After an Infinite Flow Player Retires

Chapter 51: A price that has to be paid


The sky has gradually darkened.

In the dim twilight, the abandoned building in front of him became more and more desolate, with a terrifying gloomy feeling.

A member of the combat department turned to look at Chen Qingye, who was standing at the end of the team: "This is the last one, how is it, are you still adapting to today's work?"

Chen Qingye did not answer.

He looked up at the abandoned building in front of him, thoughtfully.

"How's the detector reading?" asked the Combat Section member.

Chen Qingye retracted his gaze, lowered his head and glanced at the detector hanging around his waist: "Very low..."

Up to now, they have cleaned up the other two wells. The above concerns are indeed correct. Due to the recent night walk of ghosts in the city of M, a large amount of yin gas has accumulated in the wells that have not been cleaned up. Although it has not yet reached the level of alarming the detectors placed in it, such a high concentration of yin is enough to cause anomalies to occur, adding some trouble to their clean-up work, but it is still within the controllable range.

To be precise, the concentration of Yin Qi in the last Yin well was already the lowest among the three.

All the members of the Combat Section showed a relaxed look on their faces: "Let's go, let's finish the job today and call it a day!"

However, Chen Qingye said coldly, "Sorry, senior, I think there is something wrong here."

The other party was stunned: "What's wrong? Did you find something wrong?"

Chen Qingye shook his head: "No..."

He put his fingertips into his sleeves and touched the restless heads of Gu insects, trying to soothe them.

His brows were slightly wrinkled, and he seemed troubled: "But my babies seem to be reacting a bit violently."

The other members of the Combat Section looked at each other, and they looked at each other. Finally, the leader of the team said, "I understand that you have some special talent or something, but we can't be so direct without very solid evidence. The mission is terminated, so, apart from your... baby, do you have any other evidence to support your idea?"

Chen Qingye shook his head honestly: "Sorry, no."

In fact, even he himself didn't feel anything weird from outside the building, but for some reason, the Gu worm he raised was in a very restless state, just like the situation this afternoon - obviously he didn't The member of the logistics department named Ye Jia felt any abnormality, but the chief was very hostile.

Did you have a bad stomach today

"Then let's go in." The team leader said: "But everyone should be vigilant and ensure smooth communication with the outside world at all times."

Everyone nodded.

The group of people headed towards the Yinjing.

The light in the abandoned building is very dark, the exposed concrete walls are covered with messy graffiti of various colors, and the rusted pipes are exposed, which looks very gloomy and eerie.

The crowd moved forward cautiously, checking the probe's readings from time to time.

However, as they went deeper, the value on the detector increased, but it was still in a normal state, and they did not encounter any abnormal changes caused by yin, nor did they encounter ghosts wandering in chaos. , is a bit too peaceful compared to the other two Yin wells.

The team quickly came to the center of the building.

Chen Qingye opened his hand, but the Gu worm did not jump out like before and began to suck the Yin Qi in the air, but wrapped tightly around his wrist, making a hissing sound towards the surrounding darkness.

He frowned, raised his head again and looked at the combat section member standing aside, trying to say something: "Senior, I..."

However, before he finished speaking, a team member in front exclaimed and interrupted Chen Qingye: "Come and see what this is!"

The iron door in front was covered with rust marks, and the paint on the surface peeled off. It was almost impossible to recognize the color of the past. It was half-open, and the members who looked in were shocked.

Chen Qingye withdrew his hand, stepped forward quickly, and looked in the direction pointed by the member.

In front of it is a huge and open space, the ground is full of dust and rubble. In the depths of the supposedly empty field, there is a translucent pupa that is as high as one person. There seemed to be something slowly wriggling below, and the air around it was covered with some kind of weird gum, emitting a faint stench.

Chen Qingye was stunned for a moment, and then a stern look flashed across his eyes: "Get out of the way!"

Almost at the moment when his voice fell, the sticky gelatin wrapped around the chrysalis suddenly tumbled, and the gelatin differentiated into a huge tentacle with lightning speed, attacking everyone!

In the next second, the members of the Combat Section felt dark in front of their eyes.

