After an Infinite Flow Player Retires

Chapter 5


"What did you say?"

Ye Jia repeated in disbelief.

The little black hand shivered between his fingers: "I, I just heard... I heard! Other ghosts are like this, I don't know if it's true or not..."

Ye Jia: "..."

So are you all so gossipy

He pondered for a few seconds, and then said suddenly, "Tell me about your king."

"The king is the king." The little black hand twisted.

You know, ghosts in games are not the same as in real life.

In real life, Specter ghosts are often the resentful souls of people who died of wrongdoing in the world, but in the game this only accounts for a small part, more like the hungry ghosts just now, completely driven by some kind of resentment and The monsters formed by the cold ghost qi are nourished by the thick and huge yin qi in the game. They grow and grow by killing players and devouring each other. Their sanity often takes shape after they become ghosts.

And Little Black Hand was apparently born soon - not even a complete entity.

Perhaps it is because of this that, to it, the king that has existed since it was conscious is natural and irrefutable.

So Ye Jia changed his question:

"What kind of ghost is this king you're talking about?"

"This... I don't know either." The little black hand carefully observed Ye Jia's face, and added weakly: "No, but I think it should be S-rank or above!"

For Specters above Grade B, the gap between each level is like a moat.

And S-rank Specter is rare even in the game.

Ye Jia frowned and began to search his memory for all the S-rank Specters he had offended, but after thinking about it, none of them matched the number.

After all, it is understandable to want his life.

But just offering bounty information? It's too weird.

While he was thinking, the sound of a car engine approaching came from outside the window.

- Someone is coming.

Ye Jia's thoughts were recalled.

He looked down at the little black hand in the palm of his hand, and narrowed his eyes thoughtfully: "Speaking of which, if you recover, you should be almost a C-rank ghost, right?"

The little black hand suddenly became vigilant: "...what are you doing?"

Ye Jia smiled slightly, with a pure and innocent expression: "It's nothing, I just want to ask you for a small favor."


Zhao Guangcheng is a member of the genus F of the combat family.

He was the closest member of the Combat Section to the place where the last signal of Cheng Cezhi, a member of the logistics department, was sent, so he received the rescue mission immediately.

However, shortly after he received the task, the signal of the logistics member disappeared, and ten minutes later, the signal appeared on the outskirts of the city several kilometers away.

Zhao Guangcheng immediately drove there.

In the grass, an old-fashioned bus sunk into the mud crookedly, with mottled advertisements printed on the body, and a stiff smile still remained on the faded face of the female star.

Although the members of the Combat Section have their own unique characteristics, they all have a very high level of synaesthesia to ghosts.

Although the yin in the air has dissipated a little, the concentration of that level is still shocking.

The equipment loaded in the car has started to "drop" the alarm from far away, and even the naked eye can see a layer of black gas wrapped around the outside of the car body.

Zhao Guangcheng couldn't help being horrified.

This level of Specter... I'm afraid he can't handle it at this level.

After reporting quickly and making full preparations, Zhao Guangcheng approached the bus cautiously, and then stepped into the bus cautiously.

After seeing the scene in the car, Zhao Guangcheng couldn't help but turn pale.

I saw two unconscious young people in the car, one fell down in the aisle and the other was leaning on the seat. They were obviously directly eroded by Yin Qi, their eyes were closed, their faces were pale, and their breath was dying.

Several huge black ghost hands protruded from the ground, clutching the ankles of the two of them, as if they were sucking anger from their bodies.

Zhao Guangcheng quickly activated the combat technique he carried with him.

After you came to me a few times, the ghost hand was accidentally hit.

It let out a terrifying roar, bluffed twice, then left its two pale victims and jumped out of the window.

Zhao Guangcheng spent the rest of his life in cold sweat.

Fifteen minutes later, the ambulance roared.

Forty-five minutes later, the two comatose employees of the logistics department were sent to the hospital for a general examination.


After two hours.

Ye Jia was wearing a hospital gown, sitting on the bed and eating jelly.

Cheng Cezhi woke up slowly on the hospital bed next to him, and let out a hoarse moan: "Uh..."

"Wake up?" Ye Jia stopped his jelly-digging hand, turned his head and asked with concern, "How do you feel?"

"My neck hurts..." Cheng Cezhi replied dazedly.

The culprit did not change his face and heart: "It's okay, this is a normal reaction after encountering a ghost, and the limbs are sore."

Cheng Cezhi got up with difficulty, rubbed his neck, and asked weakly, "So... what happened before...?"

Before Ye Jia could answer, he heard a "bang", and the door of the ward was pushed open.

Logistics Minister Liu Zhaocheng walked in with a gust of wind under his feet. The Mediterranean Sea above his head was a little brighter than a few days ago. He said angrily, "I'm entangled! What else could it be!"

Cheng Ceyi was stunned: "What?"

Liu Zhaocheng simply explained: "Although the specific inspection results have not yet come out, but according to the attributes of Yin Qi extracted from the carriage by the logistics department just now, it is consistent with the previous building. It is estimated that it is the ghost that haunted you before. I've lived with the smell on you, and this time I'm chasing it!"

"So..." Cheng Cezhi bowed his head guiltily: "I didn't expect Brother Ye, who was still hurt this time, to be implicated by me..."

The protagonist he mentioned was looking away calmly at the moment, and raised his finger to point to the jelly on his table:

"Are you still eating?"

Cheng Cezhi: "…"

Suddenly I felt that my apology was worthless.

He handed the jelly over sullenly: "...don't eat it."

Liu Zhaocheng looked stern: "It was notified above that I was worried that the Specter would come to you again, so I arranged you in the ward on the top floor to be protected by members of the combat department."

His eyes turned and settled on Ye Jia: "As for you..."

