After an Infinite Flow Player Retires

Chapter 81: Door


Hearing this, Ye Jia's pupils shrank suddenly.

… grandfather

Mom's... Father

Across the cold steel railings, you can see the deformed and ugly body of the old man, as if slowly wriggling with the frequency of his breathing, the beating scarlet flesh was dyed with a greasy sheen by the light above his head. Going up is terrifying.

"He has maintained this state of being neither dead nor alive for more than 30 years..." The director-general reached out his hand and pressed it on the cold glass cover, with a pained expression on his face, and said:

"It is difficult for an average human to live to this age, but these sarcomas parasitic on him have always maintained his life."

Ye Jia fixedly stared at the old man who was hanged with half his life in the prison, his pale thin lips were slightly tightened, as if the blade could not be opened.

The weak old man opened his turbid and dull eyes, and his eyes slowly fixed on Ye Jia's body.

His face twitched slightly, and a faint squeak leaked from the corners of his slanted mouth: "... Who... ah?"

The chief opened his mouth, but before he could make a sound, he was interrupted by Ye Jia:

"How did he get like this?"

The chief was slightly startled, the expression on his face gradually became solemn and painful, he took a deep breath slowly, and said with difficulty:

"Actually, thirty years ago, the door... was opened."

Ye Jia's breathing stagnated, and he turned his head sharply to look at the director.

The door... was opened

What's the meaning


outside the headquarters of the Authority.

The gloomy darkness covers the building, almost blending into the night, but it cannot be penetrated by the light. If you look carefully, you can vaguely see a bunch of ugly faces, like dark clouds facing this place. The direction was oppressed, and in the vortex composed of ghosts and yin, the building of the Supernatural Administration stood alone, looking lonely and fragile, as if it would be swallowed up in the next second.

A screeching siren reverberated through the building, and a scarlet light that symbolized danger shone in the darkness, like the desperate gasps of the dying.

The employees on the night shift in the management office were pale, and they were fighting.

"The value... what is it?"

Another said: "No, I can't measure it!"

The most powerful detector in the Administration has been rushed to the highest value, and the thin pointer trembled in the dangerous red area, and it seemed to be rushing towards a higher place.

"Quick, contact support quickly!"

Another employee at the front desk raised his head with a sullen face, his mobile phone was still clutched in his stiff and cold fingers, and a busy tone came from the microphone:

"Can't get out..."

All communication with the outside world has been completely cut off and they are now isolated.

Suddenly, with a "click" sound, a pale arm stretched out from the cloud without warning, smashed the glass of the hall suddenly, and with a ten thousand balance, went straight to the person who was standing there. The nearest employee at the door is caught!

The sharp fingernails shone with icy cold light, as if they could cut through steel.

The employee's eyes widened, and his body couldn't move at all when he was in extreme panic. His trembling pupils reflected the giant hand reaching out at an uncapable speed, and he almost forgot how to breathe.

In the next second, a blood wall suddenly rose up on the ground, and the sharp tip mercilessly cut off the giant blue-white hand at the wrist.

In an instant, foul-smelling black blood splashed.

Hearing a "slap" sound, the huge hand slammed heavily on the ground, and a mournful howl sounded from outside the broken glass door.

Blood slowly flowed down the pale face of the employee, who had lost its blood.

This is the man's deep and magnetic voice from behind:

"Ah, it's okay."

Everyone was shocked and turned their heads suddenly to look in the direction from which the voice came.

The tall man slowly walked out of the darkness, with deep eyebrows and eyes, a pair of scarlet blood-like pupils flowing with eerie light in the shadows, and his eyes lightly looked down from the corpse that was still twitching on the ground. Sweeping up, as if passing some insignificant dust:

"If a human really dies, I won't be able to play handsome with my brother later."

… Humanity? !

It means that the man in front of him is not human

Everyone couldn't help being startled, and a terrified shudder climbed up their backs.

Immediately afterwards, more ferocious limbs slammed out from the darkness outside, as if angered by the frustration just now, and attacked the building fiercely—

The waves of blood rolled behind the man, as if possessing a sense of sanity, roaring and rushing towards the Specter who were trying to squeeze into the building, the corroded sizzle and screams echoed in the empty hall, the smell of rotten and foul smelling Instant steaming.

Ji Xuan glanced at them lightly: "Aren't you leaving yet?"

The moment his voice fell, the others woke up from a dream and stumbled toward the building.

Whether the man is human or not, friend or foe, in short run is the right thing to do.

Soon, only Ji Xuan was left in the hall, standing alone in the empty hall. Through the broken glass, he could see the greedy faces and terrifying bodies surging outside:

"Ji Xuan..."

