After an Infinite Flow Player Retires

Chapter 91


Ji Xuan's pupils suddenly shrank the moment the other's lips touched.

There was a slightly cold touch on his lips, and the other party's soft lips were close to him, with a delicate and slightly astringent texture like linen.

A fiery shuddering pain swept from the depths of the heart, roaring in the chest, up the throat, and the fresh rust smell could almost be tasted in the mouth, bringing a burning feeling.

Agitation, swelling, tearing at his flesh, igniting his blood.

Very hot.

very hungry.

Just like a shark smelling blood, Ji Xuan rushed up to meet him.

In an instant, the sofa behind was hit hard, making a bang, and the scattered papers on the ground were lifted up, falling like snowflakes, and fell on the two of them.

Ji Xuan's hand held the back of the young man's head to prevent the other's head from being knocked to the ground.

Pale and slender fingers inserted into Ye Jia's jet-black hair, his fingertips spasmed slightly, and the back of his hand burst out because of the force. The edge of calm lingers,

Nibbling, biting, more like the slaughter of beasts than the kiss.

He licked it in heavily, and tasted the suppressed whimper in the opponent's throat and the faint smell of rust spreading out, as if he was chewing the opponent's flesh and blood, and swallowed it cherishly like a delicacy.

Ye Jia grabbed the opponent's throat with one hand.

He forced Ji Xuan to pull the other's lips away from his own.

The young man's phalanx turned white due to his exertion, his eyes shone in the darkness, a pair of scarlet eyes flashed with aroused ferocity, cold and arrogant, but the bottom of his eyes glowed with scorching fire, he pinched the opponent's neck. , said word by word:


… enough.

Be patient.

Just like every time before, patiently dormant, waiting for the opponent's strong walls to be slowly disintegrated, waiting for a better time.

Don't go too far.


Ji Xuan forcefully closed his eyes, his chest heaving irregularly.

Like a beast willing to put its head in the shackles, he lowered his head and bowed his head under the opponent's palm.

Ji Xuan gritted his teeth fiercely, his eyes darkened,

He restrained his instinct, raised his body little by little, and stepped back meekly.

Ye Jia sat up.

He raised his hand, picked up the messy hair on his forehead, and combed it back with five fingers, revealing well-defined, clear and handsome facial features, as well as a pair of slightly squinted scarlet eyes that flashed a vaguely dangerous color.

The young man's voice had a hint of casual laziness and dumbness:

"Will you be?"

Ji Xuan was startled.

"Is it just going to rampage?" Ye Jia leaned down in front of the other party, his nasal voice was loose: "Huh?"

His icy fingers supported the opponent's chin and raised it gently, his scarlet eyes gleaming in the darkness.

The young man lowered his head, the messy hair on the top of his head drooped down and swept over the other's cheeks, bringing a hint of itchiness, he held the other's lower lip, kissed gently, and said in a low voice:

"Close your eyes."

"I'll teach you."


"Are you sure it's here?"

Blast looked up at the building in front of him and asked uncertainly.

Chen Qingye: "Yes."

He raised his hand, and a group of small fluorescent bugs flew out from his cuffs. The patterns on their backs changed slightly with the flight, and soon turned into deep black, quickly blending into the thick ink-like night. , and fly inward along the passage.

One minute.

five minutes.

ten minutes.

blast turned his head to look at Chen Qingye: "How long is it?"

Chen Qingye narrowed his eyes: "No, after so long, they should have flown back long ago."

blast startled: "Not good!"

He raised his hand and grabbed Chen Qingye, and the two jumped back suddenly. A shuttle of bullets landed on the place where they had just settled. They heard a loud noise from inside. It seemed that members of the Combat Section of the Occult Authority began to organize fought back.

blast was taken aback.

Is the security here so tight

"Alas." Chen Qingye sighed, and pulled his collar back from blast's hand: "I thought I could sneak in without scrambling."

blast lifted his lips and smiled, revealing the sharp tips of his teeth:

"Since it's already like this, let's make a scene."

A blazing flame rose from his palm.

Blast moved his shoulder and neck, making a rattling sound of bone friction, and was about to rush out, but was grabbed by Chen Qingye:

"and many more."

"What?" Blast was taken aback.

Ah Chang crawled out of Chen Qingye's sleeves, crawling slowly on the already withered grass, and swam back quietly after a few minutes, two black tentacles swaying in the air, as if It's like conveying some information.

