Additional Inheritance

Chapter 46


Compared with the first kiss, this kiss is much calmer. Luo Yi held the back of Wen Xiaohui's head with his big hand, tilted his head up slightly, and sucked those soft lips delicately and passionately. The peach-flavored lipstick made people want to swallow the owner of these lips one bite at a time.

Wen Xiaohui grabbed Luo Yi's shoulder unconsciously, not knowing if he wanted to push it away or hold on tight.

Since when did Luo Yi become so tall and strong? When we first met, he was obviously about the same size as him, with the youthful and thin skin of a teenager, and the ribs on the waist were clearly visible, but now, his shoulders are so wide that he can hardly hold them with one hand, and his chest muscles are pressing against him with each breath. chest. And that hot, hard kiss.

At this moment, Wen Xiaohui realized more clearly than ever that Luo Yi had become a man.

He recovered from the hot kiss, and pushed Luo Yi away in embarrassment.

Luo Yi licked his lips, and smiled faintly at Wen Xiaohui, there was a trace of bewilderment in those eyes, which made Wen Xiaohui's heart almost stop beating.

Wen Xiaohui took two steps back: "Well, I, I'm going back, you should go back to sleep too, be careful on the road, on the road."

Luo Yi nodded: "Let's celebrate our birthday together."

"Okay." Wen Xiaohui hurriedly turned around and ran upstairs.

Luo Yi looked at Wen Xiaohui's back until he disappeared into the corridor, but he didn't come back to his senses. After a long time, a sigh came from the empty neighborhood in the middle of the night.

Wen Xiaohui entered the room quietly, and when he opened the door of his room, he heard Luo Rui's small snoring, he got under the quilt with a stride, and the bear hugged Luo Rui: "I'm so cold."

Luo Rui was awakened: "You scared me to death, you, I just fell asleep."

"It's only been a few minutes since you went down. Your sleep is really good enough, just touch the pillow."

"Be jealous." Luo Rui snorted, "Why did you come up so soon?"

"Then why, it's cold outside?"

"Didn't do anything?"

"Fuck, what are you doing? Have sex?"

Luo Rui smiled and said, "Are you looking forward to it?"

"Get out." Wen Xiaohui thought for a while, then laughed, "I'm kissing."

"I knew it!" Luo Rui scratched his waist vigorously, "I'm so annoying to you!"

Wen Xiaohui laughed while hiding, and said out of breath, "Help me make a cake...haha..."

The next day, Wen Xiaohui and his mother went to the police station first. The community surveillance came out. Due to the low light, only a suspicious figure was photographed. He was wearing a black jacket, a peaked cap and sunglasses. When he walked out of the community, he appeared to be Not flustered at all.

The police said: "This thief is really puzzling. It is rare to see people stealing things at seven or eight o'clock. Usually, it is at three or four o'clock in the middle of the night when people sleep the deepest, or during the day when the family is at work. People who steal things at this time usually just bump into them by chance and do so on a whim, but judging by this person's disguise, it's definitely not a whim."

"Did he squat a bit?" Wen Xiaohui felt shuddering. It is said that they are not afraid of thieves stealing, but they are afraid of thieves thinking about it. The thought that their house was once monitored by a villain in secret makes people get goosebumps all over their bodies.

"Probably, otherwise seven or eight o'clock in the evening is the time for people to rest at home after eating. How can he be so sure that there is no one at home?"

Feng Yuehua's face was a little pale, and he held Wen Xiaohui's hand nervously.

The police asked some more questions, then said they had been informed and let them go.

Walking out of the police station, Feng Yuehua sighed heavily: "If your father was still around, this would never have happened."

Wen Xiaohui felt uncomfortable when he heard that, he put his arms around his mother's shoulder: "Mom, this kind of thing has to be thought of in a good direction. First, we are safe, and second, we have not lost anything. We may lose our wallet while walking. It’s no big deal if you get a thief, after this incident, the security guards in our community are now more diligent.”