A voice sounded from the dark clouds outside, it sounded like the reverberation of many voices, rough, slender, hoarse, malicious, countless voices twisted together, and simultaneously sounded: "You have forgotten yourself now. identity?"

Ji Xuan took a step out slowly, and the sea of blood under his feet suddenly spread out towards the outside of the building like a living creature.

As if being intimidated, the cloud outside the door suddenly retreated:

"you… !"

"Is it your identity?" Ji Xuan smiled, his scarlet pupils narrowed slightly, looking straight at the dark clouds rolling in the distance, he said, "You know what my mother gave me, the only task is ?"

Clouds rolled: "... what?"

The man's voice was low and hoarse, with a chilling sense of oppression: "Find ace."

The smile on Ji Xuan's lips deepened slightly: "Mother promised me that as long as I find him, I will deal with the rest."

He shrugged. "Look, essentially, I never disobeyed her orders."

Outside the building, the black clouds rolled more violently.

Ji Xuan walked out step by step, the sea of blood roared under his feet, bringing a sense of terror and coercion that could not be ignored. Every time he took a step forward, the heavy black clouds took a step back.

He said slowly, "It's the mother... who hid a lot of things from me."

Ji Xuan sighed regretfully:

"I have to say, as the son of her direct line, I am very sad."

- In a sense, the mother did not trust Ji Xuan.

Whether it was finding a container for herself or opening the door in M City, she never revealed a single bit to Ji Xuan.

She seems to have long realized that her direct son is not completely obedient, or perhaps to test and test the other party, she basically handed over important tasks to other S-level ghost lords, but only to find and transform Ye Jia task was entrusted to him.

Although Ji Xuan knew that his mother wanted to leave the game, what he didn't know was...

What is the mother going to do.

And, where is the real key location.

While releasing a bounty, he wanted to look for traces of ace, while he sent his subordinates in the dark to find and investigate the subordinates of other S-rank ghosts, tortured and tortured, and then asked about the existence of m city - it will become the key target of subsequent attacks.

After Ji Xuan came to M City, he slowly realized that—

It's not that this door is in M City, but that M City itself is this door.

So he bought the well.

But it was too late by then.

The transformation of the well has been completed, and it has become one of the cornerstones of the gate.

Since that time, the opening of the gate has been a foregone conclusion, and no one can stop it.

However, due to the suppression of his mother's blood, Ji Xuan could not reveal a word.

Looking for the part of the body, when they were investigating together, Ji Xuan slowly learned the whole picture - what the mother needed was not just a door, but a container.

As for the past of Ye Jia's mother's lineage, he knows no more than Ye Jia himself.

Looking at the fierce ghost cloud tide rolling in front of him, Ji Xuan smiled slightly:

"I think, on closer inspection, as a mother, I am afraid she will fail a little more than me as a son."

"So, what's your position to question me?"

The face of Zhang Ligui in front of him was resentful and terrifying, but he couldn't seem to find any words to refute. Layers of voices echoed in the dark storm clouds: "Ji Xuan, are you going to let it go?"

Ji Xuan's voice was cold and indifferent, with a hint of arrogance and malice almost cruel:

"of course not."

Behind, the blood-coagulated wall slowly rose, like a rolling wave in the dark: "Want to enter? Try it."

at the same time.

The Occult Authority is on the fifth basement floor.

Ye Jia turned his head to look at the chief director who was standing beside him, and asked slowly:

"… what?"

At this moment, the old man was breathing hard from the railing, his dirty eyes suddenly widened, and he muttered: "Door...! No! Quick..."

The Director-General sighed and said:

"Since you know... the disappearance of her body, you should have seen the symbol on the coffin, right?"

Ye Jia gave a low "um".

"Thirty years ago, due to ignorance and stupidity, humans...we once opened the door once."

The director-general's line of sight is far away, as if caught in a memory.

At that time, the Supernatural Administration had just been established, and every member was arrogant and full of enthusiasm. At that time, their director, Qi Shengze, was the most powerful and intelligent leader. At that time, they were all ordinary people. Can rely on spells and characteristics of firearms to fight ghosts.

However, human desires are endless, and the maliciousness that arises from desires is increasing with the development of the times.

Specter is getting stronger and stronger, Yin Qi is flowing in the streets and alleys, eroding the vitality of ordinary human beings, devouring one victim after another. It is difficult to win the battle, and more and more people are sacrificed.

Until... Qi Sheng found a way to break the game.

There is a spell that can open the door to the other side, and absorb and imprison all the ghosts above B-rank in the world.

Although very difficult, after more than ten years of hard work, they finally completed all the preparations.

The door opened with all the attention.

Indeed, all B-rank and above Specter were absorbed into that huge door.

