Admiral, You Have It

Chapter 56


animal. In order to catch the beast, he specially asked the medical team to prepare a large amount of anesthetic, and went to catch it alone with a gun. The purpose is to catch the beast and return to Morris, so I can't think that when I was with Wei last time, I just need to kill the beast.

On the light screen, Lie was showing off his 'Kung Fu'. Here, Wei was sitting on the sofa, and next to him was Moser, who was getting bigger and bigger. The two of them watched with gusto.

"This guy hides deep enough." Wei squinted his eyes, watching Lie jumping up and down in the huge forest to fight with wild beasts. The hunting beast is a very sluggish movement, and it often takes a long time to shoot the anesthesia gun into the body, and it will not lose its combat power immediately, even if the effect of the medicine is strengthened many times. Just now, he was almost hit by the tail of a beast, and because he was slow to dodge, he slammed into a tree heavily...

Not only the tree, but even Wei and Moser, who were watching from the spaceship, seemed to feel a strong shock. Lie played handsomely and fell wonderfully!

Wei felt a little restless, he shouldn't have listened to that guy Lie's stupid request to let him stay on the spaceship. Now, seeing that guy jumping up and down, he wished that he was the one who would fight the wild beast. And seeing that Lie was almost hit just now, Wei Yi's heart also jumped. What's more, the most important thing is that there is still Moser by his side...

Moser is a good boy, Wei thought so from the first time he saw him after the pirate incident, this kid is very good, he doesn't talk much, he is very shy, but occasionally he talks funny. But at this age, it feels like there is an insurmountable gap in the middle. Although there is something to say, the conversation is really meaningless.

After leaving Saier Xing, Lie finally felt satisfied. The goods received this time were very rich, and there were no less than ten beasts, large and small. It's just a pity that he couldn't tell the female from the male.

This kind of thing, leave it to the medical team of the same company.

After sailing along the established route for five days, the spaceship finally left the star field of Taris. After sailing in the public star field for several stars, the spaceship entered the star field of the Delia Empire. It took three days for the spacecraft to reach the capital planet of the Delia Empire.

When he decided to go to Shiwei at the beginning, he had already sent a message to Dilia and obtained permission to enter the star field. Dilia's border space station has also entered the spacecraft system survey star field.

Today's Wei also drove his scooter towards the underground cabin 07 where the beasts were held. Lie, who was worried about Wei's body, naturally followed him every step of the way. Wei suddenly increased the speed of the scooter, which was enough to make his hair flutter in the windless corridor.

Lie was stunned for a moment, ran up in a whiz, chased after him, and shouted: "Hey, dear, don't be so fast, have you forgotten that you have to protect the child?"

As soon as Lie's voice fell, Wei stopped, and the speed of the scooter immediately became a turtle speed. Lie ran to Wei's side without panting: "I think..."


Before Lie opened his mouth, Wei's scooter rushed out again. Lie blinked, followed quickly, and said while running: "I really hope that I can possess Gu Xuan for a second." Lie's eyes suddenly lit up as he said this, as if thinking of something, he turned on the communicator, and soon the light On the assembled screen, the scene in the Talis Palace was being displayed, and the person on the screen was none other than Empress Xiwen.

The speed of Wei's scooter slowed down again, and he turned his head to look at Lie who was very proud and talking with his father with a smile. Wei lifted his foot and kicked it up, and directly pressed Lie kick against the wall: "Bring it!"

Lie smiled, and obediently handed over the communicator. On the screen, Empress Xiwen gave Wei a resentful and helpless look, and said, "Did you abduct both Lei Meng and Gu Xuan to the spaceship?"

"No, Gu Xuan followed me voluntarily. As for Lei Meng, he should have been abducted by Gu Xuan. Dad, I have something to do, so I'll cut it off first, and I'll talk to you later." Quickly hung up the communicator, and sat on the scooter With one foot still on Lie's stomach, Dewei exerted a little strength. Lie obediently raised his hands to stick to the wall, looked at Wei with a flattering smile, and said, "Terry said that children around these two months are the most dangerous."

"Can you stop following me? Believe it or not, I'll knock you out here."

"Even if I let you beat me, I won't faint for too long. Come and beat me. After you beat me, you will stay with me and wait for me to wake up. You won't run around like this. Besides, it seems that I haven't been beaten by you for a long time." fainted."

"...I..." Wei hesitated to speak.

"What's the matter with you?" Lie moved, and found that the foot on his stomach was using quite a lot of strength.

