone else is tired and thin.

After finally having a free day, he asked Li Shuo to have dinner, and wanted to ask Li Shuo some questions about his life in the United States, and to make some preparations.

Li Shuo readily agreed: "By the way, bring Luo Rui with you."

"… Oh that's fine."

Li Shuo smiled and said, "Thank him for the hot pot and cake last time."

After hanging up the phone, Wen Xiaohui murmured in his heart. He thought of Luo Yi's words again. Although he didn't want to believe it, he suspected that it was such a thing. Once produced, it was like a tiny seed sown in the heart, and at first it fell to dust. , people don't realize it, but slowly, it will take root and sprout, a little rain and dew can make it grow, until it is too big to ignore, it will suddenly bloom.

When we arrived at the restaurant, Li Shuo was late because of the traffic jam on the road. Wen Xiaohui and Luo Rui sat facing each other. Luo Rui was playing with his mobile phone. The skin and the upturned nose suddenly reached out and pulled his hair.

"Ah!" Luo Rui raised his head in pain and complained, "You are not childish."

"My name is tender." After Wen Xiaohui finished speaking, he tugged again.

"Oh, don't make trouble, you're so annoying." Luo Rui slapped his hands away, "What's wrong with you?"

"What do you think of Li Shuo?"

"Very good." Luo Rui continued to play with his phone, "Male god."

"Is it your type?"

"It should be." Luo Rui laughed, "Why, do you want to give it to me?"

"I'll give it to you if you want it."

Luo Rui naturally took him as a joke: "Hey, you are also my man, so your man is my man."

Wen Xiaohui smiled and ruffled his hair vigorously.

"What are you doing, don't touch my hair!" Luo Rui opened his mouth to bite his hand.

After the two quarreled for a while, Li Shuo came and brought them two boxes of expensive chocolates for them.

Li Shuo asked about the progress of Wen Xiaohui's visa. Wen Xiaohui happened to be chatting about some details about the United States. Going to a foreign country can be stressful.

Li Shuo comforted him all the time, and gave him a list of things to prepare before leaving on the spot, as well as the phone number of his friend in the United States: "I have already told my friend that you can contact her when you get there. Don’t be shy about any difficulties.”

Wen Xiaohui said sincerely, "Thank you."

After chatting for a while, Li Shuo suddenly asked Luo Yi: "Your nephew looks very smart."

"Yeah, he's already in college, he was admitted without taking the exam, he's a super student." Wen Xiaohui mentioned Luo Yi, feeling a little proud.

Li Shuo said with a smile: "Oh, genius, there must be a lot to do in the future, your family's genes are really good."

Wen Xiaohui laughed and said: "Our family has good genes, but he has no blood relationship with me. His mother was adopted by my father."

"Oh I got it."

During the whole meal, Li Shuo kept chatting with them politely. After observing for a long time, Wen Xiaohui didn't feel that Li Shuo paid special attention to Luo Rui, and of course he didn't ignore it. I also think too much.

After dinner, Li Shuo sent Luo Rui home first, and then asked Xiaohui if he wanted to take a stroll in Houhai, Wen Xiaohui readily agreed.

The two walked along the stone road in Houhai, first strolled through the main street with a strong commercial atmosphere, passed the Yinding Bridge, and then walked back. Most of them were in the Qing Dynasty. They finally chose a small family-style bar with a fireplace.

There was soothing music playing in the small bar, probably because it was a weekday, they were the only ones in the store, the boss served wine and snacks, and went back to the bar to watch a movie.

The two of them nestled on the soft sofa, chatting all over the place, and being with Li Shuo, Wen Xiaohui felt relaxed and at ease.

Li Shuo poured another glass of wine and handed it to Wen Xiaohui: "I didn't expect there to be gara here. This is a kind of Canadian ice wine that I often drink in the United States. It tastes very sweet. Try it."

Wen Xiaohui took a sip, and it was indeed as Li Shuo said, cool and sweet, with a good aftertaste: "It's delicious, you know wine very well."

"Some of my friends have a lot of research on wine. Compared with them, my knowledge is much shallower. It's just for fun, not understanding."

Wen Xiaohui licked the corner of his mouth: "Actually, I don't like drinking, but this kind of sweet wine is not burdensome to drink, just like a drink."

Li Shuo looked at the half-pink tongue that he protruded and retracted, his eyes sank: "It tastes like a drink, but its strength is not like a drink, so we still have to be cautious."

