Advent of the Archmage

Chapter 91: Boil the frogs in warm water


Drake's room is on the second floor of Bell's Magic Tower. He is an official magician, and he also manages the sale of Bell's low-level magic items, so the treatment in the tower is still very good.

After Link entered Drake's room, the first thing he saw was a small hall with an area of more than 40 square meters. On one side of the hall was a large bookshelf with many books on it. Link took a glance and found that only a few of them were Grimoires, and the rest are poems, novels, plays, and other insignificant things.

For a magician, the amount of magic books is just a facade. From this point of view, this Draco is not very good. Such a person has an inherent flaw, that is, he cherishes money and is easily confused by money.

With just one glance, Link knew that it would be very difficult to capture this Drake, maybe a few weeks would be enough.

There is another shelf on the other side, on which there are various handicrafts and magic materials. Link glanced at it, his eyes narrowed for a while, and he saw a fist-sized thing that looked like a stone, but it was made of wood. , with a little bit of dark green markings on it.

'It's forest spirit bulbs! '

Link recognized this thing at once, the reason is very simple, because in the description of the appearance details of the spell-casting materials, the game in the previous life is basically the same as in reality, and Link, as a legendary peak mage, knows all kinds of spell-casting materials like the back of his hand.

Lin Jing is a kind of magical creature with the characteristics of both animals and plants. It usually uses its well-developed roots to reproduce. As long as the roots are buried in the soil and watered, a tree that can run and jump can grow. Lin Jing.

This is what life like Lin Jing relies on to reproduce, and it naturally contains strong magical power, so it naturally becomes an excellent material for casting spells.

Forest spirit bulbs are already considered intermediate-level spell-casting materials. They can be used by many magics. Most of these magics are neutral plant-based magics, but one of them is black magic.

It is called 'resurrection', as the name suggests, is to bring the dead back to life and obtain immortal magic.

However, this kind of magic is already the domain of the gods. A mortal who covets immortality has already gone on the wrong path. Unless he is a god, he will not be able to succeed completely. Although he can obtain immortal life, there will always be flaws of one kind or another. It can never be perfect.

It is said that Drake is also responsible for purchasing all kinds of magic materials for Bell. The forest spirit tuber can only be used by a magician of level 4 at least. He must not be able to use it, so Bell can only use it.

'It seems that Bell has already started to go astray. Link sighed. As for the reason, it's very simple. Bell is already in his 60s, and he's old. He's going to die when he's old, but he doesn't want to die, so he can only study black magic that can give him immortal life.

On this side, Draco had no idea that a spell-casting material he had accidentally placed on the material shelf would leak so much information.

He already regarded Link as his God of Wealth, and warmly welcomed Link into the room, with a slightly unfamiliar and friendly smile on his face: "Sit, Link, come and have a taste of my flame wine."

Deep down in his heart, he looked down on Link, a magic apprentice who came in through the back door, and was even a little jealous, but who would have trouble with gold coins? For the sake of gold coins, Drake entertained Link warmly.

Link sat down somewhat 'restrained', took a sip of the fine wine, and then asked 'cautiously': "Sir, what do you need from me?"

His careless appearance fell into Drake's eyes, and Drake felt even more confident. He took out a scroll, which was the Lesser Armor Technique written by Link: "Is this what you drew?"

"Yes." Link nodded.

"It's very well written." At least 80% of Drake's compliments were sincere, and he showed regret on his face: "However, you can only get one silver coin as a reward for such a perfect scroll, and Those ordinary, even inferior scrolls, this is so unfair!"

Link's eyes moved' but he didn't speak. Drake said so much, he must have his purpose, he waited for himself to reveal the mystery.

Sure enough, seeing Link's reaction, Drake immediately said, "Do you want to make a lot of money?"

"Sir, what is big money?" Link seemed grammatically 'cramped'.

Drake chuckled, the youthful appearance of the other party reminded him of himself ten years ago, he stretched out a finger: "The reward of one gold coin per scroll is ten times the original! If you can keep If you write 15 pieces, you can earn 15 gold coins a day, is this considered a lot of money?"

