After an Infinite Flow Player Retires

Chapter 10


The effect of the temporary ghost is fading.

As if slowly peeling off a strange skin, the mucus and veins gradually disappeared, returning to a smooth and smooth cement floor.

The bluish-white swollen head floated in the black, rancid mucus, and its sharp fingernails scratched on the floor, making white marks.

It stared straight at the young man standing in front of it with its rotten and protruding eyeballs, and giggled strangely in its throat: "I know you won't let me go, I've heard of you... You never play in the game. I haven't left myself any trouble, so... "

The addict's expression suddenly turned hideous:

"... The humans who came in with you don't even want to leave!"

The mucus under its body suddenly tumbled, like boiling asphalt, and disappeared directly in front of Ye Jia in the next second.

Depend on.

Ye Jia let out a low curse.

The sucker is worthy of being a well-known old Yinbi in the game monsters, but when he was talking to him just now, he secretly concentrated the remaining power under his body and ran away using the temporary area that had not disappeared.

The temporary area is shrinking, and smokers cannot escape the confines of this teaching building.

But obviously, its purpose is not to escape, but to pull a few more backs before being eliminated.

— Now is not the time to manage losses.

The cold light flashed, and the floor underfoot cracked and collapsed. The section was smooth and neat, like tofu cut by a sharp blade.

Ye Jia jumped down.

He didn't stop for a moment, hurriedly chasing towards the place where the ghost energy fluctuated strongly.

Like a hurricane passing through, the dust was flying, the rubble was splitting, and everything that passed by was involved in it by that terrible force, destroying everything.

In the dust, Ye Jia narrowed his eyes slightly.

He could feel the smoker stop in front of him.

- The distance between them was only two walls.

In the last classroom at the end of the hallway.

The sticky, rancid liquid moved slowly up and down the room. The five comatose humans were fixed to the wall by the pitch-like liquid. They were almost engulfed by the liquid, leaving only five pale faces exposed in the air. , to ensure their breathing.

The mucus on the ground surged, and a blue-white rotten head emerged. It opened its mouth, and a slender and long tube protruded from its throat, and then probed towards the nearest Zhao Guangcheng, and stabbed it in. into that person's mouth.

A strange bag bulged on the tube and rolled in the direction of the smoker.

Zhao Guangcheng struggled painfully in a coma, his cheeks shrank down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The next second, the wall behind suddenly exploded with a loud crashing sound, and in the hazy smoke, a cold light flickered, cutting the pale pipe in two.

Black blood spurted out of the twisting tube, and the sucker let out a deafening and miserable scream, which made the glass tremble, echoing in the small space, making the scalp tingle.

The knife light not only cut its tube, but also cut the mucus on the wall in front of it at the same time.

Zhao Guangcheng's heavy body lost its attachment and fell from the wall with a thud.

Pain, cold, nausea.

Countless sticky sensations surged in his drowsy body, and a putrid stench filled his mouth and nostrils, as if he had swallowed a hundred maggots. The feeling of nausea stimulated him and pulled Zhao Guangcheng back from the semi-conscious state.

The eyelids seemed to be filled with lead, and the heavy ones could not be lifted at all.

Zhao Guangcheng raised his eyelids with difficulty, reluctantly opened a gap, and looked forward.

The scene in front of him seemed to exist only in a nightmare, and he began to tremble uncontrollably.

The thick black and sticky malice almost condensed in the air, and the monster's blue-white and rotten limbs were twisted in front of him, so that he could clearly smell the cold and rancid smell.

In the center of the background woven by terror, a large irregular hole was broken open by some tyrannical force, and a faint light penetrated through the hole. In the smoke and dust in the sky, a person's figure could be vaguely seen.

… is it a dream

Zhao Guangcheng was a little dazed.

He heard a hoarse, low voice, a voice that contained the only malevolence and coldness he had ever seen in his life, as if every syllable was sprayed with poison, and it seemed to come from a very distant place.

There was a buzzing in Zhao Guangcheng's ears, and in the noisy buzzing, he could only barely distinguish vague and broken words:

"It's... you—" the voice hissed and laughed wildly. "... I want to pull... to be buried with you!"

The limbs in front of him wriggled, then stretched into an unimaginably terrifying shape, rushing straight like the figure—

A bright light flashed, and the crescent-shaped knife light pierced the air. The silent and icy beauty almost made everything quiet, as if it could capture people's breath, and it tore apart the gloomy black aura shrouded in front of Zhao Guangcheng's eyes. , and even made the whole room suddenly lit up for a moment.

The figure was clear for a second, then shrouded in smoke and darkness again.

In the next second, an almost inhuman scream suddenly resounded throughout the room, from the floor to the air as if it trembled with it, almost causing Zhao Guangcheng to faint again.

Zhao Guangcheng struggled, but his consciousness still sank uncontrollably into the dark depths and quickly lost.

He heard the vicious voice scream in shrill hatred: "—ACE!"

A second before his consciousness dissipated, Zhao Guangcheng's mind appeared in his mind, those glazed eyes that looked down at him coldly amid the smoke and dust. Those eyes were like sharp blades, deeply etched into his memory. among.

Then, he fainted again.

"pat" "pat".