Chen Qingye lowered his eyes and pondered.

After a few seconds, he looked up at the blast in front of him and said, "It wasn't a bullet that fell just now."

"What?" Blast was slightly taken aback.

Chen Qingye: "A Chang smelled the props in the game."

"How?" blast murmured.

Suddenly, as if he suddenly thought of something, he suddenly widened his eyes and turned his head to look at Chen Qingye:

"Ehhhh! I see!"

Chen Qingye was taken aback by him: "What do you know?"

blast: "I shouldn't have told you before. In fact, ace and I went out alone before. We robbed an entire warehouse. There were many players in that warehouse, as well as many ghosts and monsters. It's a prop smuggled out of the game."

Chen Qingye: "It seems that this matter has nothing to do with the director general."

"That's right." Blast clenched his fists angrily, his red hair seemed to be on fire, he gritted his teeth and said, "Maybe the mother attacked the headquarters because of this shit."

Chen Qingye: "Maybe."

He pondered for a few seconds, then looked up at blast: "In this case, we have to prepare this time."

blast: "Ah? What preparations?"

Chen Qingye tapped him on the head in disgust: "Are you stupid? Of course it's about meeting other players and preparing for the props in the game."

"Oh..." Blast touched the top of his head that he had just been knocked on, and suddenly thought of something: "Actually... there is no other way."

"Huh?" Chen Qingye turned to look at him.

I saw blast hey hey hey, and a cluster of scarlet flames jumped up from his fingertips, beating and shining in the dark night, like a living creature:

"It's not the first time I've done it."


In the darkness of the night, billowing smoke billowed from the ground, and the flames burned with a crackling sound, making the air dangerously hot.

"Quick!!! It's on fire!!!"

"Quickly put out the fire!!!"

There was noise in the buildings not far away, and the sound of panicked footsteps resounded through the dead night.

"Wait, wait... This fire can't be extinguished at all!!!"

"how come???"


Chen Qingye took a deep breath and turned to look at the smirking blast next to him: "Good job."

"That can't be it." Blast raised his chest and showed off his voice brightly: "My fire can't be put out by ordinary people, otherwise ace wouldn't choose to take me to rob a warehouse last time!"

Chen Qingye: "..."

I don't think you are so proud of this.

He turned to look at the building in the distance.

The open flames devoured the buildings in the darkness wantonly, the wood collapsed, the walls cracked, and the metal deformed and melted.

People fled from the building, and Zhang Huang's shadow was particularly clear and conspicuous under the reflection of the firelight, like a wildly dancing monster.

"There!" Chen Qingye pointed in one of the directions.

Blast was shocked: "Your eyesight is also very good? You can actually find someone from such a distance."

Chen Qingye: "..."

He sighed and said, "Only that person is guarding a bunch of members of the Combat Section of the Occult Authority, and he uses his brain."

Under the escort of everyone, the chief director evacuated in the direction away from the dangerous area.

He doesn't look very young, but he is tall, and his face is engraved with lines brought about by the years, which gives him a sense of calmness without anger and self-arrogance.

The guard next to him exclaimed: "Director, your clothes—"

The director turned his head and looked behind him, and saw a cluster of flames stained on the corner of his clothes. The people around helped him beat hard, but he couldn't put it out no matter what, so he had to take off his coat and throw it away. to the ground.

The coat was quickly swallowed by the flames, but the withered grass below showed no sign of being ignited.

The chief was taken aback.

He raised his head and looked at the scene beside him. Everyone stumbled out of the burning building, but the closely connected branches behind the building showed no signs of being burned, and no one was injured or killed...

He widened his eyes sharply.

not good!

This flame is not an accident, but is controlled by people like the flying insects that suddenly flew in just now!

The chief's expression was slightly distorted, he turned to look at the others behind him, and said sharply: "Quick—"

However, before he had time to finish his words, all the people in front of him had pale and frightened expressions on their faces. They raised their heads and fixedly looked behind the director-general: "You... you..."

The black shadow blocked the scorching light from the flames and pressed down heavily towards him.

The chief's body froze.

He slowly turned his head one by one and looked behind him.

A huge centipede with a height of several feet did not know when it appeared behind him. The chelipeds collided with each other, making a clicking sound. There were several cracks on the top, and several huge eyeballs were rolling, making people instinctively feel fear and panic.

