Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 6: It's just a plaything


With this beautiful smile and this wave of his jade arm, the half-dead bandits who had been tortured suddenly came back to life with full blood. They couldn't help but straighten their waists and steady their horses. They couldn't make a fool of themselves in front of the beautiful women, right

Seeing everyone's eyes looking like hungry wolves seeing little fat sheep, Xia Chunyu felt bad again.

"What are you looking at? There's no need to eat dinner anymore." Xia Chunyu shouted.

Everyone complained: The third leader is so stingy, what’s wrong with just one look? If you don’t touch it, you won’t lose any piece of meat.

Ye Jiayao had said hello and it would not affect their continued practice. When she saw red thornberries, commonly known as wild strawberries, on the grass by the roadside, she was immediately delighted. These are good things! I heard from my father that these things used to be all over the mountains, but now that the city is developing, it’s hard to find them. I didn’t expect there to be so many of them here.

Ye Jiayao rolled up her sleeves, lifted her skirt and started picking.

The bandits couldn't control their eyes at all. Finally, a beautiful woman appeared in the village. Even if she couldn't touch her, it was still good to take a look.

Beauty, beauty, look over here, beauty, beauty, look over here...

The bandits called in their hearts.

Unfortunately, Ye Jiayao had no telepathy with them, and her whole heart was focused on the red thornberries.

Seeing that everyone was distracted, Xia Chunyu turned around and saw that the girl was bending over to pick something up, and her little buttocks were arching up and down, which was so tempting.

Damn it, no matter how annoying she is, she is still his woman, how can she be disliked by so many bandits here. kinky? These inferior goods almost drooled on their clothes. Xia Chunyu had no intention of practicing anymore and called Peng Wu.

"You are here to supervise. Anyone who dares to be lazy will be served with a stick."

Xia Chunyu handed over the task and walked quickly towards Ye Jiayao.

The bandits were overjoyed. They were afraid that Peng Wu was the third boss and who was the boss! The new sister-in-law is simply the Guanyin Bodhisattva who saves people in trouble. Thanks to the new sister-in-law, otherwise the third head of the family would not have left.

Everyone had completely forgotten that they were still slandering this new woman before, and they were all harmed by her.

"What on earth are you doing?" Xia Chunyu growled.

Ye Jiayao disagreed: "Didn't you see? I am picking thornberries. This fruit is delicious."

"I think you are embarrassing yourself." Xia Chunyu took her hand and walked back.

When he pulled her, all the thornberries that Ye Jiayao had worked so hard to pick fell off. She couldn't help but feel a little angry, but she didn't dare to offend him too much. She could only curse in her heart: You are the one who is so embarrassed. Is picking thornberries a shame? I really don’t know what’s going on in the mind of a person like you…

Back in the yard, Xia Chunyu threw away his hand and lectured with a straight face: "Don't run around when you have nothing to do in the future, and be a lady to everyone. Do you know how to write the word "reserved"? Do you think you are a prostitute in a brothel? You are not dignified at all. , forget about embarrassing yourself, don’t embarrass me too, next time, I will do what you want and let you laugh as hard as you want."

Ye Jiayao finally understood. He was angry with her for greeting the bandits and angry with her epoch-making wave of the hand.

While chasing him into the room, he sneered: "You have become a bandit woman, why do you show off as a lady of the world? Don't you think it's strange? I'm doing as the Romans do. If you like the ladies of the world so much, why do you go up to the mountains to become a bandit? Ah! What kind of pot goes with what kind of lid? Otherwise, how about you wash your hands in the golden basin, correct your evil ways, and become a good person? I promise to be a virtuous and virtuous lady, how about that?"

Xia Chunyu paused, turned to glare at her, the corners of his mouth twitching, what kind of fallacy is this

"Besides, you have a stinky face all day long. The brothers in the village will definitely not like you. I'll be more easy-going and help you get some favors. If you don't appreciate me, just forget it and you still scold me." Ye Jiayao felt aggrieved. She pursed her lips, but she actually felt more distressed about her wild strawberries.

Xia Chunyu sneered and said: "Do you really think that you are the wife of this Heifenggang village? Have we ever been together? Have we been engaged? Have we paid homage to heaven and earth or drank a cup of wine? At best, you are just a plaything. If I'm in a good mood, you can stay in this room. If I'm in a bad mood, I can reward you to someone else at any time, so you don't have to be so anxious to go out and show your eyes, there are times when I want you to show your eyes."

Ye Jiayao was so angry that she laughed: "Really? I didn't know that you bandits have so much particularity in marrying wives, just like serious people, but are you? I don't care what you think of me, anyway, when the brothers in the village see me Everyone calls me your new sister-in-law, and in everyone's eyes I am your wife. If you are really so generous and not afraid of cuckolding, then I have nothing to say."

This stinky man always threatens her with this. If she doesn't resist, he will always lead her by the nose.

Xia Chunyu narrowed his eyes, curved the corners of his lips in a strange arc, and slowly leaned over. Ye Jiayao kept leaning back. He had not drank, and his breath was clean and fresh, just like the wind in the mountains, but she knew that in the mountains The wind is also the most unpredictable, with strong undercurrents that can swallow people up at any time.

