Additional Inheritance

Chapter 8


Before going to bed at night, Luo Yi sent a text message to Wen Xiaohui: Brother Xiaohui, what are you doing.

Wen Xiaohui replied: Ready to sleep, what else can I do.

Luo Yi asked: Did you kick your legs? I found a tutorial for you on the Internet. If you don't have time to go to the gym, you can follow the video to practice.

Wen Xiaohui couldn't help laughing, this kid is smart, polite and careful, he doesn't say anything, and he's not arrogant at all, he can't find any faults in his body, all his worries at the beginning, after getting along with Luo Yi After the evening, there was nothing left, and he was even glad to know Luo Yi. He dialed the phone.

Luo Yi's cool and pleasant voice came from the phone: "What's wrong?"

"Hey, I have good news for you."

"What good news?"

"My mother agreed."

"Wow." Luo Yi sounded very happy, "Great! When will you move here?"

"Didn't I move there? I told you I couldn't move. That's right. I was on the night shift three times a week. It was 9:30 and 10:00 after the night shift. I was so exhausted when I got home. I told my mother, A colleague of mine asked me to stay with her, and when I was on the night shift, I would not go home, so my mother agreed."

"That's good, Ms. Feng won't be too worried about you."

"Yeah, otherwise I wouldn't worry about my mother." Wen Xiaohui said with a smile, "Save that video for me, and I'll try it tomorrow."

"no problem."

"By the way, I have another good news for you."

"Well, I'm listening."

"Our boss is going to take me to a charity gala. There are so many celebrities. This is the first time he takes me out because his assistant has gone abroad. Otherwise, it would be impossible for me to take my turn. I was so excited that I almost fell asleep. No more!"

Luo Yi smiled and said, "Brother Xiaohui, you are really amazing."

"It's nothing special, it's just good luck." Although Wen Xiaohui said it modestly, his tone was already triumphant.

"'Opportunities are only reserved for those who are prepared', because you are prepared enough to not let the opportunity slip away."

"You really can talk, kid." Wen Xiaohui couldn't help but gleefully.

"Come over tomorrow, I'll cook something delicious for you, let's celebrate."

"Wow." Wen Xiaohui's eyes were full of smiles, and he couldn't help sighing, "It's strange, although I've only met you once, it seems like I've known you for a long time, I've never been like this with anyone. "

"Maybe it's because I have the familiar blood in my body."

The faces of Luo Yaya and Luo Yi appeared in Wen Xiaohui's mind, and his heart softened: "It must be."

The next night, Wen Xiaohui went straight to Luo Yi's house after finishing his shift.

Although it was already ten o'clock in the evening, the villa was brightly lit, and upon entering the door, exquisite dishes and snacks were placed on the table.

Wen Xiaohui yelled, "You really did so many things!"

Luo Yi said: "Didn't you say that you can't eat well at night? If there are always guests, you won't even be able to eat a box lunch."

Wen Xiaohui was so moved, even his mother didn't treat him so carefully, he couldn't help pinching Luo Yi's face: "You boy, whoever marries you will definitely have eight lifetime blessings."

Luo Yi smiled: "Hurry up and eat."

Wen Xiaohui jumped to the table, ate it bluntly, and said as he ate, "Don't do so much next time. It's easy to gain weight after eating at night. My waist circumference must be controlled within 70."

"Why don't you go for a run with me in the morning."

Wen Xiaohui shook his head vigorously: "Impossible, I can't get up."

Luo Yi narrowed his eyes and smiled slightly: "I'll carry you out? You'll wake up right away."

Wen Xiaohui shuddered, feeling that he had been shocked, he collected himself, and said "beep", "I am determined not to go, the plan for the day is to sleep ten more minutes."

Luo Yi smiled and shook his head.

After eating, Wen Xiaohui lay on the sofa watching a variety show while stroking his belly, and was amused by it. Luo Yi did not forget to squeeze a glass of juice for him when he cleaned up the dishes. Wen Xiaohui was very happy to be served, if he lay down like a waste after eating at home, his mother would definitely whip him with the sole of his shoe.

While watching happily, Luo Yi suddenly sat down in front of the coffee table, nearly 1.8 meters tall, completely blocking the TV screen.

"Oh, don't block me."

Luo Yi took out a gift box from behind: "Brother Xiaohui, a gift for you."

Wen Xiaohui's eyes lit up, and he sat up from the sofa: "Wow, why did you give me a present?"

