Additional Inheritance

Chapter 39


After arriving in the United States, Wen Xiaohui found that his improvised English was useless at all, whether he could understand it or not.

In terms of life, there is nothing difficult. The training institution has prepared a place for him to live in, and arranged for Chinese people to guide him to familiarize himself with the environment and buy daily necessities.

After a few days, when the novelty of being abroad wears off, Wen Xiaohui starts to feel homesick and bored. Surrounded by unfamiliar environments and people, he doesn’t understand the language, and dare not even leave the door. Before class started, he would spend every day in the dormitory playing games and reading novels. On the phone, I chatted with Luo Rui for an hour, and I got tired of chatting with Luo Rui.

Life got a little more interesting after I started taking classes. There are not many Chinese in the class, and there are people of all nationalities and skin colors. Although Wen Xiaohui is poor in English, he is extroverted and cheeky. He can make friends with people who even make gestures. Within a week, he can go out to drink and dance .

This styling training institution is one of the best in the United States, and is also well-known internationally. Wen Xiaohui has been exposed to advanced beauty, makeup, and styling concepts. In addition to his usual learning, the courses also include nutrition and tailoring. , medical beauty courses, luxury goods management, etc., and even art appreciation, appreciation of costumes of various nationalities in the world, Western art history, etc. Wen Xiaohui feels that he first forges the macro aesthetics of a stylist, and then teaches you how to create a stylist from head to toe. change a person.

Wen Xiaohui has been a scumbag since he was a child, but he has one advantage, that is, he is very willing to work hard for the things he is interested in. If he doesn't understand in class, he will ask his classmates to copy notes and spend the night looking up the dictionary He persisted in taking notes and reading books for two months, and he did not lag behind. On the contrary, he made great progress in English, and gradually he was able to keep up with the teacher's speaking speed.

After he got busy in class, he naturally had less time to call back. After half a year passed, he found that the person he contacted most frequently was Luo Yi.

Luo Yi cared about his affairs meticulously. He would ask what classes he took, where he went on weekends, what friends he made, and even if he had contact with Li Shuo. When he asked, he would just go around while chatting. So much so that when Wen Xiaohui found out, he told Luo Yi unconsciously.

Around Wen Xiaohui, there were indeed quite a few flirtatious and flirtatious people. He was really tempted at first, after all, just looking at the big muscles of the white race would make him bleed, but he shrank at every critical moment. , Sometimes he also looks down on himself, he is obviously very lustful, but he is fucking useless. Probably, he still has a little traditional concept in his bones, and he thinks it's a bit awkward to do that if he doesn't have feelings.

He kept in touch with Li Shuo two to three times a month, and occasionally said some ambiguous words, but that was all. Li Shuo seemed to be very busy with work. He said several times that he was going to the United States, but in the end he didn't make it. Wen Xiaohui didn't have any expectations.

In a blink of an eye, it entered winter.

This year's Lunar New Year was very early, only half a month away from the Christmas holiday, so Li Shuo returned to the United States after settling down at work.

During the Christmas period, the school was also on holiday. The Christmas hairstyle and makeup designed by Wen Xiaohui won a college-level small prize, plus a bonus of 800 US dollars. He and a Chinese female classmate took advantage of the discount period to sweep a bunch of things. Still wanting to go to Vegas, Wen Xiaohui weighed his pockets, but gave up.

Wen Xiaohui spent Christmas Eve with his classmates. While preparing dinner, a French classmate called him: "Adrian, someone is looking for you."

Wen Xiaohui thought to himself, who else is looking for at this time? Those he knows who don't go home also have dinner here.

When I went out, I saw a kind-hearted middle-aged man in a suit and white gloves. He should be Chinese.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he really spoke in Chinese: "Hello, are you Mr. Wen?"

"Ah, yes, may I ask who you are?"

"I'm Lambert's driver."

"Huh? Who?"

"Oh, Li Shuo."

"oh oh."

"My young master is spending Christmas with his family, so he can't come here in person, but he asked me to give you this Christmas present." The driver took out a gift box from the back seat and handed it to Wen Xiaohui, "Wish you Christmas hapiness."

