Advent of the Archmage

Chapter 116: The world's greatest illusion


Bell had a nightmare.

In his dream, he came to a dark place where he couldn't see his fingers. He felt very cold, extremely cold, and the magic robe on his body that could resist the cold had no effect at all, and his body couldn't help shivering.

Not only that, he felt surrounded by whistling ice and snow, these cold things seemed to have life, they actually drilled into his mouth, nose, ears, and even the pores of his body, and then wandered through his body, as if to kill him The last breath of heat from the body was dissipated.

Instinctively, Bell wanted to cast spells to keep warm, but he found that he couldn't find his 'Zalah', (note: the name of Bell's wand), not only that, all the magic equipment he carried were gone, he was alone He didn't even touch it, he wanted to cast a spell with his bare hands, but he found that the magic energy in his body had also disappeared.

He seems to have been cast away by magic.

"What's wrong with me? Where am I? How could this happen?" Bell was extremely panicked.

In this desperate situation, Bell endured the uncontrollable cold. After an unknown period of time, Bell suddenly found that he could no longer feel the cold.

The weird breath still poured into his body, but that piercing feeling disappeared, and he still seemed to feel a sense of fullness.

"What's going on? I'm going to die, is it a flashback now?" Bell couldn't understand his situation.

Time continued to pass, and gradually, Bell discovered that instead of dying, he became more and more energetic. The cold... no, to be precise, the cool breath in his body became more and more, and he felt that he was extremely energetic.

"How is this possible? I'm almost 70, and I'm in my twilight years, but why do I feel like I'm back in my 20s?" Bell couldn't figure it out, but suddenly, Bell felt a light flash in his mind, his Something emerges from memory.

"Necromantic magic... Immortality... Immortality, Shandu... Wait, I remembered, I was in Shandu's magic tower, and now I am receiving the transformation of the immortal body in his potion pool. Could it be that the transformation is about to be successful now? Is it?" Bell was very happy.

He felt his body carefully.

Some numbness, far less sensitive than the previous physical body, all warmth, coldness, and even the sense of touch have become abnormally dull. The only thing that is clear is the ubiquitous cool breath. Under the nourishment of this breath, his body The spirit is getting more and more abundant.

"Is this the power of darkness? It doesn't look as scary as imagined." Bell thought to himself.

The cold breath poured into his body continuously, and Bell felt very comfortable. He relaxed his body, didn't think about anything, and quietly waited for the transformation of his body to be completed.

However, things did not go as smoothly as he imagined!

'Boom~' Bell woke up with a loud noise: "What happened? Didn't Sandu say he would be there to guard? Why is there such a big noise?"

As soon as this thought arose, Bell suddenly felt his body being pinched by a force, which violently pulled him out of the embrace of the cool breath.

"Ah~~~ What's going on? What's going on!" Bell felt that his body was exposed to the air, and he tried hard to open his eyes, but he found that his eyes were useless, and he couldn't see anything .

At this moment, a voice came into his ears, it was a young man.

"Oh, Master Bell, you look uglier now than a rotting corpse in a tomb."

The voice was somewhat familiar, Bell had heard it once, and he tried hard to search his memory which had become a bit confused, trying to remember the owner of the voice.

At this time, another more familiar voice sounded: "Your Excellency Bell, I didn't expect you to end up on this dark path."

The voice was female, mellow and clear, and extremely pleasing to the ear. In Bell's memory, there was only one woman with this kind of voice, and that was Anthony's most proud disciple, Moira.

As soon as Bell recognized the other party's identity, there was a flash of light in Bell's heart, and the chaotic thoughts were finally connected together. He said in surprise: "Moira, Link, it's you? No, how is it possible, how can you break into magic?" Tower? Is Anthony coming? Where is Sandu? Where is Sandu?"

A weak and hoarse voice came over, it was Sandu: "Bell, I failed."

"Tell me, how many magicians have come? Have all the people from East Valley Magician Academy come? Also, how long has it been?" Bell still couldn't figure it out. Even if all six members of the academy came, one A level 5 necromancer made up his mind to hide in the magic tower, and the opponent would not be able to attack in a short time.

Sandu smiled bitterly: "No, it's just the two of them. Only 40 minutes have passed."

"But you have a magic tower..." Bell became more and more horrified.

Sandu wanted to answer, but was interrupted by Verola's voice: "Master Bell, there is no need to get to the bottom of it. As a respected master in the academy, you actually chose to transform your body into a dark lich , This has completely betrayed the glorious tradition of the academy. I must bring you back to the academy for trial."

This involved the secrets of the Glorious Voters, and Verola didn't want Link's identity to be exposed too early.

Bell was shocked and shook his head desperately: "No, it can't be like this. I didn't harm anyone, I just want to live. Mo Ni (the intimate name of Moira's acquaintances), please, please let me go, I promise Keep your name incognito, never appear in the Glory World for the rest of your life, and I promise not to study black magic for the rest of your life."

When he returned to the academy, he was completely finished. Even if he survived by luck, he would definitely lose his freedom forever, and he would never be able to touch magic again. It would be better to kill him directly.

"I'm sorry, master, this is not something I can decide." Verola refused decisively.

Bell still didn't give up: "Monny, please, I really can't go back, I don't want to die, I still have too many magic problems that have not been solved, and I still have too many regrets. Monny, let go Me, okay? I swear I'll never touch the Dark Arts again. Just this one time, just this one time to give me a chance to live."

