Admiral, You Have It

Chapter 55


A virtual character is being projected in the central area of the treatment room. This is the humanoidization of the main brain system of the spaceship, but no matter how you look at it, Wei's good impression of this spaceship has disappeared a bit. The prototype of the humanoid intelligent hologram of the main brain system is not someone else, but it is designed according to its own appearance. Moreover, it is obvious that this system was forced into the spaceship system later and replaced the original system, giving people a very domineering feeling...

"Who made this system?" Wei asked, and according to the doctor's instructions, he lay down on the automatic operating bed, feeling the warm rays slowly moving from his feet.

Dr. Terry looked at the main brain system in the central area that was looking at this side, shrugged his shoulders, ordered the people around him to adjust the equipment, and at the same time explained to Wei: "This system is made by His Royal Highness, Dr. Yanni and others from our country. It was completed together two years ago, during which time the system was constantly being updated, so the dolls of this system were set by His Royal Highness... Of course, this new system was only set not long ago It has become Your Majesty Wei. You know, although we have ceased the war, it was an enemy country after all. I am afraid that you have killed us Maurice. It is impossible to count how many people you have. You need to set your appearance as The system figure, I guess many people will panic when they see it..."

"... I think it's more disturbing for me to be your princess Maurice than to be me in the virtual system..."

"Perhaps, a little bit." Terry said with a smile, while recording important information on the light screen next to him: "In fact, Morris is a country that respects the strong. Many of us were killed, but this is not your fault, this is the result of the war. Your strength has been recognized by many people in Maurice, and even later led by His Royal Highness, many families can see stickers Your message, children say to be 'Maurice's God of War'."

"... Idiots can also influence people when they reach a certain level. It seems that you people in Morris are very easy to be influenced." But I have to say that Lie is indeed very powerful. He can do this thing. It's like playing. He can find out how old he was and where he was, and who he watched X-rated movies with before.

"His Royal Highness, the examination has been completed. You can get up first, or rest on the bed for a while." Terry knew that Wei was not someone who would rest on the bed. Sure enough, Wei jumped off the next moment, and his movements were unbelievably fast. . Terry, who was startled, quickly stretched out his hand to hold Wei, but immediately got Wei's sharp gaze, and Terry let go of his hand: "I'm sorry, Your Highness, but I hope you don't make any big moves."


"Look here." Terry pushed the light screen in front of Wei and signaled Wei to look.

Wei looked at it for a long time, saw the bottom from the top, saw the top from the bottom, and finally turned to look at Terry: "What do you want me to see?"

"..." Terry pointed to the screen: "Here is the scene in your belly. It has been more than twenty days since the fusion of the two cells was detected after the Pirates incident. You saw him Has it changed?"

Wei stared at the ball on the screen for a long time: "I don't understand."

"...Your Highness, it's like this. A female and a male can observe a preliminarily formed child around the fortieth day of pregnancy. Your child has already left the appearance of a cell and has a human appearance. Can you understand this? "

"This can!"

"Yes, that is, in the past two months or so, the child needs to be cared for very carefully. You see that he is so young now, and your body will affect him, so you can no longer be like just now..." Terry put his hands together He gestured twice in front of him: "You can't make such a big move like just now."

"Are I moving too much?"


"All right."

Wei, who left the medical room, walked towards the lounge. He still listened to Terry's words, and he also took in the little fist-sized thing on the screen. This feeling is very magical, and it is difficult for the literary and artistic Wei to find a suitable language to describe this feeling. But he wrote down the words 'be careful'. However, how long it can last is something that Wei himself does not know.

After coming out of the medical room, he thought about being extremely careful for the children, so he decided to find a walker. Vi stopped as he passed the storage compartment. He opened the cabin door and took a look inside. The automatic sensor light turned on. After a glance, Wei finally saw a scooter in the corner, but there were a lot of heavy objects piled up in front of him. He frowned. , raised his foot and kicked these things away.

The sound of 'bang' and 'bang' soon attracted everyone from the nearby medical room.

