Admiral, You Have It

Chapter 10


Become a female man, who dares to fight with him, what if he hurts the general? , what is male and female? It is the most precious species in the entire interstellar world. It is also a man, but it has the ability to give birth to offspring. Of course, this ability still depends on the physical fitness of the male and female.

This is the first case in the entire interstellar world that has exceeded the normal mutation time and has been slowly mutating for more than ten years. This is not only a 'miracle', in other countries, it can be regarded as a joke.

However, fortunately, for now, Wei's mutation is considered a one-star 'military secret', and not many people know about it. The so-called one-star rating means it’s fine if it gets out, if it’s not out, it’s a confidential matter...

After breakfast, Wei changed into regular clothes, after talking to the robot butler. I went to the garage by myself. After picking the latest flying car, Wei patted the body and was ready to jump on it.

"Wei, please don't do such a dangerous move." Before the front foot landed in the flying car, the back foot almost missed the door, and Wei staggered and almost didn't fall on the seat. Fortunately, he stretched out his hand, and it was so easy with one hand With a push, the body made a small arc of rotation in the air, and landed firmly on the seat. In exchange for this, the robot butler said "oh my god" in surprise!

"...Uncle Hang, it's not dangerous at first, but it's really dangerous after you say that." Wei looked at the robot butler who came over with a distressed expression.

If it weren't for the fact that the appearance of the eyes is very different from that of ordinary people, it would be impossible to tell that this middle-aged man with independent thinking ability is the third generation robot of the empire.

"Wei, you are different from before, don't do such a dangerous action, I have already called Raymond, he will come to drive for you, so you get off the flying car now."

"Raymond's speed is not as fast as mine. Goodbye, Uncle Hang."


The flying car gradually rose up, and before the housekeeper could say anything, it disappeared into the garage with a 'swoosh'. Along the way, Wei drove the flying car to the fastest speed, and the flying track in the air could no longer satisfy his excessive speed, so he could only switch to the special speed flying car track, which avoided the possibility of being caught by the star flight patrol. .

When he reached the sky above the military area, Wei drove the flying car into the garage, and when he got out of the car, he saw people coming to greet him. The locator on his body has sent a message to the base before, and the military region will naturally send someone to greet him.

It was Lei Meng who came to pick him up, and running behind Lei Meng was Gu Xuan in a white coat. The medical base was located in the military area, and it was normal for Gu Xuan to be beside Lei Meng now.

"Admiral, long time no see." Gu Xuan couldn't keep up with Lei Meng's footsteps, and when he walked in front of Wei, he was already "bah, baa, baaaaaaaa".

"We just had a drink yesterday." Wei said, looking at Raymond.

Lei Meng's face was full of dissatisfaction, and he knew at a glance that he was upset by Gu Xuan again: "Admiral, I found out about that commercial cruiser."

"tell me the story."

Wei didn't shy away from Gu Xuan, but Lei Meng looked at Gu Xuan and said, "I have something important to say to the general, are you going back to your laboratory, or are you standing at the door of my office?"

"I'd rather lie on the sofa in your office and enjoy a cup of coffee you made yourself."

Wei said, "You can still drink coffee while lying down."

"You can still drink while lying down. If I get choked, Raymond will save me."

"You want to be choked so much."

"That must be."

"..." The corners of Raymond's eyes twitched, he looked around hastily, and found that there were not many people in this corridor, so he touched his nose. The three walked all the way to the door of Lei Meng's office. Lei Meng opened the door and invited Wei in. When Gu Xuan was about to enter, he grabbed Gu Xuan and threw him out: "Military secrets, what do you listen to as a doctor?"


Wei Tanshou: "It's useless to call me, I don't mind you listening, let's see what Raymond does, don't ask me for this kind of thing."

"Ramon is going to throw me out."

Lei Meng broke away Gu Xuan's hand that was firmly locked on the door, and pushed it out: "Don't look at my admiral laughing, we will annoy him later, if he loses his temper, I won't kick you to death, you It's not Lie, I can't bear his slap."

"Oh! You still care about me so much, then you have to let me in quickly, I won't make trouble, besides..." Gu Xuan shouted into the inside: "General, I have something to tell you about Lie comminicate."


