Advent of the Archmage

Chapter 13: Rescue the Legendary Assassin (3)


Just a hundred meters ahead is the branch of MI3.

As an intelligence department, the location of this branch is very inconspicuous. Under the shade of a few towering old trees in the old city, a two-story building with iron fences is looming.

The main structure of this building is bluestone, which is very strong, and of course the construction cost is also very high.

On the left of it is an armor shop, on the right is a tailor's shop, in front of it is a spacious square covered with smooth cobblestones, a fountain in the center of the square, and on the opposite side is a tavern surrounded by dwellings.

These buildings are all wooden.

There is no nameplate on the building, and there are no guards at the door. If it wasn't for Aldiwin to lead the way, even if Link had the game memory of the previous life, he would definitely not be able to find it now.

A game is a game after all. Compared with the reality, many details have been neglected. In order to save costs, it is impossible for the game to completely copy the structure of Gristone City. What is presented in the game is only a rough idea.

Aldivin and Link hid at the entrance of a secret alley on the left side of the cobblestone fountain square, Link stood against the wall, and Aldivin probed his head to observe the situation at the alleyway.

After watching for a while, he withdrew his body and said solemnly: "The battle in the building is still going on, but there are dark elf assassins guarding the key intersections of the square. I found at least twenty dark sentries, and they occupied high positions around the square. , and lit all the oil lamps, there is no way to sneak over.”

All the kerosene lamps were lit, and there was no shadow on the square, which inadvertently broke Link's secondary invisibility technique.

Forcibly break through

I'm afraid they were shot into hedgehogs by the cold arrows of the dark elf assassins hiding in the dark before they could take ten steps. Doing so would mean death.

Link frowned slightly, and his mind was racing. After a few seconds, he had an idea to deal with it. He deliberately asked, "Why don't the dark elves use fire attack? Are they trying to capture Captain Anne alive?"

Although the main body of the three-story building is made of bluestone, a lot of wood is still used in it, and the fire attack is enough to force people out of the building.

Aldiwin was taken aback, then nodded with a heavy face: "Very likely."

Link said: "Although the dark elves have sinister intentions, if they want to capture them alive, it will be much more difficult and time-consuming. This gives us a chance. Can you determine the approximate location of the dark elves around the square?"

"Yes. In terms of hiding ability, I am the best in the branch, and these dark elves are no match for me. I can miss one or two secret whistles at most." Aldivin's tone was a little proud.

But Link shook his head: "None of them can be missed, can you guarantee it?"

Aldivin suddenly showed embarrassment, it was too difficult for him to observe alone.

"Then we have to fish in troubled waters if we want to rendezvous with Captain Anne safely." Link was not surprised by this, manpower is sometimes poor.

"What should I do?"

"Fire attack." Link said.

"But we will be discovered if we light a fire... Well, it's up to you." Aldiwin suddenly realized that he had forgotten the fact that the other party was a magician, and his methods of setting fire were a hundred times more than his!

Link quietly poked his head out from behind the wall, took a quick glance at the square, then shrank back and hid again.

With just one glance, he had a panoramic view of the positions of the kerosene lamps on the square, and it was deeply imprinted in his mind, as clearly as if he had recorded them.

Link couldn't do this before, but now his soul has been greatly strengthened by the Lord of Radiance. For him, this super-precise image memory is as simple as drinking water and eating.

Leaning against the corner of the wall, Link raised his wand, the air on the tip of the wand moved slightly, and the magic energy quietly extended. A mage's hand was used, and slowly extended towards a kerosene lamp hanging fifteen meters away.

Soon, Link felt his mage's hand touch the kerosene lamp.

But he didn't act right away, he was waiting.

After waiting for about half a minute, a gust of night wind blew, and the kerosene lamp swayed from side to side.

It's now!

Link pulled the kerosene lamp violently, and the oil lamp fell from the lamp post. It seemed to be falling in a straight line, but in fact, the falling trajectory was disturbed by the hand of the mage. The kerosene lamp that should have been smashed on the ground fell to the firewood one meter away. pile up.

Kerosene was sprinkled on the firewood, and with a 'hoo', the fire started.

Next to the pile of firewood was a wooden house. As soon as the firewood was lit, the wooden house was lit again, and the night wind blew over again, just in the direction of the MI3 branch. The wind helped the fire, and the fire quickly rose. Begin to engulf the wooden buildings around the square.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Link quickly looked out from the hiding place again, and saw several figures jumping from the window of the wooden house. After the figures jumped down, they quickly rolled on the ground, offsetting the impact brought by the height. Poses, showing agility.

Naturally, these were dark elf assassins hiding in the wooden house, they were forced out by the flames.

Five minutes later, the flames grew stronger and stronger, and the dark sentries set up by the dark elves were forced out of their hiding places by the flames, and the situation in the fountain square became very chaotic.