"Well, I know." Wen Xiaohui raised his head and met Li Shuo's deep eyes.

Li Shuo didn't know when he was so close to him. He pressed his elbow on the back of the sofa, leaning his body slightly towards himself. This action lifted his shirt, which just highlighted his strong chest muscles. Li Shuo's elegant body The taste, at this time, is simply endowed with the effect of fragrance.

Li Shuo smiled slightly, his voice hoarse and sexy: "Are you a little drunk?"

"Well, it's okay, maybe, a little bit."

Li Shuo put down his wine glass, and gently lifted his chin with one hand: "The skin is a little hot."

Wen Xiaohui's breathing was about to stop, because Li Shuo's face was so close in front of him, so close that he could see Li Shuo's well-defined slender eyelashes, and the straight, blade-like pure natural highlight on the bridge of his nose.

Li Shuo lowered his eyes and pressed his lips gently.

Wen Xiaohui felt his palms sweating and his heart beating wildly. He was even more nervous than his first kiss now! When Li Shuo's soft lips pressed against him, he held his breath subconsciously, as if he was afraid that his breath would disturb this thin kiss.

Li Shuo kissed him lightly, pulled a little distance away, and looked at him with a smile: "Do you like it?"

Wen Xiaohui nodded honestly. What Li Shuo gave him was the radiant hormonal temptation of a mature man and the nervous heartbeat of love, which makes people excited.

Li Shuo pressed the back of his head again, and this time, he no longer tasted it lightly, but invested enough enthusiasm and concentration to taste Wen Xiaohui's lips carefully, exchanging each other's breath.

Wen Xiaohui couldn't help but clasped his shoulders, reveling in this gentle and touching kiss. When Li Shuo let go of him, his breathing was all messed up, he looked at Li Shuo a little shyly, the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't be stopped, Li Shuo was also smiling: "This wine is really sweet."

Wen Xiaohui joked, "You're good at kissing."

Li Shuo smiled and said, "Kissing is not about skills, it's about people."

"It makes sense." Wen Xiaohui still felt a little embarrassed, is this a relationship? Does he have a boyfriend? But he is going to leave for a year soon, isn't this timing too unfortunate, he said hesitantly, "Brother Li, actually I really want to ask, you don't seem to be very interested in me at first, is it because I had a fight in front of you, and you suddenly like me?"

Li Shuo chuckled: "Of course not."

"what is that."

"How should I put it?" Li Shuo thought for a while, "You are the type I have never dated. To be honest, I don't like men who over-modify themselves very much. I don't mean to offend, and I don't criticize others. Dressing, aesthetic freedom, these are just my personal preferences, you are beautiful, confident, funny, and cute, but the first sight is not my style, so I never thought that I would date this type of you."

"Then… ?"

"Then I got in touch with you more, and I discovered other sides of you." Li Shuo gestured with his slender fingers, "People are composed of many 'faces', you choose to appear in front of others, and you There will always be some gaps in your real appearance. This has nothing to do with hypocrisy. Sometimes it is actually a kind of self-cultivation and politeness. I originally only saw your superficial appearance, and then I kept seeing more of your real appearance. Some contrasts are very strong. That was interesting to me, and gradually, I found you fascinating and wanted to know more about you, to see more of you, who you were or who you were not.”

Wen Xiaohui was a little flustered by Li Shuo's impeccable compliments, how could anyone say "I really didn't like you at first, but after getting in touch with you, I found that you are not bad" so beautifully! As expected of Li Shuo. He rubbed his hands together and said in a low voice, "You are pretty much the same as my first impression of you. Does this mean that you have very few 'noodles'?"

Li Shuo said with a faint smile: "Not necessarily, I am not what you see me now in the business field, and if I am facing the enemy, I am another look, but I am in front of you, I hope I will always be your favorite look."

Wen Xiaohui felt that his heart was going to be drunk, and he wished he could throw Li Shuo down and do something shameful right now.

Li Shuo handed him the wine glass: "Come."

Wen Xiaohui took a big sip of wine to calm himself down. He hadn't forgotten that he was going to the United States. He said regretfully: "But I'm going to leave for a year soon." Separated, but how to maintain the relationship.

Li Shuo gently clinked the glass with him: "I know, so I won't promise you anything now, and you don't need to promise me, I like the feeling between us very much, there is no need to put pressure on it. When you come back, maybe you have gained new feelings in the United States, and at that time, I will also bless you."

