Additional Inheritance

Chapter 78


Luo Yi didn't seem to be in a hurry to return to the capital, but instead stayed in the house rented by Wen Xiaohui.

His routine is the same as before. He gets up at 6 o'clock, exercises for 40 minutes to an hour, comes back to take a shower, prepares breakfast, and then wakes Wen Xiaohui up. He is as stable as a robot. Wen Xiaohui felt from a very early age that a person who can discipline himself There is nothing impossible for a person who has reached this level and is equipped with extraordinary wisdom. Facts have proved that it is so.

One day, Wen Xiaohui was sitting motionless in front of the computer playing games with earphones on, when suddenly someone took off his earphones.

Wen Xiaohui didn't turn his head, but just let his hands hang down from the keyboard and mouse.

Luo Yi said softly: "You play for so long every day, your eyes will not be able to bear it."

Wen Xiaohui didn't speak, just looked at the screen dumbly. This game is really no fun, but it allows him to escape for a moment in this house full of Luo Yi's smell.

Luo Yi said: "Luo Rui called."

Wen Xiaohui turned his head abruptly and saw that Luo Yi was holding the phone in his hand. He grabbed the phone, took a deep breath, and put it to his ear: "Hello?"

There was silence on the phone.

"... Luo Rui?" Wen Xiaohui's voice choked up.

Luo Rui took a deep breath and said tremblingly, "No matter what, you shouldn't turn off the phone."

Wen Xiaohui blinked his wet eyelashes, and whispered, "Have you notified my mother yet?"

"Well, Auntie said she was coming back, but I couldn't stop it."

Wen Xiaohui closed his eyes: "I will go back and see her."

"Xiaohui..." Luo Rui's voice was full of weakness.

Now, the two of them don't know what to say, especially through Luo Yi's phone call, the feeling that after a lot of hard work but finally failed, makes people feel very sad.

Wen Xiaohui bit his lower lip, and said as calmly as possible: "I'm fine, that's it, see you back."

After hanging up the phone, Luo Yi pressed his shoulder: "Don't talk for a while? My own mobile phone is not monitored."

Even without monitoring, he always felt that every word could not escape Luo Yi's ears. Wen Xiaohui put the phone on the table, got up and left the chair, and planned to go upstairs to sleep.

As soon as he took two steps, Luo Yi stretched out his long arms, crossed his waist, hugged him, gently rubbed his chin against the top of his head, and said softly: "Are you planning to keep doing this, eh? When I don't exist ?”

Wen Xiaohui felt a wave of fear, he knew that he was constantly offending Luo Yi, Luo Yi's patience was like a leaking balloon, it was running out little by little, but he just wanted to close himself up so that he could feel safe.

Luo Yi pinched his chin, raised his head, and sipped lightly on his lips: "It's not good to be bored at home all day, let's go for a walk."

"I do not want to go."

"Go." Luo Yi rubbed his hair, "Go to your studio and have a look, and cut my hair by the way."

Wen Xiaohui looked at Luo Yi's hair, it was indeed a bit long, before Luo Yi's hairstyle was done by himself, after he left...

Luo Yi seemed to see his doubts, and said with a smile: "You said before, don't let others touch my hair, so I cut it myself." He patted Wen Xiaohui on the back, "Go and change clothes. "

Wen Xiaohui had no choice but to follow suit.

After changing his clothes, Luo Yi already held his coat in his hand, put it on for him thoughtfully, then took his hand and went out.

Wen Xiaohui's car was parked downstairs. It rained dirty yesterday, and the car was full of fallen leaves and mud spots. He looked a bit embarrassed. When he thought of staying in such a small, confined space with Luo Yi , even his favorite car now looks hideous.

Luo Yi smiled and said: "Isn't your favorite Lamborghini? You can drive the one that belongs to your mother. If you don't like that color, then change it. If you don't like that model, then buy another one."

"I like this." Wen Xiaohui pressed the car lock and got into the driving seat.

Luo Yi then got into the co-pilot: "I just want to give you a lot of things, anything you want."

"I have everything now." Wen Xiaohui said mockingly, "The 30 million breakup fee you gave is enough for me to spend my whole life."

Luo Yi frowned: "That's not a breakup fee."

Wen Xiaohui started the car, not wanting to argue about this kind of issue.

"I never thought we broke up." Luo Yi tidied up his words and said in a muffled voice, "We just have some problems that need to be resolved. I did something wrong, and I hope you forgive me."

Wen Xiaohui creaked the leather gear lever in his hand, he gritted his teeth and said, "You never, ever feel that you are wrong, so you don't need to pretend."

Luo Yi looked at him, his eyes were as bright as stars: "I know I was wrong, from the moment you stopped smiling at me."

Wen Xiaohui swallowed secretly, he almost started arguing with Luo Yi about the past. It's ridiculous, what's the point of what results can be won.

Seeing him pursing his lips and not speaking, Luo Yi felt a throbbing pain in his heart. He turned his face away and stared at the front without focus with his deep eyes: "So it's not a breakup fee, I just want to make you happy. Give you all you have, as long as we can go back to the past."

Wen Xiaohui said flatly: "I said before, I will never believe anything you say. Even if you give me more money, for me, thirty million is no different from three hundred billion. I don’t know how to spend it, and I don’t need it, so it’s meaningless, if you really want to compensate me, you should let me choose how to live.”

"Unless you choose to have me in your life."

