Admiral, You Have It

Chapter 54


It only takes one glance to judge, but what are these data? It's the same as the biological data in school, and it made him dizzy.

"Wake up or not, open your eyes when you wake up, or I'll press it randomly."


This threat didn't seem to be of much use, Lie Yan didn't even move his eyelashes.


"If I don't wake up, I will announce the divorce now."

"No, I'm awake, how can you get divorced right after you get married?" Although it's not so easy to get a divorce, but now it's live broadcasting, it doesn't matter if your movements are stiff or something, it's just a matter of cooperating with maintenance, as long as he is happy . But if you talk about divorce or something in front of the live broadcast, that would be bad...

Although I feel that Wei will not really say the word of divorce, but now that my dear one wakes me up, then I have to wake up.

"... When did you wake up?"

"I woke up when you kissed me. As soon as your mouth was pressed, I felt a cool, soft and fragrant feeling all over my body."

"Is this robot comfortable?" Wei was a little curious.

"It's okay, I don't have to exert myself at all, it's like sitting on the sofa, it's very comfortable, but it's more uncomfortable if I have to close my eyes... Eh!" Lie just finished speaking, suddenly raised a right hand Height, then move the left hand back, making a movement.

"Uh..." The corners of Wei's eyes twitched a few times, and he looked down at the remote control in his hand...

"General, what did you do?"

"I accidentally crushed it." Wei raised his hand and put the broken remote control in front of Lie: "This thing is too fragile..."

"My dear... Bell..." Lie said, raising his right foot and bending backward...

If I had known that my sobriety could produce such a big 'stimulation' to Wei, then I wouldn't be sober at all.

"What's the matter over there, suddenly so many people gathered around?" His Majesty the Emperor stood up and asked the people beside him.

"Your Majesty, it seems that His Highness Prince Will drank too much and was in such a good mood that he started dancing..."

"Will can still dance? Well, Xiwen, let's go and have a look... Xiwen..." His Majesty the Emperor turned his head, but he didn't see his queen, then turned his head to look forward, and the corners of his mouth twitched twice.

The queen has already gone to the crowd...

The crowd is not surrounded, they are all people with status and power, they don't seem to be willing to do this kind of "surrounding" thing, and this allows Xiwen to run to his son better: " What's going on here?"

Wei approached his father's ear: "I accidentally crushed the remote control. It was absolutely accidental. Dad, what should I do now? The robot lost control, and Lie just jumped up indiscriminately."

On the other side, the musicians who were playing elegant music stopped at the same time and looked at Prince Will who was "dancing" in the center.

"This kind of music is not suitable for this cheerful atmosphere. It's rare that Prince Will of Maurice is so happy. Let's cooperate and play a more cheerful song."

"OK… "

"I agree."

Soon the cheerful tune was played. Wei took a deep breath and held back his laughter: "Who told me to change the song, it's too rhythmic."

'咚呲' '哒味'

"You child, are you indecisive or completely out of shape? This is your wedding. It is Lie who is ashamed, and it is also you, Maurice and Taris."

"...What's there to be ashamed of? Besides, I think Lie dances very handsomely."


"He's handsome in his own right," Wei added.

Empress Xiwen raised her hand and grabbed the hem of Wei's clothes. Originally, he wanted to slap the child: "I didn't see you praise him when he was in front of you."

"Because I can't see him being frightened."


The two people here are discussing this, while His Majesty the Emperor over there is thinking about whether to let someone go up and catch Lie, whose body is constantly beating. If the crowd goes up to catch it, it means that Lie's dancing is not due to his own reasons, maybe Prince Will will be regarded as a lunatic, which is... quite embarrassing.

"Wei!" Lie looked over pitifully, his deep eyes full of helplessness.

Wei shrugged his shoulders, and suddenly there was only an afterimage of the person standing beside Xiwen, and then he appeared in front of Lie, his outstretched hands passed through Lie's armpits, and when Lie stretched out his hands, he clasped them tightly. , and at the same time use force with his hand to destroy the robot attached to Lie's back. The runaway robot, which had lost its power source, finally stopped, and Lie leaned against Wei with some loss of strength. This 'dancing' movement was too large, and it was quite exhausting.

"I'm sorry." Wei said, "I really accidentally pinched it."

