Admiral, You Have It

Chapter 97


. But your personality is clear to us and we understand that it is very unlikely that you will be able to relax. You have this kind of "event physique". matter. The only thing that can make you 'idle' is the battle. His Majesty the Emperor said: "You are very capable in all aspects, of course this does not include life... I don't want to waste your ability and ability. Of course, it still depends on whether you are willing. If you don’t want to accept it, just destroy it. "

Wei raised his eyebrows, he didn't pay much attention to what His Majesty said, but the contents of the letter of commission attracted him even more, but the time surprised him a bit.

Lie said: "At this time, it will be after the tour comes back, and the tour will start next week. Don't you really want to visit other places in Morris, and this time you will visit a few neighboring places in Morris? Allies."

"..." I've been thinking about joining the army with Lie's relationship after the tour is over, and I'm still young anyway. If not, then go to boxing, play fighting, or even open a fighting arena or something...

For his own future, Vick has made many plans...


The galaxy's cosmic calendar is 1337 years old. Suspended over the planet Morris Imperial Capital, as the entire Morris atmospheric system is also the place of the palace as usual.

It has been more than a year since the last grand and magnificent parade. Even so, the travel itinerary of Maurice's eldest prince Will, War God Princess Wei and their child, Neil, the son of Maurice's strongest child, is not only in Maurice, but also in many countries in the interstellar world. , have paid a lot of attention.

Today, Prince Will's home is as peaceful as ever. At this moment, a one-sided chase is unfolding in Wei's room. A little guy who is only as high as Wei's knee follows closely behind Wei, running back and forth. The little guy is wearing Talis's general uniform, and it is also a black version. Of course, this is only a reduced version, so there are no epaulettes, collar patches, etc. that should be there.

Wei didn't care at all that there was a small thing behind him, and he was looking for something in the room at the moment. He stopped suddenly, and the little guy behind him bumped into Wei's calf before he had time.

Feeling the strange Wei behind him turned his head and looked over, the little guy sat on the ground covering his head, looked up at Wei, the beautiful blue squinted and laughed twice, and then stood up abruptly.

Wei squatted down and looked at the little guy: "Hey, kid, what are you doing running around behind me?"

The little guy put down his hand, and said in a crisp voice, "It's attracting your attention."

"Okay, you succeeded, what do you want to do?" Wei stretched out his hands to straighten his son's clothes, and then brushed aside the little guy's long brown curly hair.

"Father, I want to go to the military headquarters with you, and I want to be an instructor." Eggy is already two years old. Although she is only two years old, she speaks very clearly and thinks very clearly.

Wei raised his eyebrows: "Go down and have breakfast first."

In the past two years, I have successfully become a habit of eating breakfast by the lieutenants. Wei patted the little guy on the head, signaling to go down to eat first.

The father and son went downstairs one by one, and the little guy followed behind Wei, jumping down the stairs step by step with his feet together, and the sound of thumping kept ringing. When he arrived at the living room, the little guy first greeted his uncle the housekeeper before rushing to the dining room. Climb up on the chair by yourself, hold the utensils and wait for the food.

"Your Highness Wei, this is something His Majesty Gu Xuan sent over. He said it was for Your Highness." The butler pushed the box on the coffee table: "It's a bit heavy, I don't know what's inside."

Wei took a sip of the fruit milk and said 'oh', then reached out to take the box, there was a small hole on one side of the box, but it was too dark inside, and it was impossible to see what was inside, Wei frowned, ignoring the fidgety gift belt, pierced the box with his hand and tore it open. That unhesitating look, the butler was already used to it, but his eyes widened.

Wei looked at the things in the box with some surprise, and was a little glad that he didn't use too much force when he poked the box just now. There was a small soft nest inside the box. The thing lying in the box at the moment was clearly a living thing...

It was a small furry thing, curled up into a ball, and you could see the little thing's belly rising and falling due to breathing, as well as the head buried in the body, a little bit of the little head was exposed, the wet little nose, and the Has very long eyelashes.

The little thing is furry, with black and white stripes in its fur, and for a while, Wei couldn't find out what kind of animal it was. If it was sent by Gu Xuan, then it would be even more conceivable. This may be a successful work of Gu Xuan. That guy turned into a female man and did not want to have a child with Lei Meng, but he is still studying these small animals...

