Advent of the Archmage

Chapter 54: Link's whistle


The weather was excellent.

The sky is blue, like a piece of the purest sapphire, and the golden sunlight flows down from the gaps in the leaves, drawing a mottled picture of light and shadow on the ground.

The green-feathered birds are singing the praises of nature, and the squirrels are jumping between the branches, taking advantage of the good weather to store the food for the winter.

In Hegu Town, not far behind the courtyard of the Flamingo Mercenary Group, there is a secluded clearing in the forest.

The open space is about 30 meters long and wide. The flamingo mercenary team has carefully sorted out the ground. The ground has been leveled, covered with soft fine sand, and wooden dummies for training, archery targets, and resting places have been installed. There are also thorn trees planted around the open space, and there are many warning organs. If a stranger breaks in, the organs will immediately make a sound.

Ever since Link blessed Yake with the magic of mysterious power, Yake has had time to train martial arts in this open space. His physical fitness is already very strong. After getting the formal combat qigong method, he has accumulated a lot of energy and his fighting spirit has grown rapidly. , but in a few days, it has reached the peak of the third level, and there are faint signs of breaking through the fourth level.

Seeing this, Lucy and Gridan were envious, and only hoped that Link's mana would recover as soon as possible, so that they could release this incomparably amazing magic.

No, Link, who had rested for five days, finally regained his mana.

These few days, Link has been very comfortable. Because he didn't want to be disturbed, he still lived in the attic of the hotel. Lucy came here to help him clean up the room. The floor was cleaned spotlessly, the cobwebs in the corners were also cleaned up, and the bedding was replaced with a comfortable small bed, sheets and quilt They were all brand new, exuding the smell of the sun, and all his dirty clothes had been washed, making him very warm.

I have to say that it is very nice to have a woman to help with the chores of life.

On this day, his thesis happened to be stuck, and his new magic test was successful. The weather was good today, so he stopped by the open space and showed Lucy the mysterious power.

When Link came to the open space, Gridan was shooting arrows, and Yake was practicing shield skills against a heavy sandbag, but Lucy was not seen.

"Where's Lucy?" Link asked. According to the internal agreement of the Flamingo Mercenary Group, Lucy should be the second to receive the magic of the mysterious power.

Seeing him coming, both Yake and Gridan stopped practicing, Yake took the towel and wiped the sweat off his face, and said with a smile: "Lucy went to the market to hire people, and she will be back in an hour at most .”

"Oh, okay, anyway, I'm not in a hurry." Link nodded, and said to Yake: "Come on, take advantage of this time, try a new magic I have recently mastered."

"No problem." Yake picked up his big iron shield in front of him, put on a defensive posture, and then inspired his earth fighting spirit.

Immediately, a solid yellow light like citrine appeared on his body and shield. This is the light of battle spirit, which is obviously brighter and more concentrated than when Link first saw Yake , almost comparable to a fourth-level fighter.

"Great progress." Link praised, but he still reminded: "However, my magic is a bit powerful, so you have to be careful."

Yake has a deep understanding of Link's magic. Hearing what he said, he didn't dare to take it too seriously, and his expression became more solemn.

Seeing that Yake was really ready, Link began to cast spells. In order not to catch Yake off guard, he deliberately slowed down the casting speed.

Mana energy slowly poured into the crescent wand, and the tip of the wand slowly released light and shadows of runes, and then these light and shadows of runes formed a halo of runes in the air.

The rune halo is the most important structure of multi-level magic. Inspired by the mysterious power, Link naturally used this modular magic structure in his new magic.

There are three rune halos in total, one is as transparent as water, one is fiery red, and the other is pure white. Each rune halo contains a large number of runes, which looks extremely mysterious.

When the rune halo was formed, Link grabbed a handful of powder from a cloth pocket hanging on his waist with his left hand, which was iron filings.

Spread your hands, the iron filings in your palm are attracted, and rush towards the tip of the wand. This white breath is the gold element. Unless in the mine, there are very few pure gold elements in nature. In order to speed up the casting , Link carried iron filings with him. In this era, iron filings are not easy to find. There are none in the blacksmith shop. These iron filings were sawed out by the small town lumber mill at any cost. Ten kilograms of iron powder cost Link 20 pieces. gold.

This iron filings can also be regarded as an auxiliary spell-casting material.

Along with the gold elements pouring into the tip of the wand, there is also the red fire aura. The two elements are quickly combined, with the gold element as the shell and the fire element as the core, forming a fist-sized platinum iron ball.

The moment the iron ball was formed, the third rune circle on the tip of the wand began to work, and a nearly transparent light rushed towards the ball of light. For some unknown reason, the ball of light immediately began to spin at high speed.

Not only did it start spinning, but it also started changing shape, turning into something in a state of spikes, and the rotation of the ball of light turned into spikes spinning around their axes.

