After an Infinite Flow Player Retires

Chapter 37: Blood Gu fish and counterfeit goods


M city is close to the mountains and the sea.

The night is dark, and most of the city lights have been extinguished, leaving only a few scattered points in the dark night.

On the other side, the sea was already resting, and it was pitch-black that no light could be seen, only the sound of the waves could be vaguely heard.

A car stopped by the pier.

There are many warehouses by the pier, and in the night, the shadows are full of shadows, which looks a little ghostly.

The door opened, and a middle-aged man in a big vest and pants walked down. He scratched his beard-covered chin, turned his head to the other person sitting in the car, and said, "Wait, I'll go in and talk to them. Say it."

The young man in the car nodded: "Okay."

The figure of the middle-aged man disappeared into the gap between the warehouse and the warehouse, and was engulfed by the rich night in an instant.

Ye Jia opened the door and walked out.

The temperature here is cooler than in the city.

The moist sea breeze ruffled his hair, bringing a salty coolness.

Ye Jia raised his eyes, his gaze fell thoughtfully on the dock warehouse in the distance, and the dark sky above his head was reflected in the depths of his eyes.

Ahead... nothing.

But this "nothing" is completely different from what he felt on the man just now - there is no yin and any remnants of prop enhancement on the man, it is the smell of an ordinary living person, but here is completely different .

Ye Jia couldn't feel anything at all.

Yin Qi, vitality, even the tide of the sea, are all gone, just an empty void.

It was as if something had cut off the breath.

… is it a prop

Ye Jia calmly analyzed in his heart.

If his conjecture is correct, then the other party's setting up such a props to isolate the breath either shows that they are overly cautious, or they already know that they are being sought.

However, whether it is the former or the latter, he is still uncertain for the time being.

Ye Jia narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

He pulled the little black hand out of his pocket: "Smell."

The little black hand looked blank: "… ah? Smell what?"

"Can't you feel it?" Ye Jia raised his eyebrows and pointed to the pitch black front: "Don't you think there is something strange in front of you?"

Little Black Hand said hesitantly, "No, no."

"Okay." Ye Jia nodded and pressed the other party back into his pocket again: "I don't need you anymore."

The little black hand in the pocket: "… "

Am I your tool ghost? !


ten minutes later.

The middle-aged man hurried over, his decadent and tired face looking a little irritable.

"What's wrong?" Ye Jia asked.

"Sorry, don't mention it." There was a bit of unresolved resentment in the man's voice.

He complained angrily, "I didn't get anything, but I was scolded by them, saying I was too careless or something... Damn."

Ye Jia said: "It's okay, I understand, after all, it is a gray industry."

He smiled peacefully, turned around, and was about to get into the car, but only heard the man behind him say:

"So, sorry, brother."

The middle-aged man raised his hand, only to see a dark monster sticking tightly in his palm, eight sticky tentacles grabbing the back of his hand, and a mouthful of sucker-like spewing out a colorless and odorless liquid, When the liquid touched the young man's back, it burrowed into it as if alive, and disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, the straight back of the young man in front of him swayed slightly, and then fell to the ground with a "thump".

The middle-aged man tore off the tentacles in his palm with disgust, and then stuffed the struggling eight-clawed monster into a small glass bottle he carried with him.

He wiped his clothes with the palm of his hand, and then spit:

"Grass, disgusting to death."

The middle-aged man bent down and shouted into the darkness behind him, "Hey, that's it, it's done."

Two figures stepped out of the darkness.

They came over with a cart, the wheels screeching to and fro on the floor, making a monotonous sound.

The cart stopped beside Ye Jia.

The two bent down and lifted the unconscious young man onto the cart.

The hood on top of his head fell, revealing the young man's pale profile face and sharp chin. The middle-aged man said with a "ho", "It looks pretty good."

The other two ignored him at all.

One of them took out a palm-sized instrument from his pocket and scanned the unconscious young man inch by inch. From beginning to end, the instrument did not emit any light or sound.

"How's it going?" another asked.

The man put the instrument back in his pocket: "No problem, it's just an ordinary human, not a ghost or a player."

They seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

The middle-aged man listened to the conversation between the two with a blank expression on his face. He clearly understood every word, but he just didn't understand the meaning of the other party's words.

He shouted: "Hey, what are you talking about?"

What a ghost player.

The two seemed to realize his existence only then.

One of the men glared at him coldly: "There is no next time for this kind of casually bringing people here."

The middle-aged man defended: "Before he entered my house, I scanned it with the thing you gave him. There is no problem with him at all. He is just a fool who likes supernatural events. That's why I..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted mercilessly: "It's you who will lie here next time."

The man sneered and said sullenly: "And at that time, it will not be the studio where the memory is cleaned."

The middle-aged man immediately stopped his voice, and a vague fear flashed in his cloudy eyes.