A black centipede appeared in front of them. Its huge body almost filled the entire corridor. The carapace shimmered with a cold metallic luster. Several eyes on its body were turning frantically. It waved its huge pliers. It made a clicking sound, and then suddenly collided with the gelatinous tentacle in front of him!

The entire building was shaken, and dust and bricks fell rustling, fascinating everyone's eyes.

Chen Qingye turned his head and shouted at the combat section members, "Run!"

However, it seems that everything is too late. At the moment of collision with the centipede, those jelly-like substances disperse as quickly as they lose their cohesion. They melt into the air and spread at a speed that is completely impossible to catch up with. , in an instant, the entire building is wrapped in it.

After everything was over, the scene in front of him had completely changed.

It was still an empty building corridor, but the front and back became unfathomable, as if there was no beginning and end, the place where the worms had floated before became empty again, and the air became dirty and bleak, as if shrouded in In the thick haze, I looked out along the window frame, but found that the scenery outside the window was no longer the previous deserted open space, but became a fog that could not be seen.

The team leader looked pale, reached out and took out his cell phone—there was no signal.

After the radio communicator was turned on, there was still a loud hum inside, and there was no way to communicate with the outside world.

Chen Qingye stretched out his hand and touched Ah Chang's huge body, but the expression on that unremarkable face was unusually solemn.

Yin chrysalis…

It takes an extremely large amount of yin to grow a complete yin pupae, so it is placed here. It sucks the yin that is continuously flowing into the yin well, so the yin index here is lower than the other two. so much.

Before it is fully grown, a Yin pupa will not be detected at all. The layer of glue wrapped around it can not only block its breath, but also destroy any human who witnesses the existence of the Yin pupa.

Before the pupa hatched, there was no way to figure out what kind of monster was inside.

However, once the Yin chrysalis grows and the monsters in it hatch, things will get out of hand.

- The lowest grade is b, the highest may even exceed grade s.

And now, this Yin pupa is obviously approaching the state of being about to hatch, which is why the jelly around it is so aggressive, and after it misses a hit, it first transfers the Yin pupa itself.

Fortunately, it has now created nothing more than an unformed mythical creature.

Although it looks scary and the space seems to be larger than before, as long as you go back along the original path, you can still leave.

Chen Qingye turned his head to look at the other members of the combat department beside him, and said solemnly: "Senior, you'd better leave quickly now, in order to protect the chrysalis, it will release yin energy to attract the surrounding ghosts and monsters to come in. "

The team leader was a little anxious: "Then, what do you do?"

Chen Qingye touched Ah Chang's shell beside him: "I'll see if I can find the pupa before it hatches."

Yin pupa could not be traced, only his Gu worm had a little chance of finding it.

He said: "After you leave, hurry up and contact the members of the Combat Section and let them come here to take over."

The team leader's face was a little paler: "Is it serious?"

"Yes..." Chen Qingye nodded: "And I'm only in charge of tracking, not going to participate in the battle, so I hope the seniors in the combat department can arrive before I find the chrysalis, otherwise things will get worse after it hatches. Difficult to handle."

The members of the Combat Section nodded solemnly, then turned and ran in the direction from which they came.

The road ahead seemed long and far, as if it would never end.

The dim corridor was extraordinarily narrow, and only the footsteps of a group of people could be heard in the dead silence.

They turned a corner again, but almost ran into a snarling ghost who was rushing towards them.

"Prepare for battle!" the leader shouted sharply.

Although this team in the combat department was all newcomers, they had received systematic training after all. After a short period of panic, they quickly regrouped and began to face off against the young fangs in front of them, with a vicious look on their faces.

The roar, the sound of gunshots, and the sound of the battle technique being activated, intertwined noisyly, echoing in the hazy fog and the narrow corridor.

Just then, one of the members felt an itch in his neck.

He touched it.

In the palm of his hand, he felt a few strands of long black hair.

A slight gurgling sound came from overhead.

The members slowly raised their heads and looked in the direction of the voice.

A female ghost with a bruised face was lying on the ceiling, her head was hanging upside down, her jet-black hair was hanging down, and she stared at him with a pair of scarlet eyes.


The exclamations of the members came from several positions in the squad one after another.

The leader took time to turn his head to look behind him.

