After an Infinite Flow Player Retires

Chapter 17


In a dark and cluttered room.

An ugly, swollen face was attached to the old man's corpse, which was gradually emitting a rotting smell.

It sucked the remaining nutrients from the corpse, and the face, which was only the size of a fingernail, was now the size of an adult's palm.

It seems to be waiting for something.

Suddenly, the temperature in the air began to drop without warning.

As if the wind had blown the clouds to cover the sun, the light in the entire room suddenly dimmed.

A deep, impenetrable, half-light darkness spreads in the corridor, swallowing up the sunlight little by little, like some kind of expanding shadow, shrouding the entire residential building in it.

The face stopped smoking, its dark eyes without whites moved slightly, staring stubbornly in the direction of the corridor.

A shudder struck.

It can feel that something extraordinarily powerful is coming.

The abyss-like power almost distorted the space around him, and the viscous and dignified oppression almost made every low-level Specter feel fear and cringe from the bottom of his heart.

A look of unconcealed shock crossed his face.

It didn't expect that this time... it was actually the king who came in person.




Rhythmic footsteps came from far and near, echoing in the empty corridors, each time making the face shrink, its expression switching between greed and fear, its eyes fixed on the sound direction from which it came.

The closer the footsteps sounded, the darker the surrounding light.

When the footsteps stopped at the door, almost the entire room was enveloped in a suffocating absolute shadow.

The door was pushed open.

The expression on that face became slightly distorted under the conflict of all kinds of strong emotions, the pair of dark eyes protruded, and the mouth with a strange smile shouted excitedly: "King! King! You are here! No! Wrong... That's right, I met ACE and I'm willing to give you all the clues about him..."


The man walked slowly into the room, the soles of his shoes hitting the floor with a regular sound.

When he finally saw the man's face clearly, its expression suddenly froze, and the frozen expression looked funny and weird.

This this…

The man in front of him was tall and his eyes drooped slightly, and he looked over condescendingly.

His facial features are extremely deep, and under the high browbones are a pair of dark red pupils, which look more and more eerie in the night, even if his face is expressionless, it also carries a three-point cold bloody aura.

But... that's not what it notices.

What made it panic was that the facial features of the man in front of him were five or six points similar to the little boy it had transformed into earlier.

This, what the hell is going on...

The man's eyes fell on the face that attached to the corpse, and the invisible sense of oppression was suddenly suppressed.

The feeling as if it could be passed through by the blade that shone with cold light made it froze in place, as if it felt as if it had been dissected mercilessly and coldly bit by bit, and all the dark thoughts hidden in its heart were exposed.

When consciousness came over, it found that it had poured out all the information it knew without reservation.

The face asked cautiously:

"King, king... Excuse me, my bounty..."

Ji Xuan raised his hand, and his pale fingertips slipped in the air.

The next second, that face felt a powerful force suddenly pouring into its body. It was overjoyed and began to devour and digest it greedily. Signs of the next level.

Its face grew uglier with excitement:

"Thank you… "

Ji Xuan: "This is the reward you deserve."

However, before it could say anything, the floor suddenly and slowly swelled, and a huge monster wrapped by Sen Bai’s ribs slowly emerged from under the ground. Among the goat-like skulls, the mandibles were wide open. , as if he was holding something.

Ji Xuan stretched out his hand.

The monster gently placed what it was holding in his palm.

At this time, the face can see clearly, it is a drop of blood suspended.

It seems to have been half solidified, but it is still bright red, which is even more shocking in the man's pale palm.

An ominous premonition began to rise in its heart.

Ji Xuan raised his eyes, and his eyes fell on the evil spirit without the slightest emotional fluctuation. He said calmly:

"However, he was injured."

… What, what

"My reward has always been very clear." Ji Xuan didn't move forward for half a minute, and even his expression didn't change too much, but that face could clearly feel the pressure on him suddenly multiplying, almost turning It was crushed and could only linger on the ground tightly:

"—don't hurt him."

The face tried to argue, but it was horrified to find that its mouth could not open at all, not even to make a sound.

Ji Xuan retracted his gaze.

He touched the skull of the beast standing beside him with his fingers and said:


The monster turned its head, and the two pitch-black holes in the skull stared at the immobile evil spirit in front of him, and then slowly swam towards it.

No no no no no no no no—

That face howled miserably in its heart, but in reality it couldn't make a sound at all. Its eyes were printed with the huge monster that was gradually approaching itself. The dark eyeballs almost fell out of the sockets, and the corners of its trembling mouth were raised to the roots of the ears. , the facial expressions became more and more hideous with extreme panic and despair.

The next second, the monster opened its huge mouth, revealing sharp serrated teeth, and swooped towards it.

Do not-

The bloody and terrifying prey in front of him seemed to be unable to attract Ji Xuan's eyes at all. He lowered his eyes and stared at the floating drop of blood.

That is the warmth and fragrance of human blood.

He folded his fingers and carefully wrapped the drop of blood in his palm.

Ji Xuan curled the corners of his lips, his scarlet eyes flashed with an almost paranoid monopoly desire.



The first working day after the holidays is the most painful.

