Admiral, You Have It

Chapter 107


The key is to rely too much on advanced weapons. If the weapons of our Talis can be compared with yours, that thing will never happen during the evil star... "

Lie hurriedly said: "If this is the case, I won't have the chance to meet you, my dear, all of this is arranged by God, let our people make powerful weapons, and let your people have the most powerful fighting ability. "

"What do you mean, how did I hear you say that I, Taris, are some with well-developed limbs, right? That's why I haven't been able to create a weapon comparable to your Morris, so I'm still suppressed by you in some respects?" Wei Zhuan head loudly. Indeed, apart from weapons, Morris has many wise generals. They strategize, and their combat methods are elusive. Many times, they can make up for the lack of combat ability and take advantage of their weapons.

Of course, there are quite a few wise generals in Talis, but in Youwei's battlefield, the prescribed combat methods may all be affected by some accidents.

"Wei, look over there." Lie, who was about to explain his unintentional words, squatted down and pointed to the front.

Wei also hid his body: "It's really thoughtful, knowing that this kind of terrain is here, even this kind of rock mech has been sent here."

"Honey, what are you going to do?"

"Total annihilation!"

"These are field mechas, honey, are you kidding me? And you promised me that I wouldn't go into a semi-runaway state."

"There are detectors on the chariot. They already know we're here, and they're excitedly coming over to catch us." Wei Wei looked back and forth at the approaching troops. He glanced at Lie and stretched out his fingers a few times: "Twelve field mechs, the same model, the energy supply system is inside the fuselage, we are on the rock and they are down, this is not considered! From the perspective of the internal control room, the right is the key position of the main brain. From the outside , which is three-quarters to the right of the entire chariot. I have modified these two submachine guns, and they can be used as sniper rifles. The terrain we are in is the best... "

"... There is another team behind, and, can this gun penetrate the chariot?" Lie looked back.

"The chariots used by your army in this exercise are IF11C chariots. I got the bullets for these two guns from the 'mother and son' that my father gave me. After modification, they are even more powerful. It’s no problem to penetrate a chariot with this speed.” Wei Ke handed the gun into Lie’s hand without turning his head: “Two sides search together, tsk... the distance behind is eight kilometers, and the distance in front is 1,200 meters. Twelve field mechs, thirty fighters. Three for you, seven for me, and two left. When we drive back to the army base, the rear search will reach here... "

Even if there is a detector in the rear team that can know that there is an army fighting here, when they arrive here, the two have already left.

"Why do I have three and you have seven?" Lie raised his gun, aimed in front of his eyes, and felt the modified micro-punch: "Honey, I think I should be like you."

"Then you are four, I am six." Wei snorted: "It's really funny, such a group of people driving several chariots also want to catch me? The reliance of your Morris fighters on weapons is really annoying."

"..." Lie didn't speak, and looked at Wei with extremely deep eyes.

"Fifty five..."

"Honey, are we dividing the spoils?"

"Almost!" After speaking, Wei has already started to act.

Lie frowned, and followed suit. He had no doubts at all, if this was a real war, his wife would definitely not have to think about it, maybe he would go straight into the rampage and roll these rocks down. These rocks have irregular shapes, the largest ones are three to four meters in diameter, and the smallest ones are about one or two meters. This kind of rock is extremely hard, coupled with the power of rolling down, and this special terrain, it is enough to Crushed twelve chariots.

Because it was an exercise, Wei did not do this.

The search team of the Marine Army came here so boldly, and they didn't realize the impact of the terrain of LV09 star. Moreover, the supreme commander intentionally adopted a certain attitude of letting go of this exercise, making the soldiers who originally relied on weapons and chariots proud and arrogant, thinking that their weapons were invincible...

Shooting is also what Wei is best at. Although he has been modest about his land combat ability, but in terms of individual soldier quality, Wei's ability is comparable to that of the entire interstellar, not the amount of one hand.

Five to five points was agreed upon, but after receiving it, Wei solved the number of 'seven'. Lie didn't care too much about it, and he couldn't deny it. Compared with Wei, who was born to be a fighter, he couldn't compare in many places. If he really wanted to compare, maybe the only thing he could do was to drive a battleship. up. Another one that makes me happier is probably that I am the one above

Thinking here, Wei has captured the people in the only two remaining chariots. He carried the micro-charger, asked several people to lean against the car, and raised his eyebrows: "Think that sitting in the chariot is invincible?"

