After an Infinite Flow Player Retires

Chapter 85: I can't leave you, brother


The shadow ghost was startled and turned his head to look in the direction from which the voice came.

The slender young man came against the light, and the sky behind him was an ominous dark red, which was reflected in the pupils of the other party's shadows.

"Where is Ji Xuan?" he asked.

"...King?" Yinggui was taken aback for a moment, it raised the shadowy hand and scratched its head: "Actually I..."

Before he could finish speaking, the young man stepped forward.

His face was the same as in the past, only one pair of eyes was scarlet like blood, exactly like the ghost king, giving his temperament a cold and evil sense of aggression.

Shadow Ghost: "!"

It suddenly widened its eyes and stammered, "Ah, Aye, you..."

At this moment, not far from them, a gap suddenly opened in the air.

I saw the figure of a Specter slowly materialize, leaned down deeply towards Ye Jia, and said respectfully:

"Hello, hello."

Ye Jia lazily said "um": "What's the matter?"

"Mother is waiting for you in the middle of the city."

Ye Jia frowned, and a vague guess emerged in his heart.

now that

When he was at the headquarters of the Capital Occult Administration, his mother told him to discuss it when he returned to M City.

Could it be that Ji Xuan is also with his mother

He raised his eyes and looked at the fearful Li Gui in front of him, and said casually, "I see."

Li Gui bowed deeply to Ye Jia again, and disappeared into the air in the next second.

The slender figure of the shadow ghost froze in place, and the face with blurred facial features was particularly dull.

That ghost... it has an impression.

The rank of that one is at least A-rank or above, and it can even compete with many S-rank Specter in battle, but at this moment it is so servile...


Shadow Ghost slowly turned his head to look at Aye who was standing beside him.

The other party was staring thoughtfully at the direction where the Specter disappeared, a pair of scarlet pupils squinting slightly, like a condensed sea of blood, invisibly bringing a bit of a chilling sense of oppression.

That is the color of eyes that only direct descendants can have.

And so far, there are only two that can be regarded as direct descendants, one is the king, and the other is…

The shadow ghost slowly opened his mouth wide, stared at the young man standing in front of him in disbelief, and stammered, "You, you..."

Ye Jia knew nothing of its ups and downs of mental activity.

He waved at the ghost ghost: "Let's go first."

The slender young man turned around, a blood-red gap opened in the air in front of him in an instant, and the powerful breath belonging to the direct line leaked from the ghost. He stepped in, and his figure was instantly swallowed by the void. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared in front of the ghost.

The streets were dead silent.

Shadow Ghost: "..."

It crouched down little by little and hugged its head slowly.

In the desolate ruins, there was a terrifying scream:

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

world... world view...

Crash! !


"you sure?"

Wu Su asked slowly with a solemn expression on his face.

"...Yes." The employee standing opposite him also had a heavy expression, his brows furrowed, as if shrouded in a cloud.

He took a deep breath slowly, his voice seemed to be squeezed from between his teeth, and said with difficulty: "This is... the news from the capital."

"Are the casualties... serious?" Wu Su's voice was extremely depressed.

"It's very heavy," the employee forced a smile. "However, the only good news is that after finding out that something was wrong, the rest of the people began to evacuate, at least... A large part of the living force was preserved."

"Where are they now?"

"In the underground shelter near the capital." The other party replied: "Now we are dealing with the wounded, recuperating, and sorting out the rescued materials."

Wu Su asked: "What about the current headquarters of the Administration? How is the situation?"

"It has been occupied by the Specter, and the surrounding area is covered with a thick layer of yin. Our intelligence personnel can't enter, but..." The employee hesitated for a while, as if he didn't know whether he should continue.

"But?" Wu Su frowned.

"But..." The other party took a deep breath and said, "It seems that someone witnessed that on the day of the attack, ace... appeared in the nearby area."

Wu Su was stunned: "...ace?"

He gritted his teeth: "Is the information accurate?"


The employee leaves the office.

Due to the attack on the headquarters, the members of the Authority in each city are now evacuated from the local Occult Authority and moved into secret shelters.

City m has been occupied, so the management bureau of city m was forced to merge with the sub-bureau of the neighboring city, and jointly withdraw into a shelter near the boundary of city m. The number of employees in the two sub-bureaus is not small, which leads to The area distribution seems tight.

Wu Su's current office is almost a third of what it used to be.

Messy documents are piled up on the dirty, wet concrete floor. A narrow wooden table is placed in the center of the room, which looks very shabby. Except for all kinds of radios and satellite communications, there is basically no other infrastructure. .

Wu Su took a deep breath slowly, his brows were wrinkled with anxiety, and he habitually raised his hand and tugged at his beard.