Verola seemed a little soft-hearted, and fell silent for a while.

She is an angel of light, but before she awakened, she was still a mortal. When she was learning magic, Bell, as an elder, helped her a lot. Even now, she still wears a magic bracelet, which is At her coming-of-age ceremony, Bell gave her a gift as an elder of the academy.

Everything in the past was due to love. Verola knew very well the fate he would face after taking Bell back. For a while, she couldn't bear it.

Of course, this is not enough to change her decision, she just doesn't know how to refuse Bell's request.

In this silence, Bell seemed to see hope, and his tone softened: "Moni, we have known each other for twenty-three years, I watched you grow up, and you know who I am, yes, there is I didn't have a good temper back then, but I never did anything against my will. This time, I studied necromancy and didn't hinder others... Let me go, okay?"

Verola remained silent, and it was Link who answered Bell.

"Master Bell, I don't think you understand one thing."

"What's the matter?" Bell couldn't see Link, but he knew that if he could get free today, both of them had to agree at the same time, so he was very humble.

Link smiled lightly and continued: "Your mistake is that you didn't recognize the influence of the dark power on you. In fact, those black magicians who fell into the darkness had similar ideas to you at first. Some of them are just curious, some of them are just to obtain immortality like you, most of them don’t want to bring disaster to the world. Sandu, did you start out just out of curiosity about black magic?”

Yes, curiosity. Link is also curious about black magic. He even intercepted the magic rune of Taruvis, and prepared to study it secretly. But after experiencing the incident with Bell, Link clearly saw the brilliance The world's rejection of dark forces also clearly sees the corruption of dark forces on people.

He has figured it out now, and when he returns this time, he will find a suitable opportunity to hand over the magic rune.

Otherwise, he might be able to gain some knowledge from the magic rune, but if it is exposed and Verola finds out, he will lose the trust of this angel of light.

An angel of light who can burn his soul wholeheartedly for him, and a magic rune that can give him knowledge but may induce him to fall into darkness, any rational person would choose the former.

Fish and bear's paw can never have both.

On the other side, Sandu opened his mouth, wanting to refute, but in the end, he was silent. Yes, at first, he was really just curious, but once this road is up, there is no way to turn back. go further.

Bell couldn't see Sandu's movements, he still said: "So what? That's because those magicians are weak-willed, I am different, I am a master magician, I can control myself!"

Link laughed again. Hundreds of years ago, the legendary magician Bryant once said a word, he said: "The self-control of mortals is the greatest illusion in the world!" '

Ordinary people often think that their will is very strong, they can control their actions 100%, and they can also control the consequences of these actions, but in fact, this is just a beautiful illusion. Even Link, he unconsciously He also fell into the maze of magic. If Verola's actions hadn't awakened him, he would probably go crazy because of magic in the future.

Seeing Bell's confident expression, Link revealed a fact: "Master Bell, let me tell you one thing. The potion you just used to transform the body of a lich contained at least a hundred human lives! Don't you believe it?" If so, you can ask Sandu."

"Sandu, is this true?" Bell was also taken aback.

Sandu was silent for a while, and finally admitted: "In order to neutralize the corrosiveness of the power of darkness, I poured blood essence into the potion. In order to refine these essences, I spent a ton of blood, which is human blood, but All I use is the blood of slaves."

A person has about 5 liters of blood, and a ton of blood is about 1000L, which means 200 lives are needed, twice as much as Link estimated.

"Slave's blood? It's really high-sounding." Link sneered, then looked at Bell: "Did you see that? In the first step of your immortal life, 200 lives were buried for you. This is what you said 'no Harm'?"

"But I don't know about this." Bell defended.

"Okay, don't talk about it!" Verola finally couldn't listen anymore, she looked at Bell with extreme disappointment: "Master, you may not know it, but when you heard that 200 lives were sacrificed for you, would you You don’t have the slightest sense of guilt or guilt, all you want is to shirk responsibility. You have changed, you have been corrupted by darkness, and I will take you back to East Valley College for trial!”

Bell lost his voice, he immediately knew that he had no chance, finally lost control, and roared: "Damn! You arrogant juniors, I am a member of the six-person council of the college, and I order you to let me go!"

This is already pure emotional venting, which is equivalent to nonsense.

Link looked at Verola, spread his hands and said, "He has a broken heart."

"Link, what are you? Where did you come from? I am a world-renowned master of magic!" Bell growled.

Link naturally ignored the madman's words, but Verola couldn't stand it. As an angel of light, the dignity of the Lord's chosen people cannot be violated.

She looked at Bell and said seriously: "Bell, Link's identity is far beyond your imagination, please be careful!"

"Go to hell! Go to hell!" Bell completely lost his mind.

"Let's take them back."

Sandu was seriously injured, the Bell Lich transformation ceremony was interrupted, and they both lost their strength after being imprisoned. It was very simple to take the two back. After they were tied up, Verola released a flying magic without delay. Gallop all the way back to the East Valley School of Magic.

Not long after the two left, two more shadows came to the Black Magic Tower. After observing for a while, one of the shadows said: "I didn't expect them to be able to defeat Shandu who owns the magic tower."

"Unexpected indeed. But, my friend, it is not such a bad thing, is it?"

"Indeed. Looks like we'll have to find a chance to help Bell."