After an Infinite Flow Player Retires

Chapter 74: That bastard! The information is still sent in groups!


Ye Jia fixedly looked at the gray box in front of him, and a cold glow appeared on his fingertips.

In the next second, a cold light flashed, and the sharp blades and props collided with each other, making a huge explosion, and sparks shone in the dark night.

Ye Jia's fingertips pressed down, and the phantom of the blade was reflected in the depths of those light-colored eyes, like a touch of coldness and snow sinking into the bottom of his eyes.

Just listening to a dark sound, a few pitch-black insects squeaked and fell from the lid of the gray box, turning into black-gray smoke, which dissipated into the air in an instant like fog.

The props used to protect the box disappeared.

Ye Jia raised his hand, waved away the smoke rising in front of him, and then fixed his eyes on not far away.

The gray box in front of me stood alone on the ground, completely defenseless.

Ye Jia took a deep breath slowly.

Standing a few steps away, he gently lifted the lid of the box with the tip of his scythe, holding his breath for a moment, waiting with complete vigilance.

With a bang, the lid of the box was lifted.

At the moment when it turned up, the thick and rich blood flowed out of the box in an endless stream, spreading instantly, covering the rough ground.

Ye Jia clenched the scythe in his hand, took a few steps back slowly, and stared at the box that was still oozing blood not far away... It was not big in the square, but it was flowing like a spring. Exhausted, the blood was extremely deep, reflecting a strange luster in the dim moonlight, surging as if alive, devouring everything that could be touched.

Before long, it finally stopped.

The pool of blood on the ground formed a perfect circle, enclosing the gray box.

At this moment, the man's low voice sounded behind him: "Don't touch..."

Ye Jia turned his head and saw Ji Xuan's figure slowly emerging from the darkness.

He had already returned to his normal appearance, tall and straight, with deep and cold facial features, and a pair of scarlet blood pupils flashed in the night a color similar to the pool of blood: "There is a part of my mother here."

Ye Jia narrowed his eyes slightly, and the sickle in his hand reflected the dim moonlight. He asked, "If I touch it, will it be the same as Vision?"

Ji Xuan stared at him steadily.

He didn't seem to be surprised that Ye Jia knew the identity of the Specter who blocked him in M City, and replied, "No..."

Ye Jia looked back at him and raised his eyebrows: "Why?"

Ji Xuan retracted his gaze, his eyes fell on the sticky blood on the ground, and said, "The purity is different..."

"Then what can this purity do?" Ye Jia asked.

Ji Xuan hooked his fingers lightly, and the two stones on the ground were pulled by some invisible force and slowly vacated.

One big piece and one small piece flew in the direction of the pool of blood one after another. When it was about to touch the edge of the pool of blood, the viscous dark red blood swelled up violently like a hunting beast. Grab the small stone and swallow it, the second stone is bigger, and the blood wave that rises is even more violent, crushing the big stone into pieces in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, the viscous blood fell, and the surface of the pool of blood returned to calm.

Ye Jia frowned: "If you are strong, you will be strong..."

This is difficult to do.

He turned his head to look at Ji Xuan and asked, "Is its quantity limited?"

Ji Xuan seemed to understand what Ye Jia meant, and he hooked his lips: "Of course, everything has a limit."

City f, in a cafe.

Chen Qingye and Wei Yue sat facing each other by the window. Blast, barely holding three cups of coffee, walked over slowly from the front desk.

The coffee in his hand wobbled and was about to spill.

Chen Qingye stood up quickly, took the coffee from his hand and put it on the table.

He pushed the glasses that were slid down a bit, frowned and said, "Just tell me if you need help."

blast frowned: "Huh?"

His expression was as flamboyant as his hair color: "You underestimate me too, don't you?! Didn't I bring it here?"

Wei Yuelu smiled and stirred his cup of coffee: "Indeed..."

She has now found a way to successfully command blast, and just by challenging his competitive spirit, she can make a fool do almost all the chores.

As for the other one...

Wei Yue raised his eyes to look at Chen Qingye.

Chen Qingye took out two tissues from his pocket, handed one to the blast, and carefully wiped off the coffee stains on the table with the other, then sat down again.

- Just a clean freak and an old mom.

Wei Yue looked back and took another sip of coffee.

Although she has no superfluous feelings for her two colleagues, after getting along for so long, the relationship between them is not as awkward as it was at the beginning.

This time, after a long day's work, she suggested on a whim to sit down together.

The other two didn't seem to have anything to do next, so they both agreed.