Feng Yuehua nodded: "Now that you've been promoted, you don't have to be on duty late, so you will go to your colleague's house less and stay at home more."

"I know."

"That colleague of yours hasn't been married for the past two years, and has been letting you live with her."

"No, I added money to her later, her house has a lot of empty rooms."


Wen Xiaohui looked at his mother's worried look, and wanted to tell the story of Luo Yi several times impulsively, but finally held back. But he can't hide it for long. He will soon inherit part of Yaya's inheritance and house, and he will definitely change to a better house at that time. At that time, he must confess to his mother. He thought to himself, it would be a day if it could be delayed, and he was terrified at the thought of facing his fucking anger.

In order to choose an eighteenth birthday present for Luo Yi, Wen Xiaohui really put in a lot of thought. In the end, he spent a month's salary to buy Luo Yi a carbon-fiber dead fly track bike, with a super cool silver-white metallic paint body, and a total weight of only 11 kilograms. Even Wen Xiaohui, who is not interested in bicycles, thinks this thing looks really exciting.

He tied a pink bow and a greeting card on the handlebar, and asked the store to deliver it on Luo Yi's birthday. Then, he made cakes and dishes in the kitchen of Luo Rui's house. This time on Luo Yi's birthday, he was finally able to show off his cooking skills.

In a blink of an eye, it was Luo Yi's birthday.

Wen Xiaohui didn't go to work that day, but spent the whole morning treating himself to a full-body spa, then carefully put on light makeup, had his hair done, changed his clothes, looked at himself in the mirror, and was quite satisfied, so he put on a spa The car rushed to Luo Yi's house.

As soon as Luo Yi opened the door, what he saw was Wen Xiaohui with a pink face, exquisite eyebrows and eyes, and a faint scent of perfume, just like a freshly baked cake, full of color and fragrance.

"Happy eighteenth birthday!" Wen Xiaohui smiled brightly.

Luo Yi smiled and said, "Thank you."

Wen Xiaohui put the cake and seafood in his hand into the kitchen: "When I was in America, I learned a lot of cooking. Today I will show you a few tricks."

"Really?" Luo Yi leaned against the door, said with a faint smile, "You just got your nails done, or I'll do it."

"It's okay. You have been cooking for me for more than two years. I will replace it with you today to ensure that it tastes good." Wen Xiaohui began to cut salmon while humming.

"Then I'll help you." Luo Yi began to help wash the vegetables.

Wen Xiaohui turned his head and saw that Luo Yi was right next to him, his slender, white fingers shuttled among the emerald green beans, washing vegetables was such a down-to-earth thing, but Luo Yi did it with elegance. The sound of rushing water and the song escaping from his mouth made him feel that the years were quiet and peaceful, supremely satisfied, and a delicate happiness surged in his chest.

"What are you going to do with the beans?" Luo Yi put the washed and picked beans in the basket.

"Dry stir-fry." Wen Xiaohui proudly picked up a piece of plump and tender salmon, "Is this knife skillful? I had a roommate from Japan at the time, and he taught me to cut according to the texture."

"It's great." Luo Yi stood behind Wen Xiaohui, poked his head over his shoulder, opened his mouth and let out an "ah".

Wen Xiaohui tilted his head slightly, Luo Yi's handsome profile was only two or three centimeters away from him, so close that he could admire Luo Yi's smooth skin, and the slight heat emanating from that skin, he wanted to burn his face too hot. His heart beat twice, and he stuffed the piece of salmon into Luo Yi's mouth.

Luo Yi's lips softly slid over Wen Xiaohui's fingers, and that moment, which was so short that it could be counted in milliseconds, made people's hearts surge.

Wen Xiaohui lowered his head in a concealed manner, just as he was about to continue cutting the salmon, but Luo Yi suddenly grabbed his chin and forced him to tilt his head. The next second, a slightly rough kiss stuck to him, sucking the kiss violently, the heat wave Immediately swept through his brain.

Wen Xiaohui's eyes widened, really not used to Luo Yi's sudden boldness.

