After an Infinite Flow Player Retires

Chapter 13


Compared with some kind of inorganic dead thing, the city is more like a living body built of reinforced concrete. It is breathing, pumping, never tired, and alive all the time.

And under that busy and busy calm surface, there are dark tides hidden.

Suddenly, there were whispers without warning in that dark corner where even the sun could not shine.

The whispers spread through the darkness like a dark tide, quickly spreading to every dark corner of the city.

-Some kind of extremely powerful dark creature descended here.

Its existence cannot be ignored, like a sudden change in the gravitational field, forcing the entire city to be affected and reshaped by it.

At the same time, the highest bounty on the hatred list doubled again.

Something stirred in the shadows.


"Dong dong dong!"

The knock on the door was quick and heavy, breaking the silence abruptly.

The lights in the room were completely extinguished, and there was no light at all, blending in with the dark night outside the window.

No one answered the door.

"Dong dong dong!"

The knock on the door became more urgent.

The dust on the door panel was shaken off, and rustled on the dirty and damp ground.

Behind the swaying door panel, Wang Shize and his wife hugged tightly, shivering and curled up in a corner of the wall.

The dim light of the corridor poured in through the crack of the door, illuminating the pale faces of the two of them and the sparkling tears on them.

"Dong dong dong!"

They trembled again, covering their mouths tightly, their eyes panicked, their eyes fixed on the gap under the door.

Two vague shadows moved.

It seemed that someone was standing behind the door, waiting for them to open it.

"tick" "tick".

Across the door, you can vaguely hear the regular sound of water droplets.

The two shivered in a hug, closed their eyes, and plugged their ears, as if they could keep everything out of their house.

I don't know how long it took.

The shadows vanished, and the sluggish footsteps drifted away, disappearing at the end of the corridor.

But the two people in the room did not relax, but burst into tears:

"Please... leave us alone..."

The next day, evening.

After get off work, Wang Shize was walking home alone.

The setting sun in the distance sank little by little, stretching his shadow in the alley.

The winding alley was deserted, and small advertisements were randomly posted on the mottled walls. The handwriting had faded and was almost indecipherable.

Messy graffiti and handwriting are sprayed on the walls.

Night fell little by little, the half-dark gray sky was gradually swallowed by darkness, and the vision became dim and blurred.

Wang Shize's complexion is very poor, and he has heavy blue-black eye bags right now. It seems that he has not slept for many days.

He stumbled as he walked, and whenever there was any disturbance, it would make him nervously and timidly look up and look around, searching for anomalies.


Suddenly, Wang Shize sneezed. He rubbed his itchy nose. For some reason, it seemed that the further he went, the lower the temperature.

It was like being suddenly immersed in ice water, the bone-piercing cold penetrated the texture like a steel needle, causing him to shiver instinctively.

Wang Shize looked forward.

The alley ahead looked narrow and long, extending into the depths of darkness.

The further you go, the darker the light gets.

His heart skipped a beat.

How long has he been... gone

Generally speaking, as long as you cross this alley and turn another corner, you will be home.

But today... He felt as if he had walked for more than half an hour, but he still hadn't seen the end of the alley.

Wang Shize shivered violently, and a chill climbed up his spine.

In the dead and dark alley, the only thing that can be heard is the sound of footsteps that are getting more and more hurried and messy.

"tick, tick..."

At the end of the alley came the faint sound of water droplets,

Suddenly, Wang Shi Ze suddenly stopped. He seemed to realize something. His face changed greatly, and he stared at the alley in front of him in a twisted and terrified way, as if the abyss of hell was waiting for him there.

Tremblingly, he dropped his briefcase, turned his head and ran.

He heard the whistling wind and his own wheezing, and he could only feel that his physical strength was rapidly draining.

I don't know how long it took.

Without warning, Wang Shize suddenly stopped.

His face became hideous in extreme panic, his pale complexion was dyed a sudden red due to the high-intensity running, his eyeballs protruded slightly, and his teeth rattled.

Because... During the run just now, he noticed one thing.

The dark red messy spray paint on the wall seems to... Every time he walks forward, it will become brighter, and now, it has become completely irresistible, like a blood-red scar branded on the edge of the horizon.

Wang Shize turned his head with difficulty, and moved his gaze towards the wall little by little...

The alley was completely shrouded in darkness, drowning him silently, and only the pounding heartbeat and the sound of his own messy breathing could be heard in his ears.

he sees-

a smiling face.

It has no whites of eyes, its eyes are occupied by pure black, the blood-red mouth below is slightly cracked, and it bends in a huge and strange arc.


A shrill scream pierced the night sky.

On the bustling street, Ye Jia carried a large and small shopping bag in one hand, dragged a cup of pearl boba milk tea in the other, and walked forward slowly.

Suddenly, he paused, turning his head thoughtfully to look beside him.

