Adopting and Raising the Male Lead and the Villain

Chapter 43


Xu Yunhui does have a backup plan.

Her original intention was to bribe the Zhong family's senior management, but Zhong Chi's desire for control was too strong. He can buy you stuff, but he won't give you much cash. The appetite of the senior executives of the Zhong family was so big that Xu Yunhui couldn't buy it off.

Xu Yunhui had no choice but Xu Yushan finally told her husband about the matter.

That Mr. Nan was not a good person. After hearing this, his first reaction was not to inform Xu Yushan, but to prepare to help Xu Yushan divide the property so that he could get part of it.

His status in the Nan family is not high, otherwise he would not have taken a fancy to Xu Yushan in the first place.

That's why he is jealous of the Zhong family's property.

This person secretly took the initiative to find a senior member of the Zhong family in the name of the Nan family. He did not need the other party to take sides, he only needed the other party to make a subtle statement at the appropriate time.

Then he hired a group of gangsters to stay near the hospital at all times. Once they saw Lang Jinzhi's people or Zhong Yuhuan himself, they would immediately stop them. This group of people arrived belatedly after Zhong Yuhuan showed up. They came to the hospital and prepared to attack Zhong Yuhuan. It's not as if he's trying to get rich or kill him. Anyway, he can find a way to tie the person up first and keep him tied up for a period of time so that he can't show up. Then Xu Yunhui can find a way to manipulate Zhong Chi's will.

But now, these gangsters were dragged into a small alley on one side.

There was not much light in the alley, and in the darkness, only muffled sounds could be heard.

Zhong Chi shot himself in the foot. He was too self-centered and only cared about his own happiness.

Up to now, even being killed by Xu Yunhui cannot be relieved.

In order to determine the exact cause of death, his body was taken over by the police forensic examiner. Xu Yunhui and Xu Yushan were taken to the police station after questioning.

There was no need for Zhong Yuhuan to speak. Assistant Zhao had already taken the initiative to cooperate, brought Zhong Chi's lawyer, and began to explain the will to Zhong Yuhuan. Zhong Chi had not made a will, but he had made it clear in advance that Xu Yunhui and the others were not allowed to inherit his estate. This was very maneuverable. Whether starting from DNA or starting from other sources... custody will not allow them to get involved.

In other words, Zhong Yuhuan is the only legal heir now.

After Zhong Yuhuan found out from Assistant Zhao, he couldn't help but sigh.

Zhong Chi is authoritarian, extremely egotistical, only believes in what he believes in, and has a strong desire for revenge. Therefore, after he knew what Xu Yunhui and others had done, he immediately deprived them of what they had been looking forward to for many years. Among them, Zhong Yuhuan was surprised by how straightforward he was.

To a certain extent, these two people are a perfect match.

After dealing with most of the matters related to inheritance, Zhong Yuhuan felt extremely tired, and his brain was sinking heavily.

Assistant Zhao caught a glimpse of her expression and thought she was sad for Zhong Chi's death, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Now Miss Zhong really has no father or mother...

Thinking back to a few years ago, when Miss Zhong came to the company for the first time to make a scene, Assistant Zhao could no longer feel any sense of blame in his heart, only full of pity.

"Miss, please go home and rest first. We can continue to deal with Director Zhong's funeral affairs tomorrow."

Zhong Yuhuan was indeed not feeling well. She nodded and then walked towards the elevator.

Halfway through, a hand stretched out diagonally and caught her upper body, which was equivalent to half-hugging her in his arms.

"Why is your face so pale?" Huo Chengming's voice sounded in his ears, with a hint of imperceptible anxiety.

"I haven't slept all night." Zhong Yuhuan yawned as he said it, feeling his head getting heavier: "Let's go back first, to Zhong's house. It just so happens that you haven't been back for a long time..."

Before she finished speaking, Huo Chengming picked her up and said, "We'll talk about it later when we get in the car. Now close your eyes and rest."

Zhong Yuhuan couldn't help but let out a long yawn: "Put me down, it won't be good if Zhong's people see me later."

"What's wrong?" Huo Chengming asked in a dull voice.

"It seems like we are going home happily..."

Huo Chengming reluctantly let her go, but he did not let go of her wrist. He and Li Jinyuan grabbed Zhong Yuhuan's wrists from left to right, almost holding her while walking. Although he looks like a door god, it does save Zhong Yuhuan a lot of effort.

Wait until you get out of the elevator and walk outside the hospital door.

On the bench outside the hospital, the man stood up and turned towards Zhong Yuhuan.

"Huanhuan." Lang Jinzhi whispered.

Then his eyes froze, and he obviously noticed Huo Chengming and Li Jinyuan on both sides.

Zhong Yuhuan was also a little surprised: "Cousin, why did you come out of the hotel?"

"Waiting for you." Lang Jinzhi said, striding up to her: "Why is your face so pale?"

"It's nothing, it's just because I didn't sleep last night." Zhong Yuhuan said and yawned again uncontrollably.

"Go to a nearby hotel and get some sleep first." Lang Jinzhi said immediately.

Zhong Yuhuan narrowed his eyes and stared at Lang Jinzhi's face for a while: "Well, cousin... your eyes are a little green."

Lang Jin was surprised: "Really?"

His appearance is always meticulous, and he eats and sleeps step by step. Even though he is a workaholic, he rarely sacrifices sleep to work. So this was the first time Zhong Yuhuan saw his eyes turning green.

"You go back to the hotel to sleep first, you have to go to work tomorrow. I'll go back to Zhong's house with them to rest, and there are some things to deal with by the way."

After hearing this, Lang Jinzhi looked at Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming: "Why are you back?"

"Worried about Huanhuan."