Luo Yi pulled his body over, tightly gripped his thin waist, pushed his gums domineeringly with his tongue, sweeping every inch of his mouth.

Wen Xiaohui was stunned. He wanted to push Luo Yi away, but his wrist was firmly grasped, and he couldn't even move his body.

Luo Yi was like a caged beast that had just been released, licking Wen Xiaohui's lips with the momentum of wanting to swallow him into his stomach.

"Hmm...Luo Yi..." Wen Xiaohui's face flushed red, such a sudden change of Luo Yi was hard for him to accept, he tried his best to hit Luo Yi hard.

Only then did Luo Yi stop the plundering, but he still didn't let go of Wen Xiaohui's waist, panting heavily: "Brother Xiaohui, can't I kiss you?"

Wen Xiaohui's face was on fire: "What's wrong with you today, it's so scary."

Luo Yi's black eyes seemed to be brewing a storm of lust: "I am a man now, and you are no longer my guardian. I don't need to suppress all the things I want to do to you."

Wen Xiaohui felt his face was bleeding, he stuttered for a long time, facing such a strong Luo Yi, he didn't know what to say.

Luo Yi pinched his chin, and lightly licked the red and swollen lips that had been kissed: "Brother Xiaohui, I really want to kiss you as much as I want, and I want to take off your clothes... can't you? You like me too, right? "

Wen Xiaohui tremblingly said: "I...but..."

"You like me, otherwise why did you reject Li Shuo?" Luo Yi said with a light smile, "You are really good-looking and delicious today, no matter what kind of gift you prepared for me, what I want most is you. "

Wen Xiaohui only heard a buzzing sound in his head, as if it exploded.

Luo that so? No, that's not right, Luo Yi has a gentle smile and a delicate personality, he will simply ask for a hug and a kiss on the forehead, and even show a shy expression. Who is this evil-looking and powerful man? It is undeniable that Luo Yi's heart is almost jumping out now, but he still feels very at a loss, because he seems to have discovered another side of Luo Yi, as if Luo Yi has n sides, and he can't see them all .

Luo Yi bit his lower lip lightly, and said in a low hoarse and ambiguous way: "Is that okay? Will you give me the adult gift I want?" There was a hint of coquettishness in that tone.

Wen Xiaohui only hopes that now he can summon Luo Rui's little staff officer to help him straighten out his messy brain, nervous and shy, he can't even speak.

Just then, the doorbell rang to save him.

Luo Yi smiled and said, "Could it be your gift?"

Wen Xiaohui finally recovered his voice: "Well, you, you go and have a look."

Luo Yi let go of him with some pity, and turned to open the door.

Wen Xiaohui leaned his back against the wall, took a few deep breaths, his face was still on fire.

The gift Luo Yi wanted most...

Wen Xiaohui shook his head, recalling Luo Yi's vigorous chest muscles and powerful arms, he felt a faint sense of expectation in his heart. Could tonight be his big moment? !

It seems not bad...

After waiting for a while, only listening to the low-pitched conversation coming from the door, and not hearing any surprise sounds from Luo Yi, Wen Xiaohui felt a little strange. Could it be that he doesn't like court cars

Just as he was about to go to the living room to have a look, he heard hurried footsteps coming towards the kitchen, no, it should be said to be running.

Before Wen Xiaohui had time to react, Luo Yi had already rushed into the kitchen with a fierce look on his face!

"Luo Yi, what's the matter?" Wen Xiaohui was startled by Luo Yi's hideous expression.

Luo Yi quickly said: "Brother Xiaohui, you can go back now."

"... Huh?" Wen Xiaohui thought he had heard wrong.

"You go back now." Luo Yi repeated again, in a commanding tone.

Wen Xiaohui was dumbfounded, and asked in a daze: "Why?" One second they were kissing and hugging intensely, and the next second they let him go? What is it all about.

Luo Yi didn't talk nonsense with him, grabbed his arm and dragged him out.

