After an Infinite Flow Player Retires

Chapter 86



This... is this a public execution

Ye Jia seemed to be struck by lightning, with a blank expression and stiff body.

He slowly turned his head, looked at the man standing beside him, and asked dryly:

"you… "

He took a deep breath: "You, why are you...?"

Ji Xuan squinted his eyes with a smile on his lips, and took the conversation: "Why would I know?"

"After all, this is the first time you have been alone with your mother..." He leaned down, rubbed his chin on Ye Jia's shoulder affectionately, and said coquettishly, "I'm worried about my brother."

The mother only called Ye Jia this time, and deliberately excluded Ji Xuan. There must be some purpose.

Especially since they are still not entirely sure if the mother really believed in ace's defection,

So in order to prevent his mother from suddenly attacking, Ji Xuan was not going to let Ye Jia go to the capital alone to face his mother - while he healed the wound on Ye Jia's neck, he secretly left a few drops of blood. Monitor the meeting from a distance in case things change.

did not expect…

He could actually hear what the other party said... that kind of thing.

Through the blurred blood mirror, Ji Xuan was shocked physically and mentally, and his mind was blank. He could only hear the other party's voice clearly ringing in his ears through the far distance, and every word was knocked down heavily. Makes him dizzy.

My brother said... I like it.


He felt some kind of strange emotion bulging in his silent and cold chest, like wildly growing vines, as if to break through the shackles of his ribs, wrapping around his throat and heart, causing a strange and unfamiliar terrifying pain.

Something is out of control.

As a Specter, Ji Xuan Mingming no longer needed to breathe, but for some reason, a dizzy suffocation was overwhelming him.

The joy that suddenly exploded in his mind was so strong that it almost scared him.

Even if Ji Xuan knew very well that the other party said this to hide from his mother, he still couldn't control his instinctive emotional reaction.

More joy than flirting, more profound than pain.

Ji Xuan lowered his eyes and looked at the young man in his arms.

The other person's body was as cold as his own, but it gave him an almost hallucinatory warmth.

He raised his lips, lowered his head and rubbed the side of Ye Jia's ear, his voice was low:

“…I am very happy.”

Even knowing it was a stopgap, he still...

very happy.

As the cold and soft touch brushed past his ears, the other party's voice sounded like thunder in Ye Jia's ears, awakening him from the sluggish state where his body was stiff and his mind was blank.

Like a cat whose tail was stepped on, Ye Jia suddenly jumped three feet high.

This kind of instinctive stress response, even Ji Xuan did not hold the other party down.

Ye Jia angrily gave Ji Xuan an elbow, broke free from the opponent's embrace, then turned his head and stared at the opponent in disbelief:

"you… "

He stared at the innocent-looking man in front of him, his lips slightly open, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't utter a single syllable for a long time.


Ye Jia took a deep breath, pressed the unspoken words back into his throat, and finally gave Ji Xuan a vicious look, then turned around abruptly and walked forward with a gloomy face.

Ji Xuan thoughtfully touched his abdomen.

Compared with the actual beating before, the other party's blow just now was light, almost a little flustered, and didn't even bring much strength.

He raised his head and watched the rapidly shrinking back of the other party.

No matter how you look at it, there is a feeling of running away.

Ji Xuan slightly narrowed his long and narrow eyes, the scarlet eyeballs shone with joy under the long eyelashes, and he raised the corners of his lips without a trace.

It seems that what the other party said before may not be 100% false and playful.

The smile on his lips deepened a little, and he quickly chased after him, with a slightly longer ending:

"Brother, wait for me."


edge of m city.

Blast marched alone towards the ruins of the city shrouded in clouds and blood. His whereabouts were very restrained and secretive. His body was light and almost completely integrated into the surrounding darkness. Going to the big hole, but a circuitous detour, tortuous approach.

Along the way, he was very careful with the casting of his abilities.

Fire light means bright, although it can protect itself, it can also lead to the exposure of whereabouts.

Blast deftly crossed the gap in the wall, like a shadow, and quietly sneaked into the city.

The previous calls for help and panicked screams have long been blown away by the north wind. The ground full of ruins is full of large and small cracks. The air seems to still have the bloody smell of that night, and the sticky air is almost impossible to breathe. .

According to his memory, he quickly came to the gap where Wei Chuan fell.

The chunks of meat that were wriggling under the ground that day had disappeared for some unknown time. The stale and foul smell came from the darkness with no end in sight. There were still faint traces of blood on the pitted rock walls. There is almost no end in sight.

Blast lowered his head and stared fixedly at the abyss below.

He still remembered what Chen Qingye said when he found himself before he left:

"... Even if you can't find Wei Yue's body, it doesn't mean your guess has been confirmed. Are you aware of this?"

