Admiral, You Have It

Chapter 75



The raised feet stopped, and Wei's gaze fell back to the man on the ground. He squatted down and tore off the man's clothes with his hands, exposing the wound.

A milky white viscous substance overflowed from the wound. Wei smeared a little liquid from the wound with his hands and rubbed it between his fingers twice. After smelling it again, he raised his eyebrows: "Robot."

The elevator has been broken, and there is another place that is out of use. Doesn't this make him take the stairs? Anxiously, Wei kicked off the incapacitated robot on the ground and walked towards the stairs. I don't know what Bai Ao's idea is, let alone what is the meaning of this game. It is impossible to speculate whether Lie is well now, and Wei's mood becomes more and more irritable.

All the way up to the third floor without hindrance, the roar and cheering breathing from the floor attracted Wei's attention. The third floor is still the lobby, but there are surprisingly many people. It was as if people who were supposed to be on the street outside had flocked here, exclaiming and yelling one after another, the emotions of these people seemed excited and high, and there was a huge arena in the central area. Imagers are placed on pillars around the ring, and a large projection ceiling is in the center. In the arena at the moment, two people are fighting fiercely.

Wei raised his eyes and scanned the entire hall, and finally fixed his sight on the center. Obviously, this is a fighting game with a gambling nature, but this is not the first scene of fighting. The scenes in the field are all projected by the imaging devices fixed on the four surrounding pillars. This overly realistic projection scene did not affect the mood of people watching the fight.

However, the people on the field made Wei feel extremely familiar. The two people on the field were wearing the same combat uniform of different colors, and the white one was holding his own weapon. That person, who else could it be if not Lie, a familiar figure, even with a mask on his face, Wei also recognized it at a glance.

The fierce strength and even the ability to resist attacks are definitely among the best in the entire interstellar, especially the ability to resist attacks. Having such a dnd (special ability) is simply beyond the existence of cheats. But his combat ability is too sloppy, his experience is too little, and his dnd can't make him recover in a second. I don't know if this fight has just started or it has passed for a while, Lie at this moment is completely at a disadvantage. The roar in the hall became more and more piercing, Lie hit the air wall heavily, and then the opponent rushed over, pointing the sharp sword point at Lie's heart.

Wei suddenly opened his eyes wide and turned around to disappear into the crowd. He quickly dodged and knocked away the people around him, and rushed towards the fourth floor. His speed was as fast as a strong wind.

"What the hell are you doing hitting me?"

"Who the hell hit you, are you sick? 'King' come on, kill that kid." The man paused, and continued to shout: "Why stop, kill, kill him. Fuck, Why did you change the game..."

At the moment, the basement of the dsc headquarters on Hyde Street. Lie lay weakly on an oversized sofa, his limbs were restrained by the machine, his eyes were fixed on the screen not far in front of him, and finally he turned his head to look at the man on the other sofa, and reminded: "I said Bai Ao , you played a little too big, show him that game now, be crazy... "

"Don't worry, I won't let others hurt him."

"Oh my God, he's going berserk..."

"Your Highness Will, relax, I promise you won't hurt him." Bai Ao said as he walked to the edge of Lie's sofa, and put his hands on Lie's shoulders...

"Oh! You bastard, Bai Ao, don't force me to dismantle your dsc. If my wife is injured a little, I will do the same on Hyde Street." Lie said, "You'd better get rid of the medicine, or Let me contact Wei, he is really going to go berserk..."

Lie gritted his teeth and struggled to get up, but this kind of medicine that makes people completely relax is too powerful, and he can't exert any strength at all. After a few times of hard work, I found that my body was not controlled by my brain at all, and I didn't move half a bit. But Bai Ao's strength on his body can be deeply felt. Lie was so anxious that his eyes were red, and his face was flushed abnormally due to exertion. Wei on the screen is already quite crazy, and the red in his eyes is getting more intense. This is the first time Lie has seen Wei in this state.

"Bai Ao, get out, give me the antidote!" As soon as the fierce roar fell, Bai Ao froze for a moment and stopped his movements. He looked at the screen in front of him in surprise, and turned to ask the people standing beside him: " What about people?"

"Just, just now, it was still on the monitor, and suddenly, suddenly it disappeared."

"What about the combat power sent out?"

"It's all gone."