Ye Jia's movement of pulling away the second jelly froze slightly, and suddenly there was an ominous premonition in his heart.


"The funds in the bureau are limited. You can move to the general ward for observation for two days, and then come back to work when you have nothing to do."

Ye Jia: "... Sir, you are treated differently."

I thought I could earn a few more days off this time! It's only been two days!

… what a loss!

"Differential treatment?" Liu Zhaocheng sneered: "There is a lot of backlog in the bureau these two days, or do you want to start processing the work in these two days?"

Ye Jia: "..."

He put down the jelly and sat upright:

"Minister Liu's house is kind-hearted and sympathetic to his subordinates. I am so grateful that I cannot express it."

Liu Zhaocheng: "... eat your jelly."

Twenty minutes later, the minister and members of the Combat Section escorted the high-risk subject Cheng Cezhi out of the ward.

Ye Jia also came to the general ward under the guidance of the nurse.

There are four beds in the ward, but fortunately, all three are vacant so far.

So Ye Jia chose a bed near the window.

Just as he sat up, there was a thumping sound from the window.

Ye Jia turned his head and looked in the direction of the voice, and saw that little black hand was beckoning to him crazily on the window sill: "..."

Little Black Hand squeezed his body in through the crack of the window, and it shook triumphantly:

"Look at the road I'm leading! The last place in that girl's memory is the bus, and now you've found the real murderer, why don't you..."

Unexpectedly, Ye Jia shook his head:

"The real murderer isn't that one."

The little black hand froze: "Huh?"

Ye Jia yawned and leaned back lazily:

"That's just a hungry ghost. Its desire to kill is essentially appetite. It will indeed torture its prey, but it will not only peel off the skin but leave the flesh to eat."

Xiao Hei's hands dwindled: "...That's it."

Ye Jia closed his eyes.

In fact, the moment he saw the ghost, he realized this.

However, he didn't think it was the little black hand who lied to him.

Its power of life and death is in its own hands, and there is no reason to cover up the ghost that has never been seen before.

He found the right place, but not the right murderer.

In addition, there was one place that caught his attention—the hungry ghost came up from under the bus after the bus entered the foggy area.

It is the passenger.

So, is it possible that the Specter, who likes to peel off the skin from humans, is also one of the passengers

Ye Jia's focus should have changed when he realized this -

Why does a bus that takes Li Gui appear in the city center

More importantly, where was it going

When Ye Jia closed his eyes and pondered, he suddenly felt an unusual noise from his legs.

He opened his eyes.

I saw the little black hand crawling onto his quilt with difficulty, as if he suddenly remembered something, he began to complain with blood and tears:

"You are so cruel!"

It turned around and let Ye Jia see his pinky finger, which is thinner than the other fingers and lighter in color: "Wuwuwu, look! My color is uneven! I was injured by you last time. Well, now I have lost at least 5% of my body surface area... and you still won't let me fight back! No ghost is worse than me! It's a shame woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

Chattering humming.

Ye Jia got a headache from the noise.

He raised his hand and grabbed the little black hand on his quilt.

It let out a screeching screech, and then fell silent for a moment, as quiet as a chicken.

Who said ghosts are wicked and cunning! Obviously humans are worse and scarier than ghosts!

The little black hand wanted to cry without tears.

However, in the next second, it felt that an extremely fragrant and fragrant yin qi poured into its body like a tide, which was completely different from the blade-like and extremely aggressive ghost qi it had tasted in this human body before. It was deliberately adjusted to a concentration that its body could absorb, and in just a few seconds, its injured little finger returned to its original state.

Ye Jia let go of his hand.

The little black hand looked at the human in front of him in shock, feeling that his heart was greatly shocked.

Could it be... is it misreading the other party

In fact, he is a good man!

Little Black Hand burst into tears, and his voice trembled: "You..."

Ye Jia was expressionless: "It's over for arguing with you again."

Little Black Hand: "..."

He closed his eyes, rolled over and lay down, and said lazily, "There is a milk tea shop two blocks away. I want banana mint-flavored milk green, half sugar, hot, hurry up and come back."

Little Black Hand: "..."

Impressed ass!

This sinister human being clearly wants to serve himself better!


Ye Jia is really sleepy.

First all night working on the paperwork, and then working non-stop to deal with the bus incident.

After a routine checkup at the hospital, he fell into a deep sleep almost as soon as he touched the pillow.

The pictures that had been forgotten for a long time emerged from the gaps in the memory, and took the opportunity to flood into his sleep.

The picture is broken and messy.

Scary and ugly creatures roam the ghostly land of night, their mouths open and greedy and hungry smiles.

A piercing scream came from his ears, and the blood-stained pale face reached out to him desperately: Help me, help me!

Ye Jia opened his eyes in the darkness.

He stared calmly at the blurry ceiling in the distance, breathing slightly.

How long had he not dreamed of these memories

The picture that I thought had been washed down by the calm and stable real life and buried deep in my mind once again appeared vividly in my mind, as if it had never left.

At this moment, a faint voice with a crying voice came from the ear: "Save me, save me..."

Ye Jia was startled and turned his head sharply to look in the direction from which the voice came.

A little girl curled up, trembling, and huddled in the corner of the room. She was only wearing an empty hospital gown, her feet were bare, her eyes were empty, her face was full of tears, and she murmured:

"Dad, mom, where are you? Mom, mom, help me..."

The light of the corridor came from a distance, passed straight through her body, and landed on the ground.

There is no shadow under her feet.

Newly dead ghosts? This kind of thing is very common in the hospital.

But... the breath is not right.

Ye Jia narrowed his eyes slightly.

This is the soul.

And it is a soul with the smell of ghosts.