Advent of the Archmage

Chapter 100: The abuse of vegetables has abused the dragon


The moment he saw the wind blade, Link recognized that it was wind magic: Storm Knife Array.

Storm Knife Array

Level 3 Magic

Function: Gather the power of the wind to form three extremely sharp wind knives. When the wind knives hit the target, they will automatically shatter into countless fine wind knives, covering a range of ten meters.

(Note: On the battlefield, it is called a meat grinder)

For ordinary people, there is no way to hide from this magic. As long as you encounter it, even if you dodge the direct attack of the giant wind knife, you will surely die when facing the subsequent shattering wind knife. Prepare the same level of defensive magic in advance, but this storm knife array is much easier to deal with than other magic of the same level.

The reason is simple, this magic attack is too scattered, and it is extremely easy to evade.

With Edelweiss in his body, Link is naturally not afraid of the attack of the third-level wind knife. He immediately started to fight back, but this time, the opponent is hiding in the dense forest, and Link can only determine the approximate range through the fluctuation of the previous magic energy.

At this time, he needed a powerful range attack magic. As soon as he thought about it, Link had an idea. What other magic could be more suitable for the current situation than the level 4 Pyroblast

Like Wind Knife, Pyroblast is also an area attack magic, and its level is one level higher than Storm Knife Array. Link used a matchstick to release this pyro-explosion technique. Of course, it was not as powerful as the pyro-explosion technique in Greenstone City, but it should not be underestimated.

Because Pyroblast is a level 4 magic, the normal casting speed is too slow, at least two seconds, and it is very likely that the opponent will take advantage of it, so Link decisively used the Domink crystal.

When he was in Hegu Town, he just filled the fast crystal with a fire element of Pyroblast, and it happened to be used at this time.

The magic energy in the body surged crazily, quickly flowed into the matchstick, and finally condensed into an extremely complicated Pyroblast magic structure in the air in front of the flint stone.

At the same moment, under the great attraction of Pyroblast, the Domink crystal began to shine, and the fire element stored in Hegu Town surged out. Under the shock of the magic energy structure, it resonated violently and quickly reorganized into a crystal Explosive fireball.

During this process, Link did not stay in the carriage. Before the wind knife hit the carriage, he opened the door and jumped out of the carriage. The direction he chose was very particular, which happened to be in the gap between the three wind knives.

In doing so, he avoided the most powerful moment of the third-level magic, and then only had to face some fine wind knives.

There was a whistling sound in the ear, and two translucent wind knives with a slight tinge of cyan slid across the body, and a slight wind blew into the defensive force field of Edelweiss, rolling Link's black hair. When his feet touched the ground, the wind knife hit the carriage target behind him.

A piece of wind knife cuts the carriage, cutting the entire carriage in half, a piece of wind knife cuts the horses pulling the cart, the two thoroughbred horses are directly divided into four pieces, and the last piece cuts the coachman, who is cut in half from the middle of the body. Half.

Then, there was a dull sound of 'bang bang bang', the sound of the wind knives shattering. The splitting knives continued to cut, turning into minced meat and powder at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There are also countless small wind knives hitting Link's edelweiss magic shield, the elements and force fields are constantly clashing, and the outer layer of edelweiss has light flashing frequently, which is the energy of constant collision.

Both are third-level magic, one is at the end of the crossbow, and the other is almost intact. Of course, the shattering wind knife array cannot break through the edelweiss, and Link is extremely safe.

The next moment, Link finally got his feet on the ground and stood firm. Almost at the same time, the matchstick in his hand shot a dazzling white light in the direction of the storm knife array, and a bright white line suddenly extended from the tip of the wand.

This is because the explosive fireball is flying too fast. If you slow down, you can see an incandescent fireball the size of a football. Around the fireball is a translucent heat wave. The diameter of this heat wave is one meter. , it can be seen that the temperature of the fireball is high.

For this Pyroblast, the casting time Link took was 1.1 seconds, which was unimaginably fast.

About half a second later, the explosive fireball rushed into the woods and exploded!


There was an earth-shattering loud noise, the ground trembled, and a circle of white shock waves visible to the naked eye appeared in the air. The big trees in the Gwent Forest were trembling, and the birds flew away in a black mass.

In this huge bang, Link heard a faint scream mixed with it.

He knew that his magic hit the opponent, and also caused damage to the opponent.

It's normal to think about it. The 1.1-second level 4 magic is so fast and such a terrifying counterattack. Even if Link faced this attack by himself, it must be the result of being beaten to his knees on the spot.

Because without preparation, almost no magician on this continent can construct a level 4 defensive magic within 1.1 seconds, unless he has powerful magic equipment, or also has the corresponding defensive Dominic crystal.

The dense forest in front was blown into chaos, the big tree in the center of the explosion was directly blown off, and a half-meter-deep pit appeared five meters around. The plants beside the pit caught fire and made a 'crackling' sound.

Link walked over to check the battlefield. He wanted to see who the guy who attacked him was. He could cast level 3 magic, so he shouldn't be someone unknown.

It was inevitable that an accident would happen. Before that, Link blessed himself with the swiftness of the cat, and released the Edelweiss magic again.