"What the hell are you kidding?" Although they were robots, they were all fighting robots, and there were three hundred if not five hundred. Even if the program is set so that it cannot harm the opponent this time, it will not be so easy to... wipe them all out in such a short period of time.


The movement of Bai Ao's hands stopped, he walked to the light screen, his eyes were wide open, and his gaze went back and forth on several screens, but he couldn't find the previous figure.

It was hard for Bai Ao to believe that so many combat powers were completely wiped out, but he couldn't help but believe in the scene before him on the light screen. The whole building was boiling, and without looking at the monitor, one could know that the people in the building were crowding outside the building, escaping, and some even jumped from the floor. Several floors were in a mess. Apart from the destroyed combat robots on the ground, there are even many people rolling and moaning.

Bai Ao's eyes narrowed, these people are not his subordinates, but came to the dsc building on Hyde Street to find fun, but now they are rolling on the ground in pain, what happened can be understood at a glance Imagine, this group of people are arrogant, maybe they want to meet for a while when the highness is fighting, but the result is naturally 'insta-killed'.

The hand holding the wine glass gradually tightened its strength, his body was messed up, but it made the corners of Bai Ao's mouth crack. It has been a long time since there was such a scene that made his blood boil. The one next to him unconsciously clenched into a fist, Bai Ao stared at the light screen, and said to the people around him: "Find out the speed for me, on Hyde Street, at my dsc headquarters, disappeared out of thin air?"

"Yes!" Several people looked at each other for a moment, but they were also helpless. Countless monitors are installed in the entire dsc building, and there are no dead ends in all directions, unless...

"He's outside the building!" Someone suddenly exclaimed. Bai Ao's eyebrows twitched, and he tapped the screen with his hand holding the wine glass. The light screen switched quickly, and the entire scene outside the building appeared immediately. Just as the man said, at this moment, Weiner's voice that has disappeared is climbing the objects and protrusions installed on each floor. His speed is very fast, and a small robot combat team is behind him.

It was too late to realize that Wei was outside the building. After watching a few wonderful climbing and jumping, Wei's figure disappeared outside the floor, and at the same time, Wei's figure appeared on the monitor inside the building. His hands were covered with a white viscous liquid, which was the oil stuck on by his hands piercing through the robot warrior's body.

Wei didn't seem to be interested in fighting, he was looking for something, his sharp eyes scanned the surrounding situation at the moment, and his brows frowned even tighter when he didn't find anything unusual. The combat power of the robots following behind quickly threw themselves into the battle with Wei, and Wei's frowning never relaxed for a moment. Because the opponent is a robot, naturally he doesn't have too many scruples, and even adopts the simplest fighting method that can make the robot lose all power. Pierce through the robot's chest, tear off the correlator that links the brain.

His movements seemed anxious, distraught and angry at the constant presence of robots.

The picture became exciting again, even though there were no bloody elements, the violent and bloodthirsty appearance of the man on the picture made Bai Ao couldn't help but whistle. He made a satisfying gesture and clapped the hand holding the cup with his idle time. He walked back to the sofa where Lie was lying on his stomach, and put the wine glass on the coffee table: "Your Highness, don't be so nervous, I swear that I will never hurt him."

Seeing Lie lying on the sofa, Bai Ao frowned slightly. The four subordinates who deliberately restrained Lie had already been dismissed by Lie, but because the effects of the medicine had not expired, Lie's muscles were in a very relaxed state, like a comatose person, but Lie's mind was very clear.

"Move any further and you'll fall off the sofa." Bai Ao was surprised that Lie could move such a distance at this moment, and the direction of the movement was exactly where the detoxifying medicine was placed. But at the same time astonished, he smiled and stretched out his hand to drag Lie back, and then pressed half of his body on Lie's naked back, pressing his elbow hard on Lie's back.

The corner of Lie's mouth twitched: "Hurry up and unlock the properties of the medicine, Bai Ao, you are really playing too big, don't blame me for not reminding..."

"His Highness Wei is a militant, like me, and I think he would be very excited about this kind of thing."

"It also depends on the circumstances. Are you blind and didn't see his agitation?" Lie knew why Wei was so agitated now. It was obviously because he saw the previous video of himself, maybe he thought he was killed up. Although I am very happy that Wei will go crazy like this because of himself, but the current physical condition of the man is not good: "Bai Ao, you have played too much, relieve me of the drug. As I said, if Wei is injured At one point, I will demolish this place."

this is no joke...

Lie's face is ugly, that serious look