Advent of the Archmage

Chapter 5: The mage's first battle


Among the three magic apprentices, Link looked the calmest, and he held a beautiful wand in his hand, which was the most eye-catching.

The Dark Elf Assassin stood at the door of the room and said something, then raised the horn bow in his hand, put an arrow on the bow, and with a 'collapse' sound, an arrow shot towards Link's head.

If there are enough magic points, Link will use the level 1 magic 'low-level protective arrow force field' to resist this attack, but the level 1 magic needs 10 free points to buy, which is too expensive.

Therefore, Link chose to use the 0-level magic 'fire bomb'.

The magic wand in his hand lightly touched the air in front of his eyes, and a white fireball the size of a glass bead appeared in an instant, rushing towards the arrow of the dark elf assassin.

"Hmph, the magic is good, but it's too naive to want to stop my magic-breaking arrow." The dark elf assassin secretly smiled.

In the next moment, the arrows flew in and the fireballs flew away, but the two sides did not collide, but passed by a few centimeters apart.

But when the arrow tip missed the fireball, the fireball flew forward without any movement, and when the arrow body passed by, the fireball remained unchanged. At the end, when the arrow feather passes through the fire bomb, the level 0 magic erupts.

With a sound of 'bang', the air around the arrow's tail feathers suddenly expanded, and the air flowed in all directions, hitting the arrow's tail feathers in one blow.

Yes, in order to deal with the Academy of Magic, dark elf assassins are equipped with magic-breaking weapons. If Link controls the fireball to collide with the arrow tip, the result is that the fireball will be easily extinguished into sparks.

But now, he used the power of the fireball to affect the flight of the magic-breaking arrow, but it had a miraculous effect!

The flight path of the arrow shaft was immediately crooked, and when it flew in front of Link, it had deflected by more than 20 centimeters, and flew past Link's cheek, only startling a few hairs on Link's temples. hair strands.

"Huh?" The dark elf assassin was surprised that he would miss.

He nocked his arrow to the bow again.

However, he has no chance. Link will never just take a beating and not fight back. His fighting style is to fight back!

'Chi' The floor under the dark elf's feet suddenly moved, and a ground thorn suddenly appeared.

To stab

Level 0 Earth Elemental Magic

Function: A half-meter-long hard stone thorn rises from the ground... Do not step on it.

Like the previous fireballs, the thorns appeared so fast and suddenly that the dark elf archer had no time to react. Moreover, he wore light and thin shoes on his feet in order to move stealthily. Not much defense at all.

With a sound of "poof", the ground thorn pierced from the dark elf's heel, and continued to poke upwards until it came out from the side of the calf.

How painful is such an injury


Even a specially trained dark elf assassin couldn't bear it. He screamed, and the arrow that had just been attached to the bowstring fell to the ground. He couldn't help but sat back on the ground, trembling all over.

"Chi" is another thorn in the ground!

The place where the ground thorn appeared was very ingenious, as if the dark elf assassin's action had been expected long ago. The dark elf assassin fell down on the ground, and a ground thorn rose up from the ground facing the chrysanthemum.

With a sound of "poof", the dark elf sat down on the ground, his body shook suddenly, his eyes widened, his body was stiff and tense, and he remained motionless for two seconds. After that, the dark elf's head drooped feebly.

he died.

A half-meter-long ground thorn was pierced into his body, even the legendary strongman couldn't stand it.

These two ground thorns were launched secretly and quickly, making them irresistible.

A dark elf assassin died, and the confrontation took only a second. When the dark elf fell to the ground, his companions in the hall reacted.

He didn't expect such a result at all. There were only a few magic apprentices in the room. He originally thought that the room was just a simple massacre, just like what happened in other rooms.

"you wanna die!"

Holding the demon-breaking dagger in his hand, he rushed towards Link with all his might. His running speed is very fast, at least 15 meters per second, and he looks like a black shadow.

He used a combat technique: Burst of Speed.

For a low-level magician, he is most afraid of a fast opponent with a magic weapon in his hand. If he is approached by the opponent, it will basically be a tragedy.

"Be careful!" A voice came from behind, it was Celine.

Link's face remained unchanged, his eyes were full of indifference, and he completely ignored the assassin in front of him. When the assassin began to gallop over, he summoned the magic list.

"Buy Level 1 Magic: Vector Resistance Field."

Magic is instantly purchased successfully and costs 10 Freedom Points.

Vector resistance field

Level 1 Magic

Mana Cost: 6

Function: Push away objects in the direction specified by the caster.

If the power of level 0 magic is only equivalent to a large firecracker, then level 1 magic has really entered the room, possessing the power to make ordinary people feel terrible.

When the assassin reached one meter in front of him, stabbed with the dagger in his hand, and raised one foot at the same time, the crescent wand in Link's hand lightly tapped the air in front of him, and said in his heart: "Medium!"

Level 1 magic, successfully released within 0.3 seconds!

The air in front of Link's wand suddenly blurred, and a large number of translucent ripples appeared. These ripples radiated in the direction Link was facing.

