Advent of the Archmage

Chapter 45: Enchanting Werther (4)


Demonized Werther's strength is too strong, and his movement speed is fast, and he has a flash combat skill. As a result, he always holds the initiative in the battle.

He can hit whoever he wants, no one can stop him!

At least that's how it looks on the surface.

Just a moment ago, the three mercenaries had beaten him into a panic, and they were about to kill this guy, but the next moment, the situation immediately reversed, and Link, the core of their team, was threatened with death.

Although Yake and Lucy came back for help at the first time, they were too late to come over in a short time.

Yake's charge must arrive at Link's side after half a second, and this time is enough for Werther to kill Link three times, not to mention Lucy, although she is agile, but her strength is not as good as that of Yake , she couldn't go back at all.

"Protect him!"

Yake yelled at Gridan. The battle just now has clearly shown that they are not at the same level as the opponent who demonized Werther. Once Link is killed, the three of them will also be finished!

The archer Gridan certainly knew the importance of Link. He directly swung the bow in his hand like a wooden stick towards Werther, not to cause any injuries, but to delay time.

"You die too!"

Werther ignored the blow from the longbow and stabbed at Gridan with a dagger. The opponent was an archer with very low melee combat ability. Werther didn't even bother to dodge, and he was about to kill his opponent.

Facing Werther's attack, Gridan couldn't dodge it at all. Seeing that he was about to be killed, there was another 'bang'. It was Link's glass beads, one hit Werther's arm, and the other hit Werther's arm. Face, his attack was blocked again!

Gridan instinctively stepped back, and Link lost his last protection.

"Ah! You are still saving people! Let's see who can save you!" Demonized Werther was furious!

"Go to hell with me!" He grinned grinningly, and thrust a dagger into the heart of Link... the real stand-in.

Why would it be inserted into a substitute

Because the moment Werther started to flash, Link felt a slight movement in his heart. As a weak magician, he is very sensitive to this kind of breakthrough combat skills. His body quietly took a step back, letting the real substitute Stand in front of yourself.

In a fierce battle, attacking the nearest target is almost an instinct.

In Werther's eyes, this is a pair of twin magicians, both of them have to be killed, it doesn't matter which one is killed first, of course, whichever is closer, he will use whichever one is closer!

However, as soon as the dagger was inserted into the opponent's body, Werther didn't feel right.

He has killed many people, and he is very aware of the feeling of a dagger piercing flesh and blood, but now, it feels very strange, not like piercing into a human body, but rather astringent like being pierced into soil.

'what happened? ' Werther was taken aback.

Afterwards, Link gave up maintaining the double magic, and the magic began to collapse, turning into balls of sand. Werther immediately knew that he had made a fatal mistake!

"Glass beads!" Link snorted, lightly tapped his wand, and light blue glass beads emerged one after another. This time, Link tried his best, and within a split second, less than half a second, a blue glass bead appeared in the air. 9 light blue dots.

They are divided into two parts, one part flies towards Werther's face, and the other part flies towards Werther's arm wound.

Like Gridan, he didn't want to hurt Werther, he just wanted to delay the opponent's attack speed and give Yake and others time to come back.

In order to cast spells as quickly as possible, Link even stood still on the spot, but he didn't move, and Gridan was not a fool. He had an idea in his heart that this magician couldn't die. Hug Link's body, and lead him quickly away from Demonized Werther.

Link was not affected in the slightest, and just focused on casting spells.

Although the flames couldn't do any damage to him, Werther didn't dare to underestimate the impact of the explosion. Of course, other parts of his body didn't care about this impact, but his eyes couldn't stand it, so he could only close them. , Closing his eyes most likely means injury, or even failure, he has a wound on his arm, and he can't withstand such an attack, so facing this attack, he has to dodge left and right.

But he still underestimated Link's magic. Magic is not a bow and arrow. The flight trajectory of the glass beads changes all the time, just like a guided missile. When the distance is close enough, hiding is useless!