The sound of "gululu" wheels sounded again, and the two men pushed the cart and slowly disappeared into the dark night.

Looking in the direction where the voice disappeared, the middle-aged man spit: "Damn, I worked so hard to work for them, and finally brought a customer over, and I'm going to be mad at them."

He turned and got into the car.

A minute later, the engine started humming, the lights came on, and it slowly drove away from the dock.

The pier was silent again, except for the sound of waves.

deep in the warehouse.

The two men pushed the cart and shuttled through the complex terrain, turning left and right in the dark with familiarity, as if they had walked hundreds of times.

After an unknown amount of time, they finally stopped.

One of them took out the key and opened the iron door of a warehouse.

The door was rusted by the sea breeze and creaked harshly in the dark.

They pushed the cart into it.

The lights are on.

The appearance of the warehouse does not match the deserted and desolate outside. The white walls are cold and clean. Four metal carts are placed in the center of the warehouse. The position near the door is empty. After the cart is pushed in, It just fills the gap.

The rear of the room was completely blocked.

One of them walked over and opened the curtain, revealing a huge water tank that almost occupied the entire wall behind, and the water tank was filled with dark and dull liquid.

He skillfully put on thick protective gloves, then picked up the special clip on the side, and slowly plunged into the water.

A black creature like a five-pointed star was pinched up, its five long feet covered with unsightly boils and protrusions, a mouth full of saw-like teeth in the center of its stomach, and foul-smelling saliva droplets. Falling down, the five tentacles struggled and squirmed, as if trying to break free from the weird metal clip that controlled their body.

The man carefully held the ugly creature in one hand and turned his head:

"You hold him down..."

As soon as he turned around, the rest of his words were blocked back into his throat.

I saw that the young man who was supposed to be asleep on the cart had already sat up at the moment, his hood had not been lifted, his black forehead was slightly messy, his eyes were lowered, his graceful profile face became paler under the light, and his The partner fell to the ground unconsciously.

The man stared blankly at the scene in front of him, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

At this moment, the other party raised his eyes, a pair of amber eyes glowing faint gold under the strong light, appearing alienated and indifferent, as calm as if the person who knocked down the strong man just now was not himself.

Ye Jia unhurriedly jumped off the cart and landed lightly and silently, like a cat jumping from a height.

He smiled and greeted: "Good evening."

- No matter what the other party's reason is, it is impossible to allow someone to take outsiders into their cargo compartment in the exposed wind direction by covering up their aura and whereabouts so completely.

In the first case, he was denied entry.

It's very simple, he just waits and sneaks back around.

In the second case, the other party is unwilling to take a little risk and try to eliminate all traces of himself.

And that would be better.

— just to save him the time he might have spent finding his way and avoiding detection.

The only pity is that in order to disguise himself as an ordinary human, he can only remove the disguise on his hood.

But this doesn't matter, after all, he has a way to make the other party forget himself.

Ye Jia moved his shoulders and approached the man slowly, with a smile on his lips: "Don't be nervous, I just want to ask you a few questions."

The man's limbs were stiff, and instinctively he slowly stepped back until his back hit the cold water tank.

The next second, there was a smirk in the eyes of the other party, and a huge grimace emerged from his stomach. In a split second, he broke free from the shackles of his skin and rushed towards Ye Jia with his mouth open.

This guy is definitely a player.

Ye Jia's brows and eyes were slightly cold, and a cold light appeared between his fingers.

- This is using ghosts to raise one's body, and it is a forbidden method to strengthen oneself with ghosts. It is equivalent to consuming life to control ghosts. Even in the game, there are not many players who dare to do this.

Grimace opened his bloody mouth, and drops of mucus fell on the ground, making a rustling sound of corrosion.

Fight fast.

These players are obviously not fighting alone. If other people are attracted, then his "secret infiltration" will be in vain.

Just when Ye Jia was about to draw out the sickle, he heard a sudden scream from the man behind the grimace.

He was slightly taken aback.

The huge grimace floating in front of him showed a painful expression, and then quickly dissipated into the air.

Ye Jia stared straight ahead.

I saw the man slumped to the ground, the metal clip in his hand fell into the saliva and mucus on the ground, the five-pointed star monster was sticking tightly to his face, and five tentacles covered with ugly protrusions slammed into it. In his scalp, it seemed that he was still squirming towards the other's mouth.

The man twitched and was unconscious.

The little black hand floated aside and said angrily, "Deserving it!"

Obviously, it just took advantage of the opponent's attack on Ye Jia, overturned the clip in his hand, and let the monster attack the opponent.

Ye Jia retracted the sharp blade of his fingertips, walked to the front of the other party, and looked down at the monster on the other party's face for a few seconds:

"... Memory Devourer."