Wen Xiaohu looked at the things in his hand: "What is this?"

"I'm not sure. You can open it after you go back to the house. You are wearing very thin clothes. Go in quickly." The driver smiled gently.

"Okay, sorry for the trouble, Merry Christmas."

The driver smiled and nodded.

Wen Xiaohui returned to the house with the gift box in his arms, and his classmates surrounded him: "Wow, is it a Christmas present? What is it?"

"I don't know." Wen Xiaohui rubbed his hands together and opened the gift box expectantly.

It is a latest kpro.

"Oh, pink heart-shaped greeting card!" A Spanish classmate quickly picked it up, opened it, cleared his throat, and said solemnly: "Give me the beautiful, cute and sexy Adrian, although I would like to pack myself and deliver it to my door." , so that you can see me naked and erect as soon as you open the gift box."

Everyone roared with laughter.

"Damn, do you know Chinese?" Wen Xiaohui laughed so hard, he snatched the greeting card and saw that Li Shuo wrote in neat and unrestrained handwriting: "Merry Christmas, we will meet some other day."

Wen Xiaohui felt his whole heart was warm.

He remembered that he had inadvertently complained to Li Shuo that his broken notebook couldn't carry large documents, and once when he was making a design drawing, the machine crashed and all the manuscripts were destroyed, which drove him crazy. So Li Shuo gave him a computer.

Li Shuo's care and gentleness made him feel warm in this foreign winter.

The classmates were very envious, gossiping around him, asking who gave it to him and if he was a boyfriend.

In a moment of vanity, Wen Xiaohui showed them Li Shuo's photo, which caused countless screams. There are very few straight men who come to this school to attend classes, and a group of gays are very immoral when they make jokes, and some jokes are even a bit obscene. It's not over.

The turkey that night was particularly bad, and the wine was not good, but Wen Xiaohui still drank too much, and he was a little giddy with joy.

After the clock struck midnight, it was a new year for the United States. Wen Xiaohui couldn't bear it anymore, so he hid in his room and called Li Shuo.

"Hello, Xiaohui." Li Shuo's elegant and pleasant voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

"Brother Li, haha." Wen Xiaohui couldn't help laughing.

"Did you drink too much?"

"Well, it's okay. I'm in the dormitory. If I drink too much, I'll go to bed."

"How many classmates do you share with?"

"Five, but they sometimes bring their boyfriends back. Fortunately, they have a separate room."

"Then you don't drink now, the whole room is gay, drinking too much can lead to chaos, this is very common in the United States, if you don't like that, then stay sober."

After hearing what he said, Wen Xiaohui regained consciousness immediately: "Oh, you're right." Just now he saw two male classmates who usually don't talk much kiss each other through alcohol.

"If someone wants to do something, remember to sternly say no."

"Don't worry, I'm not that drunk yet."

"I'm still a little worried, do you want me to go there?"

"No, you live in Manhattan, it's too far to come here. By the way, thank you for your gift. I just complained casually last time, but I didn't expect you to remember it."

Li Shuo smiled and said, "It's nothing, as long as I can help you, are you sure you don't need me to go there?"

"No, I'm fine, I'm just a little dizzy."

Li Shuo was silent for a while, and said with a low smile: "You look very attractive when you're drunk, I'm a little worried that others will see you."

Wen Xiaohui felt that the skin on his face was getting hotter, and thinking about Li Shuo's expression and eyes now, he felt his heart beat faster: " said to meet another day, when is it?"

"In three days, I want to spend time with my parents and deal with some things."

"Okay, I'm on vacation until the end of the year. Have you also spent the Spring Festival in the United States?"

"Should live here, anyway, the country will be on holiday soon. Seeing that you are used to life here, I am more relieved."

"It's been half a year, and I'm used to it anyway." Wen Xiaohui gently grabbed the fluff on the carpet with his fingernails, feeling a little paw scratching in his heart, he really wanted to see Li Shuo now, but unfortunately it was not the time.

The two chatted for a few more words, then hung up the phone, Wen Xiaohui stayed in an empty room, the door panel blocked most of the sound of the party outside, even though the noise still broke into his ears, he still felt a little Lonely.

