After an Infinite Flow Player Retires

Chapter 87


Ye Jia opened the cover of the notebook.

It looked old, and the specially treated paper had an eerie blue glow, making the writing on it more legible.

On the title page is a line of small characters crookedly written, which has been blurred by the erosion of the years, and the content can be barely recognized.

Happy Father's Day.

The font is immature, but the strokes are very serious.

Ye Jia's gaze stayed on the line of words for a moment, the movement in his hand paused slightly, and then he quickly turned the page over.

Ji Xuan sat beside him, with his scarlet eyes half-squinted, he stared thoughtfully at the young man in front of him.

Ye Jia carefully flipped through the contents of the notebook.

This seems to be a diary. The dates on it are not consecutive. The length of each diary is not the same, but the content is very similar. It records some daily trivial matters. It seems to be an essay written by an old man at will. similar.

Until Ye Jia finished the whole book, he could not find any useful information.

"How is it?" Ji Xuan asked at the right time.

Ye Jia shook his head and frowned slightly: "Nothing."

Should not be ah.

A notebook with special anti-corrosion treatment, hidden in the former director's body parasitized by sarcoid, and carefully preserved in the notebook, there is no information related to the door.

Just because it was a gift from her daughter to herself

Ye Jia turned over the notebook again, and the pages full of words made a clattering sound, blank and blank, text and text were scattered with each other, and quickly passed in front of his eyes.

… and many more.

Ye Jia widened his eyes.

It's not that there's no information in it, but it's... encrypted.

His back involuntarily straightened slightly, his eyes fixedly staring at the small black book in front of him, his mental energy was extremely concentrated.

After so many years of experience in the game copy, Ye Jia is no stranger to this kind of encryption and decoding. Generally speaking, in order to decipher this kind of password, you need a string of key characters, that is, the key, if there is no key It is almost impossible to decode it under the circumstance of looking for a needle in a haystack...

Ye Jia seemed to suddenly think of something, and was slightly startled.

He slowly turned the book to the title page.

- Happy Father's Day.

On the light blue paper, the line of crooked small characters is particularly clear.

The former director - his maternal grandfather, what is the most regretful thing

Driven by ambition, he opened the door and killed his daughter.

So... what would the key be

Ye Jia gently stroked the title page with his fingers, and there was an inexplicable look flashing in his scarlet eyes.

He turned his head to look at Ji Xuan: "Paper and pen, do you have any?"

Ji Xuan nodded, his pale fingers hooked lightly, and the paper and pen flew over from one of the rooms not far away and floated in front of Ye Jia.

Ye Jia said a lot of thanks, and then began to write at the desk and began to try one by one.

- Mother's name.


- Mother's birthday.


- Mother's birthday.

Not at all.

Ye Jia was a little stuck. He raised his head and looked at the densely packed paper with four or five pages spread out in front of him, frowning with a headache.

If none of these are keys, what are

Ji Xuan, who looked like a child, bent down beside him, twisted one of the papers with his fingers, and frowned, "What is this?"

Ye Jia pulled the piece of paper back from his hand: "Decode."

He pointed to the small notebook: "I think the former director encrypted the contents of his notebook in order to..."

Ye Jia was stunned suddenly.


What is the purpose for? Is it to deceive your mother

This small book is hidden in Qi Shengze's body. If it records the method of closing the door, as long as the mother finds out the existence of this notebook, she does not need to decode the content and just destroy it.

So, this password is not against ghosts, but against people.


If Qi Sheng had already figured out how to close the door, if he had the time to write it down, would it be bad to tell the management directly

However, he chose to encrypt and write what he had researched on a notebook and hid it in his body - you know, at that time, the door had not been opened, and the game had not even been born.

Ye Jia's fingers slowly tightened, and the fingertips turned white due to the force.

- The Occult Authority's water is probably deeper than he imagined.

However, in this case, at least the scope of the key is reduced.

It can't be public information. Names, dates of death, and birthdays are too conspicuous. If it is the Administration, then it is completely meaningless to use these things as keys.

What could it be

Ye Jia lowered his eyes, and his eyes fell on the title page of the notebook. He raised his hand and stroked the smooth surface of the paper with the pulp of his fingers.

In an instant, it was like a bright lightning suddenly piercing the dark night sky, and the long-forgotten memory seemed to be the gravel rolled up by the torrent, flashing in his mind without warning—

He was slightly startled, and his fingertips stayed on "Father's Day" for a moment.

In Ye Jia's memory, the relationship between his mother and her father did not seem to be good. He had never seen his grandfather, and rarely heard the existence of this person from his mother's mouth.

