Additional Inheritance

Chapter 5


Before Cao Hai sent them to a villa complex, this community should have been around for a long time, but it was very well maintained, and the occupancy rate was 100%, because the location is excellent and the housing prices are extremely expensive.

Luo Yi took the bicycle off his shoulders: "Uncle Cao, thank you, please drive carefully."

"Okay, take care of yourself too."

Wen Xiaohui shook hands with Cao Hai, stared at Cao Hai with big eyes unblinking, and let out a veiled discharge: "Goodbye, Lawyer Cao."

Cao Hai smiled, waved his hand and left.

Luo Yi stood next to the two of them, narrowed his eyes slightly, and smiled playfully: "Brother Xiaohui, come in."

Wen Xiaohui walked into the community side by side with him: "Hey, Lawyer Cao is a nice guy, how old is he?"

"Thirty-two seems to be. He is a very good man with a win-win career and family, and a very smart man."

Wen Xiaohui was a little disappointed: "Oh, he's married."

"Yes what's the matter?"

"It's okay." Wen Xiaohui changed the topic: "You and my sister have been living here?"

"I've been living here."

"what does it mean."

"I grew up here, but my mother didn't come back very often."

"Then where is she?"

"Get busy with business, there are other things I don't know about." Luo Yi said casually.

The two of them parked in front of a three and a half storey villa. The fourth floor was half an attic and half a roof garden. Luo Yi put the car in the yard.

Wen Xiaohui said: "Don't you lock it?"

"This neighborhood is very safe, there are surveillance cameras everywhere, it's fine." Luo Yi opened the door and smiled at Wen Xiaohui, "Welcome to my house."

Wen Xiaohui walked in. The interior is very clean, with simple and elegant decoration. There is a pure white grand piano standing in the center of the living room. The house is a bit cold. He couldn't help asking: "You lived in such a big house by yourself when you were young? Then who will take care of you?" ?”

"When I was young, I had a nanny, but when I grow up, I don't need other people to take care of me."

Wen Xiaohui frowned. As a person who was brought up by his parents, he couldn't imagine what it would be like if his parents were not around. Luo Yi was considered a single-parent family, and his mother often didn't come back. How lonely would that be? He was not the type to hold back his words, so he blurted out, "What about your father?"

After asking, Wen Xiaohui regretted it, because he saw Luo Yi's back obviously stiffened, and Luo Yi said plainly: "It's rare."

Wen Xiaohui didn't dare to ask any more casual questions. He looked around and his eyes fell on a wall of photos. On the wall were photos of Luo Yaya and Luo Yi from different periods, childhood, youth, and youth. He hadn't seen the photos of Yaya when she was young for many years. That face was really beautiful, and it was perfectly passed on to Luo Yi. The mother and son looked very similar. When he looked at Luo Yi, it was as if he saw the youthful and vigorous Luo Yaya back then, the sister he admired, loved and was most proud of, now only existed in his memory.

On the display cabinet under the photo wall, there are a row of trophies and certificates. Wen Xiaohui walked over to look at them. He knew the ones written in Chinese. There were many first prizes in the Mathematical Olympiad, the first prize in the International Physics Competition, and even archery and skiing. trophies, piano and other competitions, he didn’t recognize those English ones and a bunch of messy characters, he grabbed one and turned his head to ask Luo Yi: “Wow, you are so awesome, dear, what are these.”

Luo Yi was boiling water: "What you hold in your hand is the trophy for the junior champion of the International Muay Thai Competition. I won these in various competitions. What do you drink?"

"How many games have you participated in?"

"Well, quite a lot, mathematics, physics and chemistry, debating, inventions, languages, archery, shooting, skiing, and muay thai are better for me, piano and cello are okay, equestrian, tennis and fencing are relatively amateur. I am energetic Exuberant, restless, so I like to learn more things. Brother Xiaohui, what do you drink? Is tea okay?"

Wen Xiaohui's chin couldn't bear the force of gravity a little bit, he was almost blinded by Luo Yi's halo of being a top student, he stammered and said, "No, I'll drink Coke."

"Sorry, there is no Coke at home, let me squeeze juice for you."

"Okay." Trembling, Wen Xiaohui put the trophy back and straightened it. Then he clasped his hands together and bowed to the table of trophies and certificates, hoping that he could gain some glory as a top student.

As soon as Luo Yi turned around, he happened to see Wen Xiaohui's move, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

Wen Xiaohui was sitting on the sofa, and Luo Yi put a glass of green juice in front of him: "Cucumber and kiwi."

Wen Xiaohui took it and took a sip. The taste couldn't be said to be unpalatable, but it wasn't very delicious either. He frowned: "Add some sugar or honey."

Luo Yi stared at his face: "Both of these are for drainage of swelling, and it will be better if you don't add them."

