Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 107: was disturbed


At the gate of the courtyard, Ye Jiayao wanted to come down anyway.

"What does it matter? They are not outsiders." Xia Chunyu refused.

Ye Jiayao said: "Don't you think this is embarrassing? Who do you think I am? A woman you raise outside secretly? My reputation is gone. Besides, I don't let you raise me. I eat my own and use my own." , Am I wronged?"

Xia Chunyu couldn't reply. He wanted to give her money to save her so much trouble, but he knew that she wouldn't take it and might hit him in the face with the money. But now that the time has not come, he can't marry her, and he is very confused.

Xia Chunyu had no choice but to let her down obediently: "Then I'll go in and sit for a while."

"No." Ye Jiayao wondered which "sit" he was talking about, "sit" or "do"

Xia Chunyu said angrily: "I will pick you up tomorrow night."

"It's better not to do it. There are people coming and going in the restaurant. If an acquaintance catches you wandering out while you are behind closed doors and thinking about your past, the Emperor will think you are insincere."

This won't work, that won't work either. He's been waiting for so long, why should he just go back like this

Xia Chunyu said shamelessly: "Then you make up for it and I'll leave."

Ye Jiayao pinched his nose and said with a smile: "Come early tomorrow night, I will prepare something delicious for you to try."

Food temptations didn't work for him, and now he had something more to crave. Xia Chunyu put his hands against the wall and held her in his arms, looking down at her with scorching black eyes.

Ye Jiayao lowered her head and could feel his fiery gaze. She lowered her hands to his chest and her breath was a little unsteady. The two of them were so close, and his delicious breath rushed into her nasal cavity. This breath made her feel sad. She felt numb for a while, and this posture made her feel that her aura was so weak.

"What do you want to do? Why don't you leave quickly?"

"Compensation." He pursed his thin lips slightly and raised a gentle smile, like a coquettish child begging for candied haws.

The usually cold guy suddenly became cute, and Ye Jiayao couldn't resist it.

"I didn't even ask you to compensate for your size." Ye Jiayao pushed him but didn't push him away. The next moment he held the back of her head and kissed her deeply.

Her smell was like the fragrance of flowers, clean, pure and beautiful, which made him want to taste it again and again.

"Bang..." The courtyard door opened and Jiang Li poked his head out.

The two reflexively separated immediately, looking awkward.

Ye Jiayao blushed and gave him a complaining look, then said no, it's fine now, she was seen.

Xia Chunyu raised his head and only looked at the stars.

Jiang Li opened the door when he heard a noise outside. He didn't expect to disturb other people's good things. He was so frightened that he quickly closed the door and locked it. His heartbeat was beating like a drum, and his face turned red. He wanted to hit the wall in frustration, why did he risk it? Did you open the door rashly? They should have scratched the crack in the door first, but this time it was better. It embarrassed both the prince and the third lady, and he was even more embarrassed.

No, my head is a bit dizzy, so I need to drink a bucket of cold water to clear my head.

Xia Chunyu was disturbed by someone and was feeling depressed. Unexpectedly, Jiang Li closed the door again. Then... go ahead!

"He's gone." Ye Jiayao dodged and pushed the door, but she couldn't push it. Ah Li, you idiot, what are you doing

Xia Chunyu laughed: "Please call the door slowly, I'll leave first."

Ye Jiayao gritted her teeth and glared at him, then knocked again. After a while, Jiang Yue ran to open the door.

"Sister Yaoyao, you're back! It's true, I asked him to look at the door and he didn't know where he went." Jiang Yue couldn't see his eldest brother around, so he muttered.

Ye Jiayao knew that A Li must have been frightened and felt embarrassed and hid.

"Maybe something is wrong, Yue'er, is there hot water?"

"Yes, it's been burning! I'll bring it to you."

Ye Jiayao returned to her room. As soon as the door opened, two rabbits came out of nowhere and circled around her feet.

Ye Jiayao took a closer look and was pleasantly surprised: "Dabao, Erbao..."

Oh my god, why are these two babies? Ye Jiayao squatted down to hug Dabao.

"Sister Yaoyao, Dabao is pregnant and will be a rabbit mother." Jiang Yue came in with water.

Ye Jiayao touched Dabao's belly, and it was indeed bulging. She said angrily: "Who did it? Who did this?" She hadn't seen Dabao for a few months, and Dabao actually became a mother. What rogue rabbit did this? Son

Jiang Yue pursed her lips towards Erbao and said with a smile, "You ask it."

"What? Is it Erbao?" Ye Jiayao stared at Erbao with wide eyes, and Erbao was proudly leaning towards her.

Ye Jiayao turned it over, spread its legs, and verified its true form. Damn it, she didn't even know that the second treasure was male.

Erbao was frightened, broke away from her hand, jumped on the couch and huddled in the corner, looking at Ye Jiayao innocently with a pair of red eyes, wondering what this rabbit mom wanted to do to her.

Ye Jiayao said angrily: "How dare you run away? They say that rabbits don't eat grass around their nests, but you enjoy eating grass around your nest. Who did you learn this from? Be honest."

Jiang Yue almost burst out laughing. Sister Yaoyao is so funny, but can Baby Bunny understand

"Dabao, tell Mom, are you willing? Is Er Bao bullying you?"

Dabao also jumped on the bed next to Erbao to express his feelings.

Ye Jiayao was defeated by the pair of rabbits: "Forget it, I don't care about you. From now on, we must love each other and don't fight or fight, okay?"

