Advent of the Archmage

Chapter 19: Goodbye Demon Princess


To deal with a magician, attacking his magic is meaningless, the most correct way is to directly attack the magician himself.

This point, any magician is well aware, Holm understands, Link also understands.

Seeing the giant hound, nearly 2.5 meters tall and weighing more than 500 kilograms, pounce on him, Link immediately counterattacked.

"Grease technique!"

A gleam of light shot out from the ice storm, hitting the ground in front of the Earth Hound, the light spread like oil on the ground, and the ground of the alley suddenly became smooth as a mirror, five meters in front and back.

"It's just a trick!" Holm sneered. Grease is a level 0 magic, and it's easy for a magician to crack it.

"Sand and Dust Technique!"

The magic staff in Home's hand suddenly lit up, and a small whirling storm suddenly appeared in the alley. There was a lot of sand and soil in the storm. When it rolled up to the surface of the greasy spell, the spell suddenly disintegrated, and the whirlwind disappeared. The sand fell down, and the ground immediately became rough.

The earth hound ran past safely and quickly approached Link. In a blink of an eye, he was outside the secondary ice storm. Facing the spinning sharp ice flakes, it rushed in fearlessly.

At this moment, Link is 40 meters away from Home, which is still beyond the direct action distance of his magic, and his current goal is not to entangle with the earth hound, but Home.

Facing the oncoming earth hound, Link made two moves.

First, cancel the follow-up effect of the secondary ice storm on the caster; second, he shrank his body suddenly with the power of the cat's swiftness, and then dodged to the side, relying on the blessing of the protective barrier on his body , flew out of the range of the secondary ice storm, and at the same time avoided the attack of the earth hound.

Leaving the Earth Hound and the Secondary Ice Storm entangled behind him, Link strode towards Home, and at the same time, pointed at a horizontal wall behind him with his wand: "Vector Resistance Field!"

The air suddenly blurred, and a large number of reflective ripples appeared. At a glance, it was like the heat wave on the tail of a modern rocket launch.

The force field collided with the horizontal wall, and Link stepped out with one step, and his body was still in the air. He immediately got a huge reaction force, and his forward speed immediately increased several times.

Behind him, the Earth Hound has turned around. It only has Link in its eyes. Seeing that Link is gone, it rushes out of the secondary ice storm immediately and bites towards Link, but Link just speeds up and flies forward. It just took a bite.

At this moment, Link was in the air, approaching Home at high speed. Behind him, the terrifying earth hound quickly caught up, and it only took one bite to bite off Link's head.

The time left for Link to counterattack is less than a second!

The time he landed was the time he died.

At this moment, Link's spirit was highly concentrated, and the world in his eyes seemed to slow down. The Crescent Wand raised and pointed at the fist-sized pebbles on the ground.

"Vector throw!"

"Vector throw!"

"Vector throw!"

In less than a second, Link fired three level 1 spells in succession!

With a casting speed of 0.3 seconds, with every throw, a pebble on the ground will fly towards Home, which is extremely fast and precise.

The title of Fashen is not for nothing.

Within a distance of 30 meters, Link used the vector throwing technique to throw stones, hitting wherever he pointed, with a hundred hits!

Home's super-fast casting is limited to fireballs. Lianzhu fireballs are his housekeeping skills, but there are so many magics with different principles. As a second-level magician, it is impossible for him to spread the super-fast spellcasting skill to everyone. magical.

Except for the fireball, Holm's casting speed is far behind Link's for other spells.

The moment Link approached him, Holm, who predicted Link's next move, immediately gave up the fireball attack and released defensive magic instead.

The reason is simple, the opponent has a level 2 protective barrier, even if his fireball hits the opponent, it is useless, but he himself has to face the threat of vector throwing.

He is a magician, not a warrior, and his body is not very flexible, and he has not applied auxiliary magic such as cat's swiftness to himself, nor is he on the back of an earth hound, facing high-speed stones, it is difficult for him to dodge.

This stone was aimed specifically at his head. If he was hit once, it would definitely be the result of a serious injury. He couldn't be hit!

It was too late to use level 2 defensive magic, and there was not much mana left in his body, so Holm made a choice instantly.

"Ice Shield!"

Ice Shield.

Level 1 Magic

Function: Use water elements to condense a frost shield, which has excellent performance in physical defense and elemental defense.

The stones thrown by the vector throw are high-speed, which is a standard physical attack, so using ice shield to deal with it is the right choice.

The only mistake Holm made in this set of responses was miscalculating Link's casting speed.

With level 1 magic vector throwing, Link's release speed is a little less than 0.3 seconds. It is also a level 1 magic ice shield, but Holm's release speed is a little over 0.4 seconds.

When Link released the first vector throw and the pebble hit Holm, Holm used his prediction and the flight time of the pebble to barely complete the release of the ice shield.

"Dang!" With a crisp sound, the cobblestone was blocked by the ice shield, and the ice shield was smashed into pieces, and the magic collapsed.

Immediately afterwards, the second pebble arrived.

This time, it was too late for Holm to cast the ice shield to block it. Facing this potentially deadly high-speed rock, he had to use his own life-saving tricks.

On the middle finger of the left hand, a ring suddenly lit up, and a stream of watery radiance quickly extended to Holm's body. This radiance was somewhat similar to the protective barrier on Link's body, but the thickness of the radiance was not as good as the protective barrier, and the texture was not as good as the protective barrier. Boundary cohesion.