However, what they didn't know was that those Specter were not imprisoned, but... eaten.

What they don't even know is... On the other side of the world, there is a more terrifying existence.

She is the source of evil thoughts and desires, the mother of all monsters and ghosts, and the most terrifying existence in the gap between reality and nothingness.

And she was awakened by fresh blood food.

Fortunately, the existence of the door itself is also a bondage. The door is opened, but it does not mean that she can come out directly from the other side.

After all the ghosts disappeared, the number of human deaths continued to surge, and the Occupational Authority began to realize that something was wrong—

As the builder of the entire technique, Qi Sheng paid a heavy price for his ignorance and stupidity.

The moment the door was opened, he was parasitized.

A steady stream of evil thoughts invaded into the real world from his body, releasing extremely terrifying power.

And his only daughter, as the chosen vessel, became a victim.

In the end, they finally realized that something more terrifying was trying to come out of the door, and the Occult Authority was determined to make up for their mistakes—

The director-general took off his glasses again, wiped the front of his shirt, and said:

"Over thirty years ago, the Occult Service was not reorganized."

He sighed: "But... no one survived."

Ye Jia was stunned, and in the flash of lightning, a thought flashed in his mind—could it be...

Just listen to the Director-General go on to say:

"Since you have seen the old signs of the Administration, you should also know the countless skeletons buried under those signs."

The piles of mummified corpses built into the wall, and the number of corpses that should not be in an ordinary cemetery, those scenes flashed quickly in front of Ye Jia's eyes.

"Blood sacrifice." The chief's tone was heavy and painful: "We had to sacrifice human life to completely close that door."

It was also from that day that a small number of humans began to have more powerful abilities.

It's not actually an ability, but another form of Yin Qi that can be controlled by humans.

—Although they paid a cruel price, human beings still achieved their original purpose.

All B-rank and above Specter have been wiped out. In addition to spells, humans also have means to protect themselves.

Since then, human beings can finally gain the upper hand in the battle with Specter.

However, such peace was exceptionally short-lived, only lasting for a short period of thirty years.

"As long as the door is opened, it can't be completely closed." The director-general seemed to be ten years older in an instant, he sighed and said, "In a place we don't know, there is a gap between the other side and reality. Let the mother pull potential people from the real world to the other side... Then, it becomes the current situation."

Even if the rest of the matter does not require further explanation from the chief director, Ye Jia has already understood the ins and outs.

The game is not just a simple killing machine.

Its role is to filter.

Without potential, weak human beings become blood food for Specter, and potential humans will accept gifts from their mothers, and are slowly transformed into Specter in the game, becoming her loyal subjects.

The game did not crash, but was deliberately opened.

Those weak ghosts and monsters are wanton chaos in the world, disturbing the sight, while the real high-level ghosts will be sent to complete the instructions given to them by their mothers, and everything is just for the same purpose - to accomplish nothing thirty years ago. The completed thing is to release the mother from the closed door.

"The close..." In the prison, the pale old man murmured, his shrunken limbs twitched instinctively, and the other half of the sarcoma squirmed along with it, making a sticky and disgusting sound, and he began to shout in a low voice something.

It took Ye Jia a while to recognize the other party's indistinct whisper:

“… Xiaorou, Xiaorou…”

The young man's eyes flashed suddenly, and a complex and unspeakable look flashed across his eyes.

He forced himself to look away.

The director-general observed his expression and sighed slowly: "As the only executive of the administration who survived the reorganization... Since that day, he has been imprisoned here as a war criminal. Director Qi also tried to commit suicide and went on a hunger strike. Cut wrists, even throats… but…”

These sarcomas kept him alive.

Waiting for the moment when the door opens again.

Ye Jia pursed his lips.

He turned his head and looked at the chief: "Can the door be destroyed?"

The director-general shook his head: "The door is not a concrete concept of reality. From the moment it is opened, its existence cannot be erased."

He continued: "Even if the mark of the authority above is erased, all the corpses are burned, and even that piece is razed to the ground, the door will still be there, the only thing that will change is its state... Open, or closed."

There was a tired look on his face:

"These things are also what I have learned on and off during this period of time."

After all, thirty years ago, the Director-General was just an ordinary peripheral employee, and he didn't even know anything about such a core thing.

After the gate of hell opened, he began to rummage through the vast sea of remnants of information, asking people who had been entangled with the incident.

However, the insiders in the past are almost dead, and there is only an old man with a chaotic mind, which makes his work very difficult.

Only recently has the Director-General pieced this information together.

At that moment, he couldn't help shuddering.

In the period after that, he has been dealing and talking with relevant high-level government officials and lobbying relevant departments.

Therefore, when the city of M made a request to evacuate the people, the above can approve it so quickly and start to enforce it.