Link's eyes lit up, and he nodded heavily: "Of course. What should I do?"

"You don't have to do anything. It's the same as now, just write the scrolls every day. For the order, you don't have to write 15 sheets a day, just... 8 sheets a day, and I will fill in the remaining gaps for you. The other 7 Zhang, you used it to write the new scroll I arranged for you."

Of course, the order cannot be delayed, but in order to make money, Drake doesn't care about shame, he is going to complete part of the scroll tasks for Link himself.

"Then... okay." Link seemed to 'consider' for a while, then nodded.

Drake obviously took a fancy to the commercial value of the scroll he wrote, and by cooperating with him, the two parties will have a direct connection of interests, which is the first step to closer relationship.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but now the door has been opened, and Link knows that the day of revealing Bill's secret is not far away.

"Then I'll go back first, sir." Link looked 'very uncomfortable'.

"Go ahead. Remember, ordinary scrolls don't need to be so beautifully written. Those soldiers are big and thick, and no one will appreciate your scrolls. But you have to try to draw as beautifully as possible for those high-quality blank scrolls I gave you. Also, don't wear yourself out, you must pay attention to rest." Drake can be said to be earnest.

"Okay, sir, I remember." Link left Drake's room.

Seeing Link's back disappearing through the door, Drake couldn't help laughing: "This little guy is such a treasure!"

This time, it was up to him whether he could save enough money to be promoted to a level 3 magician.

Nothing to say all night.

The next day, Drake sent a stack of magic paper with excellent quality and appearance, and the ink was replaced with more expensive gilt ink.

Link naturally lived up to the entrustment. He spent all day drawing magic scrolls in his small room. He left the room after 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Give Warwick the ordinary scroll first, and then take the new scroll written with superior materials to Drake's room.

Drake was already waiting for him. As soon as he knocked, the door opened, and Drake's smiling face appeared behind the door. This time, the smile on his face was much more natural. I saw the stiffness last time.

"Here we come. Is this the written scroll?" Drake instinctively looked at the scroll that Link was holding.

"Yes, sir." Link handed over the scroll in his arms.

Drake took it immediately, and then said to Link: "You sit and rest first, and I'll take a look first."

He walked to the desk, took away a scroll, and spread it out carefully. When the surface of the scroll was revealed, he couldn't help taking a breath, and his breathing slowed down.

I saw that on the thick natural light blue wood-grained magic paper, smooth and mysterious dark golden lines wandered on the paper like an epic scroll, and there was a simple and harmonious magical atmosphere rushing towards the face. On the edge of the magic paper, many additional magic lines were written. These lines are equally elegant and natural, and complement the lines on the paper, making the entire scroll full of an indescribably thick and epic feeling.

Delicate, mysterious, thick, and epic, all these feelings are mixed together to form a nearly perfect magic scroll.

Feeling carefully, Draco also found that the lines around the magic paper are not just for decoration, they are actually an independent magic.

This is level 0 magic: basic permanence.

Its function is to maintain the original state of the object, and the specific effect will continue until the magic of the basic constant technique collapses.

If this scroll is regarded as a collectible, it must be properly preserved. Then, this basic constant technique is very likely to last for a long time. With luck, it may even be regarded as a family heirloom.

"Perfect! Very perfect! Link, you are simply a genius at drawing scrolls!" Drake praised repeatedly. At first, he was worried that Link would embarrass the important task, but now, he was completely relieved. These scrolls would definitely help him make a lot of money.

Link nodded 'uncomfortably', with a smile on his face: "Then sir, I'll go back first."

"Well, go and rest... Wait, here are 8 gold coins, which are the reward for this scroll, you take it." Drake settled the bill simply and neatly, he has already confirmed that as long as he takes out these scrolls, those arty Merchants will definitely pay high prices for it, there is no doubt about it.

Link took the gold coin, gave Drake a mage salute earnestly, and then exited his room.

"This little guy is really deceiving, hehe." Drake was very satisfied with Link's performance.

But he obviously doesn't know that there is a saying called "boil a frog in warm water". When he gets used to the fast money-making speed and the new life these gold coins bring him, he will become inseparable from Link. Here comes the trouble.