Not to mention that there are mother's limbs under some crevices. Once they fall in, they will be swallowed up. Even if they are not eaten by their mother, there are too many ghosts in M City, and it is not impossible that there will be no bones left to be swallowed. thing-

blast gave a deep "um" and threw the backpack onto his back.

He knew that the chances of getting an exact answer on his trip were slim - but he had to go.

He had to see Wei Yue's body with his own eyes.

Blast took a deep breath slowly, carefully jumped down the rock wall, and dived deeper little by little.

The further down, the narrower.

The air was turbid, and the walls on both sides seemed to be trying to squeeze him together little by little.

blast jumps from one foothold to the next.

He could see broken concrete slabs, twisted steel bars, broken stones, and many mutilated human corpses.

blast looked patiently.

He turned over each corpse, looking for the familiar face.

Not this one.

Neither is this one.

Not here, not there.

Before he knew it, he had dived very deep.

Unexpectedly, the rock wall that had been tightening suddenly became wider.

The small stone under his feet fell and hit the ground, making a fine and hollow sound.

Actually... it came true

blast froze slightly.

He raised his hand, and his fingertips carefully raised a cluster of flames, illuminating the bottom.

Indeed, in the depths of the crevice, there is a long passage with no end in sight.

blast jumped from above,

The passage is not too narrow, the rock walls are wet, exuding a damp stench, and there are mutilated bones and half-rotten limbs scattered everywhere.

Blast frowned slightly and walked forward along the passage.

The terrain here is very complex, with narrow passages connected to each other and extending in all directions.

There were loud voices in the distance.

"… hurry up, hurry up and dig!"

The voice laughed cruelly, accompanied by the whizzing of the whip, and the painful and miserable wailing echoed in the narrow passage:

"Slackers will be eaten, hahahahahaha!"

blast froze slightly.

He remembered what Wu Su and Chen Qingye talked about on the day they were evacuated from M City—

They believe that there is a reason why the mother gave humans a one-month deadline, she would not be merciful, then there must be something preventing her from launching a full-scale aggression.

Is it...

Is it related to the scene in front of you

Blast is not very skilled in hiding his aura, although he can't keep up with ace in this respect, but it is more than enough to fool the average Specter.

He slowly approached the direction from which the voice came.

I saw a burly and pale-skinned Specter standing at the end of the passage, holding a huge iron whip. The iron whip was full of thorns and looked extremely terrifying.

In front of it is a series of ghosts bound with steel chains, all of them with sad and miserable faces, trembling under the lewd power of that tall ghost, they are digging down with all their strength.

Blast noticed that although they possessed the unique Yin Qi and Death Qi of Li Gui, they were relatively weak.


It stands to reason that even the weakest Specter, since he can have an entity, his aura should not be so weak.

And most importantly... what are they digging

Blast narrowed his eyes slightly and approached from the side.

At this time, he suddenly saw in a trance that one of the people's face was very familiar.

blast froze.

In an instant, the forgotten image flashed through his mind, making him froze.

The one who used to be, an employee of the Occult Administration, who had passed by the corridors of the Administration, and had also appeared in previous missions to rescue civilians, but died in the process of fighting the ghost. .

Only then did Blast notice that these Specters were wearing civilian clothes.

He was suddenly shocked.

These people... are not weaklings from the game, but—

A human soul transformed into a ghost.

When blast was stunned, there was a sudden chaos not far away.

I just heard a huge sound that suddenly exploded in front of me. The sound seemed to come from the depths of the ground. It echoed between the ground and the wall like a muffled thunder. The blast felt the ground under his feet trembling frantically. A strange noise spewed out from under the ground, and he had to raise his hand to support the wall, barely able to stabilize his body and not be shaken above the ground.

That voice... It seemed to be the whining and cry of countless unjust souls, surging in all directions, making people feel a little creepy.

In the next second, a dark and viscous liquid suddenly poured out of the underground tunnel that was being dug by many ghosts.

The liquid seemed to have life, and tentacles protruded without warning, and the blurred human faces were raised in the liquid. .

Blast was so shocked that he almost forgot to breathe.

He widened his eyes in astonishment.

The malice floating in the air was the only horror he had seen in his life, so thick that it seemed to be able to turn into reality, making him have the illusion that he would also be corrupted.

The pitch-black liquid stuck to those human souls like pitch, engulfing them in it.

The ghosts wailed, screamed, and struggled, but they couldn't get rid of the entanglement and bondage of that kind of thing at all, and could only be dragged into it alive and become part of the sticky maliciousness.

The blue-faced Specter had already stepped back.