After hearing this, Wen Xiaohui didn't react for a long time.

Li Shuo looked at him in a daze, and added with a smile: "I like you very much, but you are free."

Wen Xiaohui yelled "Fuck" in his heart, how could anyone say "This year, maybe you get better with someone else and I sleep with someone else, let's not restrain each other, we should have fun and make an appointment to meet when we come back Let’s talk again.” That’s so beautiful!

Wen Xiaohui felt that the enthusiasm that had just been ignited was poured with cold water.

He didn't know how to describe Li Shuo. Li Shuo is perfect, and he can't find any faults in every aspect, but maybe he grew up in the West, and his way of thinking is different from them, or maybe Li Shuo is too mature, so that everything has to be put together clearly, and he can't get out of it. It's not the same, so there is always something missing, probably because there is a lack of reason to be desperate. Li Shuo's rationality and appropriateness killed Wen Xiaohui's enthusiasm in the passage just now. He thinks that Li Shuo is not selfish or irresponsible, but is delicately pursuing a balance that is indifferent to others, how much he pays and how much he returns, he does not owe others half a cent, so he can avoid many unnecessary troubles, But in relationships, this is often chilling.

Wen Xiaohui hopes that the person he likes will tell him that if he went to the United States to see the white bear and black bear with big breasts, if he only thinks about me, we will work for three days and three nights to solve the lovesickness instead of saying calmly and considerately "you be free".

Wen Xiaohui thought, maybe it was because Li Shuo only liked him a little bit.

Li Shuo seemed to have noticed that something was wrong with Wen Xiaohui: "What's wrong? Did you drink too much?"

Wen Xiaohui smiled: "A little bit, this drinker is really strong."

"Yeah, I've told you everything, but don't worry, this wine won't make you uncomfortable, just go back and have a good sleep."

Wen Xiaohui nodded.

Li Shuo held his hand lightly, and said softly and implicitly, "Do you want me to take you home?"

Wen Xiaohui looked at Li Shuo, such a heart-wrenching man was simply the best candidate to get rid of his virginity, although he experienced a free fall from his heart to his feathers in just a few minutes today, but he I still have a good impression of Li Shuo in my heart, after all, Li Shuo didn't do or say anything wrong. We are all adults, and we don't need a reason to sleep if we want, so should we go to Li Shuo's house

But, does it make sense...

With just this hesitation, Li Shuo saw through his thoughts, and immediately said considerately: "Come on, I'll take you home."

Wen Xiaohui nodded with a smile.

After getting in the car, Wen Xiaohui started to pretend to be dizzy, and stopped talking. He looked out the window silently, feeling bored in waves.

Whether it was Li Shuo's shallow feelings for him or Li Shuo's cold nature, he didn't want to think about it anymore, because he couldn't find Li Shuo's fault at all, so he began to reflect on whether he was wrong. Is he taking it too seriously? It's just a few dates, just a kiss, and he thought about formally dating someone, it's too ridiculous, when did he become so cowardly, once his dream was to be killed by a hundred people, although later He found out that he didn't have this type, but he wasn't a little girl who was about to marry someone just by kissing her. If he really wanted to, how many times had he kissed Luo Rui.

Must have drunk too much today.

Yes, I drank too much and was seduced by Li Shuo's beauty, so my mind was amused. Fortunately, Li Shuo made it clear first, otherwise if he said something that shouldn't be said, Li Shuo would be polite If he refused politely, he would lose his life tonight.

He couldn't help but patted himself on the head a few times.

"Xiaohui, are you okay, do you have a headache?" Li Shuo held his hand, still so gentle.

"It's okay, it's okay."

"Maybe you are not used to this wine, go back and make some ginger water to drink."

"Well, okay, it's okay."

It's not that he's not used to this wine, it's just that he's not used to getting drunk like this. He's so drunk that people can't laugh or cry.

When he got home, his mother was spreading the quilt and getting ready to go to bed. When she saw him coming back smelling of alcohol, she put her arms around her hips and cursed, "I'm so tired every day that I drink like a dead dog. I want to die suddenly!"

"Mom, are you really your own mother?"

Feng Yuehua glared at him, turned around and went to the kitchen to cook ginger syrup for him.

Wen Xiaohui floated in, and said faintly: "Mom, I may have really lost my love by accident."

"Why are you so careless when you're broken in love, pay it back?"

