Admiral, You Have It

Chapter 43


An irregular hole was cut. Several members of the pirate group looked down from the top of their heads, and then, the cannonball launcher held by one of them...

Lie and Wei looked at each other at the same time, and the eyes of the two finally appeared the first entanglement after this encounter, but the time of entanglement was not yet 0.5 seconds.

Afterwards, the two made the same movement—and rushed towards each other.

Both of them are quite proficient in the action of throwing people. Wei has always been very fast in this combat, and Lie will not say whether he has any actual combat experience in saving people before. The movement is already familiar, of course, the premise is that Wei will not reflexively raise his fist and beat himself to the ground.

With a 'bang', the two young bodies collided violently...

The strong collision almost didn't knock them both away, and Wei's physical fatigue disappeared instantly, so he still had the upper hand when both of them appeared in the "sumo wrestling" movement. When rushing towards Lie, Wei raised his hands to cover Lie's eyes, and at the same time buried himself on Lie's shoulders and closed his eyes tightly.

The two rolled several times on the ground and quickly hid behind the table. After the sound of a slight explosion and the intense light, Wei Cai pushed Lie away, and his eyes fell on his broken arm. Blood was oozing out continuously, his whole body was sweating, and his whole body seemed to be wet. generally.

Lie looked at the sofa while taking out the spray hemostatic medicine from his small backpack. The strong light came so fast that even the head of the pirate group didn't seem to have time to cover his eyes. Now, the man was crying silently with his eyes closed in embarrassment.

Wei pushed away the hand that Lie sprayed for himself, raised his hand to look at the wound on his arm, the blood from the wound fell drop by drop, the wound should have been scratched when he fell down.

He raised his hand and stuck out his tongue to lick the blood...


Wei Ranglie in this state did not have the usual idea of teasing him. The wound on his arm was deep, and the arm was scratched by irregular things, and the pain could be felt just by looking at it.

There was a lot of smoke and dust after the explosion, and the sound of footsteps indicated that the members of the pirate group above jumped down.

Lie took a deep breath, pressed his hands on Wei's shoulders, sprayed medicine on Wei's arm forcibly, and wrapped a bandage around that arm very quickly. There was no time to do too much treatment, Lie approached Wei , said seriously: "If I can come here alive to pick you up, you must promise me that you will get married after returning."

The smell of his own blood made Wei feel a sense of excitement different from usual. The blood-red scene blurred in his eyes, and Lie heard quite a heroic declaration in his ears. For a moment, his rage that seemed to be about to lose consciousness Suddenly recovered.

"Do you think that I will agree to your request if you say it so tragically?"

It's just a few little guys, what are you talking about so tragic!

Lie coughed dryly and smiled at Wei...

Then, Lie's figure jumped out, and Wei's eyes did not move away from Lie's body for a moment. The man quickly jumped over the mess in front of him and rushed over. The picture that is difficult for ordinary people to capture is quite gorgeous in Wei's view. In less than three seconds, the few people who jumped down fell to the ground.

"Damn, what kind of flash bomb does his uncle use, don't ask to be captured alive now, beat me to death!" the head of the pirate with his eyes closed and his face full of pain and tears cursed viciously in the direction of the fight.

With a strong laugh, he stepped forward and stepped on the head of the pirate: "I will beat you to death right now."

"Take off his clothes." Wei said, "Take him and get out of here quickly, and leave the rest to Thorny Eagle."

Wei walked over clutching his arms, and now his whole body seemed to be drenched in rain. The body still feels very tired, this is the first time he has experienced this feeling, but if compared with the excitement, this exhaustion can be overcome completely, and he is now a little impatient after waiting to go out to drive a battleship .

Lie looked at him from top to bottom, then from bottom to top, and finally his eyes stayed on the slit at the bottom of the clothes. When I caught the captain of the pirate before, he only let him take off one piece of clothing, but now he is wearing this clothing.

The black boxer pants on the lower body are still wrapped around the neck of the pirate captain...

"His clothes are so dirty that he can't wear them."


"I'll wear mine for you." Lie said while not forgetting to pay attention to the override screen, and from time to time he had to scan Wei's body several times in depth, and then he had to take off his own clothes.

Lie arranged the clothes that had been taken off, and then began to pick off the clothes of the pirate leader.