The only time she talked to him about her father was on a certain night.

Ye Jia couldn't recall the cause and effect, only a fragment of a broken scene.

The woman with an elegant face drooped her head slightly, her clean profile was illuminated by the light, she seemed to be immersed in memories, and her voice was gentle, speaking in the dark and safe night, she said, "My father is a very busy man. Man, he almost never comes home. I always missed him when I was young, so every Father's Day, I would prepare a gift to be brought to his unit... But he never called me back, I didn't show up either, and it went on for two or three years, so I gave up, and when I grew up, I found out..."

She laughed:

"It turns out that the date of Father's Day changes every year, and I only remember the specific time when I was four years old, so none of the gifts I sent in the past arrived on the correct date, so those packages were all considered by his unit as He was stopped by a prank, but he never received a present from me."

At that time, Ye Jia, who was still young, raised his head and stared at his mother's face ignorantly.

There was no superfluous expression on the woman's face, but it just gave him a very sad feeling - this sadness left a deep impression on Ye Jia.

Coupled with the impact of his mother's death in front of him, every frame of memory Ye Jia and his mother got together became precious.

So although time has passed for a long time, he can still recall it now.

Mother... Four years old, the date of Father's Day.

Ye Jia was stunned for a moment, then took out his phone and flipped through the calendar on it.

Using the year, month and day as the key, he began to decode the notebook in front of him.

ten minutes later.

Ye Jia slowly straightened up and stared at the paper full of words scattered on the ground in front of him, with a strange gleam in his eyes.

… it worked.

The contents of the first few sentences of the notebook were successfully decoded, which means that the key is correct.

In fact, the event itself... represents a lot of information.

The purpose of creating ciphertext is twofold, not only to prevent people from knowing its content, but also to allow the correct person to interpret it.

This date, only the mother herself knows.

At the time of writing this diary, she and her husband were confirmed dead.

The only immediate family left, then, would be...


Ye Jia's lips pursed tightly and his pupils shrank.

Without him, this diary would be impossible to unravel, which would mean—

From the moment my grandfather was put in prison, he knew very well that Ye Jia, who was young at the time, had an irreplaceable role in the entire incident that followed.

Ye Jia will definitely live to that moment and see this diary.

This is… just written for him.

The truth of the matter seemed to have begun to unfold slowly in front of him.

Ye Jia felt his fingertips tremble slightly, whether it was because of excitement or fear, or both.

He took a deep breath, lowered his eyes, and resumed his unfinished work.


Blast hid his aura, chasing after the burly ghost, and continued to move forward along the underground tunnel.

The underground passages meander, and the soil layers on both sides have traces of new excavations, extending in all directions.

The more Blast moved forward, the more frightened he became, and he almost began to wonder if the underground of M City had been hollowed out.

A shimmer of light appeared on the top of the soil layer not far away.

The sound of heavy objects falling sounded overhead, and the gravel and dust on the top of the head fell, making a fine sound in the empty passage.

Blast lowered his body slightly and looked towards the direction through a layer of shimmering light.

Countless pale and twisted limbs appeared in his field of vision, and the layers of corpses were stacked together with almost no end in sight, making it almost impossible for Blast to tell how many corpses there were outside.

There was a clanging sound of chains hitting each other.

Countless souls were pulled from the corpse.

Under the shroud of extraordinarily thick yin qi around, those souls that were relatively thin and scattered were dyed gray and black, and were forcibly turned into ghosts.

One by one, they were thrown into the underground passage. They let out a miserable wailing and a painful cry for help. They were whipped by the thorny whip in the hand of the Specter, and they walked hard to the distance.

Under the coercion of the Specter, the new group of ghosts continued to dig into the depths.

The purpose should still be to dig that black liquid full of malice.

Blast fixedly glanced at the mourning soul not far away, gritted his teeth heavily, and tightened his knuckles slightly, making a rattling sound of bones rubbing against each other.

Although he really wanted to do something, but...

Although lacking in resourcefulness, blast is still very wise in combat. He is very aware that he is now in the enemy camp, and he can only fearlessly die if he acts rashly.

At this time, there was a faint voice of conversation coming from the tunnel above, and most of the content was not very real, but blast keenly captured a few key words:

"... direct line, ace... "

He was slightly startled and looked up in the direction where the voice came from.

Are those ghosts talking about ace

Blast turned his head, took one last look at the tormented souls, then turned and leaped out of the cave, as if determined.

His movements are light, his body is flexible, and he hardly makes any sound when he hits the ground.

This is already in the city of m city.

