After an Infinite Flow Player Retires

Chapter 46: Ji Xuan, what the hell are you doing!


I don't know why, but at the moment when the other party's voice came out, Ye Jia felt a chill behind him.

He lowered his head and glanced at Ji Xuan who was standing beside him.

The boy raised his head and looked back at him.

He raised a pale face, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, a pair of scarlet eyes flashed with a smile, and his expression was calm and well-behaved, as if he was just asking an ordinary question.

Ye Jia: "??"

Could it be that his intuition was wrong

"Well, someone I knew before." Ye Jia thought for a while, and continued, "It's only a few encounters."

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to remember something, lowered his head and asked, "Why are you here?"

The young man grabbed Ye Jia's hand hanging by his side with his cold fingers, his voice was soft and hoarse, and seemed a little wronged: "Can't I come?"

Ye Jia: "???"

what's the situation

Why is the topic going in this weird direction

He even forgot to pull out his hand and uttered a single voice blankly: "…Huh?"

Ji Xuan leaned closer again without a trace, and inserted his own fingers between the other's fingers, so that their palms fit together, and their fingers intertwined:

"Or... Brother, don't you want to see me coming?"

Ye Jia: "..."

what the hell

After successfully holding Ye Jia's hand, the churning killing intent in Ji Xuan's heart finally faded.

Ji Xuan slowly narrowed his eyes, a dark and cold light flickered in the depths of his scarlet eyes, as if the dark sky was about to come, and a warm smile flashed across his lips.

He raised his eyes and looked into the distance.

… a one-sided relationship

The empty abandoned factory building was shrouded in a dark night.

The thick yin qi has not yet dissipated, making the empty and dark doors and windows look particularly eerie.

There was a young girl standing in front of the factory building. She was petite, slender, and had a sweet face. In contrast to the gloomy building that looked like a huge monster behind her, she had an almost bizarre impact.

She pursed her lips shyly, her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were shining, like a young girl who was pregnant, and she didn't seem to be threatening at all.

However, Wu Su, who was standing in front of her, couldn't help but his back was tense and his forehead was sweating.

Of course he knew who this Buddha was.

—maid, fifteenth in the standings.

Her fighting style is extremely ferocious. Her favorite weapon is the chainsaw, which requires a scary amount of points to redeem in the game mall, and has extremely low durability. It can be said to be the least cost-effective weapon, but maid But she is very enthusiastic about it. In her words: "A horror movie without chainsaws and blood plasma is not a good horror movie." Many people speculate that the reason why she has been hovering around the 20th place in the standings is because she put A large part of the points earned by myself is used to exchange for weapons.

Moreover, although maid's body was frozen in her teenage years by the game, her seniority was even older than ace.

Although Wu Su knew that as soon as ace's signature was released, some big players on the standings would definitely come to hear the news.

But the first person to appear was actually Maid, which Wu Su really didn't expect.

Like ace, she is also a very solo player, rarely teaming up with people. Even if she is assigned to other teammates by the system in the dungeon, she will throw them away at the fastest speed and work alone.

Therefore, it is really difficult for Wu Su to associate her with ace.

Especially still... for this reason.

"... Confession?" Wu Su repeated slowly with a complicated face.

The girl nodded as a matter of course: "Yes."

She tapped the ground with her toes again, and the smile on her lips was bright and cute: "Is there any problem?"

Wu Su was stunned for a moment, then shook his head quickly: "No no!"

He swallowed hard and said, "That... I'll contact ace to tell him about your arrival, but the next thing is out of my hands..."

The girl narrowed her eyes and looked at Wu Su up and down: "What's your code name?"

Wu Su: "...I didn't."

Only the top fifty in the standings will have the code name given by the game, and Wu Su is just on the edge of fifty or sixty, and has never been there.

The girl looked back in disappointment: "No wonder it's so weak."

Wu Su: "..."

That's really embarrassing!

Wu Su couldn't help gossip: "How did you and ace know each other?"

Maid kicked the pebble under his feet: "A copy of a team."

Wu Su suddenly realized: "Oh, are you teammates?"

The girl pursed her lips shyly: "No."

Wu Su: "???"

Listening to the conversation between the two people not far away, Ye Jia was a little stunned for a while.

- Of course he remembered the other party.

Maid, even in games, can be a tough character.

At that time, Ye Jia had just obtained the code name ace, and maid was already a famous player.

It was a competition-type dungeon. The players who participated were all at the top of the standings. They were divided into three teams to explore freely in the huge deserted village dungeon. After the dungeon ended, the two teams with the lowest points would Will participate in the brutal elimination copy, and the single player with the highest points can directly pass the customs no matter which team they are in.

Ye Jia and Maid happened to belong to two different teams.