His lips almost touched the tip of her nose. Ye Jiayao stared at his enlarged face anxiously, almost turning into cross-eyes. Damn, do you have to be so close to talk

His smile became more and more weird, and his tone was gentle as if he was talking to others: "I don't have to reward you to others, but I can sell you. I heard that you can get a good price if you sell it outside the customs. You will never come back in this life." ”

Ye Jiayao couldn't stand anymore and fell backwards. Just when she thought she was about to fall to the ground again, his arms wrapped around her waist and when she moved back, Ye Jiayao's nose hit his strong chest and she couldn't help but gasp. A breath of air conditioning.

"Don't try to provoke me. I have the final say here." Xia Chunyu snorted coldly.

Well, let him be cruel! Ye Jiayao decisively shut up, a good girl would not suffer the immediate loss.

Seeing that she was finally honest and no longer articulate, Xia Chunyu sneered in her heart: If you fight with him, you don't even care about your own weight.

"Don't wear this outfit again. It's very annoying." Xia Chunyu glanced at her wedding dress and said with disgust.

Ye Jiayao muttered: "If you don't wear this, what should you wear? Why don't you help me ask the second master if he took anything else when he robbed someone? My clothes are all in the dowry."

Xia Chunyu thought, yes, he didn't have clothes for her here, and the aunt's clothes in the village were not suitable for her. So, he pointed his finger on her forehead and warned her sternly: "Don't run out, do you hear me?"

Ye Jiayao blinked her big eyes and nodded obediently.

As soon as Xia Chunyu left, Ye Jiayao picked up the pillow he was sleeping on and beat it.

"Fuck you, you are your plaything, you are your plaything, you are a nasty man, you are an unlucky bandit, wait and see, see if I can kill you..."

After venting her anger, Ye Jiayao fell weakly on the bed. She felt that the road ahead was bleak and the road ahead was arduous and she had to come up with a plan. She didn't think about conquering this stinky man's heart. She originally thought he was quite handsome and had been a nymphomaniac for a while. But now it seemed that this stinky man had nothing to offer except a good skin. He has no respect for women, is arrogant, and cold-hearted. No matter what aspect she considers, it is impossible for her to like this kind of person. If it were to be left in the modern era, she would have slapped him in the face.

However, she still had to play it by chance. Only by gaining his trust and the trust of the brothers in the village could she have a chance to escape.

So, start with food, first nourish your stomach, then nourish your mouth, first cultivate physical habits, and then develop into psychological dependence, evolve peacefully, and slowly figure it out.

Yes, just do it this way, Ye Jiayao rekindled her fighting spirit. People put food first, and food puts taste first. Whether they are ancient people or modern people, the pursuit of delicious food is equally eager and urgent.

Conquest starts with delicious food.

After a while, Xia Chunyu came back and said with a gloomy face: "Song Qi said he didn't grab anything else. You can just wear it for a few days. If you don't want to go out, it doesn't matter if you don't wear it."

Ye Jiayao: "..."

Pervert, beast, Ye Jiayao cursed.

"It's really strange. You are bandits. You go down the mountain to do work and don't grab a lot of things. My dowry is quite generous." Ye Jiayao complained, now giving her stepmother an advantage.

But I was wondering in my heart, this is too unreasonable. There is no reason to rob someone without robbing their property. Is this still called a bandit

Xia Chunyu: "..."

It seems a bit abnormal. Leaving such a rich dowry and not snatching it away, but just snatching someone back, is not in line with the behavior of the second master. When did the second master go down the mountain without burning everything and robbing everything? Unless there is no such thing as a wedding party.

Xia Chunyu frowned and said, "What are you talking about? Pour me a cup of tea."

Ye Jiayao went to pour him a glass of cold water: "There is no hot water, is this okay?"

Xia Chunyu glared at her dissatisfied: "If there's no hot water, won't you go to the kitchen to get it?"

Ye Jiayao pursed her lips and said, "Don't you want me to go out?"

Xia Chunyu said angrily: "You are not allowed to hang out in places you shouldn't go. Don't you know that this is a bandit's den? You are not afraid of being skinned and eaten without leaving any bones."

Ye Jiayao thought to herself: That only shows that you, the third in charge of the family, are too useless. Otherwise, which little guy would dare to covet your woman

"I guess they wouldn't give me water if I went there. I didn't even eat lunch today! I asked them if they wanted anything to eat, and they said they didn't have any. I said I would make it myself, but an aunt actually lit the stove in front of me. It was doused, and then I grabbed a cucumber and ran out. If I hadn't run fast, the aunt might have caught up and snatched the cucumber back." Ye Jiayao muttered.

Xia Chunyu was drinking water. Hearing this, a mouthful of water spurted out and he almost choked in his trachea.

He looked at this woman in disbelief. She could do such things as grabbing food. Was she crazy from hunger

"You, why are you looking at me like this? What I said is true." Ye Jiayao said timidly.

Xia Chunyu was angry: "Have you been kicked in the head by a donkey? Wouldn't you say she is my woman?"

Ye Jiayao said innocently: "I'm wearing these clothes. As long as I'm not color-blind or a fool, everyone should know my identity! Needless to say? I also feel puzzled. Why can't I use this identity? I'm new here. I haven’t offended them, so it’s probably because you’re unpopular here as the Third Leader, right?”

(End of chapter)