The sky is darker than outside the city, and the top of the head is shrouded in red and black, giving people a feeling of breathless oppression.

The surrounding buildings are full of ruins, and there are tall mountains of corpses piled up not far away. Against the gloomy background, it looks like a huge pale monster.

Blast turned his head to look in the direction from which the sound came, and saw two Specters walking toward the city center one after the other.

He followed up secretly, standing a short distance away, listening carefully.

The two seemed to be talking about digging underground tunnels and the living people being sent from all directions.

"... A thousand and two hundred came from the east side, and they have all been thrown in."

"How many people are needed to dig out all the springs?"

"I don't know, it's tens of thousands." The Specter replied indifferently: "These are not things we should worry about, just take care of your own affairs."

That body was like jelly, and Li Gui, who had four or five faces on his head, shrank back:

"But... but..."

"But what?"

"The direct line is really scary..." It trembled visibly to the naked eye, and four or five faces had frowning expressions at the same time: "I really think I will be killed..."

"Then try hard not to be killed." The other Specter had a very indifferent attitude, as if he didn't care about the safety of his companions: "You only need to survive this month anyway."

"One month?" The jelly monster squirmed and hurriedly followed: "After a month, can I not be responsible for sending them a message?"

"Hey hey hey." The Specter gave a gloomy laugh, "Yes."

"After a month...the mother doesn't need them anymore."

… unnecessary

What's the meaning

blast widened his eyes, his breath changed slightly.

Before he could figure out these joints in his mind, he saw that the two Specters in front seemed to have suddenly noticed something and turned their heads abruptly, and countless pairs of eyes radiated vicious and malicious light: "Who?!"


blast froze all over.

His level of concealment is not high, and it's okay to deceive the slow ghost below. Once he encounters a more sensitive high-level ghost, the possibility of being discovered is very high.

Blast hurriedly backed away, avoiding one of the sharp claws attacking him, then turned and fled into the ruins.

Sweat dripped from his forehead.

- Gotta get out of here quickly.


There was an extraordinarily loud noise outside the window.

Ye Jia was pulled out of his extremely focused state by the strange noise. He frowned slightly and turned his head to look in the direction of the voice:

"What happened?"

Ji Xuan walked towards the window, his scarlet sharp eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in a childish voice:

"It seems that an outsider broke in."


Ye Jia was stunned.

A few familiar faces flashed across his mind.

With the ability to come to such a deep world, and to be so reckless... I'm afraid there is only that person.

Ye Jiateng stood up, and a few sheets of paper that were not full on his knees were scattered, and he frowned: "I'll go take a look."

Ji Xuan turned around and walked beside him: "No."

Ye Jia was stunned: "Huh?"

Ji Xuan looked at Ye Jia: "If you come forward, it's too easy to attract the attention of other ghosts, and it's easy to attract the suspicion of mother."

He took Ye Jia's hand and pressed him firmly on the sofa: "I'll just go."

Ye Jia frowned more tightly: "But..."

Ji Xuan: "Don't worry, my mother is not in the city now, and if there is any change, my chess pieces placed under my mother's hands can also come in handy."

Ye Jia pondered for a few seconds and breathed a sigh of relief: "...Okay."

"But..." Ji Xuan's words changed.

He narrowed his dark red eyes slightly, with a sly light flashing in the bottom of his eyes: "It's still very dangerous."

Ye Jia frowned: "Indeed, otherwise..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the little boy in front of him.

The other party raised a pale and beautiful face and looked at Ye Jia pitifully.

He raised his finger, nodded his cheek, and said in a childish voice, "Lucky kiss, okay?"

Ye Jia: "..."

As expected of you.

Ji Xuan: "Brother, you still owe me a hug all night, remember?"

Ye Jia: "..."

It seems there is such a thing.

When he was in the capital, before he could finish the time, he was interrupted by the news released by the puppet master.

Ji Xuan: "And a good night kiss..."

Ye Jia: "I didn't promise a good night kiss!"

Ji Xuan tapped his cheek again, and said obediently, "You kissed me this time, so I won't ask you to kiss me good night."

Ye Jia: "..."

He took a deep breath, reluctantly raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose, then leaned down and touched the other's cheek briefly and quickly.

At the moment when his lips were about to touch the other's cheek, the other side suddenly turned his face.

Ye Jia didn't react, and a soft and cold touch came from his lips.

He shuddered, and jerked back.

The sudden movement made him lose his balance, and in the next second, a pair of strong arms wrapped around his waist,

I saw the man who was close at hand have slightly deep eyes, his thin lips were slightly raised, and his voice was low and hoarse:

"Brother be careful."