At that time, there was a black sheep in Ye Jia's team. The player didn't just want to clear the dungeon. He was more jealous of other players, and even his teammates' points. However, in this type of dungeon, players cannot directly hurt themselves. of teammates.

So, he used the props to summon the evil god in the deserted village and led everyone over.

Ye Jia was accustomed to acting alone, and by the time he found out, the other party had already accomplished his purpose.

There were five people in their team, and only Ye Jia and him survived.

However, maid is also an experienced old player after all. After the appearance of the evil god, he can still fight hard to fight a bloody road. In the end, there are only two people left in the temple of the evil god, maid and the player, although all the The monsters are all dead, but only one person can get out of the temple alive. If neither of the two people could kill the other, and when the last moment came, there were still two people left in the temple, then the one who summoned the evil god would die as a sacrifice.

However, maid can't wait.

Her team is behind, so she must kill the opponent, otherwise even if the dungeon ends and the opponent is killed by the backlash, she will still have to enter the elimination dungeon to fight.

By the time Ye Jia arrived, the two were already covered in blood.

The player's body was covered in dark, sticky mucus, and he was panting heavily while leaning on the sacrifice table.

As the person who started the summon, although he will be protected from the monster's attack, he is also unable to participate in the battle, so he can only stumble away from the maid's offensive.

And maid has already experienced a bloody battle. One of her legs has been broken, and the bones of Sensen are stunned from under the bloody flesh. There are several fatal wounds on her body. Half of the skin of her face has been peeled off, and one eye socket is The blood was blurred, but the other dark eye was burning with raging hatred and anger, shining like a cold star in the dark temple.

The chainsaw in her hand has lost its durability, the gears are broken, and the clothes on her body can no longer see the original color, like a ghost crawling out of hell.

The low voice of the evil god echoed in the dark sky:

"You can save someone."

The player's eyes lit up, his voice hoarse, and he stammered: "ace! We are teammates! Get me out!"

He gritted his teeth and continued: "You let me out, and I'll give you half of the points I got from this dungeon!"

Outside the ancient temple, the slender young man raised his head and looked at the distant sky.

A huge scoreboard floats in the void.

There are three minutes left until the end of the copy.

Of the three teams, one has been destroyed, and the remaining two teams have comparable points, but Ye Jia's team is slightly better.

If maid is left in the temple of the evil god, her points will be counted on the player who released the evil god, and Ye Jia's team will win directly, no need to participate in the cruel and bloody elimination copy.

- It is a pure hell level copy, all players who are put in will fight and kill each other face to face, only the strongest can leave.

No one wants to participate in the knockout copy.

Outside the temple gate, the young man withdrew his gaze.

He didn't wear a hood, his light-colored hair was blown by the bloody wind, and his glass-like eyes were cold and peaceful.

inside the door.

The girl who could no longer see her face gritted her teeth, hatred burning coldly in the bottom of her eyes, and seemed to be able to swallow the two people in front of her eyes alive and smash them to pieces.

She spat out a mouthful of blood and sneered, with an irony that could not be concealed in her voice.

The young man lowered his eyes and thoughtfully swept across the blood-soaked ground in front of him. There were already stacked corpses that could not be seen at all.

At this moment, there is only one minute left until the end of the copy.

The youth raised his eyes and said calmly, "I save my teammates."

Not surprisingly.

Maid threw the broken chainsaw in his hand with a bang, dragged his weak body, slowly leaned against the wall, and sat down.

At the moment Ye Jia's voice fell, the points she accumulated in this dungeon were all transferred to that player.

In the standings, the noun of Ye Jia's team suddenly became the first.

- Now, as long as the game is over, the girl who stays in the temple will become the sacrifice of the evil god and die directly.

Maid snorted softly and closed his eyes.

She thought bitterly—at least not in the elimination dungeon, and direct death is not bad.

The player whose body was covered in mucus stumbled out of the temple of the evil god. He wiped his face and patted Ye Jia on the shoulder with a smile: "Thank you, brother."

However, at the moment when the opponent's palm fell, the young man who had been silent since just now suddenly dodged and avoided the opponent's movements.

The player was slightly taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, the young man with light hair and shallow eyes lowered his eyes and tapped his finger on his watch a few times.

There are 30 seconds left until the end of the game.

On the points table in the distant sky, a message slowly scrolled past - "Player ace transfers all points of this dungeon to player's maid account".

In the temple, Maid opened his eyes in astonishment.

She looked down at her watch - she became the player with the most points in the entire dungeon, and her team jumped to the top of the three teams.

Since she has the highest points, even the evil temple can't resist the game's mechanics, and she will be directly recommended for the copy.

The girl looked out of the temple in amazement.