"Kill it!!!" The director-general slowly took a few steps back, his voice changed slightly, and screamed: "Kill this disgusting bug!!!"

However, there was a piercing scream from behind.

He turned his head in panic, and saw that the members of the Combat Section who accompanied him were covered with dense insects, large and small. The eyes reflected fire, and everyone screamed and slapped the bugs on their bodies, but they couldn't break free from the swarm that could almost drown them from head to toe:


The director-general swallowed hard, and slowly retreated into the distance, but before he took a few steps, he heard a man's calm voice not far away:

"What did you say?"

Chen Qingye came over and pushed his glasses, the light reflected on the lenses blocked the expression in his eyes: "Disgusting?"

A schadenfreude expression appeared on blast's face.

Isn't that the same as calling her child ugly in front of her mother

This time, the other party is going to really suffer a bit.



The woman with an elegant face slowly walked out of the sticky and wriggling sarcoma. The pale limbs were stained with sticky bloodstains that had not dried up, and she looked terrifying.

"Yes, yes." Li Gui lowered his body tremblingly in front of her, his translucent ugly body trembling.

"Can anyone still be contacted?"

Mother asked, raising her hand lightly.

A cluster of sticky limbs gushed out from under the ground, and then galloped towards the distance with lightning speed, rolling back the panic-faced human being who was about to escape, and countless sarcoma-covered tentacles wrapped around it. The human limbs.

Humans let out piercing screams.

He was lifted into the air, and immediately, the tentacles wrapped around various parts of his body suddenly exerted force.

Only hearing a piercing tearing sound, the human being was torn apart in the middle, and the intestines and viscera in the single belly fell down, and the pale limbs that accompanied it sank into the ground. A huge pool of blood blisters.

Like throwing garbage, the terrified head was thrown aside.

There was already a whole hill of human heads piled up there.

There are humans, monsters, and ghosts. The bottom one has rotted, but the top one is still fresh and fresh, with screams and painful expressions on their faces.

Due to the thick blood aura floating in the air, even Li Gui's body could not dissipate after death.

And where the intestines fell, there was a huge blood pool. The limbs and internal organs in it had been half-corrupted and turned into an almost liquid state. Strong fishy and putrid smell.

The woman raised her hand, her pale fingertips gently caressed her cheek, and wiped off the minced flesh that had just been splashed on her face.

She opened her mouth, an irregular scarlet tongue that didn't match a human body, stuck out of her mouth, and rolled the minced meat into her mouth without any hassle.

The ghost in front of him trembled:

"No, no."

The mother stepped forward, bent down, and stroked the other's bumpy and pimpled head with her hand that still smelled of sticky blood, with a gentle voice:

"Son, you love me, don't you?"

The ghost shook his head.

"Then, you are willing to give everything for me too, right?"

Li Gui's body was trembling with fear, every eye on his body was trembling, and he instinctively wanted to escape, but he couldn't control his body at all.

It nodded stiffly, slowly, with difficulty.

The gentle smile on the woman's face expanded: "It's so good."

The next second after her voice fell, the countless tentacles behind her suddenly pierced through the body of the Specter in a way that the naked eye couldn't catch, and cut open its single belly and twisted its head off amid the screams of the other party. It threw the parts that could be used in its body into the sticky visceral pool, and a dark black line fell into it, like a belt, dyeing its color a little deeper.

Back to dead silence.

Mother raised her head and beckoned not far away.

Another Specter trembled and knelt in front of her: "You, please order."

Its body trembled slightly, its jelly-like body trembled, and the four or five faces on its body all showed a terrified body, and every pair of eyes stared at the ground, as if for fear that when he raised his head, he would step onto a ghost. 's footsteps.

"How are the underground springs dug?" Mother walked to the edge of the pool, tapped the surface of the pool with her pale toes, moved the body that was not completely corrupted inside, and asked softly.

"Yes, it has almost reached the amount you need."

The woman nodded and commanded in a gentle voice, "Bring everything into the pool."

She narrowed her eyes slightly: "As for the Administration Bureau... You are responsible for continuing to contact."

Li Gui lowered his body, his jelly-like figure fluctuated with the trembling, his jaw twitched:

"Yes Yes!"

The mother lowered a pair of cruel and cold eyes, behind which was a sea of corpses piled up with blood, she said lightly:

"I think, you don't want to continue serving me in this way, do you?"