Lang Jinzhi nodded, and then silently looked at the boy in front of him, or should he say young man? They have grown so tall that people can no longer look at them the way they used to look at children.

Lang Jinzhi felt slightly unhappy in his heart.

It was as if his brother's position had been replaced.

"Cousin, please go back to sleep." Zhong Yuhuan pushed him out.

Lang Jinzhi looked at Li Jinyuan again.

They will accompany Zhong Yuhuan back to Zhong's house.

Only then did Lang Jinzhi feel a little regretful and lost. Cousin, just a cousin, of course can't be with Zhong Yuhuan all the time like them.

Zhong Yuhuan somehow caught a glimpse of disappointment on Lang Jinzhi's face.

She thought for a moment, broke away from Li Jinyuan's hands, stepped forward, and hugged Lang Jinzhi suddenly. Lang Jinzhi was tall and had broad shoulders. Zhong Yuhuan's small arms were a bit difficult to wrap around her, but she still managed to hug him and said, "Cousin, go and have a good rest."

Lang Jinzhi was startled, and the subtle unhappiness disappeared in an instant.

He didn't expect that Zhong Yuhuan would hug him instead.

He was supposed to be the one to comfort her, wasn't he

How could she be like this? Every move she made made people feel weak.

Lang Jinzhi broke away from Zhong Yuhuan's arm and hugged him instead.

He wanted to hold her from a long time ago.

At that time, he slowly realized that this cousin should be loved and loved.

At that time, I just wanted to hug her.

Then he finally made up for it today, making up for the shortcoming that he couldn't arrive when her mother passed away.

"It's too hard to hug my cousin, but it's more comfortable for my cousin to hug me." Zhong Yuhuan said with a smile and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Yes." Lang Jinzhi responded in a low voice: "I will hug you. I will hug you from now on."

Zhong Yuhuan patted his waist with difficulty: "Okay, cousin, go back. I'm so sleepy, I have to go back."

"Yes." Lang Jinzhi slowly relaxed his embrace.

Secretary Cheng was waiting behind, also with panda eyes. When he saw this, he bowed slightly to Zhong Yuhuan and said, "My condolences to Miss Zhong, please have a good rest."

Zhong Yuhuan nodded: "Thank you for your hard work, Secretary Cheng. Please send my cousin back."

Secretary Cheng couldn't help but smile when he heard this and said, "Okay."

Lang Jinzhi and Secretary Cheng turned around and walked out.

Zhong Yuhuan turned to look at Li Jinyuan, then at Huo Chengming: "Let's go too."

"Well, we drove over." Li Jinyuan said in a low voice.

Zhong Yuhuan noticed that their moods were slightly depressed. When they got into the car, she couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong? Are you sleepy too?"

Huo Chengming remained silent.

But Li Jinyuan suddenly laughed and said in a joking tone: "I was thinking that Huanhuan is so good and there are so many people who like Huanhuan, including Cousin Lang, Maria, and Langdon, Joseph, oh , and the former Yang Sen... all like Huanhuan. Huo Chengming and I... where can we rank? There will be more in the future... won't we be forgotten by Huanhuan... "

This time, Li Jinyuan dragged Huo Chengming into trouble together.

But what Li Jinyuan said really touched Huo Chengming's mind, so Huo Chengming pursed his lips and did not speak to refute.

Zhong Yuhuan was a little stunned.


One of them is the hero and the other is the villain.

Both of them have halos above their heads!

And now Huo Chengming and Li Jinyuan have their own careers, and they should be prosperous, right

They still don't have confidence in themselves, so they are worried that she will not remember them in the future

"Will it?" Li Jinyuan turned around and asked.

His voice lowered slightly, as if filled with a cautious sadness.

Zhong Yuhuan took a deep breath and then digested the fact that they were really worried.

She said: "No, even if you get married in the future... you will still be in contact..."

This time it was Li Jinyuan's turn to be stunned.


What kind of marriage

There is no such link in their life plan.

From the beginning, I just wanted to get ahead, stand at the top of an industry, hold enough power and position, and protect her... Apart from that... is there anything else that makes me feel happy


Huo Chengming didn't say anything. He just raised his hand silently and covered Zhong Yuhuan's eyes: "Why don't you lean on me and sleep for a while?"

The topic was taken away midway, but Zhong Yuhuan did not persist and continued following Huo Chengming's words: "Okay." She raised her head slightly, leaned against the back of the chair and closed her eyes, her long eyelashes brushing against Huo Chengming's. In the palm of his hand, Huo Chengming's heart suddenly became peaceful.

Domestic matters could not be dealt with at once, so Zhong Yuhuan immediately changed her request for leave to a short-term leave of absence, and the school quickly approved her application.

In some schools at home and abroad, schools will agree to take a short leave of absence to experience work in a company, or even to travel around the world, as long as a legitimate reason can be given.

Huo Chengming and Li Jinyuan also made a decision immediately.

Stay in the country.

Li Jinyuan called Wei Jie.

The first time Wei Jie received the call, he thought he was crazy.

"Your career abroad has developed so well. Now you want to return to China to develop?" Wei Jie said in shock.

Li Jinyuan didn't take it seriously at all: "A good career should be controlled by others, rather than people being controlled by it. Is being a model great? Is this the pinnacle of the industry?"

Wei Jie slowly calmed down. After he had more contact with Li Jinyuan, he also realized that this young master was not as gentlemanly and gentle as he appeared on the outside. In fact, he was arrogant in his bones and had an attitude towards most things in the world. disdain. For him, it shouldn't be nothing to achieve this and become popular all over the UK.

There's nothing he can't do if he wants to.

Wei Jie took a breath, and an idea gradually formed in his mind: "... Mr. Li, have you ever thought about returning to China and entering the entertainment industry? You have a natural advantage!"