"You... you... you you you you!!!" The player's face was stunned, horrified, and viciously twisted into an extraordinarily ugly look: "You fucking let the opposite team win!!! You know what we're going to do next Will there be anything..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the young man's unchanging voice: "Knock out the copy, right?"

The player choked suddenly and looked at him in disbelief, as if looking at a lunatic.

The youth gave a short chuckle: "In this instance, we are teammates and cannot directly kill each other."

He narrowed his eyes slightly, a cold smile flashed across his lips, and his voice was still calm and indifferent:

"But it's not the same in the knockout dungeon."

The game counts down overhead — "…5, 4, 3, 2, 1."

At the moment when the time was cleared, the copy was officially closed, and a gate slowly emerged from the entrance of the deserted village in the distance.

The girl stood up in a daze and looked at the place where the two players stood before - it was empty.

As the defeated team, both of those people were sent to the knockout dungeon.

Fight for your life, never die.

Maid mysteriously refused to be sent a copy by the game and waited in place for five days.

On the sixth day, a figure bathed in blood appeared where it had disappeared.

The young man looked particularly embarrassed, his head to toe was stained red with blood, sticky blood clots and minced meat slipped from his clothes, his face became pale due to the loss of strength, but those light-colored eyes seemed to be lit. The fire that never goes out, flickered with a chilling chill under the dim sky, and the sharp killing intent brought by the long-term fight overflowed from the corners of his brows and eyes, like a magic weapon that had seen blood. Dare to stare.

His eyes swept across the waiting maid, seeming a little surprised.

The girl who had repaired her body with points stepped forward and said slowly:

"You can save no one."

If the opponent doesn't save anyone, sacrifice backlash, the player dies, and the maid, as a member of the backward team, will be put into the knockout dungeon.

At the time, no matter which path he took, he would be the only winner.

Will not enter the elimination copy.

But he chose the most difficult path - to enter the elimination book with that player.

The young man raised his eyebrows, his voice hoarse, and said softly:

"That's too cheap for him."

Maid was slightly startled.

Why did the other party choose to save the player who made the black hand just now

Because if no one saves, the player left in the evil temple will die as a sacrifice.

And that kind of death was too easy, too simple for him...

Too cheap for him.

"But, aren't you worried that you won't be able to get out?" Maid asked the question that had haunted him for a long time.

The knockout dungeon is too ferocious, and if you are not careful, you will die in it.

The young man smiled, his eyes were deep and cold, like the sky covered by dark clouds, but the curvature of his lips slightly softened the sharp lines of his face, his voice was calm and gentle, but there was an almost arrogant confidence:


The girl was stunned for a moment, and stood there dumbfounded, watching the other party slowly walk towards the gate of the deserted village in the distance.

The young man's blood-soaked figure is straight and straight, like a blade that pierces the bleak sky, both lonely and arrogant.

… really, so handsome.


Abandoned factory gate.

The petite girl pulled her thoughts away from the distant memories.

She glanced at the bearded man in front of her and muttered jealously, "Why are you his contact..."

Wu Su: "...Is there any problem?"

Maid flattened his mouth and said bitterly, "How can you be worthy of such an important position!"

Wu Su: "..."

Although he knows that he is not very strong, it is too much to say that!

He doesn't care that the other party is a powerful big player now, he folded his arms and deliberately stimulated: "I'm really sorry, I'm the person who specially contacted him, and we have met many times now. , how about you? How many times have you met in the game?"

Maid fell silent as if being stabbed in the foot: "..."

Wu Su added fuel to the jealousy: "And he took the initiative to find me when we first met, how about you? Have you ever?"

Maid gritted his teeth and stared at the man who was half a head taller than him, his eyes were red with jealousy: "!"

far away.

in an unnoticed corner.

The slender figure of the young man was hidden in the darkness, and a pair of cold and dark blood-colored eyes reflected cold light in the dark place. His voice became calmer and softer, and there was no unnecessary emotion in the soft voice. It sounded like a spoiled child:

"Brother is really welcome."

Ye Jia: "..."

Only then did he notice that his hand was being held tightly by the other party, and he broke away uncomfortably.

He raised his eyes and glanced at the two people who looked like elementary school students quarreling not far away, and a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes:

"No, their filters are too deep."

Ji Xuan, who was broken free, was not annoyed.

He stretched out his fingers, pinched the corner of Ye Jia's clothes, and raised his head with a smile: "No, my brother is really good, just..."

—If only he could see it.

Ye Jia didn't hear clearly: "What?"

Ji Xuan shook his head, smiling harmlessly: "Nothing."

"So why are you here?" Ye Jia still hasn't forgotten his question.

"I received a report from my subordinates, and there are abnormal yin and air trends here." As a collaborator, Ji Xuan naturally knew Ye Jia's current plan, so after the recruitment brochure was sent out, he sent more subordinates. Under surveillance in the vicinity of the Occult Authority, pay attention to every movement here.

