Admiral, You Have It

Chapter 59


Okay, except for the system of course... Lie wished he could tear open the space tunnel now and go directly to Leo's ship. Unfortunately, the spacecraft does not have this function.

Viking 1 is an artificial planet. It is better to say that it is a space station than a planet, but compared to other space stations, Viking 1 can be said to be the largest artificial space station in the entire galaxy. It is the location of the interstellar government's prison. The terrain and climate are quite harsh, and it is kept between two barren planets. And the nearest planet can no longer be found around. The closest is Delia.

In the central command room of the Leo aircraft carrier, Leo contacted his wife, smiled and said to the handsome man on the screen: "Hi, baby, I'm here to pick you up."

The person on the screen obviously showed a strong dislike for this title. If it weren't for the fact that there were too many people in the command room, he would have liked to gesture a middle finger at Leo: "You have exceeded the scheduled time, why? See you Did your old friend forget about the business later?"

"Of course not, although I had a relationship with Wei before that..." In order to see his wife's reaction, Leo deliberately paused, and took a leisurely sip of Delia's highest-grade red wine.

Suddenly, the picture of his wife, which originally occupied the entire screen, suddenly shrunk to half, and then, a handsome and extraordinary face appeared in front of him.

"There was a period of what?"

'Pfft', this face appeared so unexpectedly that Leo's drink that hadn't been swallowed was sprayed out. Tsk...

"No, nothing, absolutely nothing." Leo looked at the wine spilled on the ground, stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, wine... what a pity: "Your Highness Will, what are you doing?"

Lie raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "General Leo, I found that your aircraft carrier has a system loophole. I am 100,000 kilometers away from your aircraft carrier, but I can sneak into your system."

"Your Highness sneaked into my system to tell me about the loopholes in my aircraft carrier?" Leo also raised his eyebrows. He doesn't think there are any loopholes in his aircraft carrier. The aircraft carrier's system is not so easy to invade. The tens of thousands of program systems are definitely not accessible to ordinary people, but Will not only invaded, but even appeared on the screen. On the other hand, the system of the aircraft carrier did not even issue a little bit of warning. It can only be said that this Prince Will really has a set. He suddenly felt that the enemy he was facing was not this Prince Will, and he felt a sense of gratitude.

Lie shrugged and said, "Actually, I found that the entire system of your aircraft carrier is very tight, General."

"Hmm, it just doesn't seem to hinder you at all, Your Highness."

He didn't plan to tell Leo too much about this, and Lie didn't plan to tell Leo, because Wei had been to this aircraft carrier, and Wei's contactor was installed with a detection system by himself. Although it is indeed very difficult to hack into the aircraft carrier's system, the premise is thanks to Leo's aircraft. However, if Wei hadn't boarded the ship, why would Lie invade Leo's ship system: "Wei is on your ship, please don't let him go to the front line of the battlefield."

Leo was taken aback for a moment, but quickly reacted, and said: "It may be too late, my ship will land on the w-1 planet closest to Viking 1 in three minutes, and ten minutes ago, in order to rescue My previous advance team, the Star Wars action team, has already set off, and will go around Viking 1 to planet w-2." Leo switched out the screen, looked at it for a moment, and said: "Star Wars action The team has arrived near Viking 1 and is in the middle of the battle, and I will tell you some bad news, the speed and fighting style of one of the battleships are completely in line with Viking."

Viking 1 is an artificial planet, not a star. It has a system that can drive the planet to move. It is a mobile space station, but the largest space station in the interstellar space is too huge, so the speed of action is very slow. There was no spaceship on board, let alone an aircraft carrier, and the rioters could not escape Viking One for a while. Therefore, after taking control of Viking 1, the rioters immediately opened the planet's defense system, and the invisible shield resisted attacks from the outside world. The place that was originally a prison itself is equipped with a fairly powerful army, but now it has become a weapon in the hands of the rioters.

Not only were Leo's advance troops unable to break through the shield, they were even troubled by the attack from within. The battle lasted for more than ten hours, not to mention that the protective shield was not damaged at all, and the advance troops led by Mrs. Leo had to land on the w-2 planet.