Wen Xiaohui touched his face nervously: "Are my face and eyelids still swollen? I'm going to end up with fine lines. My usual face is a bit smaller than this, and my eyes are a bit bigger than now, really. "

"I know."

"you know?"

"I've seen your picture."

"Huh? My sister showed it to you?"


The two fell into an awkward silence. Originally, even if they were strangers, it was difficult to find a topic to talk about for a while. Wen Xiaohui thought for a while and said, "Why is your IQ so high? What did you eat to grow up?"

Luo Yi smiled and said, "It's natural."

"You're only fifteen years old and you still have to go to school, how do you have time to learn so many things?"

"It's too difficult for you to think about those things. I only participate in the competitions of the youth group, and most of the people are just for fun."

Wen Xiaohui thought to himself, even if it was just for fun, it would be great for ordinary people to understand a thing or two. He remembered that although Yaya was very smart, her IQ was not high enough to crush others, and she actually gave birth to such a genius son .

Luo Yi said: "Brother Xiaohui, are you hungry, why don't you eat here tonight."

"Okay, do you do it? I can't do it."

Luo Yi smiled and said, "I'll do it." He picked up a pen and wrote down a string of numbers, "Wifi password, you play, I'll cook."


After Luo Yi left, Wen Xiaohui collapsed on the big leather sofa in a disfigured manner, and closed his eyes.

Everything that happened today is very unreal, he still feels like a dream, has he really become the guardian of a strange boy genius? He has no concept of the word "guardian" at all, and he doesn't know what he can do for Luo Yi, obviously Luo Yi is smarter and more capable than him. Moreover, such a big matter was kept from his mother, and he signed it recklessly, and now he dare not tell his mother even more.

But how could he refuse, when Yaya begged him in the letter, when Luo Yi said that Yaya wanted to give him a relative...

Wen Xiaohui sighed, he spent a day that seemed calm but was actually crazy.

The sofa was very comfortable, the whole body was sinking in, but it was well supported, and Wen Xiaohui fell asleep in a daze.

Not long after sleeping, he heard someone calling him in his ear.

He opened his eyes, facing a pair of big and bright pupils, Luo Yi's face was so close that he could clearly see the fine hair on Luo Yi's face.

This skin is really tender enough to squeeze out water, Wen Xiaohui thought enviously. He yawned, "I fell asleep?"

"Well, if you're sleepy, you can sleep here after dinner."

"No, if I don't go back at night, my mother should blame me."

Luo Yi smiled: "She still cares about you when you're an adult."

"Come on, it's fierce." Wen Xiaohui took a breath, "It smells so good, what did you do?"

"Omelet rice."

Wen Xiaohui smiled: "You also like to eat omelet rice."

"You like to eat."

Wen Xiaohui was stunned: "My sister told you?"

Luo Yi nodded: "Mom said that you like her omelet rice the most."

Wen Xiaohui's expression darkened, he couldn't tell what it was like, he was sad, but also moved.

Luo Yi lifted his chin lightly, and said softly, "I said, don't be sad for mom, you should be happy for her."

Luo Yi's voice was indescribably seductive, Wen Xiaohui lost his mind for a moment, he shook his head: "I can't understand your thoughts, people are gone when they die, never to be touched, heard or seen again How could it not be sad, how could it be happy for her. "

"Thinking that she is free and doesn't have to suffer anymore, why not be happy for her?"

"What about you?" Wen Xiaohui's voice trembled a little, "Aren't you sad that you lost your mother?"

Luo Yi smiled lightly and didn't answer, just said: "Come and eat."

Wen Xiaohui felt a little awkward in his heart. It was the first time he saw someone with Luo Yi's thinking. Could it be that the brain circuit of a person with a high IQ is different from that of a normal person

Sitting at the dining table, looking at the bright yellow omelet rice lying on the white bone china plate, Wen Xiaohui felt his nose a little sore, he tasted it, and it tasted exactly the same as he remembered.

Luo Yi asked, "Is it delicious?"

"Delicious." Wen Xiaohui looked at him, "Does my sister often mention me to you?"

"Well, often mentioned, you will also show me your photo." Luo Yi paused, "I also took me to your school to see you, but you didn't know it."

"Why?" Wen Xiaohui couldn't understand, "For so many years, I know that she has a child, but I don't know how old it is, whether it's a boy or a girl, and she never said, why didn't she bring you to see me before?"

"She doesn't want to cause trouble for you and Ms. Feng." Luo Yi said lightly.

Wen Xiaohui knew that it probably had something to do with Luo Yi's biological father again, so he swallowed the question back to his stomach.

Luo Yi's spoon collided with the bone china plate, and the crisp sound echoed in the silence between the two of them, making them seem extraordinarily lonely.

Luo Yi whispered: "So, even though you don't know my existence, I always regard you as a relative."

