After an Infinite Flow Player Retires

Chapter 7


In a ghost.

Under the darkness where you can't see your fingers, the whispering voices of ghosts and undead echoed in the empty sky, and the cold and cold breath could almost freeze your breath.

Suddenly, like a drop of blood dipped in the thick black ink, a smear of scarlet suddenly spread in the dark night, engulfing all the black in a violent and violent manner.

In the blood, the tall figure of a man slowly appeared.

An extremely aggressive and oppressive bloody atmosphere followed, forcibly occupying every inch of space.

"… king."

A ghost image slowly condensed in the void, it bowed its waist in a surrendered posture, and its low hoarse hiss echoed in the darkness:

"The matter you want to investigate has become clear, and before the B-level ghost disappears, I can pry a place name out of its mouth."

The man listened calmly, his scarlet eyes drooping slightly, not saying anything about the other party's excitement.

"M City." The ghost said, "Although I still don't know the reason, it seems that this place will become the focus of the attack in the future..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the other party without warning:

"Has anyone been found?"

His voice was cold, silent and indifferent, without the slightest hesitation.

"This..." The ghost figure got stuck for a moment, and the frequency of the body shaking seemed a little uneasy: "No ghost reported any relevant information..."

"The bounty is doubled."

The man indifferently withdrew his gaze, and after dropping four words, he turned and walked towards the sea of blood behind him.

"… Yes Yes!"

Ghost Shadow was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly asked:

"By the way, regarding the situation in City M, who are you going to send to check the situation? Do you need me to communicate it for you...?"

However, before his words fell, the man's tall figure was engulfed by scarlet blood.

It came without warning, and left without regret.

Ghost: "..."

Neither dared to be angry, nor dared to speak.

… resigned.


The calculation rules of time and space in the realm are different from those in the outside world. Soon, the trail in front of you will come to an end.

Ye Jia pulled away from his memories.

He raised his hand, swiped his white fingertips, and the space in front of him was torn apart, and the cold air with the smell of disinfectant rushed in instantly.

The blood-red space disappeared behind him, leaving only a pale and solid wall, as if it had never appeared.

Ye Jia looked at the surrounding environment.

The corridor in front of him was empty, and the nurse on duty at the front desk had disappeared. The lights were pale and dim, and in the thick night, he looked extremely weak and cold, without a trace of vitality.

The smell of the disinfectant is mixed with a hint of fishy rot that is hard to ignore.

… something is not quite right.

Even as a hospital where people often die, the yin here is a bit too heavy.

Such a strong Yin Qi is enough to nourish a powerful ghost that can harm one side.

Ye Jia frowned, a shallow wrinkle was carved on the center of his eyebrows, and a strange color flashed in the depths of his eyes as pale as Liuli.

At this moment, the little black hand crawled out from under his collar, twisting its thin fingers, and muttering in a suspicious low voice in Ye Jia's ear:

"It's weird here..."

Ye Jia casually pushed open a door of the ward closest to him.

Unexpectedly, the door was packed to the brim.

All are people.

Men and women, young and old, standing, sitting, lying down, all wore hospital gowns without exception.

At the moment when the door opened, everyone's eyes turned to the direction of the door.

"Hey!" an old man with a split head shouted angrily: "You can't even knock on the door!"

Ye Jia: "..."

"… Excuse me." He closed the door.

After returning to the corridor, the little black hand shouted in shock: "My mother and second uncle! Why are there ghosts here!"

Ye Jia glanced at it speechlessly.

As a ghost, how dare you say that

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of procrastinating and stumbling footsteps at the end of the corridor in front of him.

In the flickering light, I saw a woman in a surgical gown limping forward, blood dripping down the hem of her clothes, leaving a trail on the ground. The long bloodstains looked shocking in the light.

In her hand, she held a dark, inhuman figure, which changed shape with the flow of air.

Behind her, there was a long row of shadowy figures, those who died of old age, those who died of illness, those who were killed by a car... It looked crowded and very lively.

"□□ah!" Little Black Hand looked at Ye Jia with hope: "Can I participate?"

