Admiral, You Have It

Chapter 14


to bed.

Fell asleep…

Wei, who is used to getting up early, has a fixed time, and at a certain time, he will naturally wake up because of the feeling of urination. What I feel when I open my eyes is not the usual virtual warm light shining in from the special window setting, but a shadow.

When the sight was clear, Wei could see clearly what the shadow was all about.

Lie sat cross-legged next to him, stared at him fixedly, blocked the light, felt Lie who opened Wei's eyes, almost immediately averted his eyes, and turned around, facing Wei.

Wei felt uncomfortable holding back his urine, and he didn't have time to manage Lie. He hummed on his back early in the morning, and he was busy liberating himself.

Wei finally heaved a sigh of relief after dealing with himself. Only then did he feel a strange smell coming from his body, and he felt a little uncomfortable. He raised his hand to touch his chest and felt a little wetness. He spread his hand, wondering Looking at the milky white liquid on his hands, even the military uniform that he didn't have time to change after falling asleep suddenly was wet yesterday, and this thing was wet unevenly. Two very large ones.

He frowned, put his hand in front of his nose, and sniffed...

"His uncle's... actually got it on me..."

Damn beast... Wei's clenched fists were shaking, and after kicking the door hard, he slowly and forcibly calmed down. After washing up, Wei Cai went out. Lie, who was sitting on the bed, quickly gave Wei a solid back again, and Wei threw the cup in his hand towards Lie's back, and said, "Brush your teeth and wash your face, do you understand?"

"Understood!" Lie replied loudly.

Breakfast is made by Wei, with the help of Butler Hang. Wei likes to take the lead in everything. He has done a lot of things like cooking food before and now he doesn’t want to do it. Cooking is the same as fighting behind the chief. , Everything must be obeyed.

With the help of Butler Hang, the breakfast was easier and richer than yesterday's lunch.

After bringing all the food to the dining table, Wei walked to the edge of the sofa, raised his foot and kicked Lie's leg: "Eat breakfast."

Maybe it's because Nailin has indeed educated very well in the past few days. Lie's attitude is no longer as fierce as it was at the beginning, because he can talk, and he seems to understand a lot of things, and his mind is still recovering. It also allowed him to receive some necessary information, and Wei was inexplicably relieved that he didn't make any hostile gestures. Lie obediently stood up from the sofa and followed Wei to the dining table.

He is taller and stronger than Wei. After Wei stopped, this guy didn't react, and directly bumped into him.

Lie looked at the food on the table, held back for a long time, and finally said: "Don't eat."

"Do you want to eat it or not?" Wei stood in front of Lie holding the food, as if if you didn't eat it, I would throw these things in your face.

He had completely received the information conveyed by Wei's eyes, but after thinking about eating a bite of something Wei made by himself yesterday, the thought of wanting to be beaten to death by Wei appeared, Lie said directly: "It's unpalatable."

"Fuck you, sir, I'm here to serve you, and you still dare to say that it's unpalatable. Did you go against me early in the morning? Just let me sneak something on me, and show me your fucking face Back, still 'hmph'? Hum what, eat or not, if you don't eat, I'll just cut open your stomach and stuff it in, believe it or not?" Wei raised his hand when he said this.

Steward Hang hurriedly stood up, and in order to avoid a tragedy, he hurriedly said to Wei: "Wei, be gentle."

"There's no need to be gentle with guys who don't eat." After Wei finished speaking, he threw Lie to the ground. He looked at Butler Hang, and stretched out his empty hand: "give me the food."

Butler Hang sighed, but seeing that Wei didn't really want to cut Lie's stomach open, he hurriedly handed over the plate. Wei took the plate, grabbed the food and stuffed it directly into Lie's mouth.

Lie was forced to put the thing in his mouth, and Wei sat on him so much that Lie couldn't move at all. Forced to chew, chewed twice, and swallowed.

Today's food...

Unexpectedly, delicious...

Seeing Lie chewing by himself, Wei clapped his hands and got up: "Next time you lose your temper with me, it won't be stuffed in your mouth. I'll cut your stomach open."

Lie blinked, and then hummed!

chapter○1⒋ without

Butler Hang pulled Wei Conglie up, arranged Wei's clothes, and opened a chair for him to sit in before he said, "You have something to eat too. You didn't have the habit of eating breakfast before, but after all Now it's not the same as before, now it's…”

Wei raised his hand to stop Butler Hang from continuing: "Uncle Hang, I think you were changed by Gu Xuan."