When Terry, who was the leader, rushed into the storage room, a small path was created in the place full of sundries, and the path went straight to the corner: "My God, Your Highness Wei, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to take this walker. It's you who said to take good care of the children. The walker will save me from walking."

Terry stroked his forehead: "... I will tell His Highness, I think at least there must be someone by your side who can't leave you every step of the way."

Wei got on the scooter, left a group of doctors who were still a little dumbfounded, and continued to move towards the rest area. In order to protect the child, he adjusted the speed of the scooter to the minimum, which is quite a leisurely speed.

In the lounge, Lie circled the location of the next stop, and after confirming it in the spaceship's system, the route also began to change. Lie Buwang, who was doing everything, chatted with his father on the screen next to him.

His Majesty the Emperor of Morris swept around the lounge: "Where is the child of Wei Na, how is it?"

"How is it? Didn't I describe it before? Very good, she is a good wife, who can go to the hall and go to the kitchen."

"I said how is his health now, doesn't he have a child?"

"Oh, good, I'm taking a nap now, I thought you were asking how I was doing."

His Majesty Emperor Morris touched his chin: "Can you really go to the hall or go to the kitchen? It's hard to say, after all, he is a warrior, and this kind of person generally has little time to spend on cooking, and Still a prince."

"Watch all the movies in the living room, and wait for dinner in the kitchen. Father, he is about to wake up, I will cut off contact first." He glanced at the time displayed on the screen, guessing that Wei Ye should wake up from his afternoon nap, and hung up After getting the communicator, he was about to get up. The cabin door of the lounge was opened.

The sound of the scooter moving slowly was subtle but rhythmic, and the swaying scooter carried Wei to the front of Lie.

"I'm going to see if you're awake. Why did you use the scooter? Are you tired?"

Not only did he wake up, but he also met Terry on the way and was asked to do a detailed inspection.

Shaking his head, Wei continued to drive the scooter to the control screen of the mastermind, glanced at the changed route, and stretched out his hand to slap Lie's ass. He originally planned to kick, but thinking about it, this action might Affects the child, so use your hands instead: "Did you change the course?"

"Yes, the destination of the voyage is the planet Purcell."

"What are you going to do on Xer Xer?" The original route did not have Xer Xer, and even if it was going to Morris, it would not pass through Xer Xer, and the directions were not consistent.

"Catch wild beasts, catch them and keep them. I plan to catch a few small ones, a few males and a few females. I even figured out where to feed them. I have also investigated before, and the breeding speed of wild beasts is very fast. Yes, they grow in two months, they can reproduce in three months, and they can grow to a large size in just five months."


"For the meat."

"..." Wei stretched out his hand and patted Lie's butt: "It's very elastic."

"If you like it, I let you take pictures every day, and you can take pictures as you like."

It's so cool again, as if it's amazing to have such a flexible butt, Wei let out a low 'ts', moved the slow walker forward a little bit, stretched out his hand and started to adjust the next route: "Where's William and Mercer?"

"Moser's stomach is getting bigger, and William is worried about him, so he let Moser lie on the bed and watch over him every step of the way. I was thinking... honey, should you also lie on the bed properly?"

Wei pretended not to hear, and said: "The next stop is Saier, since the route has been changed to this side, then the next stop is Cecilia."

"The Delia Empire?"

"Well, to meet old friends."

"An old friend of the Delia Empire..." Lie hurriedly said, "The famous interstellar stingy general Leo... No, I can't go. I investigated your relationship with him. You once said that he was too good-looking. "It's a pity that you are not a female, otherwise I will marry you" and I saw it in the interstellar news before I fell on the K star, saying that the guy likes long hair, and your hair is already so long."

"He likes his hair long because his wife's hair is so long." Wei can't wait to show Liebi a big finger. This guy has found out everything he said, "You can even tell me what I said." If you find out, you don't know that he is married, right?"

"If you don't tell me, I really don't know. It's not him that I investigated." Lie heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that Leo was married. The guy was a man whom Wei admired very much when he was still a male, and he instantly fell in love with him.


The meat of wild beasts is the most delicious thing for him, but Maurice doesn't have that kind of food.