An extremely terrifying scene appeared in front of his eyes - the female ghost lying on the ceiling, the skeleton head leaning in from the corridor window, the carrion slowly emerging from the ground below, including the blue-faced and fang-like ghost they were dealing with now.

Before they knew it, they were actually surrounded by ghosts.

Chen Qingye's warning came true - that weird chrysalis attracted too many ghosts.

Under the attack from all sides, they could only barely cope, unable to move an inch.

The team leader was extremely anxious.

What Chen Qingye said earlier is very clear, his main task is to find the location of the chrysalis, not to fight.

But they are now in deep mud. Unable to leave, there was no way to seek support - the situation was stuck here for a while, it was like a dead end.

Suddenly, without warning, the skeleton lying on the window seemed to sense something, suddenly raised his body, looked in a certain direction, there was a rattling sound of bones rubbing in his throat, and then in the next second, he turned around. The shape disappeared into the mist outside the window.

The leader was surprised.

How is this going

Before he could come up with a reason, in the next second, a huge figure appeared in the darkness not far ahead.

The outline of Sen Bai's skeleton was approaching, his big mouth full of sharp serrated teeth opened, and he snapped at the leg of the green-faced and fangs Li Gui, swallowing it whole.

Specter has no power to fight back.

The oppression of that level is too terrifying, and it makes people unable to control their chills.

The team leader's voice changed a bit due to panic and trembling: "Back! Back!"

However, after eating the Specter, the huge monster did not attack them, but instead pulled the carrion out of the ground and chewed it.

Team Leader: "…"

He took a deep breath slowly, and then fixed his eyes on the monster that gradually revealed its shape.

A goat skull, dark eye sockets, a blood-colored body, and a bone-like tail.

Why... so familiar

The leader suddenly realized: "It's you!"

That strange fish that cleaned up the ghosts on the street when the Hundred Ghosts were walking at night!

Now that it appears, that...

Before the leader could think deeply, the female ghost above her head let out a sharp cry. She glanced at the fish on the ground in fear, and then ran down the ceiling to the depths of the darkness, as if trying to bypass the upper reaches of the ground. The moving blood gu fish, although her limbs were twisted, she crawls very fast, and almost disappeared into the thicker fog in an instant.


The sound of the sharp blade breaking through the air sounded, and a bright white light flashed through the darkness. Then, the female ghost let out a shrill scream, and the corridor in front was quiet again.

The sound of footsteps approached.

The slender figure of the young man gradually emerged from the darkness, but in the eyes of everyone, it seemed like a torch piercing the darkness in the middle of the night. The invisible light and heat dispelled the cold and fear, giving people a kind of reassurance. strong sense of security.

The blood gu fish that was swimming on the ground leaned over and swam forward with him, with an intimate attitude.

The team leader's eyes lit up: "Great God! Great God is really you!"

The other members of the combat section behind them were also excited, and everyone's eyes lit up like a 200-watt light bulb: "God, you're here!"

Ye Jia: "..."

I don't know what happened, but...

A little dazzling.

During this period of time, Ye Jia has been in the logistics department, completely unaware that he has become an urban legend in the hearts of most members of the Combat Section - he will exist at a critical juncture in the entire city, and then he will be silent again. He disappeared like a shadow, and he couldn't find any trace, especially with the publicity of the group of members who were rescued by him, he was about to become a living god that everyone must worship before going out on a mission.

Seeing everyone's excited eyes as if seeing a living fossil, Ye Jia felt a little hairy.

He coughed lightly: "Where is the monster here?"

"A member of ours is tracking it!"

The leader was a little incoherent with excitement. He stretched out his hand nervously, wanting to shake hands with Ye Jia, but he suddenly woke up a few seconds after he stretched it out, so he quickly retracted his hand and said calmly, "I, we are now Get ready to go out and contact support!"

Ye Jia nodded.

Indeed, if you want to track the Yin pupae that haven't hatched, I am afraid that only Chen Qingye's Gu worm can do it.

"After this thing is over, can we, can we ask for an autograph?" one of the members asked sternly.

The others nodded wildly.

Ye Jia: "..."

He said uncertainly, "Yes?"

"Then we won't disturb your work now!" The members of the Combat Section all had bright eyes: "Let's go ask for support now!"