In her heart, her eldest daughter and her second daughter were just like her children. However, after not seeing each other for a while, the two children got together. She really couldn't accept it for a while. It's all Chunyu's fault for not taking a good look at them.

That night, Ye Jiayao slept particularly peacefully holding Dabao and Erbao.

In the early morning, as the bell of the Drum Tower rang at Mao hour, the city gates on all sides slowly opened, and three luxurious carriages drove into Jinling City and went straight to Minister Mu's house.

Ye Jinrong opened the corner of the car curtain and looked at the prosperous Jinling City. She felt like the sea was vast and the sky was vast, and her chest was filled with pride and ambition.

What is Yangzhou City? What is Jinan City? This is the foot of the emperor and the most prosperous place in the Huaisong Dynasty. As long as Liujiang can stand out in the examination, his uncle can find a way to keep him in Jinling, and she will slowly integrate into the circle of noble ladies in Jinling and become a To be one of them is the glory and glory.

When the carriage arrived at the door of Shilang Mu's house, Wei Liujiang, the Mu family's wives Qi Shi, Mu Qinchu and others were waiting to greet them.

Not far away, Song Qi was hiding on the street corner with a woman.

"Do you see clearly?" Song Qi asked.

The woman said: "You can see clearly that the person standing with my uncle is the second young lady of the Ye family."

Song Qi's lips curved into a sneer: "Let's go back and report to the Crown Prince."

Xia Chunyu was sitting in the study, with a half-written introspection book spread out on the desk. After hearing Song Qi's report, he paused for a moment and said to the woman: "Do you want to receive the twenty-tael reward now?" Are you going to leave, or should you stay and help me with some work? I will give you thirty taels when the time comes."

When the woman heard that there were benefits, she was naturally willing to stay: "I am willing to listen to the prince's instructions."

"Okay, Song Qi, give her the twenty taels of silver reward first, and arrange for her to go to Zhuangzi to work and wait for your orders."

There is still use for this person, so he needs to plan carefully.

Song Qi took the people out, and Manager Zhao, who was in charge of shipping, came to see him.

"Your Majesty, the matter of living in heaven has been settled."

Xia Chunyu raised his eyebrows: "You didn't embarrass them, did you?"

"No, no, Boss Sun was frightened by what happened last time and was thinking of selling the restaurant, regardless of the price. As for Shopkeeper Li, he hesitated for a long time. After all, Tianshangju was his years of hard work. The younger one had no choice but to use some tricks. Considering the advantages and disadvantages, and the price was also generous, which was enough for him to support him in his old age, he reluctantly agreed." Manager Zhao replied.

Xia Chunyu nodded slightly: "When will the contract be signed?"

"My arrangements are tonight. This is the contract I have drawn up with Boss Sun and Shopkeeper Li. Please take a look at it." Manager Zhao presented the contract.

Xia Chunyu looked carefully, and a smile slowly appeared in his eyes.

"Okay, let's do it!"

"Your Majesty... It's just that after this money went out, we lost all the money for purchasing goods." Manager Zhao looked embarrassed. One building plus Tianshang Residence cost a total of 160,000 taels, which is almost all the income from going overseas in the past few years. He felt sorry for the prince. What business could be more profitable than running a boat and going to sea

"I don't even feel bad, why do you feel bad? I heard that the sea has not been very peaceful recently, so I'll take a break and talk about it later." Xia Chunyu said disapprovingly.

He and He Lianxuan built two ships together. The silk, tea and porcelain of the Huai Song Dynasty were very popular overseas, and he could make a lot of money from a trip. He only managed it for four years and saved hundreds of thousands of silver, which was worth The total income of other industries in Shangfu.

However, this business is also risky. If you encounter a tsunami or pirates at sea, you will lose all your money. He and He Lianxuan have been running for three years without incident. They are lucky.

He had been thinking about changing to another business, one that was more reliable and had a stable income. This time Liuli made such a fuss that he thought about buying a restaurant.

I believe that with Yaoyao here, the restaurant's business will definitely be booming.

According to the contract, shopkeeper Li will continue to help manage Tianshangju for three months and is not allowed to disclose information.

I don’t know how Yaoyao will feel when she knows that this restaurant will soon be his. Xia Chunyu was looking forward to seeing her reaction.

Now that the prince has said so, Manager Zhao has nothing to say, so he hands over his hands and salutes: "Then let's make arrangements right now."

After Manager Zhao left, Xia Chunyu thought for a while, crumpled the self-reflection book, threw it into the wastebasket, took another piece of paper, wrote a letter, and called Song Qi to send it to Prince Helian's Mansion.

After He Lianxuan received the letter, he asked Xiaojing to check the guest list, but there was no name of Minister Mu on it.

"Write an invitation to Minister Mu of the Ministry of Industry, and remember to write down that you are bringing your family members." He Lianxuan said.

He Lianjing wondered: "Why did you invite him here?"

Firstly, Mu Shilang was not of a high level, secondly, he had no friendship with their family, and thirdly, he couldn't stand Mu Qinchu.

He Lianxuan touched his nose. He didn't know what Xia Chunyu meant. However, since Chunyu asked him to ask for help, it was not a big deal, so he would naturally agree.

"Just write it down." He Lianxuan said.

He Lianjing went to get the invitation in dismay, wrote the invitation according to his elder brother's instructions, and ordered it to be sent to Minister Mu's house.

(End of chapter)