Holding an iron whip, it stood tall at the top of one of the tunnels, with a loud, piercing laughter from its mouth, as if it were very pleased with the misery in front of it.

"Okay, it's done here."

Li Gui turned around, his heavy body stepped on the ground, and the entire tunnel vibrated slightly.

The small pebble fell, and the pitch-black liquid surface that had gradually stabilized fluctuated, and the screaming face inside could be vaguely seen.

"'s time for the next one."

Li Gui's voice was heavy, and his muttering voice echoed under the empty ground.

Blast forced himself to withdraw his eyes from the viscous liquid surface—the instinct he had cultivated in years of battle told him that he must not touch these things.

He raised his head, looked at the burly and sturdy back of the sturdy ghost, which was slowly disappearing from the tunnel in the distance, and narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

After a few seconds.

Blast took a deep breath and sneaked up.


After saying goodbye to his mother, Ji Xuan and Ye Jia came to the location of a property under his name.

Although the scope of the mother's peeping was wide, it happened to be in one of the blind spots that she could not perceive.

Ye Jia turned his head to look at Ji Xuan: "Did you already think about this day when you bought these places?"

Ji Xuan shrugged: "Of course."

He raised his hand and pushed the door open.

"After all, I have to prepare both hands."

"Which hands?" Ye Jia walked in behind him and asked casually, "Can the door be opened?"

Ji Xuan: "No."

He turned his head and looked at Ye Jia very seriously: "Do you want to be a human or a ghost."

Ye Jia was stunned.

He fixedly glanced at Ji Xuan, and snorted softly, "You are slick."

Ji Xuan was not annoyed either.

He curled his lips into a smile, as if he was very pleased with it, and asked, "Does my brother like it?"

This sentence is a double entendre.

Ye Jia coldly looked back: "No."

Ji Xuan sighed regretfully.

It's more interesting that my brother was a little helpless just now - he really likes to see other emotions other than calmness on the other's face, but unfortunately this is too rare.

Suddenly, Ji Xuan raised his eyes, looked at a corner not far away, his scarlet eyes narrowed slightly, and said solemnly:

"come out."

Ye Jia turned his head and looked in that direction.

He raised his eyebrows: "Ami?"

Now, I can't hide it if I want to.

As a last resort, the figure of the shadow ghost slowly emerged in mid-air.

In fact... it came this time to report the progress of its mission to Wang.

But what I didn't expect was that just after it came, it saw the "people" it didn't want to see for the time being.

The culprit who made his worldview collapse.

The ghost ghost stood there a little stiffly, neither advancing nor retreating, looking at Ji Xuan for a while, and Ye Jia for a while, feeling that his non-existent internal organs were knotted together, until Ji Xuan opened his mouth to call it, It was forced to show its stature.

Looking at the two people in front of him, the shadow ghost's face with blurred facial features was tangled in a ball, looking very weird and funny.

"Done?" Ji Xuan asked indifferently.

Shadow Ghost hurriedly stepped forward: "Yes... yes!"

Ye Jia sat relaxed on the sofa behind him, leaned back slightly, his scarlet eyes were half-closed, hidden under the long eyelashes, giving an inexplicable sense of oppression: "You asked Ami to do what?"

Ji Xuan sat down next to Ye Jia.

He leaned over naturally, lowered his eyes, and whispered: "It's nothing, just put some of his subordinates in the mother's camp."

His posture was very casual and intimate, with no sense of disobedience at all, as if he should have done so.

Ye Jia frowned and stepped aside: "Squeezed to death."

"Is there?" Ji Xuan didn't change his face, and said shamelessly, "Why don't I think so?"

Shadow Ghost: "..."

I shouldn't be here.

I should be under the car.

Ji Xuan raised his eyes and looked at the ghost who was still standing in front of him, frowning: "What are you doing here?"

Shadow Ghost: "..."

Do you think I want to! ! ! !

After being stuffed with dog food, Ami, who was choked with some flatulence, turned around in despair.

"Bye." Ye Jia waved his hand.

Ami waved her hand habitually: "Goodbye..." Aye.

…Wait, Aye.

Aye is ace.

That abominable and terrifying human being, a scumbag who has always been a mess.

Ami felt that her internal organs were twisted into knots again, her left foot stumbled on her right foot, she almost fell, and then rushed out in a hurry.

The culprit, Ye Jia, blinked and looked at the other party's back with a strange posture:

"Do you think Ami is a little weird?"

Ji Xuan said absently, "No."

Taking advantage of the other party's distraction, Ji Xuan leaned in the direction of Ye Jia without a trace, and stuck to him again sticky.

Ye Jia frowned, unaware of the other party's small movements: "Are you sure?"