It's a monster in a game that feeds on human memories.

The little black hand floated on Ye Jia's shoulder, a little nervous: "Hey... I shouldn't be doing a disservice to me, right?"

After all, this guy doesn't seem to be in a state that can be interrogated right now.

Ye Jia shook his head: "This person raises his body with a ghost and has a vicious temperament. Even if he is caught in the state of the situation, I'm afraid I won't be able to ask anything."

He looked back and pulled the hood back on.

A layer of Yin Qi covered up, covering his body shape and breath.

Ye Jia pulled the little black hand back to his shoulder: "Let's go."

Under the shadow, his eyes darkened slightly.

I always feel... This incident of reselling in-game items doesn't seem to be simple.

Ye Jia picked up a bunch of keys in the unconscious man's pocket, and closed the door of the warehouse, making it look the same as before.

The night fell darkly.

Ye Jia cautiously walked between the narrow and cramped roads. The thick darkness made everything blurry, as if it was a huge curtain, covered with a labyrinth of complex alleys.

Most repositories are pretty normal.

There are piles of goods shipped from overseas, or some scraps that have been neglected.

Ye Jia raised his head and closed his eyes, as if he was feeling something.

-Since the other party's breath has been isolated by the props, he will not look for the other party's breath, but to look for that "isolation".

Where there is no smell, that is the direction he is looking for.

He opened his eyes, his eyes fixed on somewhere in the distance.


On the east side of the entire warehouse area, there is a row of huge warehouses.

The door was shut tightly, looking dead in the middle of the night.

Ye Jia stopped at the door of one of the warehouses.

He is not going to use ghosts, because the other party must have detection tools for yin and ghosts, and the sudden increase in the concentration will inevitably cause an alarm.

Ye Jia tried the keychain he found from the man just now, and sure enough, he successfully opened the door with one of the keys.

He dodged in.

The space inside the warehouse is larger than the outside, but most of the place is empty, with only a few huge cardboard boxes stacked in the corners, looking lonely and pitiful.

The empty warehouse had a strange stale smell.

In the corner near the main entrance, there is a half-human-height sphere. Its surface is soft and smooth like a sarcoid, it looks like a semi-liquid, and it flashes faintly. It is not clear whether it is a monster or a prop, but no matter what kind , Ye Jia has never seen it.

Ye Jia narrowed his eyes slightly.

He lowered his head and examined the traces in the open space. There used to be a lot of things stacked here, but they were removed. Judging from the scratches on the ground, it should be a recent incident.

Just as Ye Jia was observing this huge warehouse, suddenly, a familiar sound came from outside the door.

The metal wheels rolled on the ground with a screeching sound, approaching in this direction from far to near.

A faint voice came through the door.

"…Why didn't you lock the door?"

"I'm not the last to leave!"

"Damn." The voice scolded: "It must be Sun Yuan's bastard. Next time he does this again, I will kill him."

Ye Jia took a few steps back and silently hid his figure in the shadows behind the large boxes.

The harsh sound of the metal door being pulled cut through the night.

Immediately afterwards, a container that was as tall as one person and nearly five or six meters long was pushed in.

"Is there nothing but this?"

"Yes, the last one."

While Ye Jia listened to the conversation between the two, he looked at the huge cardboard boxes in front of him.

His fingertips caressed it gently, a cold light flashed, and the edge of the cardboard box split into a smooth gap and opened silently. ,

There is actually a huge water tank very similar to the warehouse just now. The water tank is full of viscous scarlet liquid. The tank is filled to the brim with many broken stumps that cannot be seen from the original owner. Some are already half-rotted, some are not yet, and the bones are bare, looking strange and terrifying.

Ye Jia was slightly startled.

The skull with the small fist in the water tank suddenly turned up, staring at Ye Jia with dark eye sockets, the next second, a shrill scream rushed out of its mouth with mutilated teeth, like some kind of sharp weapon that silenced the silence. torn.

It slammed its head into the glass frantically, making a "bang, bang, bang" sound, and the glass cracked like a spider web in an instant.

"Who is it!!" The other two outside were suddenly alert.


Ye Jia let out a low curse.

In the next second, a huge ghost head identical to the previous man suddenly broke free from one of the arms, and attacked the direction of the sound with algae-like hair!

But unexpectedly, there was no one there.

With a loud bang, the water tank burst open.

Scarlet viscous blood spread like a flood in the warehouse. Countless rotting limbs squirmed in the blood. With the fist-sized skull as the center, they were slowly spliced together. A distorted and ugly giant monster gradually took shape. roared.

"Fuck!" A trace of panic flashed across the face of the man who launched the attack, as if he did not expect that his blow would have such an effect.

"Damn, what are you still doing? Run!" Another person cursed: "Don't you fucking know what that is?"

The other person also woke up like a dream.