When Lei Meng turned around to ask Wei's opinion, Gu Xuan lowered his body, bypassed Lei Meng and came in directly. Looking at Lei Meng whose eyes were twitching, he happily sat on the sofa and said, "Admiral, what are you waiting for?" Under the education of Admiral Nairin, Lie can already speak. According to your request, I delayed his recovery ability, but his memory is still very confused. Because he regards himself as a beast, even if he can speak, many actions still follow We are not compatible, I cloned some creatures from the blood samples I brought from planet K, maybe I can take you to have a look. The fierce actions and behaviors are similar to those in the records of interstellar civilization, an ancient called Because cheetahs and tigers behave very similarly."

"Are you able to speak normally?"

"Yes, but the level of speech is similar to the level of us normal people at five years old."

"Where is he now?"

"The swimming pool at the third base, because it was specially ordered by you, the general. General Nairin is educating and training him. This morning's lesson is swimming."

"What about the other one?"

"The man who was rescued from the cruise ship has recovered, and asked to go back to Morris yesterday. Before that, he asked if he had seen 'such a person'. His description was the same as Lie's appearance, even The insinuating person specially showed me the image of Lie that was called up, and I asked him who it was, but he hesitated."

Lei Meng glanced at Gu Xuan, full of dissatisfaction, and said: "It would be strange if you didn't hesitate. Admiral, it's the same as you said, the commercial cruiser is just a cover, it's a battleship, and before that When Morris set off, he did set off under the name of a commercial ship. Later, he met the Star Pirates."

"Whose battleship?"

"The cruise ship is the personal guard of the second Prince William. His Majesty the Emperor of Maurice is seriously ill. I guess the matter is caused by the succession of the throne. The purpose should be Prince Will, because I heard that there was a relationship between the two princes of Maurice. It's been a long time. But the specifics... I think maybe only Prince Will and Prince William know best."

"I still think Prince Maurice is a bad name."

"Please don't say such things at this time, Admiral."

Wei waved his hand: "Don't make too many guesses just because you found out the true identity of the cruiser. Guessing is the most useless thing."

"I will continue to investigate."

"It's not that simple to really investigate, unless you forcibly break into Morris's military system, but this is impossible. Morris's military secrecy is the best. It is estimated that you will be noticed before you enter. , will start a war... Tsk, maybe you can try it, you are an expert in this area, aren't you?"

"I won't try, General, just now I saw your eyes glow because you said the word war."

"..." Wei was speechless.

"Bullshit confidential matter." Gu Xuan said disgustedly, stood up, ignored Lei Meng's eyes that seemed to strangle him, and said to Lei Meng: "I thought it was some extremely important secret."


Sure enough, there was no special progress in this kind of thing, Wei decided to go to the third base to have a look. Although he was very curious about how Lie became what he is now, this curiosity still failed to break the balance in his heart. Needless to say, the other end of the balance is naturally his evil taste.

The swimming pool at the third base is very large, with four huge swimming pools lined up. Of course, these swimming pools are not for entertainment, but for training. Different testing procedures and training are set in different swimming pools. thing. But now the swimming pool is very empty, because there are no people here today, scattered soldiers and officers are conducting their own tests.

Seeing Wei, the soldiers and officers in the field greeted one after another, Wei answered one by one, and walked unhurriedly to the edge of the swimming pool on the far side. Colonel Nairin put down the clothes in his hands, put his fists on his chest, bowed and said to Wei: "Loyal! You are here, General."

Wei Zhi pointed to the uniform on his body: "There is no need to salute like this."

Nailin smiled shyly, looked at Lie who was swimming like a dog in the pool, and said to Wei: "Because when I took him here before, he really wanted to be very interested in water, so I wanted to take him here. Let's train here, but, you see, he still only knows how to swim through water."

Vee said, "Because he's a beast."

"He's a man, Admiral, and he can already speak."

"Then let him come up and say something to me."

Nailin smiled: "Good general." He walked to the edge of the swimming pool, knocked on the edge of the pool with the metal stick in his hand, and after attracting Lie's attention, he said to Lie: "Lie, come here for a while. , Wei will come to see you."

Lie swam over from the water, he had some water in his mouth, he blew on the water, and hummed twice, then he dug over the water, jumped up from the pool vigorously, and walked to Nailin's Beside him, he was much taller than Nailin, with a tall body standing in front of Nailin, waiting honestly for Nairin to put on his coat: "The admiral is here to see you, let's talk."

Lie looked at Wei, let out a particularly heavy breath of unknown meaning from his nose, then turned his head to look at Nailin, bent slightly