Ye Jia inexplicably glanced at the disappearing back of the team.

However, now is not the time to dwell on this.

According to the information provided by the puppet master, this yin chrysalis contained an S-rank Specter, and the hatching time was today—the reason why he only told them this news today was probably because he hoped that they would fail.

Ye Jia retracted his gaze and raised his eyes to a certain direction upstairs.

Although he was also unable to detect the breath of Yin Pupae, he could track the smell of Chen Qing's wild Gu worm.

- He should be on the third floor now, and he's still going up.

Fourth floor, fifth floor, sixth floor.

Chen Qingye stopped abruptly.

Ah Chang, who was beside him, tapped twice with his claws, then took his slender legs and crawled towards the rooftop.

Chen Qingye hurriedly grabbed one of Ah Chang's feet, lowered his voice and said, "Wait, come back."

Ah Chang turned his head, stared at him with a few gurgling eyes on his body, then shrank to the size of a slap at the beginning, and crawled back to Chen Qingye's cuff along his fingers.

Chen Qingye breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiaobai is a mother Gu, which means that as long as Xiaobai is around, even if all his Gu worms are mortally wounded in battle, or even on the verge of death, as long as Xiaobai is around, they will be able to survive in the best possible way. Quick recovery, but...

Chen Qingye's face was gloomy for a few seconds.


That person is simply the most vicious existence in the world!

He, he actually trampled his little white to death!

From that day on, Chen Qingye no longer dared to let his favorite Gu worms take part in the battle.

That's why he joined the logistics department.

The battles in the Combat Section are too frequent, although he can handle it well enough, but... Maybe there will be an accident that day, it is very difficult to cultivate a human-like Gu worm, and he does not want to lose any of his treasures.

Chen Qingye carefully opened the door and looked into the room.

The huge chrysalis was suspended in midair.

The shell is now almost completely transparent, and you can almost see the winding layers of capillaries, as well as the disgusting and ugly thin limbs, squirming under the chrysalis.

As a rule of thumb, it may only take ten minutes to break the shell.

Chen Qingye lowered his head and stroked the head of Ah Chang in his sleeve, hesitant in his heart.

He didn't want to fight.

However, there are still ten minutes left... I also know that the support of the combat department probably cannot come so quickly. If he does not fight, let the yin chrysalis break its shell, and the subsequent consequences may be even more unimaginable.

When Chen Qingye was tangled, a voice suddenly came from behind: "Hey, let me come next."

The young man's voice was soft and gentle, which was particularly abrupt in the dead corridor.

- Extraordinarily familiar.

It made his teeth itch with hatred even at midnight.

Chen Qingye's face was slightly twisted, anger gushing out from the bottom of his eyes, he turned his head, his eyes locked on the young man wearing a hood, and he gritted his teeth: "ace!"

New hatred and old hatred erupted together.

Seventy or eighty colorful Gu worms suddenly spewed out from his cuffs and rushed towards Ye Jia!

Ye Jia said helplessly while dodging the Gu worms chasing after him, "Now is not the time to talk about this..."

However, Chen Qingye was already overwhelmed by anger, and he shouted, "I want you to pay for my Xiaobai's life!"

More Gu worms poured out from his cuffs and attacked Ye Jia frantically.

Ye Jia: "..."

Yes, it is again.

Every time he tried to communicate with red in the game, such a situation would appear. No matter what the occasion was or what kind of crisis he was facing, as long as Chen Qingye saw him, he would definitely focus on him first. Attack the target, talk about revenge first, and then talk about other things.

While every player has quite a few paranoid quirks, red is the worst player he's ever seen.

Ye Jia sighed.

- He's used to it.

In the interval of dodging, Ye Jia looked into the half-closed door.

The squirming under the chrysalis became more and more violent, and the slender limbs were trying to pierce the layer of sac that wrapped itself. The completely transparent chrysalis shell softened like a plastic bag, and tightly fitted Li Gui's body—at most It will take a minute or two to break the shell.

There's no time to mess around now.

Ye Jia suddenly became shorter, and with an extremely cunning angle, he passed through the swarm of Gu insects and rushed in front of Chen Qingye.

Chen Qingye's pupils tightened: "!"