Wen Xiaohui burst into anger suddenly, what the hell is going on! He said angrily: "What the hell are you crazy about, we just..."

The next second, he shut up.

There were two people standing at the door, all wearing black suits, one he had seen in real life, the bodyguard who came to give gifts last year, and the other he had seen photos, on the fourth floor of this villa, the one was shot by Luo Yi with an arrow Hollow photos!

It was that person, Luo Yi's father!

Wen Xiaohui suddenly felt his legs go weak.

This man is taller and majestic than he looks in the photo. His lips are not pursed into a straight line, his eyes are as sharp as a falcon, and he stares into his flesh. Just feeling his aura makes people feel that their hearts are overloaded. .

Luo Yi intentionally turned his side to cover Wen Xiaohui's face, but everyone knew it was futile.

Wen Xiaohui stopped resisting, Ren Luoyi dragged him towards the door.

When passing by that person, Wen Xiaohui could feel that person looked down at him, and he felt chills.

After Luo Yi pulled Wen Xiaohui outside the door, without saying a word, he slammed the door in front of him.

Wen Xiaohui looked at the closed solid wooden door, and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Trembling, he stepped down the steps and walked out of the villa like a soulless child.

It wasn't until he walked to the gate of the villa area that the oppressive feeling in his heart eased a little.

That man was so scary, but just meeting him made him feel the fear. Luo Yi is now facing him... Will Luo Yi be in danger? Why did that person come to the door in person on this day? Is it related to the inheritance, or is it simply to visit the son

Wen Xiaohui's mind was in a mess, the warmth and sweetness just now were swept away, and the whole sky seemed to be overcast. This eighteenth birthday, which he and Luo Yi had been looking forward to for a long time, was completely ruined.

He touched his pocket, only his mobile phone, he even left his wallet in Luo Yi's place. It was impossible for him to go back to get it, so he had to take out his mobile phone, ready to call Luo Rui to pick him up, and take him in by the way, he knew that his mother had probably spent the night at Ian's place, and he didn't have a key, so he couldn't get in the door when he went back.

Unexpectedly, when the call came, Luo Rui turned off the phone. He yelled at his mother in frustration, startling the passers-by.

What now? Whether walking home or going to Luo Rui's shop, he would be exhausted to death. Why did this bastard Luo Rui choose to shut down the phone at such a critical moment!

He was wandering aimlessly on the street. At this time, the lights were on and it was dinner time. The smell of food was wafting everywhere in the street. The passers-by were either accompanied or walked in a hurry. They must have plans, but he was at a loss. I don't know where to go.

Thinking of his long-awaited and long-planned day, in the end it ended with him wandering the streets and not even being able to sit on the bus, coupled with worrying about Luo Yi, his nose felt sour, and he felt aggrieved. cry.

At this time, the phone rang, and he picked it up expectantly to see that it was Li Shuo calling. He couldn't help being disappointed, but he thought that he could ask Li Shuo for help and send him to Luo Rui's house.

"Hello, Brother Li."

"Xiaohui." Li Shuo's voice came from a noisy environment, which sounded like a bar or something, and he said with a smile, "Today is my friend's birthday, and someone who came with me knows you. Don't you want to come over for a drink or two?"

"Oh, who is it?"

"It's called Haozi."

Wen Xiaohui tried hard to search his memory, and finally remembered such a person, Luo Rui wanted to introduce him to him back then, but he didn't like that one: "Oh, I've met." Wen Xiaohui hesitated for a moment, really didn't want to spend this day alone, His current mood really needs to be lively, so he said, "Okay, I'll go over."

"I'll send you the address."

"Brother Li."


Wen Xiaohui said embarrassedly: "Well, I didn't bring my wallet when I went out. I'll take a taxi there in a while, can you pay the fare for me?"

Li Shuo chuckled: "Come on, you forgetful personality."

Wen Xiaohui took a taxi and rushed to the bar.

When he arrived at the place, Li Shuo came out to pay him the fare, Wen Xiaohui said coyly, "It's really embarrassing."