Almost there, Link said to Aldivin: "Go, follow me, and rush in."

"No, you are not familiar with the road, follow me..." Before Aldiwin finished speaking, he saw Link had rushed out of the hiding place, and with the blessing of cat's swiftness, he was very fast.


Aldiwin had no choice but to follow.

After walking for a while, Aldivin was surprised to find that this Link knew the layout of the square like the back of his hand, going from one hiding place to another hiding place, and at the same time skillfully blocked his sight with the help of flames, familiarly resembling his own back garden. generally.

Aldivin followed along and walked more than half the distance. The dark elf assassins never noticed their infiltration.

He couldn't explain the situation, but the anxiety in his heart dissipated, and he followed Link intently.

Soon, they arrived in front of the iron fence of the branch. The fire had not yet spread here, and there was no hiding place here. The two were finally discovered by the dark elves.

This place is already out of the bow and arrow range of the dark elf's dark whistle, and the dark elf rushed over aggressively.

Link kept moving, and immediately rushed towards the iron gate, shouting at the same time: "They are still more than forty meters away from us, leave them alone, and rush in!"

With the cat's quick and agile movements, he immediately rushed forward, and when he reached the front of the iron fence, he jumped up suddenly, a full height of more than three meters. As soon as the ground pulled, he borrowed strength and swung into the yard.

Aldiwin looked at it, regardless of hiding, quickly turned over from the iron fence.

There were also dark elf assassins in the yard. Before Link landed, three dark elf assassins appeared and wanted to rush towards him. Link was in midair, ready to release the fireball interference immediately.

But at this moment, a figure appeared at the window on the second floor of the wooden building, only to hear the sound of a bowstring 'collapse', and at the same time, three arrows flew out of the window and shot at the dark elf assassin who appeared, crushing the three of them. go back.

It's support from friends!

Link and Aldiwin landed safely.

As soon as he landed, Link and Aldiwin met immediately. Aldivin protected Link's back, and the two rushed forward. When they reached the bottom of the window just now, Link made a sharp leap, and the cat's swiftness had a miraculous effect. He leaped more than three meters Tall, he climbed onto the window eaves, turned over and entered the window.

The assassin from MI3 appeared in this window just now, which means it is safe. This is the reason why Link chose to enter the wooden building from here.

Aldiwin is not as explosive as Link, so he can't jump as high, but climbing up to the second floor is not a problem for a level 2 elite assassin. Next, he also entered the window.

As soon as he entered the room and stood firm, Aldivin was taken aback by the situation in the room.

He hurriedly shouted: "Captain, this is Lord Link, the magician, he is here to help."

It was Anne Abel who discovered that Link was a stranger, and pointed a dagger at Link's heart.

Link was afraid of causing the Duke's daughter to overreact, so he stood motionless and raised his hands.

Of course, he believed that Annie would not do anything to him. Taking this opportunity, he carefully observed this future legendary assassin.

She is very young, about 23 or 24 years old, about 1.7 meters tall. The blue-black tight-fitting leather armor on her body outlines her slender and graceful figure. Although her face is covered, her face is perfectly contoured, and her creamy white skin is smooth and clean. Flawless, a pair of dark blue eyes with very pure luster, very thin eyebrows, but the ends are raised on both sides, looking heroic, and a brilliant golden short short hair, very clean and neat.

Compared to the tortured legendary assassin with scars all over his face in later generations, Anne Abel at this time is a flower in full bloom.

Link looked at the situation in the room again, and there were only 4 assassins left. Each of them was wounded, ranging from mild to severe, and the severe ones had fallen to the ground. The room was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Hearing Aldiwin's words, Annie immediately realized the misunderstanding and put down the dagger, but she remained vigilant, looked at her subordinates, and asked the task first: "Has the news spread?"

"23 homing pigeons, all smell calibrated, will not be attacked by the blood-eyed night owl, and it is estimated that they will arrive at the Black Iron Fortress in an hour!" Aldiwen immediately straightened his body and reported.

"Very good!" Annie's tense face relaxed slightly, and she turned to look at Link: "Let me introduce this Mr. Magician."

Aldiwin's answer was still concise: "Captain, he is from the Academy of Magic, and he destroyed the teleportation tower."

As soon as these words came out, all the assassins in the room looked over with admiration in their eyes.

The teleportation tower is the key to this confrontation. It is precisely because of the accidental destruction of the tower that the Norton Kingdom really has a chance to come back.

If Grystone City is lucky enough to survive this disaster, then Link has the greatest credit, because it was his actions that made everything they did possible after that!

Anne's expression was completely relaxed: "I'm sorry for being rude just now, Mr. Link."

How could Link take such a small matter to heart? The situation was not optimistic at this time, so he went straight to the point: "Captain Anne, what is your plan?"