Admiral, You Have It

Chapter 74


Adjutant, I don't have a military position either..."

Wei squinted his eyes and looked at Lei Meng, his chin slightly raised, the sharpness in his eyes was a domineering aura that made people feel awed naturally. For a while, Raymond had no choice but to lower his head. Although he was a year or two older than Wei, he had to admit that the person in front of him had no common sense in life and would not put on airs to the people around him. Has an overwhelming momentum. With just a look, Lei Meng could only frown and say 'yes', then glared at Gu Xuan, and said, "Follow me back."

Gu Xuan took off the waist bag that he used to wrap around his body when he went out, stepped forward and put it on Wei's waist, walked around Wei's body, and buckled the belt behind Wei: "Admiral, there is a locator inside, no matter what If anything happens to you, I will save you, even if you are blown to pieces, I can recover."

The corners of Wei's eyes twitched for a moment, but he still couldn't hold it back. He slapped Gu Xuan on the head and cursed: "Do you guys think I'm going to die this time? Can you be smarter?" His partner, the prince of the ally Talis, is it possible that this Hyde Street can destroy himself, even if he really wants to, he must have this ability. Besides, I am not the kind of person who will die blindly.

Gu Xuan wiped away the tears that flowed from the pain of being photographed, and said: "But you said that the thorn eagle is still needed."

"Do you want to do the preparatory work? My uncle really doesn't believe that Hyde Street can turn Morris's sky upside down. Get out of here, don't hold back. Raymond, it's not that I don't believe in your fighting ability, but This is not Star Wars, your individual quality is really not that good, saying that you are holding me back will definitely hit you, you have to leave here and send me information... Keep in touch."

Looking at the background where Wei turned and walked towards the belly of Hyde Street, Lei Meng took a deep breath, and quietly said a word: "You have already said it."

There were still no people on the street, and the occasional pedestrians who passed by were dressed in strange clothes. I can still feel the vaguely curious gazes from the houses on both sides of the street. Wei glanced back, Lei Meng and Gu Xuan basically left the entrance of Hyde Street three steps at a time, and the several guard members didn't seem to pay too much attention to the two of them, as if the three of them walked into Hyde Street at the beginning. Like the street, turn a blind eye.

Wei frowned, presumably because he didn't feel the threat from the two of them. Or, these guards are just for display at all, and they are just a deterrent.

Wei walked faster and faster, bypassing the empty but messy and even dilapidated square pool, and the straight street leading directly to the tallest building. Hyde Street is indeed very big, and there are many forked streets around it. Occasionally, people who are looking at it curiously can be seen from the alleyways.

The headquarters floor of dsc, the largest organization that manages and rules Hyde. Even the building is very prominent, it is simply a major symbol of Hyde Street. The ornate buildings do not match the style of the whole street. Things that are too ornate have a strong visual impact and a sense of disobedience in such a messy street. Wei's progress was stopped by two men watching at the door.

"Sorry, please pass the accident."

"..." pass? What is this? Could it be that there must be a special sign to enter this building

"If there is no pass, please retreat ten meters away, otherwise..."

Before the man finished speaking, the communicator on the wrist wheel vibrated slightly, and Wei also noticed the vibrating sound. The man glanced at Wei, then raised his hand to connect, and a strange man appeared in the holographic image gathered in front of him. However, the man didn't talk to the guard more, but looked at Wei.

"Hi, Prince Will's companion, Your Highness Wei, how are you?"

This voice is very familiar, Wei narrowed his eyes, this person is Bai Ao. The holographic image formed by the combination of light makes the smile on the face of this man named Bai Ao look even more evil. Wei felt displeased with the application that looked like a smile but not a smile and watching a show: "Where is Lie?"

"Lie? I don't have a lie here, Your Highness Wei, but Prince Will has one."

"..." The frowning Wei did not speak. The holographic image is different from the panoramic image. Bai Ao adopted this way of dialogue, obviously to prevent himself from seeing where he is and the surrounding situation, and even unable to hear Lie Bie human voice.

"His Royal Highness, how about we play a game?"

"I am not interested."