"Congratulations on the progress of your career, and commemorate our acquaintance."

Wen Xiaohui rubbed his hands a little embarrassedly: "I didn't prepare anything for you..."

Luo Yi handed the gift box to him, and stared at him with deep and beautiful eyes without blinking, with a sincere expression: "When you come to me, it is the best gift I have ever received in my life."

Wen Xiaohui felt a rush of hot air rushing straight to his forehead, and his cheeks burned all of a sudden. He never dreamed that he would blush at a fifteen-year-old boy. He quickly took the gift box: "Ah, you are so considerate, thank you! Yes, what is it?"

"Open it and have a look."

Wen Xiaohui pulled off the bow ribbon and opened the gift box. Inside was an Armani pure black leather shirt. The material was wide and flat, and the ultra-thin matte leather surface had an excellent texture. The tree-shaped texture of the cowhide was faintly visible. Black mother-of-pearl buttons It shines with a touch of magnificent luster, and the meticulous threading almost stitches all the low-key luxury into the clothes one by one. Wen Xiaohui opened his mouth wide, and after a long pause, he yelled: "Damn, it's so beautiful!" He picked up the clothes, rubbed them on his face, and carefully felt the touch of the soft leather fabric: "Woo, so comfortable, so beautiful!" pretty."

Luo Yi smiled and said, "Just as long as you like it."

Wen Xiaohui looked at Luo Yi with sparkling eyes: "Why are you so good at picking things up? This shirt is so beautiful, it must be very expensive."

"Fortunately, it's your first time to attend a dinner party. This should suit you very well."

Wen Xiaohui blew him a kiss across the air: "Luo Yi, I really love you! I'll try it now!" Wen Xiaohui took off his T-shirt excitedly, and changed his clothes on the spot.

Wen Xiaohui has a thin body, fair and delicate skin, like a piece of flawless cloth, more attractive than any expensive fabric.

Luo Yi just watched him change into new clothes, the black shirt made his skin whiter.

Wen Xiaohui jumped off the sofa and came to the full-length mirror on the porch. He was so beautiful that he looked left and right: "Damn, I'm so handsome, why do I look so good-looking! It's just that these jeans don't fit."

"The size of the pants is difficult to grasp, so I didn't buy them."

Wen Xiaohui hurriedly said: "Ah, that's not what I meant. I was planning to go shopping for clothes tomorrow, but the boss asked me to wear something nice, but he didn't reimburse me, hmph."

Luo Yi smiled and said, "I'll reimburse you."

"That won't work, how can you spend it indiscriminately." Although he can control Luo Yi's living expenses, he is embarrassed to spend it on himself, especially for luxury goods. No matter how thick-skinned he is, he can't do it.

"I have the suit I wore last year at home, would you like to try it? I was about the same size as you last year."

"Well, if it's suitable, it will save money."

Unlike Luo Yi's house full of collections, his wardrobe is much simpler. The clothes are neatly classified according to season, occasion, and color. The quantity is not too much, and the quality is very good.

Luo Yi took out a pair of trousers and handed them to Wen Xiaohui: "Try it."

Wen Xiaohui changed it carelessly on the spot, Luo Yi turned around and tidied up the closet without looking at it.

"Hey, it's just right." Wen Xiaohui straightened his clothes in front of the mirror, and the more he looked at it, the more he was satisfied. "I will definitely take a bunch of photos and post them on Weibo, so that Luca will be mad at me."

Luo Yi said: "Is that colleague of yours still embarrassing you?"

"Anyway, I look like I've eaten shit every day. I can't tell him this time when I go to the charity dinner, or I won't stop for a few days."

Luo Yi smiled and said, "Don't worry, he won't bother you for a long time."

"how do you know?"

"When you stand taller, he can only look up to you."

Wen Xiaohui couldn't help laughing and said: "You are so young, you always talk like a life mentor. Are geniuses like you?"

Luo Yi smiled and said nothing.

Wen Xiaohui put his hands in his pockets, still admiring his tall and handsome appearance. Suddenly, he felt something touched with his fingers, and subconsciously took it out: "Hey, there is something in your pocket." He took it out and saw that it was a Folded small strips of paper.

Luo Yi's eyes darkened a bit, he stretched out his hand, and said softly, "Give it to me."

Wen Xiaohui was startled, he didn't intend to read it at first, but Luo Yi's expression and that gentle but uncompromising tone suddenly made him a little nervous, so he hurriedly passed the note over.