"Damn!" What kind of person is this uncle? Wei withdrew his foot, this time he made the speed of the walker a little more normal, neither fast nor slow, just at the normal speed of Lie walking.

"Just now you said that Gu Xuan followed you?" Lie felt that when he returned to Morris, he must make a scooter that can be shared by two people, and it must be a front-to-rear type and not a side-by-side type, so that he can sit on Wei's side. behind. Almost all of the current walkers are for pregnant women and the disabled. The regenerative treatment of this era is very powerful, but the cost it requires is not affordable by ordinary people.

"Gu Xuan's plan at the beginning was to follow me. As for Lei Meng, I think he was kidnapped by Gu Xuan." Although Lei Meng probably couldn't bear to leave himself: "But I only know that they are on my spaceship. I don't know where."

"Tell me!" Lie walked around in front of the Weidai scooter, his handsome face showed a fake 'innocence' that didn't suit his age, his beautiful and deep eyes blinked a few times like a child's. The very magnetic voice imitated the voice of a baby: "Tell me, I don't even know."

Wei speeded up suddenly, and the scooter hit Lie directly, and Lie quickly stabilized the sides of the scooter with both hands: "I was wrong, don't get excited, pay attention to your body."

Wei said: "I didn't allow Gu Xuan to come with me at the beginning, but he finally came up. Gu Xuan's words, that is a war idiot, but although Raymond has not participated in the battle for a long time, he is still stabbing Eagle has been trained to go on missions, that guy is a dull gourd type, he doesn’t talk much, and sometimes I don’t know what he’s thinking. So it’s easy for him to hide on my spaceship with Gu Xuan and not let me find out.” It is estimated that they have left the star field of Taris now, and the two of them should show up sometime.

"They are hiding on the third floor underground... You strongly forbid them to come, but they boarded the spaceship secretly; you knew they were on the spaceship, but you pretended not to know, and let them hide secretly so as not to be discovered by you. And you Almost every day, they use the pretext of taking a walk to inspect the three underground floors of the spaceship... Are you deliberately punishing them?"


"Okay, you're so cute."


"No, I mean I love you so much, I love you to death. I want to kiss you now to express my feelings."

"I'll let you kiss the scooter." After Wei finished speaking, the scooter crashed into it again. Fortunately, the scooter is not a flying car, and no matter how fast it is, it is at most the speed of a person running.

The three-day itinerary was fast. On the evening of the third day, the two spaceships finally stopped on the planet Delia, and the spaceships that were too large could only be docked outside the spaceport. And General Leo, who received the message at the beginning, brought a group of teams to meet his friends.

Wei jumped off the scooter, the action was so big that the people around were terrified, Lie gave Terry a look with his eyes, and Terry hurriedly said: "Your Highness Wei, you all know that you can use a scooter instead of walking to avoid hurting your child. Have you ever thought that jumping down like that is much more intense than walking?"

"... Oh, yes, be careful!" Wei suddenly slowed down, step by step carefully.

In order to welcome Wei, General Leo specially put on formal clothes. He was handsome, tall and heroic. He was standing to welcome Wei, but he found that Wei's speed really made him anxious. Simply striding up to meet Wei, the two looked at each other and smiled, then reached out to each other to shake hands, and then hugged.

"You're welcome, Vi."


"How come? I prepared a big meal for you, but the big meal lacks the necessary ingredients. I can be sure that your spaceship is loaded with the best ingredients in the entire interstellar. And I can transform the ingredients you brought into the whole world. The best food in the universe.”

"You are really walking unswervingly on the road of being stingy." Wei raised his eyebrows: "You invite me to eat, but you want me to provide ingredients?" It’s fine after a meal, judging by this posture and tone, it looks like he is letting himself go to his house, just go, Wei doesn’t care, but the ‘big meal’ he prepared has to be found from his own spaceship...

"Delia's food is not good, but Talis's ingredients are top-notch, such as beasts. I seem to have smelled the smell of beasts on the spaceship."

Wei only felt a sudden strength in his waist. Wei, who was always very sensitive to danger, didn't feel much love or jealousy. He just froze for a moment, and at the same time, he was pulled back. Lie wrapped one hand aggressively around his wife's waist, and stretched out the other: "General Leo."

"His Royal Highness, see you..."

"Let go!" Wei turned back and lowered his voice to warn, interrupting Leo's words.

Lie was willing to be distracted by Wei, the general reached out to hold Lie's hand, Lie had already taken advantage of Wei's warning, decisively moved away from looking at Leo, and withdrew his hand. that move