"Wei? You... are you His Royal Highness Wei?" One of them suddenly stood up and rushed in front of Wei.

Wei pointed the gun at the soldier's chest and raised his eyebrows: "You have good eyes. If I can recognize you when I return to the base from the battlefield, maybe I won't be able to wipe you out here now."

"My God, Your Highness Wei, it's great to meet you in real life, you know, you are my idol..."

"Don't get excited, don't make me get excited too, there are real bullets in here."

Of course it is a real bullet, otherwise how could it be possible to hit the chariot.

Several soldiers looked at the chariot that was damaged and unable to move due to being pierced through the mastermind, and fell silent collectively. Wei continued to carry the gun on his shoulder, and said to the soldiers with a smile: "In principle, you are already dead, so you can't talk nonsense to break the rules."

After speaking, Lie jumped onto the undamaged chariot, signaling that Lie would also get on the chariot.

Soon, the two chariots left the rocky ground.

According to the rules, thirty soldiers had already died, and they sat on the chariot with a sigh.

"By the way, the one just now was His Highness Wei, who is that next to him?"

"Did not notice!"

"My God, it can't be His Highness, that figure is very similar, and, I watched the Star Wars scene before, in terms of driving skills, only His Highness..."

"I... Damn, husband and wife?"


The army base was brightly lit. Up to now, the base has not received any news about the search for two Star Wars soldiers ahead. Wei Gelie's chariot has driven to the woods not far away, this is the woods where they rested and ate before.

"It seems that your Morris soldiers think that even if we can sneak into the army, we will definitely not be able to escape this search, or they think that it is impossible for us to 'kill' their general,"

In the chariot, Wei sighed, he really liked the look of hating iron but not steel. It’s really not the time to think about what would happen without Wei himself, Lie smiled, and said to Wei on the contact screen, “When will we act?”

"Wait a minute, the current state of your Marine Corps is not good enough, and I don't think this is a challenge." I guess I really firmly believe that the search team can find me. I originally thought that the Marine Corps was treating it seriously, but depending on the situation, it was not so serious.

On the other side, rocky ground. The search team starting from the other side converged towards the previously determined position in a rigorous and regular outflanking method. Soon, all thirty soldiers sitting beside the damaged chariot were seen.

"What's wrong with you guys?" The captain jumped off the chariot and walked in front of the sacrificed team: "What's the situation, can't it be wiped out?"

"Who is the other party? It's so powerful. At least there are ten chariots. It's because this is an exercise, so I'm sure the other party won't use rocks to push you in. How did you damage it?"

The member of the sacrificed search team shook the hat in his hand and said: "Captain, we are all dead people, and it is impossible to speak. So the traces left on the battlefield are other clues. Search for yourself, don't ask. us."

"Yes, this is the rule of the exercise and our principle. We are all dead." After finishing speaking, the soldiers of the sacrificial team leaned on each other without saying a word.

"Captain, there should be twelve chariots!" Someone in the search team had already begun to check, and soon a soldier said.

"In addition, there are traces of the chariot leaving, and these destroyed chariots were hit by real bullets..." The soldier lying on the warship said in surprise: "It directly penetrated the body of the chariot and destroyed the mastermind of the chariot..."

"..." The captain was silent for a long time: "Thirty people, you didn't expect to be ambushed after the other party finished fighting the chariot, and you should act, or escape first?"

A group of people sitting beside the chariot shrugged their shoulders, saying that they were dead, and they would not reveal a word about it.

The captain clenched his fists and ordered: "Go to the base and report the situation..."

Someone in the search team still refused to give up, squatted down and asked, "Tell me, who are those two people, and they are so powerful?"

The captain grabbed the questioning soldier by the collar, pulled him up, and said, "Don't ask, follow the rules. But, I probably know who it is."

"Who is that, Captain, who is that?"

"You have all seen the Star Wars before, our Star Wars troops of Morris are not bad in combat capability, and there are really not many countries that can suppress weapons.