"Bang bang bang bang!" Werther only felt his face go numb, and he didn't even dare to open his eyes. All he could smell was the hot breath, which made him dare not breathe at all, because such hot air would burn took his lungs.

There were bursts of scorching pain from the wound on his right arm, and one of his arms was almost roasted.

In this state, he couldn't release the flash to chase Link again.

At this time, Yake finally came back, still charging!

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound, and with Link's restraint, he finally slammed his shield firmly into Werther's back.

"Wow!" Werther's body shook violently, and a mouthful of black blood spewed out of his mouth. The injury was serious, and his whole body was stunned.

good chance!

Lucy followed closely, and the long sword glowing with white light pierced Werther's back. With a 'puchi' sound, the blade pierced more than an inch. She didn't dare to be greedy, she knew that her skills and this demonized guy It was far away, so when the strength of the sword was exhausted, she immediately drew her sword and retreated, hiding behind Yake, looking for the next opportunity to attack.

Yake has no such scruples. He knows that he is the shield of his comrades. What he has to do is to hold back this terrifying guy and cause him as much damage as possible, while creating more and better attack opportunities for his teammates.

A shield hit the opponent, the shield quickly retracted to protect the body, and the war hammer in the right hand smashed towards Werther's head at the same time.

Werther was stunned by the shield. Although the sword in the back of his heart didn't stab his heart, the cold feeling made him tremble with fear. His reaction was a bit slower. Facing the attack of the war hammer, he only had time to turn his head .

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the hammer hit his left shoulder.

The warhammer weighed seventy to eighty kilograms, and Yake shot with all his strength, only to hear a "click" from Werther's shoulder, and a dent was smashed on his left shoulder, and the bones inside were broken!

So far, both of Werther's arms have been abolished, but the strength of the demonized body lies in his high recovery ability. Every wound on Werther is surrounded by black air, and those injuries are growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. in healing.

If Werther is given some breathing time, he will definitely be able to regain his combat effectiveness again!

But will Link give it? Obviously not!

"Attack with all your might!"

Link yelled, this is the best opportunity!

Lucy rushed up again, Gridan put Link down, drew an arrow and shot fiercely, Yake smashed it like crazy with a warhammer, Link also cast spells desperately, and the glass beads rushed straight to Werther's wounds.

In just one second, the smashed Werther withstood massive attacks!

Although the demonized body is strong, he was beaten like a grandson, and he was beaten into a rag doll in an instant.

With a "plop", under Yake's skull-crushing hammer, Werther was beaten and rolled to the ground, and he was as if he had been tortured, and there was no good meat left.

But with such a serious injury, this guy is still alive, still breathing, his body is still struggling instinctively, and the black energy on his body is trying to repair the injury.

This scene made the three members of the Flamingo Mercenary Team feel even more frightened. They didn't care if Werther's body was about to shatter, and they still attacked like crazy.

Ten seconds later, Yake sat down on the ground, panting, Lucy also leaned against the rock wall, her forehead was covered with sweat, and Gerritan kept shaking her arms that were almost cramp.

Between the three of them was a pile of minced meat once called 'Vert'.

"Is he dead now?" Yake asked Link with some uncertainty. He was still a little worried. It was because Werther's appearance was so weird that people could easily think of it as a legendary demon.

According to legend, demons are immortal, and the three mercenaries dare not take risks. If necessary, they would even burn Werther's body to ashes, put them in small urns, divide them into 9 small urns, and bury them separately. It is said that only by doing so can the demon be prevented from resurrecting.

Link nodded speechlessly: "He's dead."

It's just demonized, and its vitality is far from a real demon. It's really sad to be beaten like this.

There was a flash of light in the field of vision. Link looked at it, and it was a reminder that the task was completed. He killed Demonized Werther, completed the task of eliminating demons, and obtained 30 free points.

So he now has a total of 39 free points.

"Now, everything here is our harvest, it's time to clean up." Link reminded.

This sentence made the three mercenaries exhausted, their eyes were as bright as light bulbs, and they immediately started to act.