His phone rang again, and when he picked it up, it was Luo Yi calling, and he pressed the call button almost without hesitation for a second: "Hello, Luo Yi."

"Brother Xiaohui, I'm drinking."

"Well, I spent Christmas with my classmates and had some drinks." Luo Yi's other end was very quiet, and Wen Xiaohui could even draw a picture in his mind. Luo Yi was sitting on the bed with his long legs bent, holding the phone, The huge room is filled with all kinds of strange things, but even if it is so full, it still makes people feel a deep sense of loneliness.

"Although it's not Chinese New Year yet, I don't know what's going on. I miss you very much today."

"I miss you very much too. Although it's very lively outside, the more lively it is, the more I miss home. I have to prick up my ears and listen carefully to every word they say, otherwise sometimes I can't understand it, and I'm tired. "

Luo Yi smiled and said, "When your one-year training is over, your English will definitely improve a lot."

"I've made great progress now." Wen Xiaohui said with a smile, "Fortunately, I can keep up now. What about you, is there anything new in school?"

"It doesn't matter, oh, I'm almost done with my junior credits, I should be able to get my diploma a year and a half earlier, so I can have time to do a double major."

"Ah, why didn't you tell me?"

Luo Yi smiled: "I really wanted to say it, you forget it."

"Really, I'm sure you said something advanced again and I lost my mind. You are really good enough. You skipped a grade in middle school and took credits in advance in college. I think you should be able to graduate before you are 20 years old."

"Well, that's my plan."

Wen Xiaohui said curiously: "You have such a plan, but I have never heard you say what you want to do in the future."

Luo Yi suddenly fell silent.

Wen Xiaohui said: "Did you never think about this question?"

"I thought about it, but I didn't think about it. I spend all my spare time on the company. After graduation, I won't have nothing to do anyway."

"Then you don't have any dreams? You see that you have such a wide range of interests and hobbies. To win this award or that award, I thought that a genius like you would have to take an unusual path. I didn't expect you to start a company."

Luo Yi smiled and said: "Yes, I fell into a cliché if I was not careful."

"It's not cliché, it's just a pity for your talent."

"In fact, I have a goal in my heart, which I have been working hard for."

"Oh, what target?"

"It's a very big and difficult goal." Luo Yi's voice suddenly became a little low, "I can't tell you now, it won't work if I say it."

"Hey." Wen Xiaohui laughed, "Keep it secret, okay, I won't ask, anyway, I think you can do anything, and I'm waiting to share the fruits of success with you."

"There really will be a day when you will be indispensable."

Wen Xiaohui was a little happy in his heart, he must have played a very positive role in Luo Yi's growth, as soon as he thought of this, he felt that his whole body became stalwart.

I don't know how long we chatted that day, anyway, he was so sleepy that he fell asleep later.

When he woke up the next day, he saw that there were several people lying on the bed in disorder. He got up in horror and looked at his clothes.

A few days later, Li Shuo called him and invited him to go skiing in the valley and soak in hot springs. Wen Xiaohui excitedly found out the swimming trunks he bought at a discount.

It was the same driver who delivered the gift last time, who drove Li Shuo to pick him up. After Wen Xiaohui got into the car, Li Shuo gave him a big hug: "Long time no see."

Wen Xiaohui blushed with a smile: "Long time no see."

Li Shuo touched his head tenderly: "You seem to be a little thinner."

"Yes, that's great."

"You are already thin enough, you should pay attention to your health."

"Don't worry, I often go to the community gym with my classmates, and I may look a little thinner, but my weight hasn't changed at all, it's all muscle."

Li Shuo smiled and said, "That's good."

"Where are you going to take me to play? I don't know how to ski."

"It's okay, it's easy to learn. My family has a hot spring villa in the valley, and there is a large ski resort nearby. We go there for vacation every winter."

"Uh, your family?"

"Don't worry, it's just the two of us this time."

Wen Xiaohui couldn't help swallowing.