This is a level 1 magic secondary guardian enchantment, and a level 2 magic guardian enchantment is an upgraded version of it.

But here comes the problem. The series of magic of Guardian Barrier is used to defend against magic attacks. It is very effective against pure elemental attacks like fireball and wind blade, but the physical defense ability is a bit weak.

The moment the secondary protective barrier had just been completed, the cobblestone hit Holm's forehead with a 'bang' sound, and it couldn't be more accurate.

The protective ability of the secondary guardian barrier is still a little bit, offsetting some of the strength, but most of the strength is still passed into Holm's head.

Holm tilted his head back, dizzy, and the second ice shield that was being released was interrupted immediately.

His dark red eyes were full of horror: "How can this kid cast spells so fast!"

The opponent is not a magic fast, but all magic fast, which is really terrifying!

"Bang!" The third pebble flew and still hit his forehead.

This time, after a vector throw was hit by the secondary protective barrier, it was close to collapse. Facing the second attack, it hardly played a buffering role.

What is the effect of a pebble the size of a fist hitting a person's head at a speed of 50 meters per second? On the contrary, it is enough to knock people unconscious. If you are unlucky, you may be able to kill people directly.

Link saw a dent in Holm's forehead suddenly, and then he rolled his eyes and fell on his back.

I don't know if he died or not, but he definitely passed out.

At this time, Link's body fell to the ground, and he rushed forward a few steps before completely buffering his strength.

Behind him, the terrestrial hound was less than half a meter away from him, but this half meter became a natural barrier.

Without the support of the caster, the earth hound immediately stopped moving, and then began to collapse. About a second later, with a 'crash', such an earth hound turned into a mass of loose sand.

"Vector Throwing!" Link issued a level 1 magic again, completing the final make-up.

"Bang" hit Home's temple, and a new dimple appeared on his temple. He didn't move, he didn't even hum, and the breathing that was faintly absent suddenly disappeared completely.

he died.

This battle started with a sneak attack by Hom. At the end, Hom was killed. Link used 1 level 0 magic, 8 level 1 magic, and 1 level 2 magic. He spent 80 points of mana, and the remaining Bet 38 mana and 10 free points.

Looking at Holm's body, Link touched the dimly glowing guardian bracelet on his wrist, and he was also relieved: "It's a good thing I took this bracelet, otherwise it would be dangerous."

Being able to win this duel is partly because of Link's super fast casting speed, and another is the advantage of the second-level protective barrier.

Go over and pick up Holm's staff.

Information emerges.

'Flintstone Staff'

'Quality: Excellent'

'Effect 1: Magic power +30%. '

'Effect 2: Fire magic release speed +10%'

"Good stuff. It's much better than the Crescent Wand, and it can even speed up the casting of spells. No wonder Home's fireball is like Gatling. This wand has contributed a lot."

At this moment, a message appeared in Link's vision.

Annie arrived at the barracks and completed the escort mission.

Player Link's free points +30.

Link's free points suddenly became 40 points, which is a huge amount of power. Link showed a smile on his face, but the smile soon turned into a wry smile.

The reason was simple, because he saw black shadows surrounding him, they were dark elf assassins, and they were catching up.

Link was not at all surprised by this result. He had already had such an awareness when he stayed to fight against Home.

"These assassins are not in a hurry to act, are they afraid of my strength? Or are they planning to capture me alive and send me to the Black Forest?"

After thinking about it, Link thinks it's the former. Holm is dead, and the dark elf assassins have no leader. The most likely way is to avenge Holm. If they don't do anything, they can only be afraid of his power.

The situation is unprecedentedly dangerous, but he is not without opportunities.

Leaning on the flint staff, Link remained motionless. He had 40 free points, and while the assassin was hesitating, he was thinking about how to escape the assassin's siege.

But at this moment, a joking voice suddenly came from beside his ear: "Link, are you just accepting your fate like this? Why don't you become a hero?"

The voice was so familiar, Link's heart was shocked, and he followed the sound, only to find that there was a delicate figure beside him.

The owner of this voice has long black hair, night-like black eyes, a pair of curly horns on his head, delicate and unparalleled facial features, a pair of small fangs can be seen faintly on his red and delicate lips, and he wears an ordinary short robe. Can't hide the round silhouette, the waist is as thin as a willow, and a pair of slender and perfect legs are tightly wrapped under the trousers. The combination of all these details can instantly remind people of "evil, charming, charming" and so on. Wait for words that make your blood speed up.

This is exactly the NPC who entered Link's heart, the devil princess, Celine Fran!

At this time, she raised one hand to maintain a black crystal-like semicircular shield, and put the other hand casually around her waist. Her flexible body turned halfway, and a pair of black eyes looked at Lin Lin with interest. gram. This movement of hers highlights every perfection of her body, which is simply a crime of temptation.

Link stared blankly, his heart beating wildly, and he hurriedly turned his gaze to the magic shield protecting them.

The shield is very powerful. Outside the shield, a group of dark elf assassins are attacking desperately. Inside the shield, everything is calm.

Link recognized the magic as a level 5 black magic: obsidian enchantment. In his mind, he also connected the cause and effect.

No wonder he felt so familiar. It turned out that Celine was Celine Fran. The appearance he saw before was just her disguise, but now, it was her real appearance.

"You... Celine?"

Link asked this verbally, but in his heart, he said, "Celine Fran, we meet again."