Ji Xuan stretched out his hand and hugged Ye Jia's waist.

He nodded with a straight face:


When Ye Jia came back to his senses, the other party had once again stuck to his body like dog skin plaster.

Ye Jia: "..."

my day.

He took a deep breath slowly, raised his hand, pinched the bridge of his nose, and said with anger, "Let go."

"Don't let it go."

Ye Jia didn't want to have such a nutritious conversation with the other party anymore.

Every time he gets rounded in.

Ye Jia gritted his teeth and said, "Are you naive?"

The next second, the tall body next to him suddenly shrank.

The little boy hugged the young man's arm tightly, raised a pale and beautiful face, a pair of ruby-like eyes narrowed slightly, with a faint smile on his lips, and a childish childish voice said coquettishly:

"Not childish."

Ye Jia: "..."

… Kill me.

Why is this ghost so troublesome

In the end, Ye Jia still forcibly pulled his hand out of the other's embrace.

Looking at the disappointed face of the other party, he said that he was not soft-hearted at all - but he did not implement the plan he had made in his heart just now:

Get up from the couch and stay away from the clingy guy.

Ji Xuan raised his face and looked at Ye Jia who was sitting beside him. In the place where the other party couldn't see, there was a glimmer of the success of the plan in his eyes.

After breaking free from the other party's commotion, Ye Jia remembered his purpose of looking for Ji Xuan in the first place.

"By the way," he said, raising his hand, his cold and pale fingertips swiped in the air, and a scarlet gap cracked open: "This..."

In the gap, the little black hand climbed out first.

Ye Jia: "..."

Ji Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly: "..."

Under the oppressive icy gaze of the other party, the little black hand trembled, and subconsciously shrank to Ye Jia's side.

Ye Jia: "...What are you doing here?"

The little black hand said sadly: "I finished reading the novel, and there is no bsp in it; Ye Jia: "There is no city outside and after being occupied by my mother, all the basic power facilities inside have stopped running, including all the network base stations.

"What?!" Little Black Hand was startled and looked up at Ye Jia in disbelief.

But the next second, it suddenly saw the other party's scarlet pupils, and all of a sudden it shivered, and stammered: "You you you—"

and many more…

How long have you been in the ghost world? ! ! !

Why is the world changing so much that it cannot keep up with it at all! ! ! !

Looking at the messy little black hand in front of him, Ye Jia said calmly, "Oh, yes, now I'm a ghost."

Little Black Hand: "..."

Ye Jia: "Mother is out."

Little Black Hand: "..."

Ye Jia: "She is now ready to occupy the human world and destroy all mankind."

Little Black Hand: "..."

Ye Jia: "Okay, that's about what happened recently, you can go back now."

After speaking, he ruthlessly grabbed the little black hand and shoved it back towards his ghost.

Little Black Hand: "Wait wait!"

Ye Jia's action paused: "What?"

Little Black Hand hesitated for a moment: "That... human beings, can they not perish?"

It crawled on the edge of Ye Jia's ghost and asked carefully.

Ye Jia was a little surprised: "Huh? Why?"

"Humans are actually pretty good, right?" Little Black Hand didn't know Ye Jia's current camp, so he had to rack his brains and stammered: "Although you are a ghost now, but look, they have bsp ; Cheng Cezhi, Wei Yue, Chen Qingye…

All are friendly.

It asked pitifully, "Can you tell your mother? Let's get along?"

Ye Jia's expression softened slightly.

He smiled: "I'll try."

Little Black Hand: "!"

Before it was happy, he felt Ye Jia raise his hand and grab its body, then shoved it back abruptly, and said indifferently:


Little Black Hand: "..."

Although he has turned into a ghost, this man is really as wicked as before.

Ji Xuan: "So... this is what you want to show me?"

Ye Jia: "... No."

He opened the ghost creature and took out the notebook with black and red blood clots and minced meat remaining on the cover.

Ji Xuan frowned: "What is this?"

Ye Jia's movements paused: "At this time, the notes hidden by the former director of the Supernatural Administration."

- Hiding in his body covered with sarcomas.

"The door was opened once more than 30 years ago, and he was the one who opened it," he said.

Ji Xuan nodded thoughtfully: "...So it is."

Since the two of them acted separately that day, he actually didn't know about the conversation that took place on the fifth underground floor, and Ye Jia didn't have the opportunity to tell the whole story later.

However, now is not the time to go into details.

Ye Jia took a deep breath, shook the notebook gently, and patted the dried minced meat on it:

"Obviously, after so many years in prison, he still hasn't given up on continuing to study things related to the door and his mother, so I think there should be a lot of information here that we can use."

He raised his eyes and looked at Ji Xuan: "Maybe it will be a turning point."