During this period of time, his beard was ripped apart, and even a small piece was bald in some places, looking very miserable.


He had never imagined that he had already seen ace's identity in the real world a long time ago—that back-office employee who was lazy and never seemed to be motivated was actually the legendary uncrowned king in the game, who was on the standings. No one can surpass the top of the list. Wu Su still remembers that on the day he and ace first met, when he was driving out, he happened to see Ye Jia who was waiting for the bus... Now that I think about it, it's kind of weird beyond common sense. .

However, before he could recover from this information-rich shock, what happened next made him dizzy.

The only player who cleared the level, the hope of mankind's counterattack, became... the enemy.

The image of the cold, white blade piercing through the girl's thin chest seemed to be branded on the retina. As long as Wu Su closed his eyes, he could see Wei Yue's wide-open eyes, and the scarlet blood flowers blooming in the chest cavity. tormented him all the time.

Wu Su originally thought that it had been so long, and he should have been accustomed to the departure of his companions.

However, for some unknown reason, the dull and dull pain still lingered in his heart all the time, unwilling to dissipate.

The adoration and longing for ace, the pain of his companion's departure, and the heavy hatred for the murderer weighed heavily on his shoulders, mixed into a complex emotion, which made him almost breathless.

Wu Su lowered his head, buried his face in his hands, and fell into a long silence.

Suddenly, the door to the office was slammed open.

Blast rushed in aggressively, and Chen Qingye followed him helplessly.

Wu Su was startled and raised his head.

"Sorry," Chen Qingye smiled at Wu Su, but there was not much apology on his face: "We heard some rumors, what happened in the capital?"

With a gloomy face, blast pulled away the chair and sat down.

Wu Su sighed.

He didn't expect to hide from the two people in front of him, so he told everything that happened at the headquarters - including the eyewitness testimony about ace's infestation.

Chen Qingye's expression slowly became solemn: "You mean, you suspect that ace has something to do with the slaughter of the General Bureau?"

Wu Su shrugged, looking tired: "I don't know, but..."

The evidence shows that.

He couldn't help but ask, "Have you ever noticed anything wrong?"

"Ace?" Chen Qingye shook his head and said, "If you are asking if I have found anything wrong with ace's position, then I can only say no."

He added: "Even now, I don't think ace is a Specter's undercover agent."

All the actions of the other party from the beginning to the present are all running for the survival of human beings, from the tasks performed by the ghosts dispatched by the mother, to the real gate in M city, if there is no Ye Jia, they are almost impossible. Discover the truth.

However, Wu Su did not participate in these experiences, so it is understandable that he would think so.

Chen Qingye turned his head to look at Wu Su: "Do you think a human who has already taken refuge with his mother will break the wall for you to rescue the hostages before entering M city?"

Wu Su gritted his teeth and nodded: "You are right."

During the past few days, the rumors circulating in the Administration also made him start to shake his position.

But what Chen Qingye said was really on point, so Wu Su couldn't refute it.

"Plus..." Chen Qingye raised his hand to support the glasses on the bridge of his nose, his eyes narrowed slightly behind the lenses, and said, "I don't know if you paid attention that day, there is blood on ace's jacket."

Wu Su was stunned.

Although it was daytime that day, the sky was occupied by dark clouds, and only the strange red light radiating from the city could be seen.

He was the furthest away, so naturally he didn't pay attention to the condition of Ye Jia's front.

Chen Qingye definitely came to the conclusion: "ace and mother should have played against each other."

Wu Su was shocked.

Just listening to Chen Qingye continue: "I suspect that it is very likely that the mother used some method to control the ace, which led to the present..."

Before he could finish his words, Blast, who had been sitting on the side since just now, with a gloomy expression on his face, suddenly stood up from the chair without saying a word.

The metal chair legs slammed against the concrete floor, making a harsh sound.

He gritted his teeth and said word by word, "I don't believe it."

The two in front of them were stunned.

Chen Qingye frowned: "What?"

Blast's red hair has almost become the only bright color in the room. The masseter muscles on his face are tense, and a pair of dark eyes flashes with scorching fire, as if he wants to use his own His eyes were torn to pieces, and he looked at the two people in front of him defiantly, as if he wanted to provoke a battle:

"I do not believe."

He said fiercely: "Wei Yue is not dead."

The room was dead silent, and the three of them looked at each other.

"Haven't you learned a lesson yet? Ace is a liar!" Blast's voice rose uncontrollably, and continued viciously: "I don't believe that maid is dead, do you understand?"

Wu Su stood up and seemed to want to appease the other party:

"But, you also saw what happened that day..."