Originally, I was going to go to the bar, but neither Blast nor Wei Yue had reached the physical age of 22 in the real world, so they had to settle for the next best thing and chose to come to the cafe.

-Drinking coffee at night, I don't know what to think.

Wei Yue sighed silently.

"F City, there shouldn't be anything for us, right?" She was the first to break the silence and asked.

Chen Qingye thought for a while, then nodded: "Indeed..."

During this period of time, the dm company has been seized, and all the ghosts under the dream maker have been arrested. Except for those humans who have not been able to return, it is basically a perfect solution.

"We're fine, but..." Blast took a sip of coffee and said gloatingly, "Have you seen the documents piled on the desks of those employees in the Administration? It's too bad hahaha!"

Chen Qingye glared at him blankly.

Blast looked arrogant: "What? Want to fight?"

"Huh..." Wei Yue said coolly beside him, "Aren't you afraid of the chief?"

blast: "…"

Like an eggplant hit by frost, he immediately wilted.

The air was quiet for a moment, and the three took a sip of coffee and looked thoughtfully in different directions.

The same question swirled around in their minds - where did the ace go

Since they parted the day before yesterday, the other party was like a mud cow entering the sea, and there was no more news, but because of their own ghosts, none of them took the initiative to mention ace, and Ye Jia who disappeared at the same time as him - at the same time, they also felt the same. Very puzzled, forget it, why do the other two seem to not care about it

Suddenly, the sound of WeChat broke the silence.

The three took out their phones at the same time.

When they saw who the person who sent the message was, their expressions froze slightly.

Chen Qingye calmly put the phone back in his pocket, stood up slowly, and said, "Sorry, I have to..."

Wei Yue's voice sounded at the same time: "I suddenly remembered..."

"I..." blast's voice followed.

Chen Qingye raised his head and found that the other two were doing exactly the same thing as him.

The three looked at each other, their movements slightly stiff.

Wait... what's the situation

An absurd idea came to mind at the same time.

Wei Yue narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Chen Qingye: "Where are you going to go next?"

Chen Qingye's sight was cast towards Wei Yue through the lens, and he collided with the opponent in mid-air, and he could vaguely hear the sound of sparks splashing around.

"I can't tell you," he said.

Chen Qingye also narrowed his eyes: "What about you, where do you want to go?"

Wei Yue: "I can't tell you either."

"..." The two stared at each other.

"By the way..." Chen Qingye fixedly stared at the girl standing opposite him, and slowly asked, "Why have you never asked, where is the other person in our team?"

Wei Yue tit for tat: "Why don't you ask?"

Suddenly, they seemed to realize something at the same time, their expressions slowly solidified, and their eyes slowly widened: "You..."

"you… "

Blast stared blankly at the two people in front of him and frowned, "What kind of riddle are you playing?"

Wei Yue raised his hand and suddenly snatched the phone from blast's hand.

Blast was startled: "Hey, what are you doing?"

Chen Qingye didn't answer, but reached out and took out his mobile phone from his pocket, turned on the screen, and put it on the table.

Wei Yuelu followed closely, turning on his mobile phone and putting it aside.

The above three messages are exactly the same, all sent by the same person.

They stared at the same head and fell silent.


Blast seemed to have recovered after realizing it, he was stunned, his eyes slowly widened, he raised his hand, pointed to the two equally expressionless people in front of him, and stammered: "You, you, you. … you… !"

Chen Qingye pushed the frame of his glasses, and the lenses reflected a white light, hiding his eyes: "I think your guess is probably right."

"Damn it..." blast said with an unbelievable look on his face: "Impossible! He told me that I am the only one who knows about this..."

Wei Yue showed a warm smile and said slowly, "He told me the same."

Chen Qingye pushed up his glasses and said, "Me too..."

blast: "…"


They were all donkeyed.

Still the same person, using the same excuse as a donkey.

blast took a deep breath slowly, gritted his teeth and said, "ace!"

His words were so vicious that he almost wanted to swallow the opponent alive.

"I told you already! That man ace is very abominable! Extremely nasty! You still don't believe me!" he said angrily.

Chen Qingye asked quietly, "Then why did you keep it a secret for so long?"

blast: "…"

His whole face slowly turned red: "I, I just think you are stupid! To be played by him for so long, only I can see the true face of this person!"

Wei Yue: "…"

I will also listen.

Blast lowered his head covertly, and his eyes fell on the three mobile phones in front of him.

He was stunned for a while, then read the words on it carefully, and then his eyes flashed with anger: "That bastard! The information is still sent in groups!"

Not even a word is bad!