"You will be interested." Bai Ao's smile made Wei feel extremely disgusted, and then Bai Ao said: "I have stayed in Hyde Street for too long, and there is nothing that can attract my attention. This Hyde Street is My toy, and I'm tired of it now, and you, new not only to Maurice, but to Hyde Street, are a new toy to me, though only for a time, because I I don't think Will will give you up to me, so of course I have to take advantage of this short time and have fun."


A simple noun made Wei not only ignite in his heart, but also his whole body. It is obviously the simplest way to provoke, but it is also the most effective.

"what game?"

"The game is very simple, as long as you can come to my side." Bai Ao cracked a smile, and the holographic image suddenly came in front of Wei: "As long as you can come to my side, I personally Find it out for you. By the way, your partner will return it to you."

By the way, Lie is just a bonus, right

"I can figure it out myself," said Vee.

"..." Bai Ao was stunned for a moment, and said: "Your Highness Wei, if I don't help you but hinder you from finding this person, you will never try to find this person for the rest of your life. I will provide you with information... as long as you can find me, your partner It's at my place right now..."

"..." Wei raised his hand and grabbed the man's wrist, and at the same time he cut off the man's wrist wheel connector. Compared with whether he is hindered from finding someone to kill, Wei at this time is more interested in this game and finding Lie. He looked up at the tall building in front of him. This building was about 30 stories high. Compared with those buildings in the center of the capital, it was actually nothing...

Could it be that Lie was arrested by Bai Ao and being tortured inhumanely and brutally? The uneasiness in his heart has never dissipated since the beginning, but now it is even more intense because of this thought, and his heart is full of pain. It's like pressing a huge stone.

Wei's gaze swept across the two guards, and finally settled on the chest of the man in front of him. He squinted his eyes, then stretched out his hand at a speed that was difficult for ordinary people to catch, and tore off the metal plate hanging on the man's chest.

The two men seemed to feel something. When they reached out to caress their aching necks, Wei in front of him had disappeared. The black figure pushed open the door that was too gorgeous to look directly at, and walked in swaggeringly. The two men looked at each other, raised their feet and followed. Suddenly something flew through the air. The man subconsciously reached out to take it.

Wei's voice came from ahead: "This is the so-called pass card." The figure hidden in the shadows still had a sign on the hand, which he was twisting in his hand, and the metal sign was engraved on one side. Some small characters are engraved on one side of the dsc, which glistens and reflects light when turned.

The hall was very empty, and Wei Yi was a little confused about the nature of this building on Hyde Street. This organization rules Hyde Street, here is the base of dsc, is it a company? Or what, what does its operation rely on to maintain. Glancing at the two very handsome men standing on the overly gorgeous counter, Wei's doubts deepened.

The elevator that directly pressed the top floor and set the fastest speed stopped suddenly on the second floor. The rapid rising speed and sudden stop nearly made Wei fall to the ground... The door of the elevator opened automatically. Before Wei could see what was outside the door, the sudden sense of crisis made him jump up instinctively. The huge hammer fell into the elevator, and immediately hit a huge hole...

His uncle's...

Although he had prepared himself for a long time, the game that Bai Ao mentioned to come to him was not a simple hide-and-seek. But the excitement brought by this huge ax made Wei's whole heart boil.

Wei jumped out of the elevator, and finally stood still not far from the man holding the giant axe. The man in front of him was more of a giant than a man, and the height of nearly three meters made the already too tall lobby on the second floor look ordinary.

"Is this the boss to fight monsters and upgrade?" Wei muttered, dodging the oncoming ax again. He shook his head secretly, that guy's mouth was tightly shut, his eyes were full of murderous look, but such murderous look was a bit strange, and he couldn't tell what was strange for a while.

This guy's movements are too slow, the one who swings the ax is completely relying on the brute force of the body, and such a powerful attack power only comes from the weight of this axe. With a soft snort in his heart, Wei got up and jumped up. He jumped on the axe and landed behind the man with a beautiful leap. The movement of his hand was like a sharp knife, and he directly cut the man's back, breaking his body. Clothes and body made a rustling sound. While the man was kneeling on the ground, the ax fell heavily on the ground, making a loud noise.


There was another cold snort in Wei's heart, and he lifted his foot to step over the man lying on the ground. There is not much difference between the second floor and the first floor. This is obviously a resting and waiting hall. There are many sofas for people to rest, but currently it is