Ye Jia frowned slightly, as if he suddenly thought of something, looked up and said:

"Do you know those malicious black rivers buried deep underground?"

"... What malicious intent?" The chief was taken aback.

It seems that the malice buried under every mark is the mother's handwriting.

They may be the center of events.

Ye Jia was lost in thought.

However, those malice can even contaminate Li Gui, and the little black hand was inadvertently eroded and lost his mind.

They simply cannot be touched, let alone destroyed.

What should be done

Ye Jia's eyebrows narrowed slightly.

After a long time, he turned to look at the chief and said, "Okay, I already know what I should know, let's go."

The chief turned his head and glanced at the old man behind him, sighed, and said, "Okay."

The two made the elevator slowly upward.

Before the elevator door was opened, they had already heard the terrifying screams outside.

The chief's face turned pale, subconsciously took a step back, and swallowed his saliva:

"... Just now, the person you were with, can he really do it alone?"

Ye Jia turned his head and glanced at him: "Don't worry about him."

Chief: "..."

This is not a matter of worrying or not! ! !

"He alone is enough." Ye Jia smiled and said.

The elevator door in front of him slowly opened, revealing a hall completely covered with filthy, stinky blood and bodily fluids. In the distance, at the door of the building, the man's back was slender and tall, making him look extremely insignificant in front of the overwhelming Specter, but he was determined like that. Standing there on the ground, even if he didn't move a step, the surrounding Specter couldn't move forward half a step, and the blood and stumps spread out, turning the whole world into a purgatory on earth.

The director-general's eyes widened in disbelief: "...he, who is he...?"

Ye Jia seemed to sound something suddenly and said, "Oh, you should have heard of his name too."

… what

The director-general looked at Ye Jia blankly.

I just heard the young man in front of him say lightly, "Ji Xuan."

… Ji Xuan

It does sound a little familiar...

and many more.

The chief's eyes widened suddenly, almost forgetting how to breathe, staring at the man not far away with his mouth open.

The ghost king Ji Xuan? ? ? ?

Ye Jia ignored the messy chief in the wind, and walked towards Ji Xuan.

Ji Xuan turned his head and looked over, his thin lips slightly hooked: "Brother, are you finished talking?"

Ye Jia made a "hmm", then raised his eyes to look at the hurricane-like ghost wave in front of him, frowning slightly: "It's you, why haven't you finished it for so long?"

Ji Xuan: "..."

He was a little discouraged and whispered: "The previous wave has been cleaned up."

Ye Jia fixed his eyes on the outside of the building, Li Gui's corpse had almost filled up the open space, and the ground could hardly be seen from layer to layer, ranging from B-level, A-level, to S-level, everything.

He was slightly taken aback: "What wave is this now?"

Ji Xuan thought for a while: "The fourth wave."

Staring at the hell-like scene in front of him, Ye Jia frowned tightly.

Not right.

He whispered: "... Is it worth spending so much money for an old man who has already been cut into the earth?"

At this moment, the Li Guichao in front of him suddenly stopped attacking.

The heavily stacked sound came from the dark clouds in front of me, and the smile was particularly mad: "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha !!!"

"Yes, as expected of ace." The voice sounded particularly vicious:

"However... our task has been completed, hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe..."

Along with the hideous laughter, the dark clouds in front of him slowly receded into the distance, and in the blink of an eye they dispersed, revealing the sky outside.

The sky above his head has gradually revealed the color of fish belly white, and the morning glow has been dyed a particularly ominous blood red.

At this moment, the mobile phone in Ye Jia's pocket suddenly vibrated twice.

He took out his cell phone.

The message should have been sent to him five hours ago.

It's a message from the forensic doctor.

The eyeball that was sent is gone.

Ye Jia was shocked, and his fingers tightened in an instant - not good!

These ghosts came not to prevent him from meeting the former director, but to keep him and Ji Xuan out of M City.


m city.

The plan given above is very complete, and the resources are very sufficient, as if this evacuation has been prepared for a long time.

Water, land, including air transport, everything is available, and the efficiency is extremely high.

After a day and a night of scheduling, most of the residents have been basically evacuated from the city, and only a small number are still blocking the roads out of the city.

The little girl hugged her mother's neck and looked curiously in the direction she came from.

She raised her fleshy little hand and pointed to the city of M, which was basically an empty city. The child's voice was tender and innocent: "Mom, what is that?"

The crowd followed the sound.

The sky behind him was drenched in blood-colored light.

Seen from above, blood-red lines on the ground emerge between the streets of the city, emitting a terrifying light, forming the pattern of a huge door.

There was a rumbling sound on the ground.

It's like... something terrifying, crashing behind it.