Luo Yi spread out the note, glanced at it quickly, then threw it into the trash can, and said lightly: "I don't know who left me the phone number, and I don't know when it was stuffed in."

Wen Xiaohui teased: "It must have been left by the girl who has a crush on you, why don't you call and have a look?"

"No, there's no need, brother Xiaohui, do you want to try other pants?"

"No, this one is pretty good."

"It's getting late, you should take a shower and go to bed early, tomorrow is the morning shift."

"Yeah, I'm going to take a shower." Wen Xiaohui put the few clothes and daily necessities he brought in the right place, and went in to take a shower.

When he came out, Luo Yi had finished washing and was lying on the bedside reading a book. When Wen Xiaohui passed the trash can, for some reason, he glanced at it, and the note that was obviously thrown at the top was gone. Wen Xiaohui thought to himself, Luo Yi should be paying attention, maybe he would really fight over, but deep down in his heart, he still felt a little weird that couldn't be described.

Luo Yi put down the book and showed him a perfect smile: "Come and do some exercise."

Wen Xiaohui quickly filtered out irrelevant information, and jumped onto the bed: "Where's the kicking video, show it to me."

Luo Yi turned on the iPad and showed the video to Wen Xiaohui. In the tutorial, he had to hook his toes and stretch his toes, and he had to coordinate his breathing, which made him dizzy.

Luo Yi simply put down the iPad: "I've watched it many times, let me teach you."


Luo Yi stretched out his hand and grabbed Wen Xiaohui's slender ankle: "Kick your feet up when you inhale..."

Wen Xiaohui was a little nervous for no reason.

"Don't hold your breath, it's an inhalation."

"oh oh."

"When going up..." Luo Yi moved his slender fingers from the ankle to the sole of Wen Xiaohui's foot, and gently pushed his toes back, "Hook the toes up like this, and when the legs are completely straight, then straighten the toes .” Then, he straightened Wen Xiaohui’s toes and pulled his big toe up, “At this time, you have to exhale…”

Wen Xiaohui couldn't bear it any longer, he retracted his feet abruptly, clenched his hands unconsciously, his heart beat as fast as a drum.

Luo Yi blinked, wondering, "What's wrong with you?"

"Uh, Lajin... it hurts a bit."

"This action is not difficult, just try it a few times."

"I remember, I can do it myself."

Luo Yi didn't seem to believe it: "You really remember?"

Wen Xiaohui said quickly: "Remember, it's very simple, you don't have to worry about me, go to sleep first, I'll go to bed when I'm done."

Luo Yi said "Oh": "It's okay, it's not too late, you can practice, I will help you correct your movements."

Wen Xiaohui took a few deep breaths, recalled the movements in the video repeatedly, and began to kick his legs, lest he make a wrong step.

"Brother Xiaohui, don't hold your breath, exhale when you put your feet down." Luo Yi was about to hold Wen Xiaohui's calf as he spoke.

Wen Xiaohui yelled: "I know!"

Luo Yi was taken aback, then laughed and said, "What do you know?"

"I've got the hang of it. I know what to do."

"Oh, that's all right, you go ahead."

Wen Xiaohui diligently used the most standard movements he could do in his life, and devoutly completed three sets of exercises.

Luo Yi praised: "Not bad, it's done very standard. I'll buy you a yoga mat tomorrow. It's not good for your waist to practice on the mattress."

"Oh, thank you." Wen Xiaohui retracted his body into the quilt and yawned loudly: "Go to sleep, I'm really sleepy."

Luo Yi turned off the lamp, got under the quilt, and said softly, "Good night."

"Good night."

The two-meter big bed is very spacious, each of them is covered with a quilt, and neither of them can touch the other, but Wen Xiaohui's back is facing Luo Yi, and there is still an illusion that Luo Yi is sticking behind him, there is someone beside him, even if he can't touch him , and can faintly feel the temperature and presence of the other person, which is absolutely different from sleeping alone.

Wen Xiaohui quietly stretched out his hand and touched his face, it was still hot.

He scolded himself in his heart, no wonder Luca laughed at him all day long as a horny little virgin, it seemed that he was really suffocated, blushing at a little boy one after another, it was too embarrassing. He has to find a boyfriend and have a serious relationship with him. Otherwise, if this evil fire can't be vented, sooner or later he will have something wrong with him.