Wen Xiaohui looked at the young man with his head lowered, his eyelashes trembling slightly, and his face full of youthfulness and innocence. He felt pity for him. He stretched out his hand and rubbed his hair: "We are relatives. Brother Xiaohui will protect you from now on." .”

After eating, Luo Yi said: "Brother Xiaohui, do you want to visit the house?"

"Okay." Wen Xiaohui wiped his mouth with a tissue, and carefully applied lip balm.


The first floor is mainly the living room, kitchen, nanny room and storage room. There are three rooms on the second floor. Luo Yi pushed open the door closest to the stairs: "This is mother's room. The next door has been opened. It's hers. The cloakroom is opposite the fitness room."

Wen Xiaohui supported the door frame, his steps were a little heavy.

Luo Yi pressed close to his ear and said, "Go in and have a look."

Wen Xiaohui sighed in his heart and walked in.

Contrary to the elegant and simple decoration of the whole villa, Luo Yaya's room is luxuriously furnished. The pure solid wood Italian furniture and the thick mink fur blanket on the bed show the owner's taste and wealth. All the furnishings in the room are very regular, as if no one has touched it for a long time, but the wooden floor has just been waxed and is spotless. This conflict makes the whole room even colder.

There is a photo of Luo Yaya hanging on the bedside. In the photo, she is full of jewels, with sharp eyebrows, and she is so beautiful. Wen Xiaohui has never seen such a Luo Yaya. The Luo Yaya in his memory will not be so cold and cold. Sharp look.

Wen Xiaohui walked to the dressing table. The huge dressing table was like a showcase of beauty products, Wen Xiaohui dreamed of everything on it, but for the first time in his life, facing these treasures, his mind was not on them.

Luo Yi said: "You can take whatever you like, and it's a waste if it expires."

Wen Xiaohui's hand slid over those exquisitely shaped perfume bottles, and finally landed on a quaint comb. He picked up the comb and brought it to the tip of his nose. There was a strong log scent, and he said, "Jade sandalwood?"

Luo Yi nodded.

Wen Xiaohui shook his head: "What the hell has my sister been doing these past few years? A comb costs tens of thousands. Cao Hai called her 'Mr. Luo'..." He turned his head, looking straight into Luo Yi's eyes, "Tell me the truth, Did she do something illegal?"

Luo Yi said: "I don't know, I know almost nothing about her."

"You're so smart, you really don't know anything? You know she's in pain and despair, and you know she's been cheated, but you said it yourself, but you don't know why she's in pain, despair, and cheated?" Wen Xiaohui His voice was shrill and trembling. He was not a character who could hide his words. Although he was repeatedly warned not to get to the bottom of Luo Yaya's death, a living person disappeared for no reason. How could he act like nothing happened?

Luo Yi frowned, with a trace of grievance in his eyes, he whispered, "I really don't know."

Wen Xiaohui looked at Luo Yi's terrified look, thought he was frightening him, and suddenly softened his attitude. He touched Luo Yi's face: "I'm not targeting you, you don't know... just forget it."

Luo Yi nodded, looking a little pitiful.

Wen Xiaohui said: "Leave this comb as a souvenir for me."


Wen Xiaohui walked to Luo Yaya's cloakroom, and was shocked again. The whole huge room was Luo Yaya's clothes, shoes, bags, and jewelry showroom, and this was just a home she didn't come back to often. Wen Xiaohui sighed: "Even if my sister doesn't leave you anything, you can eat these things for a lifetime if you sell them."

"I won't sell it, but I can give it to you if you like it."

Wen Xiaohui felt unbearably disappointed, he saw a lot of things that he usually only coveted, but he didn't see what he really wanted to see - the trace of his sister in his memory, the one who brought him up since he was a child, and saved his breakfast money for him. He bought ice cream, and in order to save two yuan in the fare, his sister who was sleeping on his back and walked two kilometers home, and the queen in this luxurious castle, seemed to be different.

He shook his head, trying to get out of that depressed emotion, and pretended to be relaxed and asked, "How do you know I like it?"

Luo Yi leaned against the door frame, with a half-smile: "I read your blog, it's very interesting."

Wen Xiaohui thought of his Weibo, and felt embarrassed for about a second, because his Weibo content was mainly divided into three categories: makeup and styling tutorials, selfies of various poses, and pictures of muscular men. But he quickly let go of it, he is what he is, he doesn't care whether others think he's a mother or a gay, and how others want to care about his business. He proudly said: "I became popular very quickly, it's only been over a year, do you know why?"

Luo Yi smiled and said, "Why?"

"Of course it's because I'm beautiful." Wen Xiaohui poked his cheek in the mirror.

Luo Yi said seriously, "It makes sense."

Wen Xiaohui smiled at him: "Go, let's go to your room and have a look."

