Admiral, You Have It

Chapter 5


Let him care.

Gu Xuan shrugged and said: "General, you don't need to worry about it. You should know that these things with low combat power are just a matter of the general's finger. The general still has two hands. Once these hands are stretched out, it will take ten minutes. question."

"..." Raymond put his hand on the light ball in mid-air, and then pushed the light ball out forcefully. In an instant, because the light ball left, it became dark here: "The general is now a male and female."

"Even if it is a female male, it is definitely the most powerful person in the Talis Empire. What's wrong with the female male? The general's combat ability has not been affected by the mutation at all. Otherwise, His Majesty the Emperor would not let him lead the negotiation team this time." Bar."

"You know shit."

"Tsk tsk tsk, look, it hasn't been a year since the admiral, where did the gentle chief Raymond go, he can say vulgar words like 'fart', saying that you are not the adjutant of the admiral No one believes it. Then tell me, why is what I know a fart?"

"Admiral is a general, do you understand? He is a fanatical war lover, which country in the entire galaxy doesn't know? Many people must have evaluated his combat ability in private, let alone the battle a few years ago, which made the superior He will lead the negotiating team, and if nothing else, he will tell the other party clearly that these matters will be discussed on the table, if they can be reached, they will be discussed, and if they cannot be reached, they will fight." Lei Meng felt that he would Not a calm male of thirty-two years old. No matter what, I feel that Professor Gu Xuan treats him as a child.

"Isn't this a question of combat effectiveness? What are you talking about with me?"

"..." Lei Meng felt a little congested, and roared: "I just want to tell you that although His Majesty asked the general to lead the team this time, what he actually wants is the deterrent power of the general. No one except our empire knows The general has mutated, and His Majesty has considered this matter carefully, and even refused the general's request to lead the team at the beginning, and His Majesty is very worried about the general's health."

"What does that have to do with me knowing shit?"

"You..." Lei Meng gritted his teeth and wished he could slap him twice. After a series of conversations, he realized that what the two of them said couldn't be drawn together. Being disturbed by Gu Xuan, what they said was originally intended to express something. all forgotten. Lei Meng patted his forehead: "Damn, I just want to say that even if the general is the strongest, he is still a female. His Majesty will not allow him to make mistakes. I must protect him."

"Then it's fine if you just say that, why are you talking so much with me? I'm old, and I can't think about it?" Gu Xuan casually continued to wipe the sweat from his forehead: "I haven't seen you go up after talking so much. Protect."

"If I can keep up with the Admiral's rhythm, can I still be here as your lighting?"

"So everything is a 'fart'. As an adjutant, you can only take care of the admiral's daily life and daily life. You can usually fight and drive a warship. In terms of protection, you are the one being protected. You can't keep up with the Admiral at all."

"... You said that I am completely a drag."

"It depends on what kind of person it is for. To me, you are like a god of war. To the general, it is the same as me to you. There is no difference."


"Hey, are you two walking in this jungle, feeling the atmosphere of nature, or something?" Wei stood in the distance, and while speaking, he kicked the huge animal that passed out under his feet in the direction of the two of them. . Lei Meng pulled Gu Xuan past him and took several steps back before avoiding the huge creature.

"Morris's cruiser is right ahead, speed up and catch up with me. If any creature comes to attack you later, I won't come back."

Gu Xuan spread his hands at Lei Meng: "Look, we are indeed the ones protected by the general."


Admiral, please save me some face, although being hurt by Gu Xuan is already a habitual problem.

Gu Xuan speeded up the movements of his hands. He didn't have much time to study what kind of animal this creature was, but he had already made a judgment in his mind. He remembered from the previous data, thinking whether he should unplug this guy with long hair The fangs of the old man went back to make some decorations, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. It would be a kind of harm to peel off the skin and blood of these cute guys.

The two quickly caught up with Wei, but Gu Xuan still couldn't help his previous curiosity, and asked Wei: "General, what kind of hatred did that guy have with you before? Seeing how you beat someone, I wish I could tear it up and eat it." .”

"You know the reason for signing the truce agreement with Morris, right? During the negotiating with the evil star, that kid put me on the sidelines, and I almost died. In the end, the kid pretended to be a good guy and brought troops to rescue me. As a result, at that time I was in a coma for half a month, and when I woke up, I knew that the two parties had signed an armistice agreement, and the evil star that should have belonged to Taris was divided into two, do you think this is a deep hatred."