Ye Jia sat in his cubicle, staring dully at the unprocessed document reports stacked high on his desk, feeling as if his soul had been hollowed out.


Why is there such an inhumane thing in the world to go to work...

When can I retire...

He raised his head to look at the clock hanging on the wall, his eyes followed the movement of the second hand, and while distracted, he counted the time away from get off work in his heart.

It's almost time, we're off work in three hours.

Suddenly, a loud voice came from behind him:

"Ye Jia!"

Ye Jia jolted, sat up suddenly, adjusted his facial expression quickly, and stared at the documents spread out on the table seriously, as if he was working hard from beginning to end.

Liu Zhaocheng: "..."

Do you think I'm blind

He looked at Ye Jia, who was diligently fishing for fish under his own eyes, and felt his brows beating.

Liu Zhaocheng pinched the bridge of his nose wearily, and decided to free himself from the fate of having a heart attack in advance: "You, and Cheng Cezhi, pack up and prepare to go to the hospital."

Ye Jia: "?"

Hearing his name, Cheng Cezhi looked up from the pile of documents and looked in their direction blankly.

Liu Zhaocheng snorted expressionlessly, and pointed to the fruit baskets and gifts that were piled on the table:

"This is bought by our department, and the two of you are responsible for bringing it to Zhao Dong."

Is this what it feels like to leave work early

Ye Jia was refreshed: "Thank you, Minister!"

"Thank you for your head." Liu Zhaocheng rolled his eyes unceremoniously: "It's better to let you go out to run errands, at least you don't have to be angry with me in front of my eyes."

Ye Jia: "..."

It doesn't have to be so real.


The two people's arms were stuffed with consolation gifts bought by the logistics department, and they squeezed into the elevator with difficulty.

"How many floors?" asked Ye Jia, who was near the elevator door.

Cheng Cezhi's angry voice came from behind the fruit basket: "The highest floor."

Ye Jia moved slightly.

This is a hospital that has long-term cooperation with the Administration. If you are only slightly injured in the process of work, or are eroded by yin, they are often arranged in the lower-level intensive care unit, although it is separated from the general ward in terms of location. But the overall difference is not much.

On the eighth floor and above, it is specially designed for patients who are in extremely serious condition after coming into contact with a supernatural event.

Like a patient with a dangerous infectious disease, it is carefully and tightly quarantined.

He pressed the button on the 10th floor.

five minutes later.

After a series of tedious checks and authentication, Ye Jia and Cheng Cezhi were finally put in.

This floor is very quiet.

The wards were almost empty, there were no nurses walking around in the corridors, and the air was filled with the smell of disinfectant.

I don't know if it is because the air conditioner is turned on too much, the temperature on this floor is obviously much lower than other floors.

Only at the door of the ward at the end of the corridor, there were two people sitting on the left and the right. They were all wearing everyday casual clothes, but the tactical bags around their waists could not deceive anyone.

They are all members of the Combat Section.

Under such a tight manpower situation, the Combat Section would actually send two members to guard a sick patient

Ye Jia lowered his eyes slightly, covering the flash of strange color in his eyes.

One stood up and helped them open the door.

The ward is very bright. Through a layer of insulating glass, Zhao Dong can see that Zhao Dong is sitting alone on the hospital bed by the window. He was looking down at a thin book.

He looked over in surprise:

"Ye Jia, Xiao Cheng? Why are you here?"

They put down the condolences they held in their hands.

"Of course I came to see you!" Cheng Cezhi stared at the isolation glass blocking his eyes, with a worried expression on his face: "Are you feeling okay?"

Ye Jia still had that lazy expression, he raised his finger and pointed to the pile of gifts and fruit baskets like hills:

"Well, I bought it from the ministry."

"Oops, you've cost money," Zhao Dong rubbed the back of his head and said angrily, "I've already told the minister, I really don't need this... You should take it back later..."

"No." Cheng Cezhi shook his head stubbornly: "These are all the thoughts of everyone, but unfortunately I knew it too late, otherwise I would definitely participate."

Zhao Dong sighed and changed the subject naturally:

"How is the ministry?"

"I'm still very busy." Cheng Cezhi's face wrinkled: "Especially..."

Ye Jia narrowed his eyes slightly, interjected abruptly, interrupting the two's chat:

"So, what happened to you?"

There was a momentary silence in the ward.

Zhao Dong looked at Ye Jia, smiled and shook his head: "It really is your style."

He didn't seem to have any intention of concealing it, he just sighed, raised his hand and lifted the quilt covering his lower body.

Cheng Cezhi, who was the closest, suddenly widened his eyes:

"This this… "

Ye Jia slowly took a step forward.

Below the man's waist are two swollen legs like radishes. The skin is bluish-black. The toes of the two feet are swollen and squeezed together, revealing a purple-red color that is about to explode. There are dense numbness under the uneven skin. Something was wriggling and heaving, like something was trying to break free and burrowed out from under his skin.

The scene was chilling.

"When I first came, it was only my ankles."

Zhao Dong smiled bitterly:

"It is estimated that in a few days, they will hatch from my body."