Everyone who has known the ace weapon knows that there can be no survivors under the scythe, especially when they saw with their own eyes that the tip of the knife ripped open Wei Yue's chest and passed through the chest mercilessly - no one can learn from this surviving under circumstances, even for maids.

Although... they also want to believe in the possibility.

However, with the passage of time, especially the eyewitness testimony after the General Bureau of the Capital Administration was slaughtered, this possibility has become less and less likely.

The sooner you accept the facts, the better, instead of indulging in false hope and pinning the possibility of a comeback on an enemy.

blast said stubbornly, "I don't believe it."

He seemed to be pretty firm on his instincts this time around: "ace is a liar, and as I said, I'll never trust him again."

Blast said decisively: "So, I don't believe that he switched camps this time!"

Chen Qingye pushed his eyes and broke the stagnation in the air: "In fact, although I also think that the probability of this happening is very slim, but... the possibility cannot be ruled out."

Wu Su was stunned: "How do you say?"

"We haven't found Wei Yue's body yet, have we?" Chen Qingye said.

Wu Su fell into deep thought.


But it's not because they don't want to look for it, but because they really don't have the conditions.

After Ye Jia left that day, they evacuated the civilians and wounded from the dangerous area as quickly as possible, and there was no time to send people to explore the abyss.

Wu Su expressed his opinion.

Chen Qingye nodded thoughtfully: "That's it."

He thought for a moment, then concluded: "Then, I think we'd better prepare both hands next."

"What?" Wu Su asked.

"First of all, we must treat ace as an enemy. The opponent's strength is strong. If we take it lightly, we will pay a huge price." Chen Qingye said in an orderly manner: "Secondly, we must consider that the opponent is controlled by his mother. , so under the premise of the first point, contact the other party and look for the possibility of releasing the control... After all, if ace returns, it will become our reliable fighting force."

"Finally," Chen Qingye turned his head to look at blast with a gloomy face, and said:

"Although I agree with you that the possibility cannot be ruled out, the odds are too low and too ideal, so I don't recommend investing any manpower in this direction..."

blast looked unconvinced: "but..."

Chen Qingye interrupted him calmly: "Except for yourself."

blast was stunned.

Chen Qingye said: "You can go to M City to look for Wei Yue's corpse to verify your guess, but it's too dangerous there, and every member of the combat department is too precious to die for your guess. ."

Blast was refreshed, and the red hair on the top of his head seemed to be full of energy, and it burned again:

"no problem!"

"But I have one condition." Chen Qingye added.

"What conditions?" blast looked confident.

Chen Qingye asked, "Do you know what it means when you fail?"

"What?" There was a silly look on blast's face.

Wu Su interjected, his voice sounded particularly heavy: "Wei Yue is dead."

Blast was shocked, his expression gloomy again.

Chen Qingye made up for it mercilessly: "And he was killed by ace himself."

Blast's face became even more gloomy, the palms hanging by his side slowly clenched into fists, and the knuckles were white due to the force.

"So, my condition is that if you fail." Chen Qingye stared at the young man in front of him, and said word by word:

"Don't go to ace for revenge on the spur of the moment"

After a long time.

"…Okay," blast replied through gritted teeth.


The center of M City has long been shrouded in heavy yin and blood, and it is almost impossible to see the true color of the sky.

The ground is cracked, the houses are crumbling, and there are dilapidated ruins everywhere.

Between the ruins and the cracks in the ruins, the fleshy limbs wriggling beneath them are faintly visible.

Pale corpses piled up in the streets.

It seems to have been brought in from other cities, some rotten, some still fresh.

They were stacked together like some unimportant objects, releasing a foul and cloudy smell.

Ye Jia walked slowly along the street.

He raised his head and looked at the strangely shaped huge building not far away.

The huge stones and the broken cement slabs on the edge were stacked together, and the twisted-shaped steel bars slammed out of them and stabbed into the black and red sky, like a deformed and terrifying monster, landing abruptly in the center of the city.

Ye Jia retracted his gaze and walked towards the building.

The slender and straight back of the young man was slowly swallowed by the ugly, dark blood basin.

The further inward you go, the stronger the bloody smell.

Under the ground in the building, scarlet flesh can be seen winding up and down, and the amputated corpse that has not been fully digested can be seen vaguely.

At a glance, Ye Jia saw Ji Xuan who was standing not far away, and his mother who was stepping on the piece of meat that almost filled his field of vision.

The mother lowered her eyes and looked down at them. There was a faint smile on the face that was the same as Ye Jia's memory, but there was no trace of warmth, only empty, which almost made the spinal cord chill. The void is icy cold.

Ji Xuan turned his head to look at Ye Jia, his thin and sharp lips were slightly raised, and his scarlet eyes flashed:

"Brother, you are here."