Ye Jia raised his eyebrows: "This Specter is only B-rank, so it still deserves your attention?"

"It shouldn't be because of it." Ji Xuan shook his head, his eyes sank slightly: "This time the dissimilarity is impossible for the B-level Specter."

Ye Jia was slightly startled.

… indeed.

He and this Specter had only met in the dungeon of the escape from the campus. At that time, he was still a rookie. Although he cleared the dungeon at the end, he took away the Specter's nest by the way. For the Li Gui, this matter is simply not worth mentioning, no matter from which point of view, it will not have such a big hatred for itself, but after getting its own clues, it can immediately come to M City to find it. he.

Ye Jia narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "What do you suspect?"

Ji Xuan said, "I have already sent a subordinate to pursue it. After I catch it, everything should be revealed."

Ye Jia nodded.

He raised his eyes again to look at the factory in the distance.

Now that the dust has basically settled, the maid and the administration have been successfully handed over, and Cheng Cezhi is no longer in danger. There are only some follow-up finishing work left, and there is nothing that needs him.

He turned around to leave, but when he was halfway there, he suddenly thought of something and turned to look at Ji Xuan:

"Is my apartment repaired?"

Ji Xuan shook his head without changing his face: "There are too many things that need to be dealt with, I will tell you once it is repaired."

Ye Jia looked at him suspiciously:

"… Fine."

"If brother, you're tired of staying in hotels, you can actually..."

Before Ji Xuan finished speaking, he was interrupted vigilantly by Ye Jia:

"No, I like hotels."

The teenager smiled and sighed regretfully: "That's fine."

He looked behind the young man gradually disappearing, and suddenly said:

"Blood Gu fish misses you very much."

Ye Jia paused for a while, did not answer, pulled away the ghost and left.


the next day.

Ye Jia stared at the familiar factory in front of him and sighed slowly.

It was just last night that he said there was no need for him here, and he was sent here today.

He briefly explained to the newcomers behind him how to deal with follow-up matters.

Looking at the busy backs of the newcomers, Ye Jia breathed a sigh of relief.

Now I can finally fish with peace of mind.

At this moment, a voice came from behind: "Ah, are you also an employee here?"

Ye Jia was stunned, turned his head and looked behind him.

Wearing a pink and white dress, the girl tilted her head and looked at him, a thoughtful gleam flashing from the depths of her big eyes.


Ye Jia instinctively tightened his back and replied, "...Yes."

Did she find something? Should not be ah.

The girl suddenly laughed: "That's great, I thought you were all the bearded employee from last night. It seems that there are still handsome guys."

Ye Jia: "..."

He breathed a sigh of relief.

The girl stretched out her hand and said with a smile, "Hello, my name is Wei Yue."


"So, what are you doing?" Wei Yue asked curiously, looking at the newcomers busy in the factory.

Ye Jia said: "The residual yin qi is collected and sent to be tested and destroyed."

Wei Yue nodded: "Is that so..."

She wrinkled her nose: "Your work is so boring."

Ye Jia: "Oh."

Wei Yue said with a bit of disappointment: "But I'm also bored..."

She sighed and said, "I came to M City to find someone, but I haven't contacted him yet, so I can only wait."

Ye Jia: "Oh."

Wei Yue frowned: "Aren't you going to ask me who I'm looking for?"

Ye Jia asked with kindness: "...Who are you looking for?"

Wei Yue pursed his lips in frustration: "You are so boring."

"However, since you asked, I'll tell you," she said with a smile, "I'm here to find my future boyfriend!"

The girl put her hands on her hips, glanced at Ye Jia up and down, and sighed: "If it wasn't for me, you would actually look quite to my taste..."

Ye Jia twitched the corners of his mouth: "Thank you for the compliment."

"No thanks, no thanks." Wei Yue nodded solemnly.

She seemed ready to say something.

Suddenly, a soft and charming female voice came from the door on the side:

"That... Is Ye Jia here?"

When Ye Jia heard his name, he was slightly taken aback and turned to look.

I saw a hot and very tall woman standing at the door. She had wavy black curly hair that shimmered in the sunlight like a waterfall. She was wearing a close-fitting red dress, which skillfully outlined the exquisite figure. She has a slender figure with a bulging front and back, her face is extremely beautiful, her dark eyes are deep and dark, her facial features are very deep, so deep that they are almost cold, but a glance and a smile are breathtaking, and they are beautiful enough to make people ignore her facial features. neutral.

The moment she saw Ye Jia, her eyes lit up:


She rushed towards him briskly: "I miss you so much!"

Ye Jia's hair stood on end in an instant, and he almost turned his head and ran away in fright.

What the hell! !

Ji Xuan, what the hell are you doing! ! ! ! !