The lines on Wen Xiaohui's face were a little stiff. He was trying his best to restrain himself from showing anger. When the sense of powerlessness accumulated to a certain level, unimaginable anger arose. That anger was not only aimed at Luo Yi, but also at his helpless self. and this fucking world.

"There must be me." Luo Yi whispered.

That sentence was as stubborn and willful as a child's speech, but Wen Xiaohui couldn't take it lightly.

When he arrived at the office, Wen Xiaohui remembered that today was the first day after the New Year's holiday, and he was going to come to the office to say goodbye to his employees. What a coincidence, he really wanted to say goodbye.

As soon as they entered the studio, everyone got ready, stood in two rows and said in unison, "Good morning, teacher."

Wen Xiaohui smiled and waved his hands: "Morning."

Everyone's eyes fell on Luo Yi who was behind him. A character like Luo Yi who looked as good as walking out of a screen was always the focus of his eyes wherever he went.

Luo Yi smiled, elegant and gentlemanly.

"Uh..." Wen Xiaohui didn't think of how to introduce Luo Yi for a moment.

Luo Yi said first: "Hi everyone, I am Xiaohui's boyfriend."

Everyone was in an uproar.

Wen Xiaohui's face turned pale.

The manager he hired joked: "Teacher, you are hiding such a handsome boyfriend. Why are you afraid of being robbed?"

Wen Xiaohui smiled awkwardly.

"The teacher lied and said he was single." The young intern booed.

Luo Yi put his arms around Wen Xiaohui's shoulders, and looked at him with tender eyes: "We are in two places, and it is not easy to meet each other."

Everyone let out a long "Oh" with an understanding expression: "Then the teacher went to the United States to reunite with her boyfriend."

Wen Xiaohui laughed dryly: "I'm here today to bid farewell to everyone. I may come back after a while, but it's not yet decided. In the future, everyone should listen to Manager Chen. If you don't understand anything, you can send me an email."


Wen Xiaohui looked at Luo Yi: "Sit somewhere, wash your hair first, and I'll have a few words with the manager."

Luo Yi grinned at him: "You wash it for me."

Wen Xiaohui's cheeks bulged, and he said in a low voice, "Then you wait there."

Wen Xiaohui called Manager Chen into the office, and chatted with him about the management of the studio for a while, emphasizing the important things several times, before giving him the official seal, keys and other important things.

Leaving the office, he saw Luo Yi sitting in a chair, two female interns were chatting around him, each of them looked shy, and Luo Yi always had a decent smile on his face.

Wen Xiaohui walked over: "Come wash your hair."

Luo Yi got up and followed.

Wen Xiaohui sat on the stool and said to Luo Yi, "Lie down."

Luo Yi took off his coat, lay down on the recliner, hung his head over the sink, and looked at Wen Xiaohui with his eyes open.

Wen Xiaohui turned on the faucet and wet his hair.

Luo Yi said softly, "You also look good from this angle."

Wen Xiaohui's fingers moved through his soft hair, allowing the water to fully wet the hair. He has heard a very hypocritical saying that people with soft hair have soft hearts, which is obviously nonsense. Luo Yi's heart is the most ruthless and hardest person he has ever met, even though his hair is so soft.

He put on shampoo, running his slender fingers through the black hair, scratching his scalp.

Luo Yi closed his eyes, with a smile of enjoyment on his lips.

Wen Xiaohui looked at Luo Yi's smooth forehead and long and curled eyelashes. He had seen Luo Yi from this angle many times. He has bought new cleaning products countless times, and experimented with Luo Yi's hair. He washed Luo Yi's hair more times than he washed his mother's. After washing, he couldn't help but kiss Luo Yi's lips. In the end, he just washed his hair, but his whole body might be wet. He would be pressed against the wall and inserted by Luo Yi while his body was covered in foam. , or for the deepest bonding in the tub. They have many, many memories about washing their hair, no, it should be said that he and Luo Yi have many, many memories about many things, so many that he feels that he and Luo Yi have done all that can be done in love. , so he may not be able to fall in love with others again.

After washing his hair, Luo Yi sat in a chair and looked at Wen Xiaohui from the half-length mirror in front of him. Wen Xiaohui lowered his eyes and blow-dried his hair silently. Luo Yi's eyes followed him all the time, eager and persistent.

Wen Xiaohui turned off the hair dryer, took out the scissors, and said in a low voice, "Don't look at me again."

Luo Yi smiled and said, "I can't help it."

The tip of the scissors touched Luo Yi's temple, Wen Xiaohui lowered his body, leaned into Luo Yi's ear and said, "If I'm nervous, I might miss it."

Luo Yi looked calm: "I believe in your craftsmanship."

Wen Xiaohui clenched the scissors tightly, he fantasized about doing something radical to end all of this, but he only dared to think about it, and with a click, he cut off a strand of hair from Luo Yi's temple.

Luo Yi continued to stare at Wen Xiaohui in the mirror who was concentrating on his work, the more he looked, the more gentle his eyes became. This is the Wen Xiaohui in his memory, not cloudy, not silent, not depressed. The Wen Xiaohui at this moment is just like the serious look he had when he was gathering stars a few years ago. This is the real look of Wen Xiaohui. It's so beautiful, how he wished that time could stand still at this moment, let him reminisce about his beloved expression, of course, he also hoped that time could turn back, he would never lie to Wen Xiaohui, he just pretended to be that Luo Yi, and pretended forever...