Forget about anything else, that kid actually dared to show his way, it was simply...

court death…

chapter○○6 Beast

Gu Xuan recalled the appearance of the man just now. He hadn’t worn glasses before, and he couldn’t see clearly. When he saw clearly, the guy had been knocked out, his jaw was removed by the general, and his mouth couldn’t be closed. The saliva flowed like a waterfall, and the lights of the battleship still shone with reflections.

He was too embarrassed to look at that embarrassing look.

"Admiral, who is that person? I don't know who the guy who was negotiating with you at the evil star was, so don't go around and tell me quickly, satisfy my curiosity, the one who sent the distress message could be That one just now?"

"It wasn't him who negotiated with me, but he was right to show me that he was the one who brought the Morris Marine Corps to rescue me in a hypocritical way. It's not clear what this kid is. At that time, he brought people When he came to rescue me, I only noticed that face. This time, although the clothes on his body were tattered, it could still be seen that it was the official uniform of Major General Morris Marine Army, but I didn’t see the medal. But, go back and check to be sure."

"The admiral doesn't know what the specific identity of that kid is?"

"At the very least, I should be a major general. Although I was so angry when I woke up, and I happened to catch up with other battles, I didn't have time to check the kid's affairs. As a result, after I was free, I really forgot. If I didn't see him today With that face, I am afraid that I will really forget that I almost died on the evil star in my life."

"Can you forget this too?" Gu Xuan raised his eyebrows in disbelief, a little confused about what kind of thoughts and thoughts the person in front of him had. He could forget this kind of thing, and it wouldn't be because the things at that time were too embarrassing to force him Did you forget it yourself

"I don't have anything to think about these things. I just think that I don't want to meet that kid. If I don't meet him, let it be. If I meet him, I will kill him. Look, this is not in my hands." Wei said and stretched out his hand to grab him. Putting the ball of light floating in midair in his hand, he squeezed the ball of light in the middle to form an ellipse, then stretched it out, and then he threw out the light that was stretched like a stick.

The stick formed by the combination of light cannot be too far away from the wrist wheel, and the place where the stretched light shines seems to become a long strip, and the divergent light is slightly shrunk, which makes it appear that the brightness has increased a lot.

"That's Maurice's cruiser?"

"And it's still a combat ship wearing a commercial cruiser." Wei let Lei Meng and Gu Xuan stand here, and walked forward by himself.

Maurice's cruiser was already in dilapidated condition. It was obvious that the hull had suffered serious impacts, but what made Wei care about was that apart from the impact, the battleship also looked like it had been attacked by weapons. After the cruise ship fell, it lay crookedly in the jungle. Wei turned on the communicator that had been shut down because of the battle, and on the pop-up screen, the commander in the main control room of the spaceship who had been 'cold' for more than ten minutes said helplessly: "General, please don't cut off the connection at will?"

"Well, I accidentally pressed it."

"I will never believe what the general said was careless. You did it on purpose, I know."

"I might accidentally press it next time." Wei had already raised his hand while talking, and the commander hurriedly raised his hand to stop him on the screen: "Don't press the general, I have important things to do."

"I just knew you had something important to do, so I accidentally turned on the communicator again."

"Admiral..." the commander sighed: "Admiral, are you inspecting the cruiser now?"


"It was the main body of the light brain of the cruise ship that sent the distress message. The distress signal has lasted for ten days. The detector detected that there are indeed survivors on the cruise ship, but there is only one."

"That's right, there is no need to send extra troops."

"Admiral, which battleship do you intend to drive to bring the five people back to the spaceship together?"

"No, it's six."

"Another one? I don't think there's room for six in that two-man battleship."

"So I'll split it into two."

There was silence on the screen for a long time, and then he said: "Then, Admiral, I think we need to speed up a bit. We had already entered the interstellar channel of Talis before, but now we have left the tower because of this planet. Reese's channel is now in the public star field, but soon we will enter the star field of the Oster Empire, without prior notice or invitation, this kind of trespassing into the star field of other countries will cause a lot of trouble .At present, our relationship with Auster is not good, and this will be even more troublesome."

"I will as soon as possible." Wei frowned, this series of words made him impatient, and after finishing the four words