Additional Inheritance

Chapter 93


Luo Yi wiped away the tears on his face, and said softly, "Brother Xiaohui, you should go."

Wen Xiaohui turned to look at him in disbelief: "Let's go? I'm going to let you blow up to death?"

"Didn't get what I needed, Chang Xing won't let me die, he must be remotely controlling this bomb, he did it just to torture us, you go, my people should have arrived at the port, they will make sure you Be safe." Luo Yi finally shook Wen Xiaohui's hand firmly, and then slowly released it.

The moment the two hands were separated, Wen Xiaohui suddenly felt that the temperature was pulled away from his body, and the chill invaded. He shivered, gritted his teeth and shook his head: "Chang Xing is not joking." What if the bomb cannot be remotely controlled, nor can it be stopped? .

"The bomb can be controlled remotely, trust me." Luo Yi raised his chin towards the corner of the cabin, "Look carefully at the pile of goods, there are surveillance cameras."

Wen Xiaohui rubbed the liquid from his eye sockets vigorously, and looked carefully, it seemed that there was indeed a camera. But he still didn't dare to leave. Once he got up, the bomb would explode in 100 seconds. In just 100 seconds, if there was any mistake, Luo Yi might be buried in the bottom of the sea forever. In the face of death, all the grievances and grievances in the past have become insignificant, and his only thought now is that the two of them can survive!

Luo Yi urged: "Brother Xiaohui, let's go. Only when you are safe can I rest assured and make regular transactions."

Wen Xiaohui shook his head: "What if it explodes?"

"In case of an explosion... as long as you are safe."

Wen Xiaohui stared at him fiercely: "One day I die, how will I face my sister?"

At this time, Luo Yi even smiled: "I will go down first and tell her how happy I am to meet you."

Wen Xiaohui's heart throbbed, and he closed his eyes forcefully: "Your people have reached the shore, why didn't you come to rescue us?"

"Chang Xing is at sea, and his boat is at most an explosion safe distance away from us. People on the shore will startle the snake when they come over."

"What is he waiting for?"

"New identity, cash, and diamonds." Luo Yi said: "He had planned a route for himself before fleeing, but his property was frozen, and overseas accounts cannot be withdrawn now. Without his identity and money, he will not kill me."

"What about after you get it? How do you get out?"

Luo Yi paused: "My people will come to save me."

"You can't guarantee it at all, do you think Chang Xing will let you go easily? He risked being caught and brought us here just to get revenge on you!"

Luo Yi looked at him indifferently: "Even so, can you change anything by staying here?"

Wen Xiaohui was suddenly at a loss for words.

Yes, he can't do anything, but will become a burden instead.

Luo Yi smiled slightly: "Brother Xiaohui, this is the path I chose, let me finish it myself, you should not bear the consequences of what I did, so you should leave, stay away from me and Chang Xing, only you Only when I am safe can I feel at ease. As for Chang Xing and I, we must settle our grievances here."

Wen Xiaohui said tremblingly: "I... I'm afraid the bomb will explode, I..." He couldn't convince himself to sit up, he couldn't bear the eventuality.

"I promise you, the bomb won't go off."

"What guarantee do you have?"

Luo Yi thought for a while, took off his coat, and threw it into the corner of the cabin, the coat covered the camera.

Soon, the sound of a motorboat came from the silent sea. The noise of the motorboat became louder and louder, and within two minutes, it stopped beside their boat, heavy footsteps sounded, and the man who delivered Wen Xiaohui's meals for a few days walked in cautiously with a gun raised.

When he saw that the two were still sitting on the induction device, he breathed a sigh of relief, and shouted at Luo Yi in a rough voice: "What do you want to do!"

Luo Yi looked at him coldly: "I want to chop off your hand that touched Brother Xiaohui."

The man pointed at Luo Yi with a black gun, and said sharply, "You're going to die!"

Luo Yi was completely unmoved, and just looked at him viciously.

The man seemed to be afraid that Luo Yi would jump up, he moved to the corner of the cabin while holding the gun, and then threw away the coat hanging on it.

"You haven't used a gun before." Luo Yi whispered.

The man's face was gloomy and he didn't speak.

"Everyone in Changxing has been arrested. I don't know where to find you gangsters. How much will he give you?"

The man shouted: "If you talk nonsense again, you will be destroyed!"

"Do you dare?" Luo Yi sneered coldly: "Chang Xing's account has been frozen, and overseas accounts cannot be withdrawn now, so what does he use to pay your commission now? Let me guess, he told you that you can get it today." Money or diamonds, right? I prepared those things for him. I have the final say on whether they will arrive, when they will arrive, and how much they will arrive. You are actually taking my money, and I am your gold. host."

The man froze, as if shocked by these words.

"Not only can I pay you ten times the commission immediately, but I can also guarantee that you will not get into the game."

The man's eyes rolled around, he was obviously really moved.

Luo Yi showed a smile of unknown meaning in the direction of the camera, and then continued to seduce with a magnetic voice: "You should think about it carefully, earning ordinary money is not only dangerous, but also insecure, and mine is different. gone."

"Boss Chang said, that you are full of tricks, and you can't follow your way!" the man said loudly.