"What? You're very busy?" Ye Jia said blankly: "Oh, I heard that there is a milk tea shop two blocks away from the hospital. The matcha latte is delicious-"

Little Black Hand: …


It held its breath and said:

"No no, I'm super busy."

Ye Jia stared at the mighty group of ghosts in front of him and narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

He suddenly raised his hand and pulled the little black hand off his shoulder, frowned, and asked:

"By the way, you said just now that it feels a little strange, where is it strange?"

Xiao Hei shook his hand and replied: "The yin qi here, although it is heavy, is fresh, so it should have been gathered not long ago, but such a strong yin qi has gathered in such a short period of time, isn't it? Is it weird?"

Although it is not strong, it is at least a ghost, and it is much more sensitive to yin than humans.

Hearing this, Ye Jia was slightly startled, as if he suddenly thought of something, he looked down at the little girl beside him.

The girl held his hand obediently, bowed her head slightly, her pale face showed a translucent texture under the corridor lights, the cloth was still in front of her eyes, and she was oblivious to everything that happened around her. ignorant.

The notch between Ye Jia's eyebrows deepened, and he walked in the direction of the heaviest yin.

The further forward, the more dim the lights overhead, as if covered with an ominous black veil.

And those ghosts are gathering more and more, most of them are harmless spirit bodies, even if there is residual resentment, they are far from being able to affect the real world.

Some have even lost their minds over time, becoming as thin as fog, and they only have a shadowy outline left, but they still instinctively move slowly in that direction.

The further forward, the greater the number of ghosts, layer upon layer, the air is as thick as porridge.

Ye Jia walked straight forward.

His body seemed to be enveloped by an invisible aura, without the sinister aura that was extremely cold, just because of this person's existence, the densely packed ghosts instinctively pushed away to the sides.

In the dark corridor, the young man's figure was straight and straight, like a sharp blade, cutting the dense group of ghosts in front of him.

In the corridor full of spiritual bodies, a clear and clear empty passage was drawn, as if Moses divided the sea, and then quickly closed behind him, as if the ghosts were subconsciously fearing the person in front of him.

Soon, Ye Jia came to the center of the thick yin qi.

It was a closed ward door.

The surrounding air was covered with a layer of ash-like fog, the lights in the corridor flickered in the distance, and the gloomy coldness invaded the texture, as if entering a different dimension.

Ye Jia reached out and opened the door.

The air in the ward was dark and dirty, and an unpleasant stench floated in the air.

With the dim light, I could see a little girl lying quietly on the bed in the center of the ward.

-It is Sun Jiale.

Ye Jia slowly stepped forward, stood beside the bed, and looked down at Sun Jiale, who was lying on the hospital bed.

Her expression was calm and serene, as if she had just fallen into a deep sleep.

Ye Jia's brows furrowed even tighter.

His gaze stopped at the bulging corner of the bed, and then he reached out and lifted the quilt with a "whoosh" sound.

The little girl was still in a deep sleep, motionless. The hospital gown on her body was wrinkled due to her long sleep, and at the loose trousers, she could vaguely see a little blue and black on her thin ankles.

Ye Jia bent down and rolled up her trousers a little.

On the left calf of the little girl, there was a dark and hideous handprint, as if it was still slowly tightening.

… sure enough.

His conjecture just now was verified.

Ye Jia sighed, put the quilt back on Sun Jiale, and helped her tuck the quilt.

The little black hand poked his head over his shoulder: "What's the matter? What did you find?"

"… is an addict."

Ye Jia pinched the bridge of his nose.

Strictly speaking, addicts are not ghosts.

It does not exist in the real world, but is more like a special product in the game. This monster is accustomed to lurking in the dark places where evil thoughts gather, just like a leech hiding in a quagmire. Waiting for the opportunity to attack the weak, it will be branded The imprinted players are sucked out bit by bit, meanwhile, the players who are imprinted with the sucker's imprint will become a gathering that attracts evil spirits and yin, until they are sucked out in fear and pain.

In short, it is a dirty thing that bullies the soft and fears the hard, but is especially good at hiding.

Although the strength of a single one is not strong, sometimes it is more difficult to solve than a high-level Specter.