Li Gui shivered, and his body fell even lower: "Ming, I understand."


As if receiving an amnesty, the jelly-like figure disappeared.

The mother turned her head, looked at the huge black and red pool behind her, and squinted slightly.

She is now unable to determine the origin of the fire, nor the whereabouts of the other party.

But... Anyway, the plan is about to start soon.

After all, she couldn't let her two children notice anything.

The mother smiled slightly, the huge body rolled under the ground, the ground cracked, revealing her scarlet limbs hidden under the ground, those sarcoma tentacles were slowly squirming, as if they were slowly continuing to take root, nibbling and devouring The vitality of this land.

The sky above his head was completely obscured by clouds and ghosts, and it was still spreading outward, like a monster with consciousness, eroding the originally blue sky and dyeing it with the color of eternal night.

Beneath the shadows, the crazy laughter of the Specters resounded throughout the earth.

Mother licked the remaining blood on her fingertips, thinking nonchalantly.

But... Maybe, her children could do one more thing for her before returning to their bodies.


In the pitch-dark room, there are densely written papers scattered on the ground, some of which have been crumpled, like dry leaves in autumn, scattered in the room.

Ye Jia let go of his hand holding the other's face.

He wanted to retreat, but his collar was grabbed by the other side, and he was pulled even closer.

Ji Xuan's eyes were half-squinted, the scarlet eyeballs were hidden under the dense eyelashes, hiding the desire that seemed to be able to devour the other party, like a thick and deep dark ocean, rolling and rolling in the endless abyss. , screaming silently.

But the movements in his hands were extraordinarily gentle and gentle.

—Ji Xuan… It’s too fast to learn.

Ye Jia grasped this fleeting thought in his somewhat chaotic mind.

The other party mastered all the movements and details very easily, and even made inferences from one case to the other, repaying it in double, as if he had done it thousands of times, and he was gentle and delicate with a bit of a sense of aggression that could not be concealed. Biting his lower lip lightly, Ye Jia had the illusion that he was kissing a beast.

… Oops.

His hand on Ji Xuan's shoulder slowly tightened, his fingertips grabbed the other's clothes, twisting the fabric into a wrinkle.

Soon, Ye Jia felt that his arm was losing strength, as if the bones were being pulled away from the muscles, giving him a feeling of emptiness like stepping on cotton.

A little over the top this time.

he thinks.

Perhaps because he is now in the form of a Specter, his rational thinking ability is much weaker than that of a human, and he is more easily dominated by instinct and desire—

Just like when you just took the initiative.

Therefore, Ye Jia has now begun to regret his actions.

He pressed against the opponent's shoulder, and said with a little difficulty in a weak voice:

"…Yes, it's alright."

His final sound was swallowed by the other party.

When the man tried to retreat, he approached and chased after him. He slyly pecked the young man's red lips, preventing him from finishing a sentence. He grabbed the opponent's waist, twisted and tightened like an icy snake, and controlled the young man in the narrow space in front of him.

Ye Jia's mind became more chaotic, but instinctively sensed the danger lurking under still water.

He took a hurried step back, but his calf stumbled on the overturned sofa.

Ye Jia stumbled a bit, just to break free from the opponent's embrace.

The young man's scarlet eyes were covered with a hazy mist of water, his tightly pursed lips showed fresh blood, and his unhealthy pale skin was dyed with a hot red.

His voice was slightly hoarse, although the tone was deliberately suppressed very cold, but it was not imposing enough:

"Are you enough?"

Ji Xuan raised his eyes, his deep gaze just fell on the other's face, greedy as if he wanted to eat all the subtle changes in the expression on the other's face.

He pursed his lips, and his voice was low and hoarse:

"Brother, am I learning fast?"

When Ye Jia choked, the tip of his ear was instantly dyed with an abnormal thin red layer, and he was a little bit angry, but he couldn't find how to answer for a while.

After a long time, he struggled to squeeze two words out of his teeth:

"Fuck off."

Ji Xuan not only didn't roll, but stuck a little closer.

He raised his hand again and pressed his palm to the other's waist. Under the wrinkled thin shirt, he could clearly feel the other's smooth and firm waistline and smooth and soft skin.

Ji Xuan leaned over, his eyes lowered, a smile on his lips, and he said coquettishly:

"Brother, teach me a little more."

His palm slipped under the other's shirt:

"—I'll be a good student."