"It's just... There's a guy I'm quite fond of, but I'm leaving soon, and then we won't be able to make it for the time being. When I come back, who knows what will happen, so I feel a little lost in love."

"It's not a broken relationship for you. It's just that you fed a dog ham on the side of the road, but it didn't come home with you. You just feel sorry for that ham."

"Fuck, mom, this passage seems to be very philosophical, but aren't you scolding people?"

"It makes you feel bad and drunk, what's wrong with me scolding that bastard."

Wen Xiaohui smiled: "Mom, you are more beautiful today."

Feng Yuehua twisted his arm: "Blow it, drink it when it's cold."


Feng Yuehua hugged his chest and said, "That man, the one with eight-pack abs and eighteen centimeters?"

Wen Xiaohui almost sprayed: "Mom, you..."

"Is there any?"

"I've never seen him take off his clothes, and his chest muscles are quite thick." Wen Xiaohui gestured, "The stomach is also very strong, and there must be abdominal muscles. As for that, I haven't seen it yet."

"Then there's nothing to be depressed about. Let's talk about it when you come back."

Wen Xiaohui laughed and said, "It makes sense!"

The next day, while Wen Xiaohui was at Luo Yi's house, waiting for dinner, he took the time to call Luo Rui and told him what happened to Li Shuo last night.

Luo Rui started to stutter after listening: "This... this..."

"Is it speechless, I don't know how to evaluate it."

"Yes, that's how it feels!"

Wen Xiaohui shook his head and sighed: "Maybe it's because the concept is too different, maybe all foreigners are like this?"

"have no idea."

"Didn't you stay in France for a year?"

"Then I haven't dated the French, they basically want to go to bed, scare me to death, okay?"

"Oh, you scared our little mother to death." Wen Xiaohui imitated his tone and screamed.

"Don't be poor, talk about business."

"Hey, what's the matter, people talk about it, I can't rush him to make an oath with me. In fact, what he said is very reasonable. What if I really have a relationship with Brother Baixiong in the United States? Or Brother Black Bear... Bah, Brother Black Bear has too much taste, why not Brother White Bear, anyway, what he said is very reasonable, I can't refute it, so I can only let nature take its course."

Luo Rui was silent for a moment: "But this... is a bit hurtful."

"Don't take it seriously and you won't hurt others. It's okay. I like him a little bit, but I don't have to."

"Who is it?" Luo Yi's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Wen Xiaohui was taken aback, said to Luo Rui for the next chat, then hung up the phone: "Dinner ready?"

"I called you twice and you didn't answer. I brought the meal and thought you were asleep." Luo Yi put the meal on the table, "Who are you talking about, Li Shuo?"

Wen Xiaohui nodded sullenly.

"What's wrong?"

Wen Xiaohui didn't really want to say, how to describe this matter to others.

Luo Yi said: "It's agreed that I won't keep it from me."

Wen Xiaohui sighed, removed some details such as the kiss, and told about him and Li Shuo.

After Luo Yi finished listening, he showed an expression of great interest: "It's quite interesting."

"What's interesting? Do all of you smart people think so, can you really understand his thinking?"

"No, it has nothing to do with being smart or not."

"That's the cultural difference." Wen Xiaohui hugged his knees, "After thinking about it, I still think he is right, but I just feel uncomfortable in my heart, which makes me most depressed."

"It's normal. Your understanding of feelings is biased."

"What deviation?"

"Speaking of this deviation, I can't finish talking about it in one night. You can understand that you are an emotional radical, while he is a conservative."

"You can't understand me even more when you say that."

Luo Yi smiled: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand. However, Li Shuo is indeed a very smart person. You are basically transparent in front of his eyes, so you just listen to what he says, and you don't have to believe everything."

"...That's right, I don't know him that well after all." Wen Xiaohui remembered that there was a living example of Luo Yi in front of him. He thought he understood, but in the end he didn't understand at all. Maybe Li Shuo did the same.

"Yesterday you had dinner and went to the bar, is Luo Rui there?"

"We're here for dinner, and it's just the two of us going to the bar." Wen Xiaohui said, "Why do you ask Luo Rui?"

"Have you observed him and Luo Rui?"

Wen Xiaohui suddenly got a little angry: "What are you doing, old Tilo Rui, I don't think there is anything between them."

Luo Yi smiled: "Ask casually, don't think too much."

"Why don't you think about it when you say that? I've been thinking about it since you said it. Luo Rui is my best friend. Don't...don't make such assumptions anymore."