Obviously he has become a ghost without body temperature, Ye Jia still felt a hot and strange feeling spread from his lips, making him extremely uncomfortable.

Ji Xuan will accept it when he sees it.

In order to prevent the other party from attacking, he walked towards the door in three steps and two steps. Before leaving, he turned his head and smiled at Ye Jia:

"I'll be right back."

When Ye Jia came back to his senses, the figure of the other party had disappeared.

Ye Jia: "..."

This set again! !


He sat down again with a gloomy face, bent down and picked up a few pieces of paper that had just been touched on the ground, and then continued to start decoding.

However, the nib of the pen hanging in the air did not fall for a long time.

The original rustling sound of writing disappeared completely in the room, replaced by a dead silence.

After a long time, Ye Jia raised his hand expressionlessly, rubbed his lips with the back of his hand, and a pair of scarlet eyes flashed viciously.

When Ji Xuan comes back, let's beat him first.


blast gasped heavily.

Behind him is an alley full of ruins, and not far away is a collapsed high-rise building, and there is no way out.

Blast gritted his teeth and jumped towards the heights, but before he climbed out a few steps, he saw the traces of several ghosts appearing on the broken cement stone above his head.

He fought reflexively.

The scorching flames were burning in the air, dazzling under the dark sky.

All the ghosts that were touched by the flames let out a sharp scream, and the flames wrapped around them as if they were wise, and burned them to ashes in an instant.

However, more Specters crawled out from behind, fluttering their teeth and claws, rushing towards the blast with all their eyes.

He was forced back.

A ferocious roar came from behind.

Blast was startled in his heart, turned his head to look behind him - his back road and front road were completely surrounded, and there was no possibility of breaking out of the encirclement at all.



Blast's eyes flashed with blazing fire, his lips were slightly twisted, revealing a smile full of fighting intent, and a cluster of fiercely burning flames rose from his palm.

More ghosts rushed over.

At this moment, a man's lazily low voice came from not far away: "I said what are you arguing about."

Both Li Gui and Blast paused, turning their heads to look in the direction from which the voice came.

The tall and straight man stood tall on the top of the ruins, with cold and deep facial features, a pair of sinister scarlet eyes narrowed slightly, and thin sharp lips hooked, and said slowly:

"It's just a bug, and you haven't caught it for so long..."

Blast's pupils suddenly tightened.

- Ji Xuan!

He clenched his teeth tightly, his teeth rubbed and made a rattling sound, and his eyes stared at the man standing in the distance, as if he wanted to peel him off.

"Shame." The man not far away looked down at them condescendingly.

In those cold and dark eyes, there is indifference and coldness that does not belong to human beings, as if they are watching the dust and grass under their feet.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh blast he was screaming hoarsely, the flame in his palm soared several feet and the whole person charged towards Ji Xuan with hatred and anger that could almost burn out the opponent.

The next second, the scarlet sea of blood suddenly rose up, surging and tossing in the air without warning, as if the monster opened up hugely and devoured the opponent suddenly.

For a moment, the audience was dead silent.

All the Specters stared blankly at Ji Xuan who was not far away.

Ji Xuan smiled slightly: "You have quarreled with your brother."

In the next second, the sea of blood swept in from all directions, swallowing all the Specters off the field in a blink of an eye.

The man glanced at the empty space with interest, turned around, and the slender back disappeared into the air little by little.


It hurts... it hurts.

The whole body seemed to be disassembled and reassembled, and a heavy suffocation was pressing on his chest, making him unable to breathe at all.

It was pitch black.

Am I… dead

The weight in his chest suddenly disappeared, and the dry and cold air rushed into his throat, scraping his trachea and lungs like a knife. pressed him into it.

Blast coughed hoarsely.

"Hey... hey!"

A familiar voice came from far away, sounding anxious.

Warm and soft hands patted his back, allowing blast's breath to calm down slowly.

He opened his eyes with some difficulty.

In the blurred, shaky vision, he saw the girl bow her head, frown slightly, and look at him with a little concern:

"Hey, are you okay?"

It's... Wei Moon.

Has been pierced through the chest by ace's scythe, and died under the dark and uninhabited abyss at the beginning of the month.

The girl patted his cheek: "Are you awake?"

blast was a little dazed.

His mouth moved, and he asked in a trance: "I... Did I go to heaven?"

Otherwise why see the dead

Wei Yue: "..."

The corner of her mouth twitched, she took a deep breath, and slowly stretched out her hand to touch the thick book on the side that was very painful when she was hit.

Heaven your mother!