The moment the magic was generated, the assassin just bumped into him, not one minute earlier, not half a moment later, the timing was just right.

The assassin who was rushing forward at high speed, as fast as an arrow, felt as if he had hit a wall. The body that was advancing at high speed suddenly stopped, as if time stood still. After a moment, the strength of the vector resistance force field reached its peak. "Bang" the assassin's body was sent flying back!

Originally, with the strength of an assassin level 2 elite fighter, he could forcibly resist the pushing force of level 1 magic, but Link's timing of releasing the magic was too ingenious.

When the strength of the resisting force field exploded completely, the assassin had just lifted one foot, his body was in an unbalanced state, and the strength of the explosion was seriously insufficient.

Fight against the assassin's weakest moment with the strongest magic state, level 1 magic, complete victory!

Gaining the upper hand at once, Link pursued immediately, and he would never give his opponent a chance to rally.

When the assassin's body was still in the air, Link's wand lightly pointed at the assassin, and a level 0 fireball followed closely behind the assassin's body.

The fireball was compressed by the wand, and its temperature was greatly increased, showing an incandescent color.

The assassin was also amazing. Although he was shocked by the rebound force, he still instinctively raised his dagger and stabbed at the fire bomb.

If the fire bomb was released by an ordinary magic apprentice, it must have been punctured again.

But the person who released the fire bomb had spell-casting skills far beyond his imagination.

The incandescent fireball like a glass bead is like a dancing elf. Its flight trajectory is not a straight line, but a continuous spiral line. One cannot predict the position of the fireball at all!

The moment the assassin's dagger came over, the small fireball drew a graceful arc, dodged the dagger lightly, and hit the assassin's eyes with precision.

As a level 0 magic, the power of fireball is not strong. Even if it has a wand to increase its power, if it explodes in the palm of an ordinary person, at most it can only blow up the person's hand with blood, and the skin is bruised. An elf assassin might only be able to blast the calluses on the opponent's hands.

But if the magic had exploded next to the fragile eyes, the result would have been quite different.

Such a tragedy happened to the assassin in mid-air.

He is masked, but the mask only covers the mouth and nose, but the eyes are exposed. Link's fire bullet is fast. When the attack arrives, he only has time to close his eyes, but how can the fragile eyelids withstand the fire? The bomb exploded

'Bang' The assassin's eyes were covered with blood, he couldn't help but let out a scream, his eyes went black, he couldn't see anything, and his whole body was in chaos.

But the scream lasted only half a second, the assassin's body hit the ground, where a ground thorn was already waiting.

Tragically, the blind Assassin was unaware of this turn of events.

The ground stabbing technique of "poof" pierced the assassin from the back of the heart and out from the front chest, ending his life.

So far, the two assassins are finished.

Magicians and assassins are natural enemies. The strength of the two sides is completely different. A low-level magician may kill a high-level assassin, and a high-level magician may be stabbed to death by a novice assassin.

In a confrontation between the two, whoever wins and who loses, the level is secondary, the key depends on the combat experience and skills.

In this fight, Link's performance is almost perfect.

Before and after the battle, Link used a total of five level 0 magic and one level 1 magic, costing 16 points of mana. During the whole process, he basically didn't move his feet, not because he couldn't, but because he didn't need it.

Information flashed through Link's mind.

The task is completed, the player Link's free points +15.

A warm current flowed through Link's body. Link looked at his free points. It was originally 14 points. He bought a level 1 magic just now and consumed 10 points. Adding 15 points, it has now become 19 points.

The magic apprentice by the door saw the whole process, he swallowed his saliva, and when the assassin was finished, he stammered: "Link,"

Is this still the unknown guy? Such spell-casting skills are simply unbelievable!

He didn't know how to describe the shock in his heart. What shocked him was not the magic that Link used, but the kind of... that kind of aura that controlled everything when he used magic.

'It's like a god! ' He finally found the right adjective.

Link had no color on his face. This kind of battle was child's play for him, so he stepped forward and said, "Celine, keep up!"

"Oh, okay." Celine glanced at Link appreciatively, followed him for a few steps, and suddenly asked, "Then where are we going?"

To be honest, the dark elves' attack tonight was a little unexpected, but she didn't take it to heart. The reason why she followed Link was because she was curious that this human magician had changed too much.

"Go to the teleportation tower of the academy." Link had already thought up an escape plan.

The city is surrounded by an army of dark elves, and the city is full of dark elf assassins. He now has 19 free points, but there are less than 3 points of mana left in his body. It is unrealistic to break through all the way with one person. The best way is to use the power of the teleportation array.

After thinking about it, Link spent 1 point of freedom to buy the upper limit of mana, and 1 point of freedom was exchanged for 10 points of upper limit, so Link's upper limit of mana became 31 points.

Because of the previous consumption, his mana is not at full value, but only 13 points, and the rest will take time to recover.

At this time, the importance of mana recovery speed is reflected. His current recovery rate is 0.2 per hour, which is almost negligible in this kind of intense battle.

'There are still 18 free points, which should be enough to deal with unexpected situations. ' Link felt a little relieved.