"Don't you dare, Will, I swear I will kill you, and you dare to take off my clothes." The captain of the pirate blushed, his eyes could not be opened, but his body could not move. Wei couldn't help laughing.

Seeing Wei Ye put on his clothes, Lie stepped forward to help him straighten his neckline, and he did not forget to praise him: "It looks good in anything, even without it. Now that we exchange underwear, it's a temporary wedding token..."

Lie Ting carefully took off Wei's boxer pants, quickly put them on himself, and patted the place in front of him by the way, feeling that the tight wrapping of the underwear was so good for his size .

Before Wei raised his hand, he suddenly closed his eyes and fell down.

It is not shameful to be overtaken by Lie while driving a battleship; it is generally shameful to be caught by pirates, after all, it is expected; it is a bit embarrassing to experience such a tired body for the first time; fainting in front of Lie, it is a shame to lose a person .

Wei, who was already feeling manic about such shameful things in his sleep, suddenly woke up with a start.

The overly bright room made him unable to reflect where he was at the moment. The sound of the instrument rang softly in the ear, beeping, the quieter it is, the louder it is...

Pulling off the nutrient delivery device inserted into the back of the hand, holding down the bleeding blood vessel, Wei looked suspiciously at the light and shadow screen beside him.

On the screen was something he couldn't read. When Gu Xuan came in with the medical team, Wei was about to get out of bed, and the picture on the screen was constantly changing following his movements.

Gu Xuan rushed over and put his hands on Wei's shoulders. After two presses, he found that he couldn't put Wei back on the hospital bed, so he simply let go of his hands: "General, don't move around."

"How's the battle going?"

"What about the battle situation... The battle was a complete victory, because you fainted, so Admiral Lanyue became the commander temporarily. Now we are on the way back for three weeks, and you have been unconscious for 15 stars hour."

"What's going on? I don't remember my body being so poor, even when I was mutated, I never did this."

"First of all, general, congratulations, you have it!"

"...what's the matter?"

Gu Xuan put his hand on the stunned Wei's shoulder, pulled the light and shadow screen with his hand, and pointed to one of the images that was still changing: "Did you see the two cells in it? They have already combined, In fact, it is impossible to feel the existence of the baby in such a short period of ten days, but it is also possible to see their union. Many couples will go to check after ten days to see if they are united. Before deciding whether to keep doing the act of 'doing'... of course that's not the point...

Have you ever had a cold before? "

How could it be possible to have a cold!

"I know your medical history. Except for being seriously injured in several battles, you have never even had a cold. In fact, you fainted this time because of a severe cold, which caused fever, fatigue, and fatigue. , causing your body to be unable to bear your... your overexcited state, so you fainted... "

"Cold?" Wei stared at the constantly moving picture on the light and shadow screen in front of him, and said to himself: "Is my cold caused by doing that thing?"

How to put it, a cold is indeed something that he has a deep understanding of.

Gu Xuan almost didn't choke on his own saliva, the medical team members behind either lowered their heads or turned their heads, Gu Xuan coughed: "General, no matter how dull your senses are, it is impossible for you to do what you did ten days ago. The genius caused the cold, right? The preliminary judgment is that the two small things combined into one are absorbing the energy of your body, which lowers your resistance."

Wei said, "Where's that guy Lie?"

Gu Xuan said: "...Admiral, are you awake?"


Wei looked at Gu Xuan, and asked back: "Do you think I look like I haven't woken up?"

Gu Xuan nodded, it was indeed a bit like Wei's unresponsive appearance due to not being able to sleep well, but he was able to maintain such a calm mood when he knew that he had it. You must know that this person is even a female I don't want to mention it. I thought I would jump when I heard that I had it...

or because...

The admiral doesn't even understand what it means, does he? He doesn't know what he has...

In this medical team, in addition to the medical group that has been with Wei for a long time, there are also members of the medical team who came to the Morris spaceship. Their uniform uniforms have the logo of the Morris Empire.

For Wei, almost all they know is 'violent', 'bloodthirsty', 'warlike' and even vicious. Therefore, after seeing his general get out of bed, the members of Wei's medical team glanced at the light and shadow screen in a uniform manner, and when they were sure that there was no need to stop the general, they stepped aside from both sides.

Morris Medical Team, you look at me, I look at you, there are some doubts...

"General Wei, you