"What program."

"For example, some kind of brainwashing program, just like Gu Xuan, eight out of ten sentences poked me in pain 'Admiral, don't forget that you are a female male'." Wei Te imitated Gu Xuan's tone , Even the demeanor imitated an eighty-nine-point image.

Butler Hang smiled and raised his hand to cover his mouth and said, "Okay, I'll try to say as little as possible, eat something, and go to the base later? If you're hungry, you'll have to find something to eat again."

Wei put his eyes on the food on the table and swept it back and forth several times. These were all made by Hang Butler, his chef. In fact, it was the chef who made it or Hang Butler. He often eats these dishes Yes, so it's not a special attraction, and it's true that I don't have the habit of eating breakfast. Looking at Butler Hang, Wei decided to eat some.

Hang Butler saw that Wei started to eat, so he sat down. Suddenly, a hand pushed the food in front of him, butler Hang was stunned for a moment, and followed his hand to look at Lie.

Lie sat very straight, and his hands were placed quite neatly. The movement of pushing the plate was not light or heavy, and there was a little smile on his face. At that moment, it felt like a different person. If you ignore the fact that there were still residues on the corners of the mouth and face because of the food stuffed into his mouth by Wei, he looked like a person who was eating. Aristocrats who pay great attention to etiquette. Wei put down the tableware in his hand and looked over.

Some things seem to be manifested naturally out of habit. After all, Lie is the royal family of Morris. No matter what happened to him, he now regards himself as a beast, and he can still see what he shows at certain times. A little shadow, like now.

However, after Hang Butler finished thanking him, Wei threw out the thought at that moment from his mind. Looking at Lie who lowered his head and ate fiercely, he felt that there was a serious problem with his eyes just now.

Lie, who took a few mouthfuls of food, raised his head to look at Butler Hang, and said, ", no guest..."

It took a lot of effort to say this, and I couldn't finish it for a long time. Butler Hang reminded with a smile: "You're welcome?"

Lie nodded: "You're welcome."

Butler Hang smiled and pushed the food Lie pushed to Wei. He is an artificial human, and besides some established programs, he also has his own thinking, and even has human-like functions such as taste and touch. Even the digestive system is extremely similar to human beings, but the artificial human does not feel hunger. , so even if you can feel the deliciousness of food, you don't have to use the food that humans need. The more advanced the technology, the lazier people will be. Robots with a sense of taste can make delicious food for humans without consuming human food.

Wei swallowed the food in his mouth, before saying thank you, he suddenly lifted the plate of food away with one hand.

Lie pushed the plate back in front of Butler Hang, and then said to Wei: "It's not...for you!"


'Kang Bang' Wei stood up from the stool suddenly, and the excessive movement knocked the stool down. Butler Hang hurriedly looked at Wei, who had a fiery temper in his family, and saw that his hands on the table were clenched into fists, and said quickly, "Wei, calm down and be gentle. What's going on with you kid these days? You have such a bad temper, I usually know that you have a bad temper, but I haven't seen you like this."

"I don't have anything to do." Wei kicked away the chair next to him: "Uncle Hang, this guy did it on purpose. If he doesn't mess with me, he won't be happy."

"Where did he provoke you again? I think you want to beat someone up and find some excuses."

Wei said: "I still need an excuse for beating someone? Besides, what do you think he didn't do it on purpose? He definitely knows that I am restraining him from beating him, and instead intentionally provoked me. This guy really deserves a beating."

"There's no need for a beating. Isn't it normal for him? He handed the food to me, not to you, but I handed it to you, so it's normal to take it back when you're unhappy."

"Why take it back? You handed it to me. It's fine if he doesn't give it to me. Why did he deliberately take it back when you gave it to me? He just came here to beat me up."

"It's my fault, don't blame him, I shouldn't have handed you the food he specially handed to me in front of him. After all, Lie doesn't like you now, so he will definitely be upset when he sees it."

"I'm still not happy. I made the stuff. If he doesn't give it to me, forget it. He takes it back. This guy is typically beaten and itchy. If he doesn't eat, I'll go change clothes and go back to the military headquarters." Wei said : "Uncle Hang, you should watch him at home, he probably won't throw you down and attack you."

"Wei, don't you take Lie with you?"

"...No, the base is not something he can enter if he wants, this guy is the enemy."

"I heard that he has been at the base for the past three days. You don't want to take it with you. Don't get to know him. He is not a normal person now.