Li Shuo probably also realized that what he said was ambiguous, so he couldn't help laughing first, and gave Wen Xiaohui a somewhat embarrassed look. That slightly embarrassed look made Wen Xiaohui's heart thump, and he almost couldn't hold it back.

After a long drive, they arrived at the resort.

The villa of Li Shuo's family was built on a small hillside. It is small and exquisite. There are more than 30 vacation villas like this in the whole community, each of which has its own hot spring. Coupled with the lush snow scenery, it is as beautiful as a fairyland.

The room has been packed in advance, Li Shuo took Wen Xiaohui to the guest room: "After sitting in the car for so long, you should take a rest first, I'll go prepare something to eat."

"Okay." Wen Xiaohui closed the door, put the things in the luggage away, then lay on the bed, took a deep breath, and in the next second, curled up his body, rolled a few times excitedly, and screamed in his heart.

ski! spa! villa! vacation! Lonely man and widowed man! Is Wen Xiaohui's historic moment approaching? With such a good atmosphere, such a great location, and such an impeccable person, he is sincere enough to have a date, so what reason does he not have to do something shameful with Li Shuo! Thinking of this, Wen Xiaohui blushed, nervous and full of anticipation.

After taking a shower, Wen Xiaohui walked out of the room. Li Shuo prepared sandwiches and fried chicken wings, and called him over for dinner: "Eat something to pad your stomach in the afternoon, and I will drive you around in a while to see the scenery. The hot spring is not yet open." Clean up and get ready, just go to the hot spring after skiing tomorrow."

"Okay." Wen Xiaohui sat at the table, looking at the snow scene outside the window, feeling intoxicated.

What Li Shuo brought him to see and experience was something he could only imagine before. I am afraid that no one would not be moved by a man like Li Shuo, but for some reason, he suddenly remembered that before he left, Li Shuo Talked to him in the bar.

If he slept with Li Shuo, then what should he be in Li Shuo's heart

He felt that he shouldn't care about these things, that he could play with them, and that's the way to live a happy life, but there was always a trace of restraint in his heart that prevented him from having fun without scruples. Was it because he was surrounded by Luo Rui, a traditional woman? Unknowingly instilling too many brainwashing things

After dinner, Li Shuo drove him around for a tour. Since Wen Xiaohui came to the United States, he hadn't gone to any farther places to play. He didn't have time for a while, and he didn't dare to spend money recklessly. Mr. Xue in New York City If it is not thick enough, it will become dirty after being sprinkled with snow remover. The pure natural and magnificent snow scene of the valley feasted his eyes. He excitedly took a lot of photos and rolled in the snow to his heart's content.

Li Shuo looked at his bright smile and felt very relaxed.

After dark, they returned to the vicinity of the villa, ate at a French restaurant, and did some shopping before returning to the villa.

After tidying up his things, Li Shuo said, "Xiaohui, go to bed early. We'll go skiing tomorrow morning. Go early and there are fewer people. It's better for beginners."

"Oh, good." Wen Xiaohui was still a little nervous at first, but when he heard this, he felt relieved, said good night, and went back to his room.

He slept well that night, but he had a rather strange dream. He dreamed that he was skiing, and the person next to him was Luo Yi...

Early the next morning, the two went to the ski resort.

When Wen Xiaohui put on the snowshoes, he felt that he could not walk anymore. He had just put on the snowshoes, and after taking two steps forward, he stumbled and fell to the ground.

Li Shuo smiled and pulled him up: "Don't worry, I'll teach you." Li Shuo led him to the novice training ground, and patiently taught Wen Xiaohui the posture, braking, center of gravity, and power point.

After learning for almost an hour, Wen Xiaohui felt that he was getting used to it, so he moved from the training ground to the primary snow track and started to try to slide.

As expected, there were few people in the morning, and he was free to run around without fear of bumping into people. Li Shuo was always behind him to protect him, allowing him to quickly master the balance and be able to skate independently.

Wen Xiaohui has good motor nerves. After getting started, he became more and more courageous. For the first time, he knew that skiing is so fun, and he kept moving to higher ski trails to challenge himself.