They stumbled and fled into the night, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Ye Jia stood in the middle of the pool of blood, clenching the sharp blade in his hand, his eyes slightly sharp.

- He knew what it was.

This is a blood gu fish.

Even in the game, the blood gu fish is definitely the most terrifying monster. They are spawned by the broken limbs of the wronged soul, and the bones of the corpse are used as the medium. Only the blood and resentment that are so terrifying can spawn a blood gu fish, even in the game. , and their numbers are few and far between.

Because, in addition to the huge blood energy, they must have a core in order to lead all the residual limbs.

The heartbreak of an S-rank Specter.

Blood Gu fish are terrible killing gods. They have no reason, no emotion, and no wisdom. They will only kill and eat under the instinctive drive, let alone recognize their masters.

Even Specter would be afraid of such a creature made of pure resentment.

- That's why Ji Xuan's blood Gu fish is so special.

And this one...

Ye Jia narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes fell on the center of the opponent's stump, the core surrounded by white bones.

There was a small test tube floating there, with a drop of green blood in the test tube.

And among those severed limbs, Ye Jia saw frogs, cats, dogs, deer, and even the arm of a man in a suit and a watch.

This is an artificial blood gu fish.

And, it's not even fully formed yet.

Those stumps fell to the ground piece by piece as it moved, floating up and down in the pool of blood, turning the entire warehouse into a place like a slaughter field.

It was crawling on the ground, screaming sharply in its mouth, and rushed towards Ye Jia frantically, attacking him indiscriminately.

Ye Jia struggled with it.

- He uses the scythe as little as possible.

You must know that the concentration of resentment in the blood gu fish is too pure, and the energy contained in it is not enough, but it has the most terrifying malice.

For Ye Jia, this is the most unwilling thing to eat.

However, behind his ears, there was a voice that became clearer and more wanton, quietly beguiling and persuading him.

Use weapons.

kill it, eat it.

Get stronger and keep eating.

Ye Jia gritted his teeth.

His brain was buzzing, and he had to devote some attention to fending off his desires.

When he was distracted, the artificial blood Gu fish suddenly seized the opportunity and attacked him without hesitation! The angle is tricky and fierce, and the sharp teeth are wide open, as if trying to bite the opponent's throat.

However, at this critical moment—

In the blood-colored abyss, a huge goat skull slowly emerged.

It growled and lunged at the impostor.

The two blood Gu fish slammed into each other violently, the blood was monstrous, and the severed limbs in the sea of blood churned, as if struggling and squirming.

The rattling sound of bone-to-bone collision, the roaring sound, and the sticky flow of blood water echoed in the huge warehouse.

The iron walls of the warehouse are as fragile as shredded paper, and they are cut open after another by invisible forces, and they become tattered in a blink of an eye.

The blood gu fish suddenly bit the throat of the other impostor and pressed it firmly against the wall.

The next second, a figure stepped on its rib dexterously, and with a flip of his wrist, a huge sickle suddenly appeared in the air, accurately slicing into the fake's chest.

The test tube containing the green blood was picked away.

"Dang bang" fell on the open space in the distance.

The counterfeit didn't move.

The blood Gu fish slowly swam backwards.

As it evacuated, the other party fell down slowly and heavily like a soft, rotten flesh that had lost its bones, smashing directly on the container, making a tooth-searing loud noise.

Ye Jia jumped down, and a few drops of scarlet blood were splattered on his pale face.

He frowned slightly, and the ink in his eyes flashed.

The blood Gu fish slowly swam towards him, pressing his huge head against his palm, as if begging for praise.

Ye Jia calmed his breath and touched its head: "... Be good."

However, it stands to reason that since the blood gu fish appeared, his master should not be far away.

Ye Jia raised his head and looked outside the warehouse.

However, before he could find Ji Xuan's figure, his eyes were drawn to another place.

The container had become tattered and tattered during the battle just now. At this moment, it was crushed by the stump of the counterfeit goods, and it fell apart like soaked paper, revealing the contents inside.

That's a row of hangers.

However, what hangs on the hanger is not clothes, but a complete set of perfect human skins.

Hair, facial features, and fingers are all complete, like some kind of weird leather puppets, hanging limply on the hanger, lined up neatly in a row.

Ye Jia was stunned.

As if being filmed, he stared at one of the human leather suits, and then slowly walked towards the hanger.

That's what a girl looks like - fair complexion, brown hair, well-maintained fingers.

Ye Jia had seen her before, on top of his file.

She is one of the missing girls.

She entered a building and disappeared mysteriously. The surveillance video at the entrance of the building did not record her departure.

It wasn't until a week later, when the resident asked about the rotten smell, that her body, which had already been stripped of its skin, was found in Room 404.

- The belly is swollen, the expression is peaceful, and there is no trace of struggle.