And this planet has another name - Bug Star. There are huge bugs all over here, and these bugs only have a strong killing intent towards foreign things.

"My great god." Over there, Lie was watching the battle around Viking 1 through the intruded system. To get to Worm Star, after all, you have to pass Viking 1, nearby, and the battleship hiding in the protective cover is shooting out. The fastest and most ruthless battleship, the flying habits and fighting skills can indeed be seen as Wei, and not everyone can have that kind of speed. It's a pity that the attack launched by Wei's battleship was absorbed after hitting the protective shield.

Lie raised his hand to cover his eyes, couldn't bear to look but couldn't help not to look. A heart almost jumped out of the chest following the battleship: "Baby Wei, increase the speed of the spaceship to the limit."

The mastermind of the holographic image in the central area dimension accepted this request, and said in a slightly metallic voice: "His uncle's is already at the limit."


And the other side.

Wei in the battleship frowned. Every attack he made was towards the battleship ahead. However, no matter what the attack was, it disappeared before it got close. The powerful energy seemed to be absorbed by invisible things. . Wei stopped the attack on the protective cover, and then said through the system linked by the battleship: "It is best to stop the attack, the protective cover is absorbing the power of the bullet as the energy source for protection."

This strange voice made the entire operation team confused, and someone even shouted loudly: "Who is the battleship C-type 331, please answer."

While dodging the attack from the shield, Wei smiled and said, "Wei."

"Battleship C-Type 331, please answer!"


"Battleship c-type 331, please answer! Please don't pretend that you can't receive the signal..."

"It's his uncle's. I'm Wei, so why pretend he can't receive the signal."

As soon as Wei's voice fell, Leo suddenly appeared in the battleship, and the latter smiled and said: "The pilot of the c331 battleship is Admiral Wei of Talis, you must protect him and escort him to the w-1 camp After the order, Leo said to Wei: "Wei, you must have understood what happened to the protection system activated by Viking 1. Now you have to go back to the camp here, and we need to think of other ways. "

"Your wife is still in W-2." The slight sense of loss on Wei's face was followed by a little excitement, and the eager expression made Leo and Lie, who was still in the Leo aircraft carrier system, twitch their eyes in unison.

Lie switched the display and said to Wei: "Wei, you go back to the camp first, I'm almost there, and the next thing needs to be discussed together. Let's put down the fight with bugs first, I don't think you want IF to come After that, we still haven't settled things here, have we?"

"..." Wei's battleship suddenly turned around extremely fast. Under the escort of two warships, headed back in the direction of w-1.

Leo couldn't help but pointed a big finger at Liebi. He is indeed the person who has solved Wei. No matter how much ability this prince has now, just from invading his own system before and fixing Wei with a short sentence just now, he is a magical person. Completely grasp Wei's character firmly. Looking at Wei Na's excited expression just now, I knew that the guy must have thought of something fun, but I didn't expect that he had the idea of "fighting" with bugs. I thought he was just trying to save people.

Moreover, Wei would never be happy to see the arrogant appearance of the people from IF, and of course this is not what Leo would be happy to see either. In fact, in the current situation, even if it comes, it is just an increase in troop strength. But if all this is done after the if comes, then all the credit will go to the if.

"By the way, Leo, I still think that if I don't save your wife, your wife will be in danger." The warship that had been heading back turned around again.

Leo hurriedly said: "No, he is not an ordinary person, he has a lot of good things, not to mention Zerg, even beasts can't get close."

"..." Hearing this, Wei turned the battleship around while wondering what kind of things it was.

Lie's spaceship stopped near W-1, and then he boarded a medium-sized ship with Spike Eagle and several Taris officers. The ship flew to W-1, landed with a lot of noise, the body rumbled in the friction with the atmosphere, and the power system that slowed down and gradually extinguished hummed. The high winds of the landing threw Wei, who was standing nearby, on his side.

Lie walked quickly to Wei's side, gave him a hug first, and then said: "Next time if I do this again, I will..."

"So what?"

That's all, what else can be done, Lie raised his hand and touched his nose, and said, "I won't hit you anymore."

"..." Weiha laughed twice: "If I knew you would follow, I would definitely not beat you unconscious." But if I didn't beat you