The opponent's speed was too fast, and he didn't even have time to release Ah Chang when he felt the opponent's cold and powerful palm grabbing his wrist.


It seems that this time, like Xiaobai, he will die at the hands of this person.

This idea flashed in Chen Qingye's mind.

However, in the next second, he felt that the other party grabbed him, and then suddenly threw him out of the rooftop!

The icy air whistled in his ears, Chen Qingye fell freely in the air, he blinked blankly, and suddenly a heavy weight under him - Ah Chang's body grew bigger again, wrapping him all around his back, slowing his fall. speed.

Before Chen Qingye landed safely, he felt a surge of malice erupting from the roof above his head.

In an instant, the wind and clouds changed color, and the world became dark.

- The chrysalis broke.

Only an S-rank Specter would have such a terrifying birth ceremony.

And the first thing the other party did... was to throw him out of the danger zone


On the rooftop…

Ye Jia was waiting for this opportunity.

He summoned the bleeding Gu fish.

At the moment when the chrysalis broke apart, Ye Jia showed his blade and slashed at the weakest place!


Countless viscous liquid poured out, and the newly born S-rank Specter showed an ugly figure.

"Now!" Ye Jia said sharply.

The blood gu fish opened its mouth and snapped the Specter between its sharp teeth—the Specter tried to struggle, but it didn't fully experience the moment of breaking out of the cocoon, and the skin still maintained the soft state of being wrapped in the chrysalis. It still takes four to five seconds to form, and in the face of the blood Gu fish that has already experienced a hundred battles, there is almost no resistance at all, and it is chewed and swallowed in an instant.

The pupa bag in front of him lost its host and began to shrink rapidly.

Ye Jia crouched down and took it out into his pocket.


The fog has completely dissipated, but the concentration of yin in the air is still so strong that it is breathless.

Chen Qingye raised his head and looked towards the rooftop, the twilight was reflected on the black-rimmed glasses, making it difficult to see the look in his eyes.

He stood firmly downstairs, as if thinking about something.

After a long time.

The slender figure of the young man emerged from the darkness inside the building. He stepped through the smoke and walked straight towards Chen Qingye.

Chen Qingye's fingers moved reflexively.

"Wait!" Ye Jia said: "Don't rush to attack me first!"

The colorful Gu worms circled around Chen Qingye's cuff, and for the first time did not fly directly towards the young man opposite.

Ye Jia took a deep breath and walked slowly to Chen Qingye: "I'm very sorry about Xiaobai."

He reached out and opened his palm.

A white and tender worm was wrapped in a translucent Gu membrane and lay quietly in the center of his palm.

Ye Jia said: "This is a Gu mother larva, and when it grows out of the pupa of the S-rank Specter, it can grow into a Gu mother again - I know it can't replace Xiaobai's position in your heart, but I still hope It makes up for a little of the damage I've done."

Chen Qingye widened his eyes.

He almost forgot to breathe.

Even in the game, Gu mother larvae are extremely difficult to obtain, not to mention, if you want to cultivate a Gu mother larva into a Gu mother, you need at least the pupa membrane of a rank A or above Specter - he has already experienced Xiaobai. After all the hardships, the right time, the right place and the people gathered together, and it took all the luck to have one. No matter how much he wanted to try later, there was no way to replicate the previous success.

Especially now that the game has crashed, he actually no longer has any hope of cultivating Gu Mother.

And... and now...

Chen Qingye stretched out his hand tremblingly and took the white larva from Ye Jia's hand.

He was careful, holding it like a treasure, and looked at it carefully for a long time.

After a long time, Chen Qingye raised his head, looked at Ye Jia with tears in his eyes, choked and said, "I want to call her Xiao Xiaobai."

Ye Jia: "It sounds good..."

Looking at the crying red in front of him, he let out a slow sigh of relief.

Finally, the feud in the game is over - although, he also paid a small price.

After all, Gu mother larvae... are really hard to get.

Ye Jia couldn't bear to think about it.

the other side.

Ji Xuan squinted his scarlet eyes with a faint smile on his lips, obviously in a good mood.

He stared at the room in front of him, his eyes full of pleasure.

The originally empty room now has a person's personal belongings, which looks full and full of life.


The older brother agreed to move in.