"Well, that's true, but if you go back now, Chang Xing may not believe you anymore."

"What?" The man suddenly came to his senses and looked at the camera. They had been talking to the camera for so long. Although the other end couldn't hear them, they could see their expressions. And just because they couldn't hear them, it made people more suspicious . The man knew his current expression must be a little guilty, and when he thought of this level, he was even more guilty.

"Tell me, if I stand up now and cling to you, can you leave within a hundred seconds?"

The man took a step back and said nervously, "Don't mess around."

"Do you think Chang Xing will stop the procedure for you?"

The man's Adam's apple slid up and down, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"No, right, why would he care about your life or death? Similarly, he is the most taboo of betrayal. We chatted here for several minutes. He must have suspected you. Do you dare to go back?"

The man's eyeballs almost popped out. In just a few minutes, Luo Yi forced him into a dilemma.

At this time, the sound of the motorboat sounded again, and soon, another one stopped outside their cabin, and a thin man walked in with a gun raised, looking at them warily: "Why are you talking for so long?"

Facing the gun, the man didn't dare to move: "No, it's nothing, this kid wants to pay me to let him go."

"Didn't Boss Chang say that you can't listen to him, and hurry back when the camera is done!"

"Okay." Before leaving, the man looked back at Luo Yi with a complicated expression.

Luo Yi smiled and remained silent.

After the two of them left, the smirk on Luo Yi's face disappeared: "Brother Xiaohui, did you hear that? The bomb has a termination procedure, so it's controlled on Chang Xing's ship. It might be in Chang Xing's hands."

Wen Xiaohui didn't know what it was like in his heart. With a simple move and a few words, Luo Yi not only almost instigated an enemy, but also obtained important information. Only a person with such an IQ can fight against it. In front of Luo Yi, he always looks like an idiot. He took a deep breath: "Then... are you really sure you can get away?"

"I can." Luo Yi said firmly: "Brother Xiaohui, not only will you not be able to help me if you stay, but it will also hinder my plan. You must leave as soon as possible so that I can deal with Chang Xing without being distracted."

Wen Xiaohui swallowed, although he was still anxious, he couldn't think of a better way, it was impossible to sit and wait like this forever, even if they didn't die of thirst and starvation, Chang Xing would kill them.

Luo Yi said softly: "Brother Xiaohui, trust me one more time, trust me, okay. You should leave now, go straight out, drive a motorboat, go to the shore, the people who often walk on the shore must have been dealt with Yes, you'll be safe."

Wen Xiaohui took a deep breath: "What am I going to do when I land? Should I call the police?"

"You don't do anything, let them drive you home, and act like this never happened."

"and you… "

"Don't worry about me, no matter what happens, don't look back."

Wen Xiaohui's heart skipped a beat. Although Luo Yi looked quite confident, the heaviness of parting from life and death was still lingering. After all, what they were sitting on was a bomb's gas explosion device! He gritted his teeth, and finally couldn't find a reason to continue hesitating, so he could only say: "...OK."

Luo Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and showed Wen Xiaohui a gentle and intoxicating smile: "When you get home, sleep well, and wake up the next day, your life will be back on track. I will never... never go again Harass you, I will return your life to you. And what I promised you, the inheritance left by your mother, Cao Hai is ready, and he will contact you." Luo Yi couldn't help touching Wen Xiaohui's face: "Brother Xiaohui, I will give you what I can, and I will do my best to give it to you. I only hope that one day when you think of me, you will no longer hate me, but remember some good memories from the past."

Wen Xiaohui felt a throbbing pain in his heart, as if his whole body was about to drown in Luo Yi's affectionate eyes, he didn't know how persistent he should be to doubt such a pair of eyes, because they were so real, so real. Wen Xiaohui said in a hoarse voice, "We'll talk about these things when you come back."

Luo Yi looked at him, his eyes were as bright as the moon, but his tone of voice was like the loneliest star in the sky: "...Okay, let's talk when we come back."

Wen Xiaohui's legs were numb after sitting with his fists clenched for a long time, but when he thought about getting up from the sensor device of the bomb, his legs were not only numb, but also began to go weak.

Luo Yi looked at Wen Xiaohui, his eyes were red, and he tremblingly said: "Let's go, leave this ship as quickly as possible."

Wen Xiaohui turned his head and glanced at Luo Yi, tears streaming down his face: "You will come back."

Luo Yi smiled with tears in his eyes: "I will definitely come back."

Wen Xiaohui bit his lower lip hard, bowed his right leg, and prepared to stand up.

Luo Yi called softly: "Brother Xiaohui."

Wen Xiaohui turned his head: "What?"

Luo Yi stared at him intently, and whispered, "I just want to see you."

Wen Xiaohui's gathered courage almost collapsed, his legs began to feel weak again, and he couldn't stand up anymore.

Luo Yi closed his eyes and said hoarsely, "... let's go."

Wen Xiaohui's eyes were blurred.

"Let's go, please, let's go." Luo Yi's crying voice echoed in the cabin, like a sharp sword, instantly tore two souls.

Wen Xiaohui let out a low growl from his throat, jumped up suddenly, and rushed out of the cabin without looking back. Behind him, there was the sound of an instrument counting down...