When eating at noon, Wen Xiaohui took off his clothes and ski equipment. He felt sore in his limbs and his whole body was going to be bad, but he was not satisfied yet, so he continued to skate after a short rest. Even Li Shuo admired his physical strength.

At the end of the day, Wen Xiaohui was so tired that he almost rolled his eyes, his whole body was protesting.

Li Shuo smiled and said, "It's just a matter of time to go to the hot spring to relieve fatigue at night."

"This itinerary is so well arranged." Wen Xiaohui wailed, "Oh my god, my arms, my legs... hurt so much."

"I told you to end it early, but you didn't listen."

"It's really fun."

"If you like, we can stay here for a few more days and let you have enough fun."


Back at the villa, the hot spring was ready, the two of them had dinner, Wen Xiaohui went back to the room to take a shower, and put on the newly bought swimming trunks in front of the mirror. As a result of his recent fitness, his body has become stronger, his abdominal muscles have emerged, his hip line has become more warped, and the two long legs alone are enough to attract people's imagination.

Wen Xiaohui shook his arms, and made up his mind, if something really happened tonight, then let everything happen more violently!

He put on his bathrobe and walked to the backyard.

The hot spring is semi-outdoor, and the moment the door was opened, a gust of cold wind came in, freezing Wen Xiaohui so much that he groaned. He quickly ran to the hot spring pool, took off his bathrobe and entered the water.

The moment the warm water wrapped his whole body, he no longer felt cold.

He waited for a long time, but Li Shuo didn't come. He listened carefully. Li Shuo seemed to be on the phone. After a while, Li Shuo came over with juice: "Sorry, I have something to do with the office."

"It's okay." Wen Xiaohui put his arms on the poolside, waiting anxiously for Li Shuo to take off his clothes.

Li Shuo put down the tray and took off his bathrobe.

Li Shuo's figure is as sexy as imagined. He usually wears clothes, and Wen Xiaohui has secretly described him many times. Now that he has taken off his clothes, his broad shoulders, pectoral and abdominal muscles, hips, and long legs are like walking out of a magazine. Same. Li Shuo's body was rather thin, and he didn't expect to be so pretentious after taking off his clothes. Wen Xiaohui couldn't help swallowing, feeling that he really couldn't control himself.

Li Shuo also got into the water quickly: "It's really cold."

"How did you design it outdoors?"

Li Shuo said with a smile: "You can soak in the hot spring while watching the snow outside. It's just for such a little sentiment, so I would rather be cold."

"It's worth it." Wen Xiaohui scooped up a handful of snow, put it in the water, and it melted instantly.

Li Shuo picked up a glass of juice and handed it to Wen Xiaohui: "Come."

Wen Xiaohui leaned his head against the poolside, sucked the sweet and sour hawthorn juice out of habit, and ran into the warm water, completely intoxicated.

Li Shuo said: "I may have to return to China early, and I won't be here to celebrate the new year. There are a lot of things in the office, and they don't stop before the year."

"Oh, what a pity, you can't accompany your parents either."

"It doesn't matter, they can go back to China this year, and we can still live together."

"That's good." Wen Xiaohui put down the juice and stretched his arms, "Brother Li, look." He wet his hair with water, then raised two corners of his hair, and stroked it with water a few times. He just froze, and he chuckled: "Look, look, my hair was cut recently, and now I have cat ears. If it grows longer, it can be made into rabbit ears."

Li Shuo laughed: "Creative."

"Do you want to try it?"

"Okay, future big stylist."

Wen Xiaohui leaned over, moistened Li Shuo's bangs with water, then rubbed them together, gathering the surrounding hair in the middle, and finally formed a sharp corner of his head. He picked up the mobile phone that was placed aside, and gave Li Shuo took a photo and then burst out laughing.

Li Shuo took a look at the phone, and couldn't help laughing.

Wen Xiaohui put down his phone: "Come on, change your look, I suddenly have an inspiration, for the next homework, I will find a model to take pictures of the frozen look in the hot spring." He reached out to play with Li Shuo's hair.

Li Shuo looked at him with a smile for a while, then suddenly reached out and hugged his waist.

Wen Xiaohui was stunned.

Li Shuo covered his lips tightly.