The sound of the rancid stump falling to the ground sounded, then slowly turned into an almost translucent texture, and finally disappeared in front of the eyes like a faded color.

The invisible force rushed towards the door like a tornado.

Ye Jia's figure swayed slightly.

His face was not very good-looking.

The little black hand grabbed Ye Jia's shoulder in fear and looked at Ye Jia cautiously.

I saw the young man's brows wrinkled, his thin lips that were almost completely bloodless pursed tightly, and his excessively pale face made him a little pitiful and fragile, like some kind of fragile item, both light and shaky.

The little black hand was startled.

It has never seen such a side of Ye Jia.

It hesitated, then gathered up the courage to ask, "That, you—"

Before finishing the question, Ye Jia suddenly raised his hand, supported the wall, and then bent down and retched twice.

Little Black Hand: "..."

Ye Jia slowly stood up and shook his head haggardly: "It smells too disgusting."

Not for any one, but all smokers eat the same.

Sticky, rotten, and smelly.

Even though Ye Jia has been in the game for a long time, he is not strong enough to eat this kind of monster without changing his face.

Little Black Hand: "..."

Count me blind.

Although the mucus in the room did not disappear with the user, it also lost its previous viscosity. The five people who had been stuck to the wall before fell one after another, and lay dead in the dark mucus.

Ye Jia looked out the window and estimated the time.

The temporary ghosts shrouded outside the teaching building should have disappeared for a while, and reinforcements should be coming in soon.

He walked among the five people who were still in a coma, glanced at the mucus on the ground with some disgust, then sighed in resignation, raised his feet and kicked Zhao Guangcheng and his captain to the side. , lying on the open space in the middle.

Ye Jia tore off the little black hand that was still on his shoulders:

"I'm sure you know how to do it."

After all, it has already been done once, and this time the business should be skilled enough.

Little Black Hand: "..."

I'm absolutely, absolutely blind! ! !


"Miracle… "

Lin Cheng stared at the mess in the room in disbelief, the expression on his face was undisguised shock, he murmured: "It's incredible..."

No one could have imagined that under such a dangerous situation, all the members of this combat team could survive, and even the logistics members of the team were unscathed. There is no other way to explain it except a miracle.

At this time, Liu Zhaocheng and Zhao Dong from the logistics department rushed over in tandem.

As soon as they met, Liu Zhaocheng asked eagerly:

"What, how is it? Are people still safe?"

Lin Cheng still seemed unable to believe his eyes, he nodded: "Yes..."

The two people in the logistics department let out a long sigh of relief before they felt relieved.

"Too, great," Liu Zhaocheng sucked his nose and said in a stern voice, "Although he always likes to skip work, he likes to be late and leave early, and he is always cutting corners when working overtime to process materials, but he is indispensable among us after all. A part of…”

Zhao Dong wiped the corners of his eyes and said emotionally, "Yes... Brother Ye is a good person. I have never met a brother who is more loyal than him..."

Liu Zhaocheng sighed:

"And his work reports are still piled up."

Ye Jia, whose eyes were closed and his breath was weak: "..."

If only he could pass out now.

At least not to be pissed off.

The member of the Combat Section who had chased out just now ran back out of breath, "Team, captain, that Specter has run away..."

Lin Cheng didn't expect them to catch the Specter who created such a terrible scene. He waved his hand: "Take the wounded back first, and talk about the rest later."


The unconscious members were carefully moved from the mucus on the floor to the stretcher, Lin Cheng stood at the door, watching the wounded on the stretcher being carried out one by one.

Liu Zhaocheng frowned and asked in a puzzled way, "Captain Lin, do you know why that Specter ran away so easily?"

Obviously it had an absolute advantage at the time, and they didn't have a strong enemy on their side, why did it suddenly slip away

Lin Cheng also seemed to be at a loss for this question, he hesitated and said:

"I don't know either, maybe it's because it's worried about being caught in the urn..."

Just then, one of the Combat Section members who was lying on a stretcher seemed to suddenly wake up from a coma.

He raised his hand with difficulty, grabbed the corner of Lin Cheng's clothes, and said in a hoarse, breathless voice:

"No... it's not like that..."

Lin Cheng was shocked, and quickly stopped the person carrying the stretcher, lowered his head and asked:

"What did you say?"

"I, we were rescued!" Zhao Guangcheng's voice was weak, but he couldn't hide his excitement: "Just now, there was a very strong person..."

"What?" Lin Cheng was suddenly surprised: "Who is it?"

"I, I heard, that Specter called him... ACE."

Zhao Guangcheng's eyes radiated longing light: "I have never seen such a powerful and terrifying human being... He is our savior!"

"Really, really?" Lin Cheng was startled.

He frowned slightly, and although his face was still serious, his voice couldn't hide his excitement: "If you're right, and if he's as strong as you said, he's definitely at least a B-rank, or even possibly A-rank. level powerhouse!"

"The combat department is in urgent need of manpower now, and everyone is overworked..." He was also excited: "The recent cases in M city are all very strange. If there is the help of such a strong person, our workload will be greatly reduced. It can be reduced by at least half!"

Lin Cheng's expression became firm: "We will try our best to find him."

Ye Jia, who was lying on another stretcher: "..."

Ah, life is so hard.

Might as well just faint.