He walked quickly towards Ye Jia's direction.

Ji Xuan stretched out his arms, hugged the waist of the young man intimately, pressed the two bodies tightly together, lowered his head, and kissed each other's cheek lightly, his lowered voice was ambiguous and hoarse: "I miss you so much."

Ye Jia's face remained calm, with a smile on his lips, and he hugged the opponent's back with his backhand:

"How long have I been gone?"

Ji Xuan bit the young man's ear, and said vaguely, "It's been too long."

His voice was very low, as if he was acting like a spoiled child, wrapped in wet and sticky possessiveness, overwhelmingly pressed towards the other party:

"I can't leave you, brother."

Ye Jia, whose ear was bitten by the other party, stiffened slightly: "..."


You guys are too involved.

Not far away, the slender woman slowly walked down from the high blood clot step by step.

Those eyes that seemed to focus on the deepest and heaviest evil thoughts in the world looked at the two in front of them, but with an almost loving expression on their faces, she looked at Ji Xuan and asked softly:

"Looks like you got what you wanted, right?"

With a smile on Ji Xuan's lips, he embraced Ye Jia's waist with both hands, holding him firmly in his arms, with happiness and contentment flashing in his eyes, as if the child finally embraced his favorite toy, as if Got the world in general:


He turned his head and leaned over to kiss Ye Jia, with a smile in his low voice:

"It's all my mother's credit."

Ye Jia could clearly see that there was a momentary stiffness on his mother's face.

He relaxed his body and leaned against Ji Xuan's arms, a pair of dark red eyes narrowed slightly, and a thoughtful look flashed at the bottom of his eyes.

It seems he guessed right.

My mother still doesn't like the fact that her two direct descendants get together.

Or... dread.

Ji Xuan turned his head and looked at his mother who was standing beside him: "I believe, you won't separate us, right?"

The mother replied with a smile, "Of course not."

She raised her hand towards Ji Xuan: "After all, I promised you, didn't I?"

"Yes." Ji Xuan leaned over and kissed the back of the other's pale hand, with a smile on his lips: "I am very grateful."

—From the very beginning, he had a promise from his mother.

Whether in the game or after leaving the game, his mother promised him the exact same reward—

With Ye Jia forever.

"But..." Mother withdrew her hand, with an embarrassed look on her face: "You should have discovered that I haven't fully entered the real world now, right?"

Ye Jia's heart trembled.

When he saw the pieces of meat that could not be recovered into the body, he had such a guess-because of some obstacle, although the mother can now penetrate into reality, but there are still some conditions that have not been met, so Only her huge original body will wriggle under the ground of M City, so she will propose this one-month deadline.

But what Ye Jia didn't expect was that the other party would say this matter in front of him so recklessly.

What does she want to do

Just listen to the mother continue to say: "As long as this period of time has passed, the whole world will be ours. At that time, even if we don't want to, human beings will have to submit to our rule and become our meat and bait. We will Complete control of the world, and you two... are my favorite children, and will receive the most fertile reward in this world, and at that time, I will be able to completely fulfill my promise to you."

She looked at Ji Xuan: "—to be together forever."

My mother said, "In order to achieve this goal, there are some things I need you to help me achieve."

"Would you like to help me with this?" she asked kindly.

Ye Jia looked at the evil eyes of the woman in front of him and smiled: "Of course."


After half an hour, Ji Xuan and Ye Jia left where their mother was.

After feeling the peeping on his body disappeared, Ye Jia moved his shoulders and arms a little unhappily, raised his hand and patted Ji Xuan's arm that was still tightly wrapped around his waist, and said in a bad tone:

"Hey, have you had enough hugs?"

Unexpectedly, the other party did not let go, but increased his strength a little, and said coquettishly:


Ye Jia: "..."

He rolled his eyes, raised his hand and pressed it on the opponent's hand, ready to force Ji Xuan's arm apart.

However, before Ye Jia had time to exert force, he felt that the other party came close to his ear without warning. There was a hint of ambiguous smile in his deliberately lowered voice, and his cold lips touched his cheeks. Earlobe: "Destroy or be destroyed, devoured or devoured?"

Ye Jia suddenly widened his eyes, and his movements froze.

and many more…

This... isn't this what he said to his mother at OCS headquarters, exactly

Why, Ji Xuan, would know

His mind went blank for a moment.

Ye Jia still remembered that he said next...

The next second, he felt the other party's body leaning over, and the cold and wet tip of the tongue gently licked his earlobe. Unlike the extremely aggressive action, the other party's voice seemed particularly aggrieved:

"Brother, why can't you confess to me?"