Ye Jia still does not want to recall his experience after being entangled by these monsters in the novice stage.

Simply unbearable.

However, Ye Jia didn't know why Sun Jiale would leave his soul after being marked, after all, it was the first time he saw an ordinary person who was entangled by a sucker.

"It's actually an addict?" Little Black Hand sucked in a breath of cold air.

Ye Jia glanced at it unexpectedly: "What? Do you know?"

"Not at all." Little Black Hand played with his fingertips: "I just heard about it. After all, they are almost extinct now, and it's not easy to see one."

This time it was Ye Jia's turn to be surprised.

Although a monster like a sucker is not strong, its self-protection ability is superb. In addition, it likes to swarm in groups. In the game, it is as annoying as a cockroach and cannot be completely eliminated. How can it be extinct

"What happened?" he demanded.

"The king smashed their lair," said the little black hand.

In the game, there is a lot of strife and annexation between ghosts, cannibalism and killing each other, just like raising a gu, only the strongest can survive.

Because this fact is too normal, Ye Jia no longer continues to struggle.

—Although the reason for the shot may not be pleasant, but overall, the king has done a good thing.

Simply heartwarming.

Ye Jia breathed a sigh of relief, and moved his neck casually.

Under the long eyelashes, the light-colored eyes narrowed slightly, showing a hazy and distant smoky gray in the dim and cold light, with a cold and non-human texture.

-Since the trouble is in front of him, it still has to be managed.

After all, he is a public official.

How do you say that

Serve the people wholeheartedly.

Of course... he really didn't mind making the genocide of smokers a little more thorough.

Ye Jia untied the cloth strip in front of Sun Jiale and squatted down.

The little girl's eyelashes trembled and she slowly opened her eyes.

Ye Jia didn't waste time, and asked directly: "Do you remember where you fainted?"

"Yes... at school."

"Where is the school, can you still recall it?"

Sun Jiale blinked, as if trying to recall:

"I, I seem to be going to the toilet? But as soon as I walked into the bathroom, I felt, and then I was dizzy... and then I lost consciousness... "


Not surprisingly, it is indeed the preference of smokers.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Jia asked Sun Jiale the address of her school in detail - it happened that her school was very close to the last hospital, perhaps because of this, the school's teacher sent her there after she was comatose.

"I didn't expect to go back to the starting point..." Little Black Hand whispered.

Ye Jia gave it a sideways glance.

The little black hand was cowardly, shut up and retracted under his collar.

Sun Jiale timidly looked around at the unfamiliar environment in front of her, and sharply saw herself lying on the hospital bed not far away.

Her figure froze slightly, and she shivered uncontrollably.

She mustered up her courage and asked cautiously, "Brother, am I... dead?"

The next second, Sun Jiale felt a heavy pressure on the top of his hair. Then, the young man's peaceful and quiet voice came from the top of his head, which sounded inexplicably convincing and reassuring:

"Don't worry, it won't."


After setting up Sun Jiale, Ye Jia left the hospital in the same way as before.

The journey of several hours was reduced to two minutes, and the destination was almost in the blink of an eye.

As soon as Ye Jia stepped out of the field, he was caught off guard by the blinding lights in front of him.

In front of the school's main entrance, which should have been empty, there were several black cars that looked very familiar. Several headlights were on, illuminating the school's front door. Several personnel in protective clothing held up detection instruments. , carefully pacing the perimeter collecting data.

Several familiar letters are printed on the car:


Paranormal Investigation and Management Bureau

[Paranormal Investigation and Administration]

Ye Jia: "..."

Wouldn't it be so coincidental

At this moment, a familiar voice came from behind: "... Ye Jia?"

Ye Jia: "..."

Depend on.

Such a coincidence.

He took a deep breath and turned his head slowly.

I saw Liu Zhaocheng frowning at him, his bald head reflecting a dazzling light under the strong light: "Aren't you in the hospital? Why are you here?"

He glanced up and down at Ye Jia, and frowned even more:

"And wearing a hospital gown?"

"..." Ye Jia was silent for a long time, and then replied bravely:

"I... sleepwalking."