The spikes rotated so fast that the naked eye could see circles of spiral air patterns around the spikes, and there was a 'hissing' sound in the air.

Seeing this, Yake swallowed unconsciously. Because of Link's slow casting, he saw the whole process of magic formation. This magic looked a little scary.

"Get ready, I'm releasing!" Link reminded.

Yake nodded, holding his big iron shield tightly, and his whole body was behind the shield.

Then, Link released the magic.

At this moment, the blazing metal spikes containing the rich fire elements streaked across the air like a lightning-like white-gold light, spanned a distance of more than 30 meters in an instant, and hit Yake's shield at once.

"When~~~~" There was a loud sound like a bell and a drum, and on the Yake shield, the yellow light of fighting spirit, the light spots of the fire element, and the white metal fragments splashed around like fireworks.

Yake's whole body was shaken back one meter by the huge force. His body posture did not change, but he was shaken back. Two furrows were plowed in the sand by his feet.

He felt an indescribable numbness in his arm. For a few seconds, he couldn't pull up the strength. He looked down at his shield again. On the shield that was at least four centimeters thick, there appeared a fist-sized one, at least two cm deep depressions.

Yake was flustered at the sight of this power. He knew that Link still had a fire bomb that looked like a glass bead. If Link took this opportunity to fill him with a glass bead, he would have to travel to heaven up.

"My lord, what kind of magic is this?" Gridan asked in horror, which was exactly what Yake wanted to ask.

They have also tried their best to understand magic with Link these days, and they have some basic concepts about magic. Link’s magic, let’s talk about fireballs, the penetrating power is too amazing, let’s talk about gold-type magic, there is still a huge force in this whole. The impact force, what's even more frightening is that the radiating metal fragments also have terrifying power. If it erupts in the crowd, the lethality is absolutely terrifying to an unimaginable level.

Link put away his wand, and briefly introduced: "I used some super magic techniques. This magic is a mixture of fire, gold, and transformation magic knowledge. It makes a whistling sound when it flies, so I call it a whistle .”

This is still a level 1 magic, and its original prototype was Vector Throwing, but Link modified it, and it changed beyond recognition, and finally became like this.

The magic of whistle has the characteristics of physical attack. Because the flying speed is extremely fast, reaching a full 200 meters per second, its attack distance is very far, and the attack distance of 100 meters is not a problem at all.

At the same time, it also has the characteristics of elemental magic. During the flight, Link can change its flight trajectory. Of course, because the flying speed is too fast and the magic quality is too large, the change of magic flight trajectory is not as flexible as ordinary elemental magic , but this is deadly enough!

What's even better is that it is capable of both single-target and group attacks. It only takes Link's thought, and the fire element in the gold-type spike shell will explode, and then this magic becomes a grenade with shrapnel.

In the experiment just now, the power of this magic has also been proved. Even a top-level earth warrior known for its defensive power can suppress it forcibly.

The last is the most critical casting time. Although the complexity of this multi-level hybrid magic structure is far higher than that of ordinary level 1 magic, Link has been able to successfully release it in 0.2 seconds after thousands of practices.

0.2 seconds is the limit casting time of level 1 magic. Link can do it largely because of the support of the game system. With such a short release time and such powerful power, this whistle has become Link's new trump card!

Yake had personally experienced the power of this magic, and he had lingering fears: "Whistle? That's really the whistle of death."

Link also laughed, and he was also a little proud. This magic combined all his recent understanding of magic. After creating it, he got 5 free points rewarded by the system, which is really a big profit.

At this time, Lucy hadn't come back, and Link was not in a hurry, so he sat down on a stool beside him and chatted casually with Gridan. Gridan told him about some mercenaries, while Link talked about some basic magic knowledge.

Yake continued to practice beside him while listening to Link's magic knowledge.

After chatting like this, two hours passed, but Lucy hadn't come back yet.

Things are already not quite right.

"Yake, are you sure it's an hour?" Link frowned slightly, it's been a long time.

Yake frowned tightly, he had no intention of practicing: "No, Lucy is very punctual, even if there is an accidental delay, she will send someone back to notify, especially during this time... nothing will happen, right?"

Gridan's face darkened: "Could it be that people from the Dark Brotherhood came to seek revenge? Isn't it too rampant, this is River Valley Town!"

Although the outside of the town was very chaotic and dangerous, there were militiamen patrolling the town, and it was still broad daylight. Lucy was not a weak woman, how could the other party dare to do something

Link stood up: "It's useless to guess, clean up, and then we'll go to the market to ask about the situation."

Lucy was already his follower, and now that something might happen to her, he would naturally take care of it.

Yake and Gridan both nodded. In the battle to wipe out the Dark Brotherhood, Link had established absolute prestige, and now he is the lord they are loyal to. When something happens at this time, the two subconsciously listen to him up.