Admiral, You Have It

Chapter 46


It's just thinking about you using things to get there, so I'll stand up. "

Because it can't be seen, the feeling is even stronger. After repeated brushing with the soft brush, the place has stood upright, straight, no matter how spectacular it looks on the spread legs.

Lie couldn't see Wei's expression. At this moment, Wei's eyes were fixed on that thing.

He didn't speak any more, and the torture room with only two people suddenly became much quieter, and the sound of the previous laughter was gone, and the only thing left was the uncontrollable heavy breathing.

"Do you still hate me?" After an unknown amount of time, Lie raised his head to 'look' in Xiang Wei's direction and said.

The much deeper voice seemed to come from another person's mouth, and there was a strange feeling for a while, but this feeling was only for a while. During this period of time, Lie's personality seemed to be very inconsistent with the deep voice at the moment. This makes Wei feel a little trance...

Saying that there is no hatred, half of the reason why I was pitted under the evil star at that time was also because of myself. At that time, it was just unconvinced, because even though it was known that it was cheated by Morris, there was no evidence at all. In the end, Talis had to thank Morris for his assistance, and finally lost in the negotiation and signed an armistice agreement .

Interests are the most important thing for a country, and during the truce, although the two countries did not say they turned enemies into friends, they also started some necessary alliances.

And after Wei Cong woke up, his body also mutated. This was originally the cause of his own body, but Wei insisted on blaming everything on that incident, thinking that the reason for his body was that he was tampered with. , so that the fact that it seems to be a female can be slightly easier to accept. So much so that I was quite impressed with the person who cheated me. If there was indeed a grudge at the beginning, the other feelings that came out later were things that Wei himself could not explain clearly.

Lie couldn't see Wei, so he didn't know that Wei was still staring at the thing under him when he was thinking about these things. At this moment, Wei already has a clear seriousness in his heart, that is, he does have other thoughts or feelings for Lie, but being serious in his heart is not the same thing as wanting to say it out.

I have never liked to think things too complicated, if it is not, then it is not. Even if he wanted to beat Lie, but at the same time, he couldn't hold back the thought of worrying Lie that rose in his heart.

Finally, Wei looked up at Lie who was wearing a blindfold, and said, "Don't hold grudges."

no grudges...

Lie laughed, the thing under his body was being messed with unbearably, but just because of these three words at the moment, it seemed that the unbearable feeling disappeared a lot. Lie is very handsome, with the same facial features that have been carefully carved. At this moment, his eyes are covered by blindfolds, his nose is tall, and there are some beads of sweat hanging from the tip of his nose. It's getting heavier.

"Then, do you like me? Seriously, when I cheated on you, I wanted to kill you directly, but I gave up this idea when I saw you driving a battleship alone to fight with my troops. I led the troops to rescue you , At that time, I felt that if you couldn't save me, my heart would die with you."

"snort… "

"Don't sneer, I'm telling the truth. It's the first time I saw a person with such a feeling that his heart would jump out. Later, when I returned to China, my father had some health problems. I had a fight with William. Fortunately, Father is fine. When I was an adult, I thought about going to Taris, but before my message was finalized, I met Haisha’s pirate group... But I didn’t expect to be saved by you in the end... "


"Huh? Uh..." Lie's monophonic voice completely reflected his process from surprise to enjoyment. The feeling that followed in my heart was excitement, and my lips and tongue followed Wei's and began to entangle with each other.

Wei didn't know why he made such a move, when Lie's lips and tongue entangled him, he was taken aback. But soon the strange feeling made him... enjoy it a little bit.

The intense sucking was too intense, and one could feel the numbness of the lips and tongue. This guy is a typical example of hitting a snake with a stick. He started committing crimes as soon as he was given some sweetness. This was during the interrogation process. Thinking of this, Wei took a bite.


"Stay honest, I'm leaving."

"Hey, Wei, you haven't answered my question..." Hearing the sound of footsteps leaving, Lie shouted: "Don't go, are you embarrassed? Don't worry, I can't see your blushing even though I'm wearing a blindfold... Ouch !"

Something hit him on the head, and the brush that Wei was holding in his hand fell to the ground.

"Hey honey, what will you do if you leave me?"