Walking slowly, Link didn't see the corpse in the pit, so he looked around again. The vegetation around the pit was burning, so it was impossible to hide people. Link continued to look outside, and after a long circle, He finally found an almost broken corpse under a big tree... No, it wasn't a corpse, this guy was still alive.

He leaned helplessly against the big tree, his clothes were scorched black and black, only a few rags were left hanging on his body, his exposed skin was also jet-black, and a large area of his skin was scorched, his hands were tight Clinging tightly to a wand, the wand has been broken and only half of it remains.

Hearing the movement, his slightly closed eyes slowly opened, looked at Link, and a hoarse voice came out of his throat: "Why are you pyromous? Why is your pyroblast so fast?"

The other party is so young, only 17 years old, why can he master level 4 magic? Level 4 magic, why is casting so fast

These are not in line with the common sense of magic, he failed for no reason, and couldn't figure it out!

If the opponent is like other mages, and it takes 3 seconds to complete a Pyroblast, he will definitely have time to counter the opponent's spellcasting, or even kill him before the opponent's spellcasting is completed. It will never be as miserable as it is now.

But it all happened so fast.

He had just released the Storm Knife Formation, and before he could check the effect of the attack, the opponent threw back a fireball. At first he thought it was just a level 3 fireball, but... if it wasn't for the fact that he instinctively gave himself a fireball before casting the spell. Blessed with a level 2 defensive magic barrier, he estimated that his body might be blown to pieces right now.

It felt like, obviously there was only a pig waiting to be slaughtered in front of him, but in the end, the pig turned into a giant dragon and overturned him, the hunter, to the ground at once.

This psychological gap is really too big.

Link stared at the broken wand in his hand, and asked with some doubts, "Are you Darius?"

The body of the stick with a hint of cyan is made of Shen Qingmu. Link saw Darius take it out in the magic tower, so he recognized it at a glance.

Darius didn't answer, he stared straight at Link with blood red eyes: "Answer my question, let me understand!"

This is already the tacit agreement of Link's guess. He changed his mind and immediately figured out the other party's plan. At this time, he answered the wrong question: "Since you have done something to me, then you must have investigated my affairs in Hegu Town and confirmed that I I have only used level 2 magic before, so you think I am a level 2 magician. You use the level 3 wind element to attack the magic storm knife array, and you sneak attack me through the carriage. This magic is not meant to kill Me, but to keep me alive so that you can ask some questions, such as who is behind my scenes. After that, you will definitely kill me. You killed the coachman, and you have already shown your murderous intention... I Think, you must be planning to wipe out me and the people behind me, right?"

Darius looked at Link in horror, because the other party completely hit his mind, as if he could see his soul.

Seeing Darius like this, Link knew he had guessed right, and smiled: "The only thing you missed is my magical power."

Speaking of this, Link raised his wand, and the tip of the wand touched Darris' forehead, his expression became cold: "Daris, your mentor is studying black magic, and you are his assistant, right?"

"So what? My mentor just doesn't want to die. It doesn't affect others at all. Why should he be punished?" Darius didn't want to die, but his reason told him that he would definitely die this time. Driven by fear, he tried his best roared in horror.

Link shook his head: "Is it really unaffected? Then look what you did! That coachman, what's wrong with him? He lived his duty, he was the husband of a woman, the father of a child, the father of a father Son, he may be the mainstay of the family, if you say kill him, you will kill him, how can you bear it!"

"He's just a pariah! So what if he dies?" Darius said harshly, but his words lacked confidence.

"Heh, what a pariah. I remember, you also came from a pariah family. What's the matter? After learning some magic, you even forgot your old background?" Link sneered.

Darius had nothing to say, and his neck was stalked: "You kill me. You are the winner, and whatever you say makes sense!"

"Hehe, you're wrong again. I won't kill you!" Link shook his head: "What you did today is the ironclad evidence of Bell's research on black magic. I will take you back to the Academy of Magic!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Darius finally became terrified, and he shouted loudly: "No, I can't go back, I can't let down my mentor, kill me!"

He will be tried at the East Valley Academy of Magic, his name will be forever nailed to the stigma of the Academy of Magic, he will be deprived of magical powers, become an ordinary person, and then because of his murder, he will be tried by the court of ordinary people, and finally may Will be pulled to the guillotine.

He will be infamous for thousands of years, which is a hundred times more terrifying than death for a high-ranking magician!

As he said that, the magic energy surged in his body, and depending on the situation, he actually used magic to commit suicide.

Link sneered, and kicked Darris on the neck, knocking him unconscious.

"Selfish and hypocritical, I like to find some high-sounding reasons to decorate the facade. Can't let your mentor down? I think you can't let yourself down."

With this kick, there was a message flashing in Link's vision. When he opened it, it was the completion of the task of investigating Bell.

Task survey completed

Player Freedom Points +25

Trigger new quest: Uncover

Task content: On the premise of not affecting the reputation of East Valley School of Magic, expose the fact that Bell Magician studies black magic.

Task reward: 40 free points.

Link naturally accepted this new task with pleasure.