Eggy came over at some point, with food stuffed in her little mouth, her little body lying on the coffee table, staring at the little fluffy thing in front of her for a long time before she raised her head and asked Wei: "Dad, what is that? "

Being asked such a question, Wei suddenly searched for a name in his mind and said, "Saber-toothed tiger."

"Saber-toothed tiger!" said the little guy, "What is a saber-toothed tiger?"

"This little thing is a saber-toothed tiger."

"What is a saber-toothed tiger?"

"That's what a saber-toothed tiger is." Wei couldn't help but smile, his son's problem was really...

"Why is this thing a saber-toothed tiger?"

Wei Chang sighed, sat on the sofa, and looked at his son seriously: "Baby, saber-toothed tiger is its name. This name exists in the cosmic civilization record. It is named by people living on a planet with intelligent creatures in the distant galaxy." name."

"What is the universe?"

"..." Wei smiled a little stiffly, unable to explain to his son what the universe is for a while, and patted the little guy on the head: "Not going to the military headquarters? Not being an instructor?"


"Then go eat."

"Okay! Dad, is this for me?" The little guy pointed to the words on the box that was not completely rotten: "This is the name of 'Eggy', is it for me?"

For a series of characters, the little guy only knows 'Dandan'.


"Then can I raise it?"

"Okay, then you have to take good care of it."

The little guy nodded, looked at the little thing reluctantly, and then walked back to continue eating.

the other side.

The several hours of Congress finally came to an end, and the ministers who discussed the matter also left the Capitol building one after another. Only then did Lie come out slowly, and there was only one person beside him, and this person was not Morris' native special guard, but Raymond...

Lie who was walking in front suddenly stopped, he turned his head to look at Lei Meng, and reached out to tap Lei Meng on the shoulder: "You go back first, don't follow me, I have to see my father. "


After returning from the inspection tour, His Majesty the Emperor has more and more demands on the eldest prince. Although there is still a long time before the official abdication and succession, the original Prince Maurice will be in contact with things after he becomes an adult. It's countless more than before the coming-of-age ceremony. And Lie suffered an accident during the coming-of-age ceremony and ended up in Wei's hands. It was for the marriage, and then there was the wedding tour and the honeymoon. Years, it almost didn't make Lie go crazy.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty has arrived."

Maurice's Queen put down what she was doing and said, "Let him come to the kitchen."


Even though she is a queen, she still has some hobbies of her own. When she has nothing to do, she will naturally cook and make some snacks. The kitchen is large but not spacious, and the things are neatly arranged and even very particular. Standing outside the door, Lie feels unwilling to step foot in. Speaking of which, he will almost never enter the small world of his father. If you accidentally get something, it will be miserable.

"come in."

Lie shook his head: "Forget it, where's the father?"

"Taking care of something."

"Isn't it the father looking for me, but the father and you?"

With a spoon in her hand, Her Majesty the Queen scooped up some freshly made snacks, walked to the door and fed them to her son's mouth. This simple thing made people feel very warm. The queen said, "Papa still can't find you?"

"That's not what I mean, what I mean is that Daddy hasn't looked for me for the past two days. He heard the message that I came here today, and he thought there was something important." Chewed the food in his mouth, swallowed it, Liebi said Big Finger also changed his title: "Dad, didn't you do too much today?"

"Not much, you will go out and contact your brother later, and ask him to bring Moser and Yueyue to have dinner. I have already notified Wei and Dandan."

"Family dinner!" Lie smiled and raised his eyebrows, and asked, "Shall I help?"

"Just stand on the side and watch." Her Majesty the Queen said, and continued to toss around. Lie folded his arms and leaned slightly against the door, gradually becoming a little dazed, as if he had seen Wei in the kitchen a long time ago. It's been so long, I really miss it...

Putting the finished things aside first, Her Majesty the Queen turned to look at the soup that was stewing beside her. Just by smelling it, Lie knew that it was the wild beast he brought back when he returned from Taris. This kind of fragrance is unmatched by other things. Lie licked his lower lip. He saw Her Majesty use a spoon