Feeling that it was really his fault, Wei would not be stingy with apologizing. And Lie, who was panting on his shoulder, also made him feel a little distressed that he couldn't describe.

Lie shook his head: "I shouldn't pretend to be dizzy."

"I shouldn't have knocked you out."

"I shouldn't be so embarrassed. I know you're embarrassed to kiss me in front of so many people, but you're still so..."

Wei said: "Go back and make up for you..."


"It's just that your dance just now was really funny."


The tour will take place three days later and will last for a month. It is said to be a tour, but in fact it should be called a honeymoon trip after marriage. The original tour was to visit several allied countries, but because Wei already had a child, although the child is still a cell now. However, due to some other special reasons, the two majesties changed the itinerary of the tour and changed it to be held within the Talis star field. Starting from the imperial capital star, they toured several important resident stars of Talis.

On the day of the parade, Morris' spaceship set off together.

In the palace, Xiwen, who was sitting on the sofa, expressed that he did not want to talk to the emperor. Finally helpless, His Majesty the Emperor stretched out his hands to hold Xiwen's face, and turned the person in front of him: "If you really go on a parade with me, how can they return to Morris?"

"What do you mean?"

chapter ○48

His Majesty the Emperor looked at his queen seriously, sighed, and said, "Will is ready."

"What preparation?"

"Take this tour and go back to Morris's preparations."

Xiwen moved his head, shook off His Majesty's hand holding his face, and said, "You're not planning to let Bell give birth to the child, and you're sending him back to Morris..."

"I think so, but it is obvious that neither Wei nor Will will do what I want. First of all, Will is the prince of Maurice. Leaving aside the content of the letter written by Emperor Maurice, neither will I." Farang will stay in Taris until the child is born; come again, let the newlyweds separate, let alone I think it’s not good, even if Wei Na’s child is not happy.” His Majesty touched his chin: “Don’t look Vita usually doesn't show much concern for Will..."

"That's still called not showing. When you didn't see him show?" Xiwen's eyes were full of contempt.

His Majesty the Emperor coughed dryly: "It's also your fault. If you find the child and don't bring it back, I, as a father, didn't fulfill my father's responsibility. Now the child won't even call me Daddy, let alone He showed his true thoughts in front of me."

"... He has to be able to scream if he wants to." Xiwen said, adjusted his somewhat stiff sitting posture, and said, "Please continue the previous topic, and don't talk to me about anything else."

His Majesty the Emperor asked, "What topic?"

"...they went back to Morris, and Bell's child soon followed. The plan of 'training Bell's first child to become Emperor Taris' is about to fail."

His Majesty the Emperor shook his head: "The condition I made before was that Wei's body was used as an excuse to ask the two to give birth to the child before returning to Morris, but in fact they all know what I want. After the child is born, I will Using children is not conducive to long-distance travel and leaving children behind. But the day after Will got the promise of Weina's children, he began to prepare and plan how to leave Taris and return to Morris during the tour.

At first I didn't care, just paid attention to his actions, but later I found out that he had a well-planned plan. But this is not the point. The point is that he can think of a way to return to Morris and leave me speechless. In the future, he will also think of a reason for refusing to let their first child become Emperor Taris.

So I went to Will and took the initiative to talk to him, saying that I already knew his plan and the way back to Maurice. Told him also that I would have no objection to him returning to Maurice with his countrymen on tour. But I have no children besides Vi, and I will marry my only child to him…”

Xiwen took a deep breath, raised his hand and patted His Majesty on the shoulder twice: "It's so insidious, what agreement did Will make with you?"

"The child has reached the age of mutation, so bring the child to Taris. The rest is for me, the emperor, to solve."


His Majesty the Emperor raised his hand to grab Xiwen's hand, smiled, and continued: "Actually, I am still quite worried about Wei's body, although I do know that the child in my womb is just a developing cell, but it is still a child." .”

Xiwen stood up: "I have to go and see the two old people. It seems that it will not be easy to get familiar with the habits in the palace for a while."

In the vast universe, two spaceships are sailing towards the next resident star of the Talis Empire on the route of the star field inside the Talis Empire. One of the spaceships has the logo of the Morris royal family on the entire body, while the other spaceship looks very new, and its body is the logo of the thorn eagle, and the silver thorn eagle totem is proud and domineering.

Doctor at the moment