Luo Yi's room was on the third floor, and Wen Xiaohui was dumbfounded the moment he opened the door. Luo Yi opened up the entire third floor, so the room is very large, every corner and every wall in the room is fully utilized, countless things are placed, but at the same time it can be kept neat and clean.

Wen Xiaohui has never seen anyone's room so difficult to classify, because it has everything. A large number of books, three computers, game consoles, cameras, various models, handicrafts, collectibles, musical instruments, sporting goods, gunpla and ancient European copper coins can appear in a showcase, and ski equipment and sheepskin lamps are placed in a corner In short, these things are from Chinese to Western, from ancient to modern, from primitive to high-tech, from two-dimensional to three-dimensional, just like a concentrated department store. harmonious.

Wen Xiaohui sighed: "There are too many things in your room."

Luo Yi smiled and said, "I told you, I have a wide range of interests, and the attic on the fourth floor is also full of my things."

"It's really broad enough." Wen Xiaohui sat at the desk, playing with a very beautiful pen.

Luo Yi bent down, with his chest almost touching Wen Xiaohui's neck, grabbed his hand, and opened the cap of the pen.

Wen Xiaohui suddenly felt a little awkward, Luo Yi was too close to him, so close that he could smell the warmth of Luo Yi's body, the soft stubble scratched his cheek gently, as if itching all the way into his heart. His breathing was a little heavy: "what are you doing?"

Luo Yi said softly: "Suddenly want to write your name."

Wen Xiaohui's body froze, what was going on with this ambiguous atmosphere of killing a thousand swords? He is gay, and he can't have fantasies about a fifteen-year-old child, let alone his sister's child.

Luo Yi grabbed his hand and wrote the three characters "Wen Xiaohui" on the paper. The strokes were as vigorous as an ax chisel, and the atmosphere was natural, not like it was written by a young man.

Wen Xiaohui withdrew his hand and praised: "Your handwriting is so beautiful."


Wen Xiaohui was inexplicably nervous, he stood up, wanted to divert his attention, and his eyes fell on the bookshelf in front of him: "Hey, you finally have something I am interested in here." The perfume bottle, with hollow golden patterns and inlaid gemstones, is quite nomadic. He sniffed it at the tip of his nose. It was well sealed and the fragrance was very light. "Well, it smells good."

"This is not perfume." Luo Yi said.

"what is that?"

"It's an aphrodisiac, or poison, that has been passed down by the Gypsies for thousands of years."


Luo Yi said with a smile: "The concentration of this formula is very low, and I prepared it myself. If the concentration is high, it will be very 'sexual' when you open it and smell it. If you take it directly, it can kill you."

Wen Xiaohui put the bottle back to its original place: "You child, do you study these weird things all day long, and no one cares about you?"

Luo Yi blinked, his eyes were surprisingly gentle: "You can control me."

Wen Xiaohui was inexplicably afraid to look into Luo Yi's eyes, he rolled his eyes: "I can't control it, I will get wrinkles if I worry too much, I have to go back."

Luo Yi grabbed his arm: "Brother Xiaohui, stay with me for a while."

"It's getting dark, and there will be no cars any later."

"Then you stay here tonight."

"No, my mother will scold me."

Luo Yi lowered his head and whispered: "It's been a long time since anyone other than me has been here. It feels so good to have someone at home talk to me. I really don't want you to leave."

Wen Xiaohui's scalp felt numb, and he couldn't say anything if he wanted to leave. Luo Yi must be very lonely living alone in such a big house...

Wen Xiaohui struggled for a long time before saying: "Then... I'll call my mother."

Luo Yi immediately smiled, and that smile was not an exaggeration to describe it as blooming flowers, and Wen Xiaohui immediately felt that being scolded was no big deal.

After all, he didn't dare to make a phone call. He made up a reason and sent a text message to his mother, and then turned off the phone. In fact, he couldn't lie to his mother at all. Even if he went back, he would be scolded. It's better to be quiet and quiet tonight.

Luo Yi looked very happy: "Brother Xiaohui, where do you want to sleep at night? Because no outsiders come to my house, so there is no guest room. The nanny's room has not been cleaned for a long time, so there is no way to live in it. Do you want to live in mother's room?"

Wen Xiaohui shook his head immediately. Although he missed Luo Yaya very much, he was really timid and a bit superstitious.

"Then you can sleep with me, my bed is big, we can chat at night."

Wen Xiaohui looked at Luo Yi's candid appearance, and struggled in his heart. If he refused, wouldn't he appear guilty? So he said briskly, "Okay."

The author has something to say: This is the first time I am writing Xueba, and I am a little nervous. Although the setting of the attack is a bit dull, it is still not out of touch with reality. In reality, there is indeed such an awesome existence~ It seems that I was born to be crushed Ordinary people... But... It is said that the character with the highest IQ in the novel represents the IQ of the author. Whether I can write Xueba well is quite a problem, so I can't help worrying