The surrounding streets were still peaceful, and no one seemed to notice the slightest difference.

Ye Jia frowned.

Today is his fourth day off, and this time he went to the supermarket to buy some daily necessities.

Because the distance is very close, the little black hand is not forced to come out with him as usual - recently this ghost is addicted to the mobile phone, unable to extricate himself, staying in the room every day, holding the mobile phone without moving.

Otherwise, with its sensitivity to Yin Qi, it should be able to figure out the source of the strangeness just now.

Ye Jia hesitated for a while, and finally turned his pace and walked in that direction.

After all, it's too close to your home, and it's easy to get into trouble if you're too indulgent.

And Ye Jia really didn't want to move again.

He followed the wave and turned toward the alley.

The further you go, the fewer people there are.

Under the shroud of night, there was a faint smell of rust in the air, sweet and fishy and cold, and gradually became richer as the distance shortened.

Ye Jia's eyes narrowed slightly, and the pace under his feet could not help speeding up.

At the entrance of the alley in front of him, a blood-drenched figure suddenly appeared, stumbling forward, and screaming in a shrill voice: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhht

Wang Shize stepped on vain steps, stared at a pair of eyes that bulged out of fear, and firmly grasped the first person he saw:

"Save me! Save me!!"

Ye Jia was caught off guard and was thrown straight.

The milk tea in his hand slammed down and dripped to the ground.

Ye Jia: "!"

My milk tea!

He didn't have time to regret it, and in the corner of his sight, a pale figure disappeared in the depths of the alley in front of him.

Ye Jia was slightly startled and narrowed his eyes.

This taste...

At this moment, there was a sudden high voice behind the back: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Ye Jia: "..."

Come on, it's better to catch up early than catch up.


Forty minutes later.

police station.

"Name?" The policeman lowered his head and wrote something.

Ye Jia was expressionless and replied sullenly:

"... Ye Jia."

After asking the basic information, the policeman raised his head:

"Tell me, what did it look like?"

Ye Jia concealed the fact that he was aware of the abnormal fluctuation of yin qi, and then explained his experience just now.

The policeman listened while observing the suspect sitting across from him.

The young man in front of him looked young, his complexion was fair, his amber eyes looked clear and clean, and he spoke clearly.

Coupled with the two huge shopping bags at his feet, although the police did not believe in ten points, there were eight or nine points.

Just then, the phone beside him rang.

The policeman answered the phone, and after only two words, his brows widened.

He hung up the phone, then pushed the form in hand to Ye Jia:

"Fill it out, and you're ready to go."

As Ye Jia filled in, he glanced at the policeman opposite: "What's the matter? Did something happen?"

"It's nothing, it's just the news from the hospital." The policeman shook his head: "I checked, it's not a big deal, I guess he was a little frightened, and the wound on his head was caused by his own fall."

He took the form from Ye Jia, put it aside, and then routinely warned:

"Don't leave the city during this time, we will find you if we have any problems."

"Okay." Ye Jia nodded: "Thank you, Comrade Police."

He bent down, picked up the two shopping bags under his feet, and walked out of the police station.

The lights outside were already on, and the bright traffic was intertwined with the bustling crowd, but this lively scene could not dispel the haze between Ye Jia's eyebrows.

In the alley just now, he clearly sensed the existence of Specter.

As for the man who held him tightly, although the police said he had no major problems, his face was filled with a strong sense of death. It was obvious that his energy was exhausted and his life was at stake.

Ye Jia believes that he is by no means a saint, and he is not ready to intervene in every haunted case.

Thousands of souls who died in vain. After so many years in the game, Ye Jia has long since seen it. Even his own hands are not very clean. Why pretend to be such a noble person to play the savior?


For some reason, the smell of the ghost gave him a strange familiarity.

It's a pity that the time was too short, and before he could figure out where the familiarity came from, the other party disappeared.

Maybe check it out

Ye Jia thought about it.

… No, forget it.

He has seen thousands of Specters in the game, so it's not surprising that he feels familiar.

In addition, he still has the strange hatred list on his head, there is no need to sacrifice his hard-earned vacation for the risk of such an ethereal familiar cold.

Ye Jia looked down at his half-dried sleeves and sighed.

Alas, it's a pity for his milk tea.

the next day.

Ye Jia slept comfortably until he woke up naturally, then bathed in the morning light, walked to the kitchen and made himself a cup of tea.

Before he could turn around and walk back, he heard vague voices of conversation outside the door:

"...Are you sure this is the floor?"

"Yes, for sure."

"This, this house?"


These two voices sounded so familiar that Ye Jia suddenly froze at the door.

Footsteps approached.

"Dong dong dong."

A polite knock on the door rang:

"Hello, we are the special affairs investigation department, can I borrow two minutes of your time?"

Ye Jia's eyes darkened, as if he saw the holiday flapping his wings and leaving him: "..."