Li Shuo rubbed his hair: "You are so beautifully dressed today, you must have a date, why did you forget to bring your wallet?"

Wen Xiaohui sighed: "Don't mention it, it's a day that can't be described in words."

Li Shuo smiled: "Then don't mention it, go in and have a drink."

"Let's go!" Wen Xiaohui felt that he really needed to drink a few cups to relieve his depression.

"By the way, your friend..."

"Oh, he's not my friend." Wen Xiaohui explained, "We just had a drink together once, and speaking of it, it was the time I struck up a conversation with you at the bar."

Li Shuo raised his eyebrows and said, "What a coincidence?"

"Yeah, two years have passed, time flies too fast." Wen Xiaohui smiled, "I still remember that at that time, you still loved to ignore me."

Li Shuo blinked: "Is there?"

"Yes, I can hold a grudge."

Li Shuo smiled lightly: "Then you can take revenge now."

Wen Xiaohui suddenly felt a little embarrassed, he shouldn't bring up this topic.

Li Shuo hugged his shoulders and helped him avoid a drunk person walking towards him. Wen Xiaohui inadvertently smelled Li Shuo's perfume mixed with alcohol, which was not pleasant, but it gave him a sense of security. For a mature and considerate person like Li Shuo, what he can best give people is a sense of security all the time.

Li Shuo took him into the box, and a group of people were singing. Wen Xiaohui saw Haozi sitting in the corner at a glance. Haozi looked a little fatter, but overall he was quite handsome. The moment he saw him, Haozi's His eyes lit up, and he took the initiative to come over to say hello.

Wen Xiaohui smiled and shook hands with him: "Long time no see."

Haozi seemed to have drunk a lot, and he spoke with a bit of a tongue: "I saw you on TV the other day, you are now a master of makeup."

Wen Xiaohui laughed and said: "That's the effect of the show, bragging."

"Anyway, you are more beautiful and confident now than before." Haozi looked at him affectionately, "I really regret not chasing you with all my strength."

Wen Xiaohui smiled faintly, somewhat embarrassed in front of a room full of strangers.

Li Shuo politely put his arms around Wen Xiaohui's arm: "Come on, everyone sit down." After speaking, he took Wen Xiaohui to sit next to him.

Haozi was stunned for a moment, a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

Li Shuo introduced his friends to Wen Xiaohui, and then the two found a quiet corner to chat and drink.

"Why, Haozi chased you?"

"It doesn't count. After we met, I asked me out twice. I heard from my friend that he was a bit messy, so I didn't go out with him."

Li Shuo nodded with a smile: "Of course you deserve better."

Wen Xiaohui felt relieved when he was praised, but when he thought of Luo Yi, his mood instantly sank.

His expression was captured by Li Shuo: "What's wrong?"

Wen Xiaohui shook his head.

"Let me guess, you were out on a date today, but you were let go, right?"

Wen Xiaohui said helplessly: "Brother Li, some words are inappropriate to say, so just pretend you don't know."

Li Shuo smiled and said, "I'm sorry, but I'm also a little angry when I think of you being let go. Why don't you date me in the first place."

Wen Xiaohui swung the glass and drank it down: "Don't talk about this, please, let's have a drink."

Li Shuo grabbed his wrist: "Don't be in such a hurry to drink, do you really want to get drunk?"

Wen Xiaohui was stunned, then withdrew his hand and remained silent.

Li Shuo said: "What kind of person is the person you're dating? Is he fine?"

Wen Xiaohui smiled wryly: "It seems that I can't compare to you."

Li Shuo raised his eyebrows: "You mean that he is not as good as me, but you rejected me. It sounds even more depressing than that person is better than me."

Wen Xiaohui shook his head: "I didn't mean that."

Li Shuo sighed: "But you like him, don't you?"

Wen Xiaohui looked at Li Shuo in a daze: "Sometimes I can't tell if I really like him, or what it is...Brother Li, am I being too hypocritical."