This guy started to kill himself, and Wei, who walked to the hatch, stopped, bent down and picked up the broken strengthened glass, several "flying shots" came out, and the four pieces of glass "chachachacha" respectively Inserted into Lie's arms and thighs.

Become Jesus in a second...


The aircraft carrier on its slow return journey sailed for two days before finally arriving at the imperial capital of Talis. Lie, who was released from the torture chamber by Raymond, was very excited.

Because I got absolutely accurate information from Gu Xuan and watched the light and shadow video, Wei did have a baby, although the baby is still in a cell state.

But what worries Lie is that Wei doesn't seem to have a particularly deep understanding of "you have", and he didn't ask before, whether Wei knows what "you have" is...

Wei, who came out of the torture room, became a "shrinking tortoise", ran directly to the virtual training ground, and went to his virtual battlefield training. There is no way to get in.

In the end, Lie used the mastermind of the aircraft carrier to enter the same virtual battlefield as Wei. As the emperor of Wei's side in the battlefield game, he ordered people back from the battlefield in the game. A game with one more player throws a lot of things off balance, and in some respects, Vie admits, it's less powerful.

After coming out of the virtual battlefield, I finally feel hungry. Because of the time difference, the game will have a nutrition system to maintain the input of nutrition from the real body. But it's always not as strong as food.

As soon as he opened the hatch of the virtual room, he saw Lie standing at the door. He was holding a plate in his hand, and the plate contained nothing but food, and he could tell it was the meat of the wild beast when he smelled it. Of course, besides the beast meat, there were also delicious green vegetables and a The plate is very bright fruit, and a glass of fruit milk.

"What are you doing here?"

Lie looked up and looked at the plate in front of him: "I'm here to eat."

"This is not a restaurant for you to eat." Wei reached out and grabbed the tray, and pulled a piece of meat into his mouth. After chewing a few times, he spat it out: "Is this meat spoiled?"

"No, it wasn't long after it was made."

"Besides, why is there such meat on the aircraft carrier?"

"...I smuggled it with me before I came here."


Stuffing the plate of meat into Lie's hand, Wei planned to eat only these vegetables. He felt that the taste was so boring that he wanted to spit it all out immediately after eating it, and it would leave a super uncomfortable taste. Vi licked his lips, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Wei, wait a minute."


"Let me clean your mouth for you."

"..." Wei raised his foot and kicked towards the back. This guy's ability to seek death has reached a very advanced level. If it was said that he had to come here to provoke him in the past, then now this guy can show his deadly ability with just a few words or even a movement, a breath. It is very likely that this guy really thinks that he likes him, so he is even more confident and shameless.

The mastermind issued a notice that the aircraft carrier was approaching the port. Because the Morris team was successfully rescued in the team this time, Talis also sent a corresponding welcome team. There is a prince in Talis, but it seems that this prince is not cared about by more people, even though the prince is in the welcoming team this time.

The state banquet is another annoying occasion, and Wei is already tired of this kind of banquet that is also exhausting. What surprised him was that he was not required to attend the state banquet this time. The reason he didn't care...

Lie's recovery is no secret, and more people who know his identity have also increased because of the arrival of the Morris people. Lie, who had recovered his identity, could only live in the embassy with his own people, which made him a little unhappy. Putting on the formal clothes of Prince Maurice, Lie stood in front of the mirror and took a picture.

The pure white dress has fine silver lines on the neckline and cuffs, and dark silver hot stamping on the chest, which is the logo of Morris. The simple style does not lose its atmosphere and gorgeous collocation. I haven't dressed like this for a long time, but now I feel a little uncomfortable. After wearing Chuanwei's clothes for a long time, I changed into this kind of suitable clothes, but I didn't feel tight.

Thinking about it this way, Lie felt that his whole body was going to start to heat up again.

"Brother, how long are you going to look in the mirror?" William had been leaning against the door for a long time, and finally couldn't help but speak before seeing his brother almost entering the mirror.

Lie pointed to the mirror and said, "I was just shocked by the people in the mirror and stayed for a while."

"It's more than a little time..." William felt that he hadn't seen each other for a while, and his eldest brother seemed to have become quite narcissistic, and said, "When did you become so narcissistic?"

I thought I used to look in the mirror for my elder brother, but my elder brother insisted that I don’t need to look in the mirror to know how handsome I am